The secret war is silent

Chapter 111 The world is shocked

In Hengyang, the Chairman went to camp.

Brother Yunong, the chairman of the committee has gone to bed. What do you want? Come over early tomorrow morning? At 1:30 in the morning, Dai Yunong asked to see the old man, but was stopped by Wang Shihe, the head of the guard room.

Dai Yunong clasped his hands in his fists and begged: I really have an urgent matter to see the principal. The matter is very important. I'm afraid of delaying it. If I wait until tomorrow, the principal will blame me.

What is it that makes you, Yunong, insist on meeting the chairman at this time? Wang Shihe, the captain of the bodyguard, asked very curiously.

I'm sorry I can't say this before I meet the principal. Dai Yunong shook his head and said. This was a show of merit, so naturally he had to say it in person.

Wang Shihe knew that Dai Yunong would not joke about his future. If he insisted on seeing the old man at this time, there must be something important. He insisted on preventing him from seeing him. If something happened, he couldn't bear it.

Okay, I'll go in and try it for you. You know the chairman's temper. If you wake him up from sleep, he will curse. Wang Shihe sighed.

Thank you, Brother Wang. I will treat you to a drink later.

Brother Yunong Hailiang, I don't dare to drink with you. Wang Shihe waved his hand quickly, Dai Yunong Hailiang, who in the attendant's room doesn't know?

Wait a minute, I'll go in.

About seven or eight minutes later, Wang Shihe came out and said, The Chairman lets you in.

Dai Yunong nodded gratefully, straightened his clothes a little, and walked quickly inside, passing through many guards.

Arrive at the door of a suite.

Dai Yunong adjusted his breathing, reached out and knocked on the door gently.

Come in.

Dai Yunong pushed the door open and came to a small living room. The old man was wearing a silk pajamas and a coat sitting on the sofa. He was wearing a pair of slippers. He looked very casual, but there was a deep look in his eyes. Fatigue cannot be hidden.

Yunong, it's so late, why do you have to report something urgent at this time? the old man asked with a strong accent from Fenghua, Zhejiang.

Report to the principal, the students have just received a battle report.

Battle report, where did you get the battle report? The old man frowned slightly and asked in confusion.

This is a battle report from the special operations team directly under our military stationed in Jiangcheng. Dai Yunong stood at attention and reported while standing straight.

I want to hear what kind of battle report made you bother to disturb my rest at this time? The old man's tone was already a little unkind.

If Dai Yunong's report did not satisfy him, he would scold him.

Reporting to the principal, our army's direct action group stationed in Jiangcheng launched an attack today, no, it should be around 10:16 yesterday morning, on the Japanese troops who were holding a military parade in Xiakou, Jiangcheng to celebrate. We used a three-door German 80mm The mortar fired nine shells. The first shell hit the review platform. General Okamura Neiji, the commander of the Japanese Eleventh Group Army, was seriously injured. He is now being treated in the hospital. The remaining shells hit the target, killing and injuring many Japanese soldiers. Hundreds of people, the scene was in chaos, and the entire Jiangcheng people witnessed this scene! Dai Yunong took out the telegram sent by Luo Yao and read directly from it.

After hearing this, the old man's eyes widened involuntarily, and his body leaned forward slightly: Yunong, this is true, there is no exaggeration, right?

Report to the principal. In fact, the students had received this telegram a long time ago, but they did not dare to report it. They waited until they learned the information from other channels and verified each other before confirming that there was no exaggeration in the telegram. Okamura Neji is now He is being treated at the Japanese Army Field Hospital, and we don’t know yet whether he has recovered or not.” Dai Yunong bent down slightly and said.

Okay, great, if this time Okamura Neji can save his life, that would be even better. The old man suddenly beamed with joy, stood up from the sofa, and said excitedly waving his arms.

According to the people at the scene, the shell exploded not far from the reviewing stand where Okamura Neji was standing. It was his adjutant who rushed towards him risklessly and protected him, so that he was not killed on the spot. And his adjutant Otherwise, he was directly shocked to death by the air wave of the artillery shell, and his flesh and blood were all mixed up, which is terrible. Dai Yunong reported.

What a pity. By the way, your team directly under Jiangcheng is the same River God special team that made great contributions in the 'Bait' operation? the old man asked.

It's the River God Special Operations Team! Dai Yunong said hurriedly.

This River God Special Operations Group came from the special training class you held in Linli, right? the old man asked.

Yes, Principal.

Well, Yunong, your training class is doing well. If there are more groups like Heshen to deal such a blow to the Japanese invaders behind enemy lines, it will be of great help to our resistance on the frontal battlefield. The old man nodded. He nodded and affirmed Dai Yunong's achievements in organizing the spy training class.

Killing hundreds of enemies at once and seriously injuring local commanders, such a victory would be unparalleled even on the frontal battlefield.

Dai Yunong was extremely excited. For him, the old man's affirmation was more important than any merit: Everything the students did was for the party and the country, and for the principal.

Those who participated in the war must be praised, but they should not make a big fanfare, so as not to bring danger to their comrades lurking behind enemy lines. The old man said.

That's what the principal said. Dai Yunong agreed quickly, The students want to take credit for the River God Group.

What do you want for them?

The planners and executors of this operation should each receive at least a Yunhui Medal, Dai Yunong said.

Well, with such great achievements and the great success of the previous 'bait' plan, the Heshen Group is indeed qualified to receive the Yunhui Medal, and I agree to award it to them.

Thank you, principal!

No need to thank me, they deserve it. These people who have fought for the country through life and death and made great military exploits should be given the honors and rewards they deserve. These people are all warriors of the country. The old man said.

The students' union told them the president's words exactly, hoping to encourage them to continue their efforts and make new contributions to the party and the country.

Well, you forward this telegram to Director Chen and ask him to polish it and write an editorial. It will be published in the Central Daily News tomorrow. Let the whole world see that although we voluntarily abandoned Jiangcheng, the results of the Anti-Japanese War have not changed. There is still no change in determination!”

Chairman, urgent call, Japanese Prime Minister Konoe Fumima issued the second Konoe statement...

After reading the statement telegram, the old man angrily cursed Niang Xipi, then crumpled the telegram into a ball and threw it on the ground.

In fact, Luo Yao's contribution to the last bait plan was enough for him to receive a Yunhui Medal, but this medal cannot be awarded by the Military Command Bureau.

That must go through the military command department.

Who is the Minister of Military Command? Chen Cixiu.

Chen Cixiu prided himself on being an upright man, not corrupt, not lewd, and most of all looked down on Dai Yunong, a scumbag who knew how to kidnap money and extort money.

If he doesn't nod and refuses to do anything, he just keeps putting it off for you. What can you do? Besides, you can still go to him and ask for it?

Of course, the old man's signature was required to issue the medal, but he was stuck before he even got there, so...

Dai Yunong was angry, not only for his subordinates, but also for himself. Now that Luo Yao's River God Group has made such great contributions, and the old man has also spoken, you, Chen Cixiu, have no reason to delay the matter, right?

He organized his own special training class, and those who came out made great contributions and received the Yunhui Medal. This not only praised the military commander, but also affirmed his own merit and consolidated the military commander's status.

The military commander needs to use continuous achievements to respond to the slander and doubts of the powerful generals in the army, especially Chen Cixiu, who has always looked down on him and is a popular figure in front of the old man.

Luo Yao didn't care what Dai Yunong did with his achievements. He couldn't touch this level of struggle and competition, and he didn't want to get involved.

It doesn't matter whether he has a commendation or a medal, it's better to give him some funds.

Of course, if you perform meritorious service, you must be rewarded, whether it is promotion of military rank or material money, this is essential.

Luo Yao will give you as much as you can, and he won't hold back any penny. He will give it out every penny. Brothers are following you at the risk of their lives. If you can still hack this little money, are you still a human being?

Japanese Military Police Headquarters in Jiangcheng.

The three mortars were easily captured and brought back. Of course, no one was caught. By the time the Japanese military police found them, they had already disappeared.

Okamura Neji is not awake yet, but he is finally out of danger, which makes all the Japanese generals in Jiangcheng breathe a sigh of relief.

Domon Jiro was also secretly glad that he might not have to see Amaterasu for the time being.

But if he cannot catch the person behind this appalling shelling incident, he is likely to be beaten to the end and even thrown into prison.

This is something he definitely doesn't want to see.

Therefore, after getting Neji Okamura out of danger, he immediately came to the Military Police Headquarters and discussed solving the case and arresting matters with Shigenori Takeshima and Yoshino, the section chiefs of the Special High School Division.

German-made, Type 34 mortar, developed by Rheinmetall in 1932. The gun body is 1.14 meters long and weighs about 55 kilograms. It fires 3.5 kilogram shells with a muzzle velocity of 172 meters per second and a maximum range of 2,400 meters! Yoshino Major introduced Domen.

Only their most elite troops are equipped with this kind of mortars. How come there are three of them left here? Takeshima Shigetori said, Is it possible that after the Chinese army withdrew, a small elite unit was left behind? Jiangcheng?

It's not impossible. Judging from the accuracy of their artillery fire today, it would be extremely difficult for a well-trained gunner to do it? Yoshino had fought in the war and naturally understood the importance of gunners.

Have you seen the preset positions of these three mortars? Domon Jiro shook his head. Although he had little combat experience, he was less susceptible to stereotypes.



The soldier took a map of Xiakou City and spread it out in front of the three people.

You see, this is where we found the three mortars. Before our soldiers arrived, the gunners had already fled, and the traces on the ground showed that they did not intend to take the three mortars away, but , abandoning these three cannons, what does it mean?


Takeshima Shigetori and Yoshino looked at each other, not knowing what Tamon Jiro wanted to express.

You have all been to these three positions. If you put three mortars in these three positions, can you accurately hit today's target? Domon Jiro looked at the blank expressions of his two subordinates and asked, I know they still don't understand what's going on.

Domon-kun mean, blind shooting? Yoshino took a breath of air?

The shooting elements should have been calibrated long ago, and then fired according to the parameters that were set long ago! Takeshima Shigeru added, The other party has a very clever artillery commander.

Yes, this is a carefully planned and premeditated murder. Domon Jiro said through gritted teeth.

But it has only been three days since we decided to hold the military parade into the city. How do the Chinese people know all this? Especially since we only completed the parade stage yesterday. Unless they were prepared, how could they do it in such a short time? Can you achieve such an accurate artillery strike? Shigemanori Takeshima said incredulously.

I can't figure it out either, but do you have a better explanation? Domenjiro snorted coldly.

Mr. Duomen, now we have no other clues except these three mortars. How can we investigate? Wudao Maode asked.

How many people do you need to operate this mortar?

At least two people!

Check everyone nearby. If you find any suspicious persons or strangers, they will be detained immediately and a reward notice will be posted. If any clues about the gunner are found, the imperial army will give a heavy reward. I think there must be a brave man under the heavy reward! Menjiro said fiercely, We will use a two-pronged approach to dig out the gunner.

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