There are two people in total, a man and a woman. The man is in his fifties, and his back is a bit hunched... Among all the people who were knocked unconscious, the boy who was responsible for greeting the guests at the front desk saw someone, and he was describing the order tremblingly. A sight he would never forget.

The cooks in the back kitchen didn't even notice how many people there were, and they completely fainted.

I just saw a ghost floating in front of my eyes, and then I fainted?

It's so scary...

Although Gu Mosheng was quite frightened, after questioning the waiter and the two cooks in the back kitchen, as well as the traces left on the scene, he judged that this was an elite action team of four to five people.

Everyone is a master.

And everyone has skills, and they also carry something that can cover up the sound of gunfire (at this time, most people have never seen a silencer).

There is also a very agile woman among them, and they have all changed their faces. Even if they are not masked, they are not their true faces.

Careful layout, careful planning, decisive attack, fatal blow, the opponent is also familiar with the internal situation of Tang Ji, after entering, he followed up as if he were in his own backyard, otherwise how could he rescue Gu Yuan from the dungeon in such a short period of time , and looted all the documents and wealth he had hidden in the darkroom?

Gu Mo Sheng was not only afraid, but also hated so much that his back molars were broken.

This style of doing things without leaving any bottom line is so ungrateful.

Is this something humans do?

Tang Ji Gu Mosheng didn't dare to stay any longer. He asked Wei Laosan to handle the funeral affairs, and he took the remaining people directly to the police station.

Although the police station has a big target, it is safe. Although Tang Ji is secretive, if something happens, no one will come to help.

Drink some hot water to calm down. Han Liangze personally made a cup of hot tea for Gu Mo Sheng.

Director Han, if I don't avenge this revenge, how can I, Gu Mo Sheng, gain a foothold in Jiangcheng? Gu Mo Sheng finally regained his composure and said with bloodshot eyes.

Mo Sheng, what do you think?

They rescued Gu Yuan and robbed me of my savings for many years. They must still be in the city. I would like to ask Minister Duomen to order a large-scale manhunt in the Special 3 District!

How are you sure that the person is still in the special third area?

Gu Yuan does not have a special pass, and when traveling between districts, the pass and good citizen certificate must be checked. Moreover, they must not dare to pass through the checkpoints with gold and silver stolen from there. Once they are found out, who do you think will get an advantage? ? Gu Mo Sheng asked back.

Everyone knows the greed of the Japanese. It's like plucking the feathers of a goose. If someone is found to have passed the checkpoint with a large sum of gold and silver, will they let him go?

But the Special Zone 3 is connected to the French Concession, so they can hide in the French Concession?

If no one is found in Special Zone 3, then the target is quite clear. They must be in the French Concession! Gu Mo Sheng punched the hard solid wood coffee table.

Okay, I'm here to call Minister Duomen. It's appropriate to report such a big matter to him. Han Liangze nodded, thought about it for a moment, stood up and picked up a red telephone on the table. It is the only dedicated line in the police station.

Hey, are you Minister Duomen? I'm Han Liangze...

Han Liangze did not shy away from Gu Mo Sheng at all, and reported the attack on Tang Ji to Domen Erlang in front of him.

Domen Erlang was quite shocked when he heard Han Liangze's report. Although there have been various attacks, assassinations and sabotages these days, they are still within the normal and reasonable range, and the techniques are relatively familiar. They are all those who are used to them. Yes, there are traces to follow, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

But this time it was different.

The opponent was just like the last artillery bombardment at the military parade into the city. There was no warning in advance and disappeared without a trace afterwards, with no trace to follow.

And all in broad daylight, they killed people, rescued key criminals, and looted property. Most importantly, they showed mercy to innocent people and did not kill them all.

Is it intentional, or does it have some other purpose?

The story behind this case was definitely unusual. Domon Jiro put down the phone, ordered his adjutant Akagi to prepare a car, and drove to the police headquarters.

When Duomen Erlang was coming, Han Liangze and Gu Mosheng naturally went out to greet him in person.

After welcoming people into the office, Han Liangze asked Dong Cheng to make tea and bring it in, then closed the door. The conversation that followed could not be announced to the public.

Gu Mosheng explained the specific process of the case to Domen Erlang in detail.

The narration of those who witnessed it moved Domenjiro even more. After listening to it, he even felt a thin layer of sweat on his back, which was cool.

Military commander, it must be someone from the military commander. Apart from them having such ability, I can't think of anyone else who can do it. Gu Mosheng said through gritted teeth.

Gu Sang, you are frightened. On behalf of the Secret Service, I would like to express my concern and condolences to you. Domon Jiro said, I will ask Captain Yoshino to comply with your request.

Thank you, Minister Duomen. Gu Mosheng said very gratefully.

Don't worry, Gu Sang, this is not only your personal matter, but also our secret service department's matter. If we don't eradicate the underground military organization in Jiangcheng, we will have no peace for a day. This is our common goal! Duomen! Erlang said solemnly.

Yes. Han and Gu both nodded.

Now it seems that our opponent is very unusual. Gu Sang, based on your understanding of military commanders, where do these people come from?

Minister Duomen, they should not be locals in Jiangcheng. According to my judgment, the military commander organized a large-scale special training in Linli, western Hunan. Internally, we call this special training class a temporary training class. , there are a large number of people, but most of them have not graduated yet, but some people have participated in the practice in advance. These people are the best talents in the class, Liu Jinbao and Gu Yuan are among them! After all, Gu Mosheng has many years of experience Although I don't know who the person who attacked Tang Kee is, I can still guess.

So this Liu Jinbao might know?

He must have known that these people's attack on 'Tang Ji' this time was probably aimed at him and Gu Yuan. But what they didn't expect was that we had transferred Liu Jinbao to the Military Police Special Course, and they only rescued him. Gu Yuan! Gu Mosheng felt scared, if he was also in Tang Ji at that time.

Gu Sang, why didn't you say anything about Gu Yuan? Domen Erlang suddenly asked.


Brother Duomen, I know about Gu Yuan. He is different from Liu Jinbao. This Gu Yuan was originally Director Gu's subordinate. Director Gu cherished his talent and put him under house arrest. I hope he can be persuaded. Join us, this Gu Yuan also helped us persuade Liu Jinbao, but unfortunately he didn't succeed. Han Liangze opened his mouth to defend Gu Mo Sheng.

So that's it, then this Gu Yuan might have become one of ours, right? Domen Erlang asked with a slight expression on his face.

Yes, it's just that those people were his classmates after all. He was still hesitant to ask him to betray Paoze, so I restricted his freedom, but I didn't do anything to him. Gu Mosheng said.

He who knows the current affairs is a hero. If you had told me earlier, this kind of thing would not have happened. Domon Jiro said dissatisfied.

I didn't think carefully.

Domen Erlang didn't say anything else. Everyone has selfish motives. If someone like Gu Mo Sheng didn't have selfish motives, he couldn't believe that such a person would sincerely do things for him.

Liu Jin has been tortured on Baowu Island, but he won't let go. Do you have any good ideas to get him to talk?

This... Han Liangze and Gu Mosheng looked at each other.

Is there anything you can't say?

Minister Duomen, there is a way, but for us Chinese, it would be a lack of virtue. Gu Mosheng said.

As long as we can get Liu Jinbao to talk, we can try any method. Domen Erlang snorted, In order to catch the murderer, we have no inhibitions.

Yes, this Liu Jinbao has a beautiful woman who is pregnant with his child for almost two months. This boy is an orphan. This child is very important to him. If we use his woman If the child in his belly threatens him, I guess he will speak! Gu Mosheng said.

You have such a good idea, why didn't you tell me earlier?

... Han Liangze and Gu Mosheng looked embarrassed. What can they say? They have already told you Japanese, how can they still make meritorious service?

Bring that woman to the gendarmerie immediately. Jiro Domon ordered.

What else could Gu Mo Sheng say? He immediately went out and called his confidant Wei Laosan over. He gave him two instructions in a low voice, patted his shoulder and let him go.

Brother Han, Gu Sang, is there a possibility that the people who attacked Tang Ji are the same group as those who attacked the city during the bombardment? Domen Erlang thought divergently.

Han Liangze and Gu Mosheng looked at each other.

This guess is a bit scary to think about.

It has to be said that Domon Jiro's guess is not impossible. Moreover, the Japanese have been pursuing it for so long and have used all means. Even artillery experts from the military have been invited to analyze the ballistics of the shelling case.

It was concluded that the trajectories of all projectiles were accurately calculated and took into account the circumstances at the time.

There must be a master who is proficient in artillery ballistic calculations commanding the scene, but the three mortars are not in the same position, how can they operate together?

Even if the first cannon shot is used as a signal!

This artillery fire was too accurate, and the preset positions of the artillery shells were almost beyond the critical point of actual battlefield operations.

Although the range of the mortar can reach 2.4 kilometers, on the battlefield, it is generally used for fire support of infantry attacks, mainly for precise fire strikes of 500 to 1,000 meters. Beyond this distance, the error will be too large. .

However, the opponent's preset mortar position was actually placed a thousand meters away, and he could hit it so accurately. There are very few people like this in the army.

Okamura Neiji gave him a month to solve the case, but he did not say that he must catch the murderer. After all, half a month had passed. If his opponent had sneaked out of Jiangcheng long ago, Domon Jiro would not be able to catch him even if he wanted to.

However, finding out the identity of the murderer, even if it means handing over a highly suspected murderer, can slightly restore the prestige of the Imperial Army of Japan.

Otherwise, the Imperial Intelligence Department would be too incompetent.

Minister Duomen, I don't dare to make rash judgments about this Gu, but it is not impossible. The military command has changed a lot in the past six months, and I am not too clear about many situations. Gu Mosheng said.

How much do you know about this temporary training class of Juntong? Domon Jiro asked.

Gu Mosheng was immediately asked and didn't know how to answer.

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