The secret war is silent

Chapter 122 Review

The back door of Yuhetang.

Xu Jihong opened the door and welcomed Luo Yao in disguise. It was too conspicuous to walk through the front door now. Being seen by others would always be a flaw.

How is his mood? Luo Yao asked as soon as he came in.

Fortunately, I stayed in the house alone and didn't speak. I looked very calm. Xu Jihong knew who was asking and answered immediately.

Have you talked to him?

Not yet, I don't know how to tell him. Xu Jihong lowered his head. Luo Yao's aura of superiority became more and more powerful. Sometimes she was so oppressed that she couldn't breathe. Besides, Without the team leader’s order, I wouldn’t dare to have more contact with him.”

Have you given him food?

Sent it.

How much did you eat?

It's more than half full. I haven't finished it anyway. Maybe I have no appetite. Xu Jihong said.

Well, I understand. I'll talk to him later and you can take notes. Luo Yao told Xu Jihong that this was a rule and he must abide by it.

Anyone who has been arrested, even if there is no sign that he may rebel, must go through a screening and review process if he escapes or is rescued.

No one can be an exception.

The interview is the most important part of the screening work. It is usually conducted by the inspection department. The special operations team does not have the position of inspector, so the team leader Luo Yao can only come to talk in person.

Team leader, what will you do with Gu Yuan? Xu Jihong asked.

It depends on the conversation. In fact, he couldn't decide. It had to depend on Dai Yunong's intention.

Team leader, this way. Xu Jihong led the way to the door of a room.

Gu Yuan is not a prisoner, so he naturally does not need to be supervised like a prisoner. Of course, this is also a test for him. If he leaves without authorization, many things will not be clear.

This would do absolutely nothing good for himself, and Gu Yuan knew this too.

Xu Jihong stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Gu Yuan, the team leader is here.

After a moment, there was only a creak sound, and the door was opened from the inside. Gu Yuan stood at the door: Team leader, Miss Xu is here, please come in quickly.

Gu Yuan, you know the family rules of the military command. Anyone who returns to the military command after being arrested must be reviewed. Only after confirming that there are no problems can they be re-arranged. Although you were arrested for a short time, according to the procedures, this is a must. I did it. Luo Yao said straight to the point.

I understand, and I am willing to accept the review. Gu Yuan nodded.

Okay, now let me ask you questions. What to ask and what to answer. Don't hide anything, you know? Luo Yaodao said, Miss Xu will truthfully record our conversation and report it to the bureau headquarters.


After you passed on the news that Gu Mosheng was going to attack Liu Jinbao, a member of the team codenamed Loach, did you receive my order to transfer immediately?


Why didn't you transfer immediately?

Gu Mosheng has always been worried about me and sent people to monitor my residence. Once I move, he will definitely attack Liu Jinbao immediately, because he knows that Liu Jinbao and I are classmates in the temporary training class. With this relationship, he can inform the public It's completely possible. Gu Yuan replied.

You mean, you bought Liu Jinbao time to evacuate, so you had no choice but to stay and compromise with Gu Mo Sheng, thus losing the opportunity to transfer? Luo Yao asked.


But Liu Jinbao was still arrested. How do you explain it? Luo Yao asked coldly.

As soon as this question came out, even Xu Jihong couldn't help but look up at Luo Yao.

I don't know why Lao Liu was arrested. Maybe he was confident and didn't expect that his whereabouts were already known, right? Gu Yuan hesitated, Maybe he didn't take my warning to heart.

How do you explain your treatment at 'Tang Kee'?

I... Gu Yuan was speechless for a moment, Gu Mo Sheng wanted to persuade me to fall into the water. When I didn't agree, he restricted my freedom.

You have the same status as Loach, why are you only restricted in your freedom, while he was sent to the Japanese Military Police Special Course? Luo Yao asked, How do you explain it?

Luo Yao, are you saying that I betrayed Loach? Gu Yuan turned pale instantly.

That's the most reasonable explanation, isn't it?

Team leader, Gu Yuan is not such a person... Xu Jihong whispered.

Shut up.

Yes. Xu Jihong lowered his head in grievance.

Team leader, I know I had some prejudice against you in the past, but now it's all over, you have become my boss, and I have fulfilled your orders to the letter. I can still admire you. You are the first among the students in our temporary training class to be able to solve a major case like the 'Kappa' sleeper group. Gu Yuan stared at Luo Yaodao.

Don't say any more compliments. Luo Yao said coldly, What you want to prove now is that Liu Jinbao's arrest has nothing to do with you. Did you betray him?

Team leader, I can't prove this. If it was Lao Liu who exposed his whereabouts and was arrested due to his carelessness, it can't be blamed on me, right? Gu Yuan's aggrieved eyes turned red.

You can't explain clearly, and I can't verify it with Liu Jinbao. Do you know what this means to you? Luo Yao asked.


Don't think that I'm targeting you because of what happened in the past. I'm not that small-minded. If I were really targeting you, I would have taken it back the last time you made your own decisions. Luo Yao said coldly. He said, If you are sent back by me, according to the family rules of the military commander, what will happen to you?

Gu Yuan was excited. If Luo Yao really kicked him out of the direct team for disobeying orders and making decisions without authorization, which almost caused a disaster, then his future in the military command would be over, and he would most likely be sent to prison. There may be no chance of success in this life.

None of us can guarantee whether we will rebel after being arrested. Everyone has weaknesses. You know Lao Liu's weaknesses. Once Lao Liu rebels, have you ever thought about the consequences?

Team leader, it's really not me who betrayed Old Liu. If I betrayed Old Liu, why didn't I betray you? Wouldn't it be more direct to betray you? Gu Yuan asked angrily.

Maybe this is your plan. By betraying Liu Jinbao, you can gain Gu Mo Sheng's trust. But if you sell me out right away, I'm afraid the credit won't be yours, right?

I, I, the team leader, you are so slanderous... Gu Yuan stood up angrily and roared.

Xu Jihong's heart was like a stormy sea. Gu Yuan, who was usually eloquent and had a tongue as bright as a lotus flower, was actually helpless in front of Luo Yao.

If Liu Jinbao rebels, you know very well how much the loss will be. You have already thought about how to explain it to me and to Director Dai. Luo Yao said slowly and calmly, If you can't prove your innocence, then give up. It’s my fault for enforcing family law.”

Gu Yuan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he would experience such an encounter after being rescued.

From now on, you will eat, drink, and eat in this room and the yard outside. Of course, you can go out, and no one will stop you, but as long as you step out of this yard, you know what it means. Luo Yao said calmly.

Team leader, are you really going to enforce family law on Gu Yuan? Xu Jihong chased Gu Yuan out of his room, still holding the review transcript she had recorded in his hand.

What do you think? Luo Yao did not answer, but asked Xu Jihong first.

Xu Jihong hesitated for a moment: Team leader, I don't think Gu Yuan was a traitor and betrayed his own people. Liu Jinbao's arrest must have something we don't know about.

What do you think the inside story is?

Could it be that Liu Jinbao was too confident and careless, knowing that Gu Yuan gave him a warning, but still let Gu Mo Sheng's people discover his hiding place? Xu Jihong analyzed it and said, There is also the fact that Old Liu can't let go of that woman s reason.

Luo Yao nodded: What you said is possible, but now how can we prove that Lao Liu's arrest was due to his own reasons and had nothing to do with Gu Yuan?

Team leader, it's too difficult to find evidence. Xu Jihong thought for a moment and said.

I don't want to doubt him or accuse him wrongly, but I am the team leader, and he entered the temporary training class at the same time and in the same group as me. But now that I am the team leader, I have to be responsible for my group, not Emotional. Luo Yao said.

Team leader, does that mean we can't judge that Gu Yuan has rebelled?

If it can be determined that he has rebelled, do you think he will stay in this house so easily, and will there be anyone to feed and drink to him?

My subordinate understands.

Jihong, I will leave Gu Yuan under your care. Report his condition at any time, especially if his mood is abnormal, report it as soon as possible. Luo Yao ordered.

Yes, team leader. Xu Jihong nodded, watching Luo Yao leave with a slightly complicated look, and then couldn't help but sigh.

The rescue operation in the morning was successfully completed, and a considerable amount of wealth was gained, which provided sufficient funds for the River God direct team's subsequent lurking, which is naturally a happy thing.

However, Liu Jinbao was actually taken to the Military Police Special High School Course, which also made him a little worried about whether he could persevere under the torture of the Japanese.

Although the Nail plan was all within the plan, after all, no one could tell clearly what happened.

As for the handling of Gu Yuan, although there was a long-standing suspicion, he was still a little uneasy about Gu Yuan. He had to teach him a lesson and change his habit of making decisions without authorization and showing off his abilities.

No one is perfect, including him, sometimes he will make mistakes, which is normal, but the key mistake is not to make.

After coming out of Yuhetang, Luo Yao went directly to Sunshine Cafe.

At this time, although the coffee shop is still open, there are not many customers anymore. Prices in the French Concession have skyrocketed, and there are too few people who really have the time to sit down and drink a cup of coffee. In addition, the Concession and the Chinese border have been forcibly blocked by the Japanese. Well, usually at least most of the guests are not residents of the French Concession.

Business is quiet.

When Luo Yao opened the door and came in, Gong Hui was behind the bar, fixing her fingernails out of boredom and even skipping the music on the gramophone.

There is no fixed time for closing. It closes when it gets dark and there are no customers. It’s very simple. It’s because there’s no electricity. It’s pitch black, so how can we still do business?

It’s not like we’re going to have a candlelight dinner, right?

Candles are now a hot commodity, and you can’t even buy them. It’s better to go home, close the door, and go to sleep.

Seeing Luo Yao come in, Gong Hui, who was about to close the door, glanced at a waiter. The latter immediately walked over and began to persuade the only two remaining guests to leave.

After all, it's getting dark, so there's no point in sitting down anymore, right?

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