The secret war is silent

Chapter 123 Important Person

Shall I make you a cup of coffee? Gong Hui brought Luo Yao into the office and asked softly.

No need, I drank too much coffee and can't sleep at night. Luo Yao waved his hand, took off his hat and put it on the coffee table.

Are you hungry? Can I have someone make you a bowl of noodles?

If you're not hungry, let's get down to business. Luo Yao shook his head and said, How did Gu Mo Sheng's money and documents be disposed of?

The gold bars were given to Lao Man and stored in the safe in the 'Tongda' car. I counted them and found that there were thirty-four gold bars of different sizes, as well as some jewelry, jade, rings, etc., all stored together. The cash and The ocean was divided into two, and half was placed with Su Jing, who was responsible for the brothers' salaries and activity funds. The other half was brought back to the French Concession by Yan Ming and I, and was stored in my safe here. Do you want to take inventory? Gong Hui said.

No, just give me a number.

One thousand two hundred silver dollars, about thirty-six thousand French currency, some Japanese military stamps and a small amount of U.S. dollars. By the way, I have all the U.S. dollars.

All US dollars will be saved and will no longer be used externally. The legal currency will be exchanged for Japanese military stamps. Next, I estimate that the Japanese will force the use of Japanese military stamps in Jiangcheng. Even if we feel uncomfortable, we will still use it. Luo Yao ordered.

okay, I get it.

Silver dollars are hard currency. Keep them for emergency use. Don't use them unless necessary. Luo Yao said, We also try to collect some diodes, capacitors and other components. Next, it will be difficult for us to obtain this type of supplements. , our station has no room for error.”

Reduce the frequency of sending. Try to use dead mailboxes or other methods of transmitting messages for communications within Jiangcheng. If it is not necessary, try to reduce the number of contacts.

If we reduce the number of contacts, how can we ensure that if something happens to someone, we can detect it in time? Gong Hui asked.

This has its own gains and losses. We can set up double insurance on the existing latent groups, which are not affiliated with each other. Once something happens in this district, unless two groups have problems at the same time, as long as one group has a problem, the other group will We will definitely be able to detect some situations, and as long as we report them, we will know immediately. Luo Yao said.

“We don’t have many manpower, so we need to increase our manpower to do this.”

It's not necessary. The mission of our direct team is to collect intelligence and infiltrate. This must be distinguished from that of Jiangcheng District. Their main mission is assassination and sabotage. Therefore, if it is just to collect intelligence and infiltrate, there is actually no need to do that. There are many people. Luo Yao explained, The existing lurking team of the special agent brigade plus the group of people sent from the temporary training class in the past are enough.

Did you and dad bring those people over? Gong Hui was surprised.

Yes, Dad agreed. Except for some of them who left during the retreat, the rest are still in Jiangcheng. Dad originally planned to move them to Jiangcheng District, but now, Dad feels that the eggs cannot be placed there. In a basket, Jiangcheng District has enough manpower. This group of people used to be the icing on the cake, but if they are given to us, they will be a help in times of need! Luo Yao explained that he wanted to set up two parallel intelligence networks, whether it was a backup, It doesn't matter if it's light or dark, he understands that eggs can't be put in one basket.

Great, when will we pick up these people?

At ten o'clock tonight, dad will send the list, addresses and contact codes of this group of people via secret code, using the 'A' secret code. Luo Yaodao.

Understood, I will go find you tomorrow morning.

Well, as for Gu Yuan, so far, he has no signs of rebellion, but to be cautious, he still needs to be reviewed and screened. Luo Yao glanced at Gong Hui.

You won't let me go, right? Gong Hui said, I don't want to see him.

The person who ties the bell must also be tied to untie it. You have to explain certain things to him clearly. If you don't like it, just say it clearly and don't hang around.

When did I hang him? I don't want to talk to him. Is it because I'm afraid you will misunderstand me?

I hope you can persuade him that we are in an occupied area now. We must devote all our attention to dealing with the enemy and dig out all the useless things in our minds and throw them away. This is the right way. Luo Yao Zhengse said.

Can I tell you something about Lao Liu?

No, only you and I know about Lao Liu. We can't tell a third person. This is top secret. Luo Yao shook his head firmly.

Okay, I'll talk to him tomorrow. Gong Hui nodded, What about you wanting him to be your 'shadow'?

I can't tell him yet. I have to wait for news from Lao Liu before I can decide.

Okay, I know what to say.

Okay, it's getting late, so I should go. The notice about the school's resumption of classes has come down. I'm expected to go to school next week to continue classes. If there's something urgent, you can call the school. Anyway, you've called me before. I won't. Someone is suspicious. Luo Yao stood up, picked up the hat on the table, and put it on his head.

I'll be leaving soon...

Luo Yao had already strode away.

Jiangcheng Japanese Military Police Special High School.

Excited, excited, should be excited!

Domen Erlang didn't expect that Liu Jinbao would actually provide him with so much important information. It was so worth it. It was so worth it. He went to ask Han Liangze to come forward in the middle of the night. This move was so right.

In the past half month, he had tried his best and used many methods to track down clues to the shelling case during the entry into the city, but with little success.

We don't even know who our opponent is.

But now, he knew clearly who his opponent was. A military special operations group codenamed River God was composed of elites within the military.

All the members of this special operations team have special skills, all are professional agents, proficient in various skills, and they are all the most terrifying killers.

With Liu Jinbao's confession, he could report to General Okamura Neji.

As for how to capture the River God special operations team of General Tong, that is another matter. Solving the case is two different things from apprehending the murderer.

The excited Domon Jiro immediately reported to Okamura Neji.

Okamura Neiji was also surprised when he heard that there was such a powerful anti-Japanese team lurking in Jiangcheng. Judging from what these people did, they came and went without a trace, completely threatening the Empire of Japan. The safety of the imperial army in Jiangcheng.

Domon-kun, this latent military action group is too dangerous. You must do everything you can to eradicate it completely in the shortest possible time! Okamura Neiji immediately gave an order to Domon Jiro on the phone.

Hai, please rest assured, General. Your subordinates will do their best to eliminate the 'River God' group and chop off the heads of all the 'River God' group to pay homage to the Japanese Empire soldiers who died during the entrance ceremony. Jiro Domon He solemnly promised.

Domon-kun, do your best, I have full confidence in you. Neji Okamura encouraged him. He was seriously injured this time. Although his life was safe, it was impossible for his body to completely recover to its previous state. .

Thank you, General Okamura. Domon will definitely live up to your trust! Domon Jiro felt hot all over. He wished he could arrest everyone in the River God team right now, and then chop off their heads one by one in front of him. Come!

Pick me up to the home of Director Han of the Xiakou Police Department.

After a while.

Brother Han, it's me, Duomen. I want to discuss something with you. Please bring Gu Mo Sheng and Gu Sang to the Secret Service Department immediately...

The next day, Zhou Ji bamboo products store.

Why are you here? Old Wu saw Luo Yao who was wearing makeup and recognized him at a glance. He quickly asked the young man to look at some business and invited the people in.

Sister-in-law is not at home?

I went out to buy rice. The family is almost exhausted. Old Wu poured a glass of water for Luo Yao, Here, drink some water first.

I came to see you. If you have difficulties at home, why didn't you tell me? Luo Yao asked.

I'm okay, at least I still have some savings, but the price of rice is too high now. If it continues like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to afford food. Old Wu said with a smile.

Where's Xiao Min?

I'm going to my classmate's house.

She is a little girl, how can you safely let her go out alone? What if she encounters Japanese soldiers and interrogates her? Luo Yao said.

It's okay. I got her a good citizen certificate and a pass. She didn't go far. She was just in the alley next door. She'll be back for lunch soon, Lao Wu explained.

Better be more careful. The school has announced that classes will resume next week. I just used this excuse to come and see you. Luo Yao explained.

Okay, I understand. I'll just tell Xiao Min when she comes back. Old Wu nodded, Will you stay and have dinner together later?

No, I have to go to another classmate's house. Whatever happens to you, just follow the old rules.


After coming out of the Zhou Ji bamboo products store and turning around a street, Luo Yao raised his hand and called a rickshaw. The man pulling the rickshaw was none other than Mancang.

Team leader, on the afternoon of our rescue operation yesterday, Gu Mosheng's confidant Wei Lao San went to the home of Lao Liu's best friend Ping'er and took Ping'er away. He hasn't come back yet.

Is there anyone at Ping'er's house?

Yes, Wei Laosan left two people at home. Mancang said.

Continue to send people to monitor. No action is allowed without my order, including sneak investigation. Luo Yao ordered.


Put me down in front.


Luo Yao got out of the car, paid, and then turned straight into an alley. He had one more thing to do today, which was to inform Jiang Xiaoyu that classes would resume next week.

Jiang Xiaoyu's home did not have a phone. After the school changed, not only many students left, but many teachers also left. The dean who happened to know Jiang Xiaoyu's home address also resigned, and the new dean did not know where Jiang Xiaoyu's family lived.

I begged and begged, and my begging came to Luo Yao.

Luo Yao sent Jiang Xiaoyu home once. Although he didn't enter the house, he still knew the alley where Jiang Xiaoyu lived. At worst, he would knock on the door one by one.

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