The secret war is silent

Chapter 128 RDX (please order first)

After the Yang father and son left, the Jiang family couldn't eat the food on the table, so they paid the bill and left. The food on the table was considered a waste.

Good luck to the guys at Jufanglou.

The customers basically didn't use their chopsticks, so they couldn't sell it to other customers, so they should be able to eat it themselves without any problem.

He originally wanted to find an excuse to avoid notifying Jiang Xiaoyu, but now that he had encountered it, he thought for a moment. Regardless of whether he could help or not, he should first find out where the Jiang family lived.

Man, the guest in room 208 just now... Luo Yao finished his meal and went downstairs to pay.

Sir, you didn't conflict with them, did you? the manager in charge of settling the accounts asked slightly nervously.

Oh, no, I just touched him when I came out. I apologized to him, but he still scolded me. Luo Yao chuckled, I don't have the same experience as them.

It's best if you don't have a common understanding with him. The Yang family and his son have now joined the Japanese, and they are extremely arrogant. The manager shook his head and sighed, He used to be nothing in Jiangcheng.

I heard others call him President Yang?

He is now the president of the Shouchang Sustaining Association.

President of the Shouchang Maintenance Association? Luo Yao understood. No wonder he was so arrogant. He also knew who this President Yang was. Yang Zan, this old guy is a member of the gang. He seems to be quite senior and should belong to the big group. Generational. (This character is a fabrication, please do not take it personally)

After the Japanese army entered the city, he was one of the first people to collude with the Japanese and become a traitor.

No wonder his son dared to say such big words that the Jiang family's cloth shop would not be able to continue to operate. It turned out that he was being used as a dog by Japan, and the dog was fighting against human power.

It seems that I have an excuse to intervene?

No. 26, Lane 4, Zhongfuli.

This was Jiang Xiaoyu's new moving address. Luo Yao didn't come directly to the door, he just made sure and left first. He had some concerns about this matter.

Since Jiang Xiaoyu didn't want to marry that Yang Fei, he would secretly help her as an explanation to the girl who had a crush on him.

If you really want to watch a tragedy happen, but he is indifferent, if you do nothing, your conscience will be uneasy.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Yao returned to the French Concession and went directly to the Sunshine Cafe.

Business was very light. There were a few foreigners drinking coffee. Judging from their attire, they should be journalists or translators.

There is a camera on the table, which is made by Leica in Germany.

Luo Yao came in through the front door. Like other guests, he ordered a cup of coffee, sat down and tasted it slowly. After waiting for a short while, Xiao Dongbei Qiao Sanyang came in.

He sat down in front of Luo Yao and ordered an American cup.

Team leader, it has been confirmed that there are only thirty of them, and their life is not easy. They want to spend three thousand French currency first.

Give it to them. Soldiers are valuable, not too many. Those who don't want to come, don't force them. Luo Yao said, But as long as they are willing to come, they must obey the orders. Anyone who violates the family rules will be severely punished.


Let them cut off all contact with those who do not want to come over as soon as possible. From now on, they will never be allowed to have any contact with them in Jiangcheng. Violators will be kicked out of the direct team. Luo Yao said, This rule, you must Make it clear to them.”

Understood, this funding?

Ask Xiaohui to get it for you, just tell me what I ordered.

Take three thousand yuan from me at once. It's really fun for you to spend money. Luo Yao excused himself to go to the bathroom and entered Gong Hui's office.

There is no other way. We have to let the horses run and feed them.

No, the superiors wouldn't do this, right? Gong Hui said in surprise.

It is probably the fault of our District Chief Li. The funds of our direct group do not go to Jiangcheng District. Huang Yan and others are different. The funds used to be distributed through Jiangcheng District. Li Guochen has always wanted to capture these people in his own hands. Tang Xin thought about it too, but this person is always in Jiangcheng District. Now that it’s done, it’s given to us, and Li Guokan hasn’t cut off the funds yet,” said Luo Yao.

Isn't Li Guokan too courageous?

He didn't say he wouldn't give it. He just has temporary difficulties. What can you do to him? Luo Yaodao said, But people like Huang Yan can't wait. They don't have money. They can't live. We can't expect them to go out to work and earn money. ?

Okay, I will ask Li Guokan for this money sooner or later. You can pick up this group of people first and learn about each person's request. I will then send a telegram to the teacher to see if I can check it. Files, we have to know a lot about these people. Luo Yao ordered.

Well, I understand.

Also, contact Old Tang for me. I'll discuss something with him.

Deputy District Officer Tang?


What's going on?

Luo Yao didn't say anything.

Okay, why don't I just ask? Gong Hui curled her lips and snorted.

Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. This is a rule. You still don't understand? Luo Yao said, If I can let you know, can I still hide it from you?

Okay, I understand, please stop nagging. Gong Hui was still very serious about business, I followed your instructions and went to see Gu Yuan and asked him some questions. I felt that he Lao Liu should not have been betrayed.

I know this.

You know, why are you still scaring him? Gong Hui said, You've scared him to such an extent that people are almost going crazy because of you.

If Gu Yuan only has this little mental quality, he should not stay in the direct group as soon as possible and go back to work at the bureau headquarters. It will be much safer there. Luo Yao said.

I heard from the vixen named Xu that after Gu Yuan talked to you, he sat alone in the room all night without eating or sleeping. He thought he was scared to death. Gong Hui said.

What vixen? They are also members of our direct group, our classmates, don't give them random nicknames. Luo Yao corrected.

I just like to call her vixen. What's wrong? She calls me tigress anyway. Why can she call her but I can't? Gong Hui said dissatisfied.

She called you Tigress?

Well, Gu Yuan told me that she often said bad things about me in front of Gu Yuan. Gong Hui said dissatisfied.

You two can't have a better relationship. We are lurking behind enemy lines. Don't let your meaningless fighting spirit affect your work. When the time comes, don't blame me for transferring you all. This will save you trouble in front of me. Heart. Luo Yao said seriously.

If she wants to leave, she must leave...

What did you say?

It's nothing, a guest outside called me. I have to go out to greet the guests. Gong Hui quickly found an excuse to escape. If Luo Yao really got angry, she would really be a little scared.

Tang Xin's secret stronghold in the Special Second District (formerly the Japanese Concession). After the Japanese army occupied Jiangcheng, it reverted to the Japanese Concession, but it was still called the Special Second District.

The River God made an appointment with me, when and where? Tang Xin was a little surprised when he received the news, Just in time, I also want to do something with him.

Deputy district leader, I heard that most of the district leader was cut off by a group of people from the direct group. Could it be related to this matter? Song Yue, assistant secretary-general and leader of the action team, speculated.

We, District Leader Li, are really capable of doing what we do. So how much does Boss Dai value the River God? He doesn't have any idea? Tang Xin sneered.

Now there's something good to watch!

What a show, that's your idea. Our river god brothers will never have trouble with District Chief Li at this time. Tang Xin scolded.

No, Deputy District Leader, how can he endure such a big deal? Song Yue asked suspiciously.

This is why I am the leader of the direct team stationed in Jiangcheng, and you are just my action team leader. Tang Xin explained, River God will never have a conflict with District Chief Li because of this matter. This is undoubtedly It's a matter of pain for relatives and joy for enemies. Even if my relationship with Li Guochen was so tense, I didn't fall out with him because I knew that if something happened to me, they would be the ones who could help us, do you understand?


You come with me tomorrow.

General Foch Street, Dadong Hotel.

The place where Luo Yao met with Tang Xin was the boss Song He, yes, that Song He, now under the pseudonym: Hua Xiaolou. After the bait plan was completed, Major General Qian Zhibin, deputy director of the Transportation Department of the Ninth Theater Command, was charged with espionage He was arrested and sentenced to twenty years in prison by a military court.

After Song He took revenge for stealing his wife, he could no longer work for the transportation department, so he simply joined the military and became a member of the River God group. He, Ma Shiqing and Sheng Fei formed a team The independent intelligence group is mainly responsible for the collection of relevant intelligence in the French Concession and has close relations with the underground intelligence community.

Dadong Hotel is the base of the three of their main activities.

Luo Yao placed the meeting place with Tang Xin here for safety reasons. Now there are really not many safe places in other places.

Have the guests arrived?

Take the stairs to the right on the second floor. There are two people in the second room. Song He raised his head, saw Luo Yao's face clearly, and hurriedly lowered his voice to report.

Well, look at the door. Luo Yao nodded and put a leather bag on the counter, Save some money for next month's expenses.

Thank you, team leader. Song He thanked him. It was enough to open this Dadong Hotel to eat, but it was not enough to buy and sell information on the black market.

These funds are used to buy information, and of course sometimes they sell some information. Basically, if you buy more and sell less, you will naturally spend money.

Brother Tang!

Brother Luo, long time no see.

When the two met, they naturally gave each other a big hug. Tang Xin asked Song Yue to go out and watch, while he stayed alone to talk to Luo Yao alone.

Brother, those nine earth-shattering cannon blasts during the Japanese army's entry into the city not only killed hundreds of Japanese soldiers, but also almost sent Neji Okamura, an old Japanese soldier, to the West. But that shocked me so much, brother! Tang Xin said with envy.

That's luck. I'm a blind cat who meets a dead mouse. When it comes to assassinating Japanese invaders and eradicating traitors, it's your specialty, brother. Since the Japanese army entered the city, the action team under my brother has made the Japanese People don't dare to go out alone when it gets dark. Luo Yao complimented.

Sit down, let's stop flattering each other. Brother, I want to do something big. Brother Luo, you have to help me. Tang Xin said straight to the point.

do what?

I have received reliable news that on the 26th of this month, the Jiangcheng Vigilante Committee supported by the Jiangcheng Secret Service Department will be established. There will be many Japanese and traitors coming by then. I want to have a spoonful of stew and blow them all to the sky. Tang Xin said.

Brother, this matter is not easy. Do you have a plan?

Well, I already have a plan, so you don't have to worry about this. Tang Xin said, Brother, everything is ready now. I just owe Dongfeng.

Whatever my brother wants, I can't find it. I won't refuse.

RDX, RDX. Tang Xin said.

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