The secret war is silent

Chapter 113 Falling into the water

Team leader, Han Liangze is back!

In the backyard of Yuhetang, Gu Yuan saw Luo Yao and his first words were:

Luo Yao nodded: It's expected. The Japanese should have given him a lot of power, right?

Well, the official was reinstated and he also served as the vice president of the Jiangcheng Security Council. Gu Yuan chuckled, Team leader, you probably don't know yet, but the head of the Japanese Secret Service in Jiangcheng is the one we almost arrested before. The resident is Jiro Domen, and this guy is still a colonel.

Colonel, the officer is not small, it's a pity. He was a little regretful. If he hadn't wanted to test Lao Mu, he might have ordered the arrest of Duomen directly.

Next step, team leader, what are your plans? Gu Yuan asked.

Gu Yuan, how is your relationship with Gu Mosheng now? Luo Yao asked.

I was sent from above. He naturally doesn't trust me. In addition, he is very close to District Chief Li, so he doesn't let me know many things. Gu Yuan thought for a moment and said.

Look at this Gu Mo Sheng. His relationship with Han Liangze is much closer than you and I imagined. If there is any contact between them, please tell me immediately.

Okay, I understand. Gu Yuan nodded, Where's Lao Liu?

Lao Liu has another mission there.

Gu Yuan didn't ask any more questions and left directly through the back door.

This is the French Concession, which is relatively safe. However, the Japanese will not let the French Concession go easily. They will definitely send people in, so you need to be careful.

Brother Mo Sheng, your mutton restaurant is such a good place. Han Liangze and Gu Mo Sheng sat opposite each other, with food and wine already placed on the table.

In addition to snacks such as peanuts and soy sauce beef, there is also a special braised lamb. The full pot is tempting to look at.

Han Bureau, you are laughing at me now. Gu Mo Sheng stood up and poured a full glass into Han Liangze's wine glass and said, Ten years of Chen Shaoxing Huadiao, I usually can't bear to drink it, but here you are, scalding it.

Really? Then I have to try it. Han Liangze picked up the wine glass, put it under his nose and smelled it, Well, not bad, good wine.


The two wine glasses clinked in the air and then drank.

Brother Mo Sheng, you're not coming to the police station. What are your next plans? Han Liangze asked as he took a bite of food.

Please ask Director Han for some advice. Gu Mosheng looked like he was asking for advice humbly.

Gu Mosheng was not stupid. How could he not know Han Liangze's intention of coming today? If he had not had that idea, he would not have welcomed the person in at all.

This Jiangcheng is now dominated by the Japanese. In the short term, I don't think Chiang Kai-shek will be able to come back. Han Liangze said, We are all registered by the Japanese military intelligence department. The Japanese really want to deal with us. That’s a no-brainer, don’t you think?”

I can't compare to Bureau Han. Your relationship is extraordinary. For this reason, they won't embarrass you. Gu Mosheng chuckled, Besides, who am I? If this passes, Boss Dai But it will kill people!

Chiang Kai-shek has lost most of his country. No matter how powerful Dai Yunong is, can he still stop the general trend? Han Liangze sneered. Gu Mosheng actually knew about his relationship with Duomen Erlang and did a good job in intelligence work.

Director Han, is it too early to say this?

Brother Mo Sheng, to be honest, how long do you think Chiang Kai-shek can hold on? Han Liangze said disdainfully, Did you know the second statement of Japanese Prime Minister Konoe Fumima? We will continue to fight until Chiang Kai-shek is destroyed. Now How many people don’t want to leave a way out for themselves?”

After hearing this, Gu Mo Sheng showed a hint of heartbeat: Director Han, if a person like me passes by, what position can I be given?

Director of the Detective Division of Jiangcheng Security Command, what do you think? Since Han Liangze is here, he is naturally prepared.

Just one director? Gu Mosheng said with a hint of dissatisfaction.

This is just the starting point. After you have done your job, why don't you worry about not getting a higher position? Han Liangze said, Besides, if I give you a high position now, it will be useless if you have no one under you?

Gu Mosheng nodded: What are the conditions for the Japanese?

Hand over the list of lurking personnel of the Inspectorate and the Special Agent Brigade in Jiangcheng. Those who are willing to surrender can write a surrender letter. We welcome them. If they are not willing, then they can only say sorry. Whoever blocks the road will be eliminated. This is a certificate of submission! Han Liangze said.

Han Bureau, you are also from the Central Government. Aren't you afraid of retaliation for betraying your old club like this? Gu Mosheng asked rhetorically.

I have no choice. I want to evacuate Jiangcheng, but they won't let me. Han Liangze said angrily, They want to use my neck to test the Japanese sword, so why should I sacrifice my life for them?

Bureau Han, I can decide the people in the Inspectorate, but the Secret Service Brigade is no longer under my control. Gu Mosheng sighed.

what happened?

Before you were dismissed, Liu Jinbao purged the secret service team. My people were either marginalized or took severance pay and left. I don't know how many people there are in the secret service team now and where they are. Gu Mo Sheng spread his hands and said.

Where's Liu Jinbao? Is he missing too?

That's not true. We met the day before yesterday. Without saying a few words, this guy left. He was mysterious and didn't know what he was doing. Gu Mosheng said.

Can you ask him out? Han Liangze had a good impression of Liu Jinbao. Although he was following orders to arrest his wife last time, the phone call still helped him.

Without that phone call, he might not have the chance to sit here today.

Bureau Han, I can be the head of my inspectorate, but Liu Jinbao is different. If I really anger Boss Dai, my head will be hanging on my head.

What are you afraid of? You have been in the military for many years and have experienced too many storms? Han Liangze said, It has been five days since the 'shelling' case, and the Japanese still don't have a clue. All the clues have been cut off. This matter Besides military commander, who else in Jiangcheng can do this?

Didn't you say that the national army left an elite squad to do this?

That was for external propaganda. In fact, there was no small team at all. The Japanese believed that it was your military commander who did it, but they don't know the specific time and part of it. Han Liangze said.

Actually, I haven't seen Li Guochen for a while. Ever since the Japanese entered the city, he has been hiding in the French Concession. I don't know the specific hiding place. Gu Mosheng said. In fact, he also suspected that one of his own people did it, but No one gave him this news, but if it was done by Juntong Jiangcheng District, Li Guochen should have communicated with him.

Li Guochen is hiding in the French Concession? Han Liangze caught this word keenly.

Gu Mosheng chuckled: The illegal concession is the safest now. The Japanese can't enter.

That's right too.

Brother Mo Sheng, let's join forces, and this Jiangcheng will be ours from now on. Han Liangze said proudly, As the saying goes, a good man has three gangs. I can't do anything by myself, so I need people like you to help me. If you don’t believe me, how about we become brothers of the opposite sex and share blessings and hardships from now on?”

This... Gu Mo Sheng was actually moved, but he was also a deep-seated man. How could he trust others so easily? An old and cunning man like Han Liangze was even less trustworthy.

Brother Mo Sheng, why are you hesitating? This opportunity is too rare for many people. If it weren't for our past friendship, do you think I would take such a big risk to come to you? Han Liangze said it very straightforwardly.

Director Han, how about letting me think about it for one night?

Okay, I'll give you one night. I hope to see you in my office tomorrow morning. Han Liangze nodded.

Such a big thing needs to be considered carefully. When Domenjiro suddenly appeared, he had been thinking about it all night and didn't sleep all night.

Come, drink, drink...

The next day, Gu Yuan couldn't get away, but he still found an opportunity to call the Sunshine Coffee House. At this time, the coffee house had almost been renovated and was planning to open for trial operation in the next few days. The official opening would have to wait. wait.

The news from Gu Yuan is that Han Liangze took his secretary Dong Cheng to Tangji alone last night. He had a meal alone with Gu Mosheng and said that no one knew, but Gu Mosheng personally put Han Liangze in the car. When Luo Yao came, Gong Hui reported to him.

Not only did Luo Yao know about Tang Ji, but he also went there. Gu Mo Sheng also invited him to have dinner at Tang Ji. The braised mutton dish was really good and is still fresh in his memory.

Tang Ji is a stronghold of Gu Mo Sheng.

As soon as Han Liangze took office and became the chief of the pseudo-Xiakou Police Bureau, he began to recruit surrenders and rebels. Did he really surrender, or was he deliberately pretending?

The Japanese probably don't know that he is the leader of the Han Room, the latent organization of the Central Government in Jiangcheng.

Gu Mo Sheng probably doesn't know either.

As for the military commander, the only people who knew about it were him and Gong Hui. Naturally, the fewer people knew about this kind of thing, the better. He did not tell the third person about it.

He didn't know whether Li Guochen and Tang Xin knew about it.

If Han Liangze wins over Gu Mo Sheng and breaks into the puppet government organization established by the Japanese, this will be considered a good move.

However, what Luo Yao was worried about was that Han Liangze was determined to defect to the Japanese and took this opportunity to make a fake show. Then the Central Unification's wishful thinking would be in vain. In the end, the entire Central Unification latent organization might be dragged down by Han Liangze.

And Gu Mo Sheng was still a member of the military command. Instead of attacking his own people from the central command, the first inspector from the Jiangcheng District of the military command was instigated to rebel.

This is so shameless.

If Boss Dai knew about this, he would be very angry.

Send a telegram to Dad to inform him of the situation here and our concerns about Han Liangze's possible fake act. Luo Yao ordered Gong Hui.


In addition, I would like to ask Old Liu to be more careful and report to me as soon as possible if Gu Mosheng asks him to meet. Luo Yaodao.

Understood. Gong Hui nodded, Would you like to remind Deputy District Chief Tang about Gu Mo Sheng's situation?

Of course, Tang Xin and Li Guochen have to remind them. As for whether they listen or not, it's up to them. Luo Yao agreed.

The obligations that should be fulfilled still need to be fulfilled.

The collection is less than 100 and the collection is already 10,000. I beg you readers, if you read all of them here and feel that the author worked hard, please collect them. Thank you!

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