The secret war is silent

Chapter 112 Visiting

Although Han Liangze regained his freedom, his duties were not restored. However, until he announced that he would give up Jiangcheng, his salary was paid out.

The director of the Xiakou Police Headquarters is now transferred from the Fourth Branch, an acting director named Cheng.

There was no time to appoint a formal director.

The Japanese army had already occupied Jiangcheng.

The Japanese army seemed to know that he was the chief of Xiakou Police Station in the past and did not harass his home. On the contrary, they provided special protection.

He also knew that Domen Erlang came to Jiangcheng and served as the head of the Secret Service Department. He did not go to him. He knew that the business here was not business.

He was waiting for Domenjiro to come to the door in person.

Who would have known that before Jiro Domon could wait, the Japanese army bombarded the city during the military parade. Not only did hundreds of Japanese soldiers die or be injured, but even Okamura Neiji, the supreme commander of the Japanese army who occupied Jiangcheng, was blown to pieces. He was seriously injured and couldn't see anything while lying in the hospital.

Lieutenant General Inaba Shiro, commander of the Sixth Division, currently handles Jiangcheng's military and political affairs, and will hand them over after Neji Okamura wakes up.

After something like this happened, Juntong Jiangcheng District would naturally not let go of this opportunity to cause trouble. They attacked everywhere and fanned the flames. For a while, the city was filled with the sound of gunshots and explosions.

Especially this night in Xiakou, it was like boiling water, so lively. And in Jiangcheng, a large city with a population of millions, how much manpower is needed to maintain public order?

They were simply exhausted and unable to stand firm. Even if the police in Xiakou went to the streets to maintain order, how many of them would really work for the Japanese?

Or his own life is more important.

The Japanese troops were not familiar with the situation in the city, so they were attacked and even lost their lives almost at any time.

The dispatched army headquarters gave him three days to solve the case and catch the mastermind of the bombardment during the Jiangcheng entry ceremony, but it only took one night.

The mastermind of the shelling case was not caught, and the Japanese army injured more than a hundred people.

And those Chinese police officers are all passive and slow in their work. They simply do not work hard and have a bad conscience.

Domenjiro felt a little anxious.

At this time, he finally thought of someone. He wanted to stay away for a while, but now he couldn't. In terms of public security, he urgently needed someone to share the pressure for him.

Only the Chinese understand the Chinese best. This is also the strategy of using China to control China that General Okamura has always adhered to. Thinking of this, Domen couldn't care less that it was already midnight outside and asked his adjutant to prepare a car.

We drove all the way to Wenhuali.

At this time, Han Liangze had already fallen asleep. What else could he do if he stayed up in the middle of the night? Who in the mood would do anything in this situation?

But I fell asleep, but whether I could sleep or not is another matter.

Who wouldn't be worried when the Japanese soldiers entered the city? People like Han Liangze, who had a little family fortune, were even more worried. The Japanese soldiers were all tigers and wolves.


In the middle of the night, the doorbell at home suddenly rang. Han Liangze was so startled that he sat up from the bed. Xu Xin, who was sleeping next to him, was also awakened. When he was about to reach out to turn on the light, Han Liangze stretched out his hand to hold him down.

What's wrong, Old Han?

Xu Xin was confused and didn't understand why Han Liangze did this, but he didn't insist.

Lie down and don't move. I'll go take a look. Han Liangze ordered, lifted the quilt, got out of bed, put on his slippers, and slowly walked past the bedroom window.

He slightly opened a gap in the curtains and looked towards the left gate. Although the night was very dark, Han Liangze, who had already adapted to the darkness, still saw a black car outside his gate, with a Japanese flag on the front. , a fat body wearing a yellow military coat stood at the door.

The figure from behind was clearly Domon Jiro whom he had just sent away a few days ago.

There was only Domen Erlang and no one else behind him. Han Liangze knew that his opportunity had come, so he immediately took a coat, put it on and walked out of the bedroom.

Old Han...

Stay in the room and don't come down. Han Liangze solemnly ordered, closed the door and went downstairs.

Master? Sister Lan, who was sleeping in the servant's room downstairs, had long heard the doorbell ringing, but she didn't dare to open the door. It was late at night and it was not peaceful outside, so it was better to pretend she didn't hear it.

However, Han Liangze suddenly came downstairs. She couldn't pretend not to hear him, so she put on some clothes and opened the door and walked out.

Sister Lan, it's okay. You go back and have a rest. Stay in the room and don't come out. Han Liangze was also on guard against Sister Lan. Although he would not show off like Xu Xin and did not fire her, objectively he was still distant. I have become a little bit more polite, and my tone of voice is much more polite when I speak at home.

Yes, sir! Sister Lan didn't dare to disobey. Ever since she was taken away for questioning, she felt unwelcome in the Han family.

Han Liangze opened the door himself.

Domen Erlang was a little surprised. After waiting for a long time, the door didn't open. He also thought that everyone was asleep in the middle of the night, and he didn't know who it was, so he didn't dare to open the door casually. He was planning to go home and come back tomorrow. The Han family The door suddenly opened from the inside, and Han Liangze walked out wearing a coat.

Brother Han?

Jun Duomen came to visit me at night, how dare Han refuse to accept his visit? Han Liangze cupped his hands and said, Please.

Brother Han, forgive me. I've been too busy these days and can't spare the time to come and visit. However, I still ordered the people below to not cause any harassment to your family, Brother Han. Duomen Erlang was busy. said.

Thank you, I'm very considerate!

Han Liangze welcomed the person into the living room and said, My wife and the servants have both gone to bed, so it's not appropriate to wake them up. Night tea hurts your stomach, so I'll pour you a cup of hot water?


Who is this officer? Han Liangze noticed Domon Erlang's adjutant, a young Japanese Army second lieutenant, and asked.

This is my adjutant, Akagi.

Adjutant Akagi, please sit down.

Akagi, this is Han Liangze and Han Jun. Han Jun is my classmate at the Tokyo Police Supervisory School. His grades in school are very good, even better than mine. In addition, he is also the former chief of the Xiakou Police Headquarters. Because of a little He was dismissed for trivial matters. Domen Erlang also introduced Han Liangze to his subordinates, He is a very good policeman. When you see him in the future, you must treat him as you see me.

Hai! Chimu bowed to Han Liangze, Director Han, please give me your advice!

Akagi-kun, you're welcome. I'm no longer the director. Han Liangze nodded slightly.

Brother Han, you will be here soon. Domen Erlang smiled slightly and said quite meaningfully.

Drink water, drink water. Han Liangze greeted calmly without showing too much surprise. A mere Xiakou police chief could not satisfy his appetite at this moment.

What's more, he also has a secret mission.

Brother Han, if you hadn't warned me in time, I might have become a prisoner of the military commander. Domen Erlang was grateful to Han Liangze. He later learned about the situation, and Han Liangze was implicated and dismissed from his post. , and even almost went to jail.

Mr. Duomen, let's not talk about the past. Now that I have no official position and a light body, I feel much more comfortable. Han Liangze chuckled, with a relaxed and comfortable expression.

Brother Han, you are in your prime, why do you want to retire bravely? This is not in line with your ambition when you were studying? Domon Jiro smiled slightly. If you really wanted to retire, you would not open the door to greet yourself tonight.

This is obviously to wait for the price.

Now that China and Japan are at war, I, an idle person, am unable to turn things around. I might as well retreat and live out my remaining days in peace.

Brother Han, don't be so pessimistic. Our Imperial Japanese Empire does not want to invade China. We are here to help your suffering people overthrow your government that brutally oppresses the people. Their wrong practices are the real culprits. As long as they can realize their mistakes, correct them, and cooperate with the Empire of Japan, peace between China and Japan will be just around the corner, said Jiro Domon.

I'm afraid it will be difficult. Han Liangze shook his head slightly.

Under the powerful army and navy of the Japanese Empire, I believe that your chairman will wake up soon. Domon Jiro said.

Mr. Duomen, I think you came here tonight, didn't you come here to tell me these things? Han Liangze asked.

Of course, to be honest, Han Jun, we have encountered some troubles in Jiangcheng. Would you like to ask Han Jun to come forward for help? Domen Erlang stopped beating around the bush. If we continue to go around, it will be almost dawn.

As a layperson, how can I help? Han Liangze smiled slightly.

You have been working in the Xiakou Police Station for twenty years. You have many subordinates and a high prestige. The current security situation in Xiakou is severe. You need a highly respected person to come forward to summon the police in the city to maintain public security and fight crime, and restore peace in this area. Menjiro said.

Thank you Mr. Domen for taking this seriously, but I am a dismissed police chief. Now that I have come forward to speak, I am afraid no one will listen to me.

Just tell me what kind of support Brother Han needs, Duomen Erlang said, As long as Brother Han agrees to come forward, the previous agreement will still be valid.

Mr. Duomen, once I come forward, I will definitely become the target of public criticism. How will my safety be guaranteed? Han Liangze asked.

I will send a military police team to protect the safety of Brother Han and Mrs. Han.

Han Liangze pondered for a while, then continued: What about what I can and cannot do, and what is the scope of my authority?

This... Domenjiro came over in a hurry. He really didn't think much about this issue.

Mr. Duomen, I am half from Jiangcheng. For the sake of the people of Jiangcheng, I want to say a few words. I hope you can listen. Han Liangze suddenly said seriously.

Brother Han, please speak.

I don't want a tragedy like Jinling City to happen in Jiangcheng. Unarmed people are no threat to you. Killing can only shock people for a moment, but it won't win people's hearts. If you want me to be the police chief, then I The director must be worthy of his name, not a puppet introduced by you, otherwise, Jiangcheng's security issues will never be solved, Han Liangze said.

What kind of power does Brother Han want?

The power given to me by the National Government in the past.

Of course. Since I have come to ask Brother Han to come out, I will naturally give you enough power. Otherwise, how will you do things? Duomen Erlang said, Later, we will set up the Jiangcheng Security Council, and you can serve as one at the same time. Vice president.

Han Liangze thought about it for a moment and nodded. The president of the vigilante association was a standout and would be criticized by thousands of people. Now is the time, and he would not be a standout.

I hope Brother Han can take office immediately, quickly restore public order in Jiangcheng, and help the imperial army stabilize the situation. Domon Jiro stood up and bowed solemnly.

Han will definitely do his best.

There are still only one or two hundred collections left, and the collection has exceeded 10,000. I beg everyone to see it.

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