The secret war is silent

Chapter 119 Is it a human or a ghost?

Sir, Madam, do you two have any reservations?

Why, do you still need to make a reservation for a meal? Luo Yao asked displeasedly, leaning on a cane and pretending to be a middle-aged and elderly man's hoarse voice.

Well, sir, our mutton restaurant only accepts regular customers. When guests eat, they must call to make a reservation first. Otherwise, we have not prepared extra ingredients... The waiter was a little quick-witted, and saw that the old man was a bit unkind.

Really? What if I have to eat at your place today? Luo Yao's voice suddenly became three points louder.

Sir, you don't know where this place is, do you? The waiter's tone became tougher. This was the rule of Tang Ji when the Japanese didn't come. But now that the boss has joined the Japanese, who else is the whole Jiangcheng afraid of? ?

Just because I didn't want to cause trouble doesn't mean I was afraid of trouble.

Where is this place? Isn't this a restaurant where you eat?

This is Tang Ji. Don't make trouble. Our boss is the director of the Detective Division of Jiangcheng Police Headquarters! The young man said proudly, pointing to Luo Yao's nose.

The director of the Detective Division is such a big official. If you didn't know, you would have thought he was the commander of the Jiangcheng Security Headquarters! Luo Yao laughed, It seems that the Japanese are in charge now. Could it be that your boss is in charge? A traitor?

What are you talking nonsense about? The boy's expression immediately changed.

A dog looks down on people. You won't let me eat this meal today, but I still insist on eating it. Luo Yao chuckled, and raised his feet to walk in.

Come on, stop him! Seeing that Luo Yao was about to break in, the boy got anxious and stepped forward and grabbed him, trying to hold him back.

But before his hand touched Luo Yao's arm and his neck went numb, Gong Hui had already moved behind him, lightning struck, and slashed his neck with a knife.

Mancang, who parked the rickshaw at the door, immediately ran in with three steps at a time and quickly closed the door.

The people behind heard the call of the front desk clerk, and someone immediately rushed out. From the sound of footsteps, there were at least five or six people.

Of course, in Luo Yao's ears, it was clear how many people there were, how many meters apart they were, and what direction they were coming from. The three of them quickly took out their face masks and covered half of their faces.

The first person to rush out happened to face the masked Gong Hui. He was punched head-on, his head thrown back, and he screamed, exposing his throat!

Gong Hui's merciless index finger scratched the other person's throat, and he immediately fell down, holding his neck.

Blood was scattered all over the floor, and he didn't even make a cry!

Full warehouse followed.

Without using a gun, he locked a person's throat with one hand, then broke his neck with a click and killed him instantly!

This throat-locking skill is becoming more and more perfect!

When the three people who rushed out afterward saw this situation, they were so frightened that they couldn't help but wonder where these two murderous gods could come from.

Turn around and run away!

Will Gong Hui and Mancang give them a chance?

The prick detached from her finger, turned into a streak of black light, and shot towards the back of the person closest to her. Mancang quickly pulled out his pistol and fired two shots.

Almost at the same time, three people fell down.

Go inside, there are two people in the third room on the left... Luo Yao followed closely behind the two of them and told them where the enemy was.

On the other side, Yan Ming and Su Jing also sneaked in through the back door, while Xiao Dongbei was responsible for guarding the back door and being vigilant!

In addition to the chefs and waiters, Tang Ji usually has about twenty people who look after the home and care for the home, all of whom are Gu Mo Sheng's confidants.

When Gu Mosheng goes out, he naturally has to bring bodyguards. In the past, there were only five or six bodyguards and drivers at most, but it is different now.

No one dares to go out on the street without more than ten bodyguards.

He fell into the water and became a traitor. According to the military commander's family rules, he would be killed without mercy. Will the military commander let him go? Obviously it's impossible. How can we not bring more bodyguards when we go out?

Therefore, he took away half of Tang Ji's power, and the remaining half, in broad daylight, he asked himself, the military commander did not have the courage to attack Tang Ji, please note that the Special District 3 Police Station is not far away , as long as you hear the sound of gunfire, you can arrive in three minutes, not to mention that there are Japanese soldiers patrolling the streets.

The military commanders had no chance to attack him except for assassination.

It's just that he forgot that he dared to bombard the Japanese troops and Okamura Neiji during the Japanese military's military parade into the city. What was impossible about attacking Tang Kee in broad daylight?

Therefore, Luo Yao and others easily controlled Tang Ji.

With Luo Yao's ear, he quickly found Gu Yuan who was imprisoned in the dungeon. He had not been tortured and was not even cuffed.

I was a little mentally depressed after being locked up for the past few days.

Although everyone in the warehouse had their faces covered, Gu Yuan was a familiar person after all, and he recognized him as soon as the door opened.

Why, do you still need us to invite you out? Gong Hui snorted coldly and said angrily.

Gu Yuan heard the sound, quickly took his coat from the bed, and followed Mancang and others up from the dungeon.

Who is this... Seeing Luo Yao's old appearance, Gu Yuan didn't recognize him for a moment, and asked in surprise.

The team leader personally led the team to rescue you. Mancang said.

Thank you, team leader.

This is not the place to talk. Let's evacuate first. Luo Yao ordered in a deep voice, Old Man, take Gu Yuan to Yuhetang. We will meet up later.

Yes, team leader. Mancang agreed.

Team leader, did you find a secret room in Gu Mosheng's house with a password box in it? Yan Ming ran over to report.


Now that he is here, there is no reason to return empty-handed. Gu Mosheng was also a high-level cadre of Jiangcheng District of Juntong in the past. He must have hidden many confidential documents of Juntong. If these have not been handed over to the Japanese, they will fall into the hands of the Japanese sooner or later. , it’s better to take it away yourself first.

Old style rotor combination lock.

With Luo Yao's abnormal hearing, unlocking became very easy. In less than a minute, this German-made code cabinet was opened much more easily.

A golden light dazzled the eyes!

Team leader, there are so many gold bars... Yan Ming exclaimed, and behind him, Gong Hui subconsciously covered her mouth for fear of screaming.

Quickly, find something and pack it away before you go back! Luo Yao ordered. Such a lot of money must be Gu Mo Sheng's years of savings, so naturally he can't leave it to him.


Five minutes later, Luo Yao left from the front door with Gong Hui carrying a leather bag of documents, while Yan Ming left from the back door with a leather box full of gold bars and cash.

Mancang and Su Jing took Gu Yuan away first.

It's almost time to eat. You need to make a reservation in advance to eat at Tang Kee Mutton Restaurant. This rule is quite good and many people know it. Therefore, you will basically not enter Tang Kee without a reservation.

Almost ten minutes after Luo asked them to leave, a customer who had made a reservation at Tang Kee opened the ajar door.

Then, a scream!

Killing, killing... The guest screamed and rushed out as if he had encountered a ghost.

When Han Liangze accompanied Gu Mosheng back to Tang Ji for the first time, the bloody and tragic scene at the scene made the two of them tremble with fear.

Except for the cook in the back kitchen and the boy at the front desk who survived after being knocked unconscious, and Gu Mo Sheng stayed behind to look after the family and nursing staff, no one else survived.

All the wealth they had worked hard to save for many years was also looted.

The corpses were carried out one by one and placed side by side in the courtyard, wrapped in white cloth. In broad daylight, everyone who looked at them felt terrified.

Virgin, apart from the ones who were knocked unconscious, there are a total of thirteen corpses, all of them are here. Wei Laosan, who was in charge of collecting the corpses, was also very upset.

If he were at Tang Ji today, he would probably be a cold corpse lying here right now. Could he not be afraid?

Kill with one knife!

Break your neck...


Everything happened without any struggle or resistance. Death happened in an instant. It was all done by masters! After all, Han Liangze has been a policeman for 20 years. He has never seen any kind of murder case. His eyesight is still some.

Gu Mo Sheng was born in the military, and it was not like he had never seen such things as murder and arson, but he killed so many of his men so silently, in broad daylight, without any movement being heard.

Who are these people?

These people raided Tang Kee, obviously aiming at him.

Where's the other one? Gu Mo Sheng suddenly remembered that he locked Gu Yuan in the dungeon, but Gu Yuan's body was not found here.

You mean Inspector Xiao Gu? Wei Laosan also suddenly understood, There is no one in the dungeon, he must have run away.

It's not that they ran away. These people are here to rescue Gu Yuan. No, they are here to rescue him and Liu Jinbao. But Liu Jinbao has been transferred by us, and Gu Yuan is still in custody in the dungeon! Gu Mo Sheng figured it out in an instant. found the key.

Apart from his own subordinates, not many people know about the secret base of Tang Ji. Who leaked the secret?

The people he left to look after the house and the hospital were all carefully selected experts. How come they couldn't even defeat their opponents? Who are these people?

Could it be that Dai Yunong left his personal bodyguards in Jiangcheng?

This is completely impossible!

This team was something he would not use easily. They usually followed him and sometimes had to take care of the chairman's peripheral security work.

Who is he?

Fear instantly swallowed Gu Mo Sheng's heart. At that moment, he was sweating profusely and his whole body collapsed, as if he had a serious illness.

Brother Mo Sheng. Suddenly a hand gently patted Gu Mosheng's shoulder, which almost scared him to the point of jumping.

Who would make such a joke to him at this time?

What's wrong, dear brother Mo Sheng, you're not feeling well, do you want to go to the hospital? Han Liangze looked at the sweat on Mo Sheng's head and knew that he was very frightened.

No one would be indifferent to this scene, let alone his hometown.

No, I'm fine. Director Han, we may be in trouble. Gu Mosheng's nervous face turned slightly pale. He can be considered a person who has seen the big world. He sneaked in, killed people, rescued people, and so on silently. It probably only lasted ten minutes, and then he left calmly without making any noise.

Is this a human or a ghost?

Of course, there are definitely no ghosts in broad daylight, but if they were humans, these people would be terrifying.

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