The secret war is silent

Chapter 110 The sound of gunfire during the city entry ceremony

After the Japanese army occupied Jiangcheng, a special service department was immediately established. Its main task was to maintain public security, eliminate anti-Japanese elements in the city, and organize and establish a security maintenance committee composed mainly of Chinese people.

The head of the secret service department is Erlang Domen, who escaped from Jiangcheng in embarrassment not long ago.

He, along with Lieutenant Colonel Shigeru Takeshima, the new director of the Special High School Section of Jiangcheng, and Major Yoshino, commander of the military police, have actually become the three actual controllers of Jiangcheng.

Of course, Duomen has much greater power than the latter two, and is actually responsible for the management of Jiangcheng after the occupation.

Duomen originally wanted to instigate Han Liangze in one fell swoop. With Han Liangze's help, he first became familiar with Jiangcheng, contacted some people who might be willing to cooperate with the Japanese Empire, and made preliminary preparations for the management of Jiangcheng after the Japanese army occupied it.

However, what he didn't expect was that not long after he entered Jiangcheng, his identity was exposed and he fled in embarrassment, which cast a shadow on his mind that he originally wanted to fight.

The situation in Jiangcheng was indeed more complicated than he imagined, and China's secret service military command was also different from what he imagined.

Although the Japanese army entered the city smoothly, the subsequent assassinations and sabotage gave him a blow. The Chinese army left, but their agents stayed.

These agents have been lurking for a long time. They have the same appearance as ordinary people. They use various professions as cover, and most of them are locals. When they pick up the gun, they are agents, and when they put down the gun, they are ordinary people. It is difficult to tell them apart.

Therefore, on the first day he took office, he began to forcibly implement the five-household joint guarantee system and the good citizen certificate system, except for the concession!

In all the Chinese districts in China, anyone going out must have a Good Citizen Certificate issued by the Japanese Military Police Headquarters, and as long as there are anti-Japanese elements in one household, the five households in which this household is located must sit together.

Domon Jiro believed that he was not a person who liked killing, but in order to quickly suppress the resistance struggle in the city and restore public order, he ordered killings as a last resort.

Just a few days.

The Japanese army killed more than 3,000 people in Jiangcheng. The actual anti-Japanese elements may not even be one percent. The bodies of the innocent people who died tragically were thrown directly into the Yangtze River without anyone collecting them.

The river water soaked and floated downstream, which was terrible to see.

In order to create a celebratory atmosphere for the upcoming military parade entering the city, it can be said that Domon Jiro went to great lengths to get a group of people from other places who were so-called supporters of the imperial army and let them stand in the first row on both sides of the street.

On Jianghan Road, there is a guard post every three steps and a sentry post every five steps, not to mention that.

All buildings on both sides of the street within 100 meters were cleared. A large number of plainclothes officers were stationed inside, and gunmen were posted at the commanding heights of all buildings.

For absolute safety.

Of course, in order to create the illusion that the people of Jiangcheng welcomed the Imperial Army, the gendarmerie was dispatched early in the morning to drive the people out of their homes and asked them to put on their usual festive clothes and carry welcome slogans and flags that had been printed by the Japanese army. , stood on both sides of the street.

Colorful flags are fluttering and slogans are like a forest.

Consuls and reporters from various countries stationed in Jiangcheng are invited to come and watch.

It was very lively.

nine in the morning.

The military parade into the city begins.

The Japanese troops who participated in and accepted the review set off from Xunlimen Station.

The Japanese cavalry troops walked in the front, followed by a military band, and then the Japanese infantry regiment walked behind, carrying 38 rifles, with bayonets like a forest, and the cold light was shining, which gave people a chill!

Grenades, light machine guns, heavy machine guns, mortars, mountain artillery, bean tanks...

The light and heavy weapons of the Japanese army were unveiled one by one. The queue was thousands of meters long. The people around them were all trembling in their calves. General Neiji Okamura, the commander of the Japanese Eleventh Group Army, who was wearing white gloves and riding a tall horse, was even more incomparable. Proudly, he waved frequently.

Being able to personally command an army to occupy the capital of an enemy country (Peidu) is the highlight of a military career, and it is enough to be written into the history of the Japanese Empire.

The Japanese troops participating in the military parade slowly passed the viewing platform.

After dismounting, the commander of the Eleventh Army, Okamura Neiji, dressed in the uniform of a Japanese army general, inspected the Japanese troops participating in the city entry ceremony, accompanied by Lieutenant General Inaba Shiro, commander of the Sixth Division.

The wind is from the southeast, the wind speed is level 4, the humidity is 85%... Luo Yao's super hearing allows him to hear the sounds at the scene without going to the scene, and then deduce what happened.

Afterwards, Okamura Neji stepped onto the reviewing stand and delivered a speech.

Now, with your majesty's majesty, the Imperial Army and Navy have captured the three towns of Guangzhou and Jiangcheng and pacified important areas in China. The National Government is only a local government. However, this government adheres to the policy of resisting Japan and tolerating the Communists, in order to build a country that ensures permanent peace in East Asia. The new order, the purpose of the empire's war, is also here...

The establishment of a new order in East Asia should be based on the cooperation between Japan, Manchuria and China, and the establishment of a continuous relationship of mutual assistance in politics, economy, interrogation and other aspects, to achieve joint defense against communism and create a new culture...

(Excerpts from Konoe’s second statement to China)

On this day, Japanese Prime Minister Fumima Konoe also issued the second Konoe Statement in Tokyo, which was a supplement and elaboration to the first Konoe Statement.

Declare Chongqing as a local government and no longer negotiate with it.


call out--

When Okamura Neji was speaking impassionedly, a dull voice suddenly came.

Any veteran who has been on the battlefield will know this sound. It is the sharp sound caused by the friction between the mortar shell and the air when it is fired.

A black dot crossed the Japanese military formation participating in the military parade and hit the auditorium where Okamura Neji was sitting. It was less than three meters away from Okamura Neji who was speaking.

what sound?

When Okamura Neji looked up, a round black dot appeared above his small round glasses, spinning at high speed and hitting the reviewing stand where he was.

Your Excellency Gangcun!

The adjutant standing nearby was so frightened that he rushed towards Okamura Neji desperately.


A violent explosion followed, dust flew up, and a small part of the viewing platform collapsed. However, it was not over yet, and there was another whoosh right after.

This time, the artillery shell fell directly into the Japanese military formation during the military parade. The Japanese troops lined up neatly had no time to evacuate. After an explosion, a space that was dozens of meters away was cleared.

It is estimated that at least hundreds of people were killed or injured.

There were screaming and wailing Japanese soldiers everywhere.

The main reason is that the Japanese troops are too dense and there are no bunkers or protection.

The scene was like a hell on earth, too miserable to behold.

In that direction, quickly, quickly... The Japanese army was a veteran of many battles, and soon someone discovered the location of the mortar position. However, the line of sight was blocked and they could only judge the general direction.

The third shell followed.

This time the Japanese army already had time to prepare. Although it was short, it was enough to reduce some casualties.

The scene was in chaos. Okamura Neji was pulled out from under the collapsed platform. The adjutant who knocked him down had been shocked to the point of bleeding to death.

Your Excellency, Commander, you are still alive, hurry up, medic, medic... A Japanese colonel shouted at the top of his lungs.

In addition, two other mortars also fired three shells each at the Japanese military formations participating in the military parade, causing explosions one after another.

What happened was that the Japanese troops were confused and didn't know what to do.

Especially in the narrow streets, the war horses were frightened and stampedes occurred, causing many Japanese soldiers to be injured twice after being stunned by the explosion.

The damage caused by these six shells was no less than that of a low-intensity battle, or even worse.

A military parade planned by the Japanese army as a tribute to celebrate Emperor Hirohito's happy birthday ended hastily.

In the French Concession, the Sunshine Cafe is closed and renovated.

1, 2, 3...

Luo Yao closed his eyes slightly, tapped his fingers gently on the office desktop, and counted the explosions softly, as if listening to the most beautiful music.

Three mortars, nine rounds.

All rang.


Gu Yuan.

Team leader, I have something to give you. Gu Yuan's attitude towards Luo Yao changed drastically and he said respectfully.

Send people to spread the news, saying that the Sixth Division committed a heinous blood debt in Jinling City, and the souls of the dead will continue to demand their lives from the executioners of the Sixth Division. No one with blood on their hands will be spared. ! Luo Yao ordered.

Gu Yuan swallowed and felt the coldness inside: Team leader, do you really want to kill everyone in the Sixth Division?

Creating panic, you don't understand this?

Yes, I will immediately order people to spread it secretly. Gu Yuan nodded hurriedly.

Old Qin, the Japanese will definitely conduct a crazy search next, and I don't know how many people will be implicated, Gong Hui said.

Luo Yao sighed: There is nothing we can do about it. Even if we surrender with both hands and feet, people may not let us go unless we are willing to subjugate our country and exterminate our species.


Those who participated in this operation should evacuate from the safe passage immediately. Anyone who dares to disobey orders will be punished as battlefield disobedience! Luo Yao ordered.

Yes, I will notify Old Liu immediately.

Four or five hours have passed since the shelling time in the morning.

The 11th Army's temporary field hospital.

Dozens of Japanese generals stood guard at the door of the operating room, all with solemn expressions, some with gray faces and very embarrassed faces. For them, today was probably the most humiliating time since they joined the army.

A military parade celebrating victory was disrupted by three mortars and nine artillery shells, which not only seriously injured a general, but also caused the casualties of hundreds of Japanese soldiers.

It is said that dozens of military horses were damaged.

This is only the loss of personnel and materials. The biggest loss is that the Japanese army has lost a big face in front of the people of Jiangcheng and even the whole world.

The foreign reporters who were invited raised their cameras and pressed the shutter as soon as the explosion occurred. The scene was very chaotic.

By the time the Japanese military police department reacted and wanted to confiscate the reporters' cameras, it was already too late.

The impact is inevitable.

Even after the explosion, the news reached the Nanjing Expeditionary Forces Headquarters as soon as possible. General Hata Junroku almost fainted after receiving the report.

The most nervous ones are the three departments responsible for the security of the military parade entering the city.

The Gendarmerie is responsible for maintaining order on the streets, while the Special High School Division is responsible for detecting and combating possible sabotage by anti-Japanese elements in advance.

The Secret Service is responsible for coordinating the security work for the celebration ceremony.

Now there is a major flaw.

Who will be responsible?

Jiro Domon stood at the door of the operating room, his head lowered, and his vest was already soaked. If Neji Okamura was okay, he would have a chance.

If Okamura Neji had his hair cut off.

His ambitions will probably come to an end tonight.

Fuck little Japan!

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