The secret war is silent

Chapter 124 Notice

In fact, Luo Yao doesn't need to knock on the door of each house.

Jiang Xiaoyu is his colleague. Her footsteps and voice are naturally familiar. Just listen to it and you may know which company she is in.

However, he had no intention of using his hearing.

It is better to go one by one, knocking on doors and asking people. This is actually a kind of training. Talking to strangers and obtaining useful information is actually a kind of ability.

Sir, who are you looking for?

I'm looking for a young girl. She is a middle school teacher. Her surname is Jiang. She lives nearby. She and I are colleagues. I came here today to inform her about the school's resumption...

I'm sorry, I just moved here not long ago and I'm not very familiar with this place. Why don't you ask someone else to ask? the lady in cheongsam replied politely.

Excuse me……

I don't know, thank you...

This elder brother was more direct and closed the door with a bang.

I asked four or five people in a row, but they all said they didn't know Jiang Xiaoyu.

Luo Yao was not discouraged and moved on to the next one.

Oh, you are Xiao Jiang. That little girl is so beautiful, but it's a pity that she moved away. Finally, the male owner of a family knew about Jiang Xiaoyu's situation, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he gave Luo Yao an unexpected answer.

Moved. Do you know where she moved?

I don't know about that. The male host's answer caught Luo Yao off guard.

She didn't leave any contact information. For example, if someone came to find her, wouldn't they be able to find her? Luo Yao asked unwillingly.

I don't know about this. Otherwise, why don't you ask someone else to find out?

Xiao Jiang, we've moved away... Another door opened, and the person who opened the door was an aunt in her fifties. She got exactly the same answer as the elder brother just now.

When asked where they had moved, they all said they didn't know.

However, after asking about the house where Jiang Xiaoyu lived before moving out, Luo Yao decided to go and have a look. What if she left something to tell her the address of the person who came to see her?

Just as Luo Yao was about to knock on the door, the door was opened from the inside, and a middle-aged woman in her forties with short hair walked out holding a dog leash.

This was obviously a dog that was going out for a walk. The dog was not big, and it was not a rare breed. It looked like it was a mixed breed, commonly known as Chuan'er.

Sister, can I ask if a girl named Jiang Xiaoyu lived here before?

who are you?

I am a teacher at Shangzhi High School and a colleague of Teacher Jiang Xiaoyu Jiang. Luo Yao introduced quickly.

Oh, she moved away.

Where did you move to?

It seems to be on Hunan Street in the Special Third District. I don't know the specific address. The aunt walking the dog thought for a moment and said, You can ask the landlord. The landlord may know.

Thank you. Could you please tell me the landlord's address? Luo Yao asked humbly.

That's no problem. The eldest sister walking the dog was also enthusiastic and directly told Luo Yao the name and address of the landlord.

Luo Yao found the landlord based on the name and address provided by the dog-walking sister. After asking around, he found out that Jiang Xiaoyu's father was a Kaifuzhuang businessman and his family was quite wealthy.

She had no money and could not afford to go to school, so she went to a normal university and eventually became a middle school teacher.

The French Concession was blocked by the Japanese. Water and electricity were not supplied, and living supplies were scarce. The wealthy people who originally lived here began to flee.

Domestic garbage cannot be disposed of in some streets, and human and animal feces are even discharged randomly, creating a stench that fills the sky. Such an environment is naturally disliked by people.

The influx of refugees not only aggravates the deterioration of the concession's carrying capacity, but also causes the deterioration of the environment and the deterioration of public security, with frequent thefts and robberies.

The few manpower the patrol office had was not enough, and they had to maintain confrontations with the Japanese at various checkpoints. The French Concession authorities were also under great pressure.

Under such a situation, it is understandable that the Jiang family moved out of the French Concession. Everyone wants to live in a clean and safe environment.

Of course, Jiangcheng under Japanese control is not necessarily much better. It may be worse in some aspects. This is also a personal choice.

However, what he didn't expect was that Jiang Xiaoyu moved away without even saying hello. Even if he had to tell the school, it was appropriate.

Going out from the French Concession is not an easy task.

Luo Yao hesitated for a moment, whether to go to Special District 3 and inform Jiang Xiaoyu about the school's resumption of classes. After all, she was the school's current teacher and the head teacher.

The phone calls in the concession could still be reached. Luo Yao called the school and reported to the school about Jiang Xiaoyu's move.

He has fulfilled his duty in this matter.

Teacher Qin, since you have already found out the address where Teacher Jiang is moving, I would like to trouble you to inform Teacher Jiang about the resumption of classes next week.

But it's not easy to go out of the French Concession now. You have to spend money to buy a 'pass'. It costs eight French dollars at a time? Luo Yao made excuses not to go.

The school has paid for it, as long as you go.

Director Fan, I... Before Luo Yao could finish speaking, a beeping sound came from the other end of the phone, and he obviously hung up.

do you want to go?

Luo Yao was in trouble.

Logically speaking, he had just been to the Special Third District once. At this time, he should not take the risk again, but there was no problem with his identity.

Besides, there was a legitimate reason for going there this time, so even if there was an interrogation, there would be no problem.

But it's a bit late today.

We have made an appointment. Gong Hui will go home at noon today.

Here you go, stop hiding, come out. After returning home, Luo Yao stepped into the living room, put down the food he bought, and said directly.

Gong Hui chuckled, opened the door curtain from the kitchen and walked out: It's boring, it's like this every time, can't you pretend not to know?

Is it fun to coax the kids?

It's not interesting. Gong Hui snorted, took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket, handed it to Luo Yaodao, The list and contact code sent by dad.

Luo Yao took it over and took a look, then rolled up the paper, lit it with a match, and burned it to ashes. Just keep this thing in your mind. There is no need to keep any written information. It is too dangerous.

I will go personally to the meeting. Have you been to Gu Yuan's place? Luo Yao asked.

I finally found the time to go there. I don't have time to go there. Let's go in the afternoon. Gong Hui suddenly said coquettishly, Cousin, I haven't eaten your cooking for a long time...

Stop, what do you want to eat? Luo Yao felt a chill.

I see you bought meat and celery, and there are fungus at home. I want to eat musu meat.

Okay, you are really good at choosing, I will do it for you. Luo Yao stood up and said.

It turned out that Luo Yao was still hesitant about whether to reject the school and let him notify Jiang Xiaoyu about the resumption of classes, but now, it seems that he does not need to think about it.

The meeting place was a Cantonese restaurant in Tesan District.

It's not very far from Hunan Street. It's only a four- to five-hundred-meter walk, which is considered a convenient way.

In the cell of the Jiangcheng Military Police Special High School Section.

Duomen Erlang prepared a table of food and wine, and personally came to eat with Liu Jinbao. This kind of treatment was rare among the many traitors in Jiangcheng.

Liu Sang, how are you? Is this food delicious?

It's not bad. Liu Jinbao munched away at the desk, showing a very bachelor temperament, a bit like breaking a jar, and his attitude towards Domen Erlang was not as respectful as others.

But that's it, in the eyes of Domen Erlang, Liu Jinbao feels real.

As long as it suits Liu Sang's taste. Domen Erlang chuckled. Liu Jinbao was the only bargaining chip in his hand now. To use a Chinese saying, rare things can be found.

I've told you everything I know, why are you here? Liu Jinbao asked in confusion. He was actually faithfully following the steps in the script written by Luo Yao for him.

Japanese people are cheap at heart. If you rush to flatter you, they may not necessarily value you or like you. But the more you don't take them seriously, the more they will value you. Of course, this degree is not surprising. You need to know which method to use for whom.

If you encounter someone who has no patience and likes simplicity and roughness, you can't use this car strategy. It's just making yourself uncomfortable.

Only a person like Domon Jiro, who prides himself on being talented and somewhat arrogant, would fall for this trick.

Although Liu Sang has provided us with a lot of useful information, based on this information, what we have gained is not very big...

I've told you everything, I know I've told you everything, what else do you want?

Liu Sang, we can actually cooperate. As long as you tell me everything you know, I won't treat you badly. Domen Erlang said.

I thought you would reward me with a peanut?

No, no, we are thirsty for talents like Liu Sang. If we kill them, wouldn't it be a waste of talents? Domen Erlang said.

Liu Jinbao smiled brilliantly: I'm not interested in your high-ranking officials and generous salaries. If you don't want to kill me, either lock me up or let me go, it doesn't matter.

After saying that, he threw away his chopsticks and said, I'm full. If Mr. Domen is okay, I'll go to bed.

Liu Sang, we have shown enough sincerity, what else are you dissatisfied with? Domen Erlang was a little unhappy. He had said so softly, but Liu Jinbao still refused to submit, which made him very unhappy. face.

Mr. Domen, I have said enough. The military rules are very cruel. I am now a traitor to them. They will punish me at all costs.

Liu Sang only has a chance to survive if he cooperates with us.

Are you familiar with them, or am I familiar with them? Liu Jinbao snorted, Can you still protect me 24 hours a day? They are all-pervasive, unless you send me to Japan, in which case they will not be able to Within reach?

Liu Sang, if you are willing to cooperate, after the matter is completed, we can send you to live in Shanghai or other places, so that they will not be able to do anything to you. Domen Erlang promised.

I want to send Ping'er away first, is that okay? Liu Jinbao thought about it and said.

Of course. Seeing Liu Jinbao relent, Domen Erlang couldn't help but smile. This guy's weakness was the woman named Ping'er and the child in her belly.

Send her out of Jiangcheng. When she gets there, ask her to call me, take a photo with the local landmark and mail it to me. Liu Jinbao said.

Liu Sang is really attentive.

If I am more thoughtful about cooperating with you, otherwise, half of it will be buried in the earth. Liu Jinbao said, This is my condition, will you agree to it?

This condition is not too harsh, I agree. Domen Erlang said.

Before I leave, I would like to see Ping'er and say a few words, is that okay? Liu Jinbao asked.


It’s coming to shelves! ! !

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