The secret war is silent

Chapter 129 Exchange

Luo Yao was stunned for a moment, then showed a surprised look: Old Tang, how did you know that I have RDX in my hand?

Tang Xin chuckled: Brother Heshen, your teacher is our military explosives expert. Others may have never heard of RDX, but for you, I'm afraid it's very easy to get it.

Luo Yao suddenly realized.

The teacher Yu Jie is the most famous chemistry expert in the military system. Although he is not a serious doctor, he has the title of doctor in the military system.

I have some RDX here, but will your people play with this thing? Luo Yao asked, this is not black powder and yellow gunpowder. There are strict regulations on the transportation and storage of RDX, and It's also very poisonous. If you don't hurt anyone, you'll hurt yourself first.

Don't worry about this. My people can't get RDX out, but there's no problem with this thing. Tang Xin assured him, patting his chest.

How much do you want? Luo Yao was able to gain a foothold in Jiangcheng. Tang Xin helped a lot. Without Tang Xin's help, he and Gong Hui would have been alone, let alone the kappa group. , I’m afraid even the “ghost” station may not be found.

Borrowing others' strength and inheriting their affection.

Luo Yao is not a person who knows how to repay kindness, and Tang Xin will not ask him for nothing. Even if he asks for something, it will be measured and will not make him too embarrassed.

This makes Luo Yao feel very comfortable getting along with Tang Xin. Although he also knows that Tang Xin is a person with a bad temper and often beats and scolds his subordinates, but he has never lost his temper with him. , got angry once.

Do you have ten kilograms?

Ten kilograms, what do you need so much for? Luo Yao was shocked. With so much RDX, it could sink a thousand-ton warship.

How could he get so much RDX just by destroying the establishment of the vigilante association?

Eight kilograms, you should have eight kilograms, right?

No, I will give you five kilograms at most.

make a deal!

Luo Yao regretted it as soon as he opened his mouth. This guy had calculated it well. He couldn't give him so much. He deliberately said a number. He also agreed and really believed it.

If I wasn't careful, I made a stupid mistake and fell into a trap.

Hey, I knew I would definitely help my brother with this. Don't worry, when the time comes to report the merits to the superiors, your share will be indispensable. Tang Xin said with a proud smile of successful.

When do you want it?

Just a day or two. Tang Xin said.

Well, it will still be here tomorrow. I will send someone to deliver it to you. Luo Yao nodded.

Okay. Tang Xin agreed, By the way, it's not you who wants to see me. What's the matter?

How much do you know about Yang Zan, the president of the Shouchang Maintenance Association? Luo Yao asked with a slight hesitation.

What, brother, what do you think?

Shouldn't we severely crack down on such traitors who are willing to serve as lackeys of the Japanese?

Yes. Tang Xin changed the topic and smiled, But your brother will not attack someone for no reason. Has Yang Zan provoked you?

I was eating at Jufanglou and happened to meet him. Yang Zan has a son named Yang Fei, who works as a translator in the Japanese Military Police. Do you know?

I really don't know about this, brother, just tell me, what do you want me to do for you? Tang Xin is also a straight person and will not speculate on other people's thoughts.

I would like to ask you to help me check on Yang Fei's situation. Luo Yao said.

Just this kid? Tang Xin asked strangely, Is there something wrong with you?

There is something wrong, but it's not convenient to tell. I would like you, Old Tang, to keep it a secret for me. I don't want anyone to know about it, said Luo Yao.

Private matter? Tang Xin asked.


Okay, I won't ask anymore. Your brother has always done things well. Don't worry, I will take care of this matter. I promise to investigate for you how many meals this boy eats, how many times he pees and what women he sleeps with every day. It's all right. Tang Xin assured.


Why are you being polite to me? Compared to those five kilograms of RDX, I've got a big advantage. Tang Xin smiled. After getting RDX, his plan can be officially launched.

Jiangcheng Military Police Special High School Detention Center.

How's it going, Liu Sang, this is a telegram from Shanghai. Miss Ping'er has arrived safely. She is arranged in Hongkou District. She can receive 60 yen in living expenses every month from Tongyuan Yang Company, which is enough to guarantee She has lived a relatively wealthy life in Shanghai. Domen Erlang personally came to see Liu Jinbao with a telegram.

What's the last word in the telegram? Liu Jinbao asked without even getting up, lying on the straw mat in the cell with his legs crossed.

The last word? Domenjiro was stunned for a moment. He really didn't pay attention to this. He hurriedly picked up the message and looked directly at the last word.

It's the word 'cut'.

That's right. It seems that you did send Ping'er to Shanghai and you didn't lie to me. Liu Jinbao sat up. If this word was missing, it would mean that Duomen Erlang had lied to him.

He asked Ping'er to add this word when he arrived at Di'er. It was an agreement between him and Ping'er.

Liu Sang is really thoughtful. He still has such a skill. He deserves to be from the temporary training class. Domen Erlang exclaimed.

I said, when cooperating with you Japanese, you have to be careful. Who knows if you will get tricked. Liu Jinbao jumped out of bed, Tell me, what do you want me to do?

Everything you know about the temporary training class.

Aren't the agents of your intelligence department very powerful? Why haven't you figured out the situation of the temporary training class until now? Liu Jinbao said with disdain.

You are also engaged in intelligence. You should understand that any piece of intelligence needs to be corroborated with each other. Once you trust one person's intelligence, the consequences will be extremely serious. There are many such lessons, aren't there? Menjiro asked rhetorically.

Okay, you ask and I answer, or should I trace it out for you, or write it down with a pen for you? Liu Jinbao said as if he was willing to cooperate.

Of course it would be best if Liu Sang wrote it down with a pen.

Okay, then should I write it here?

No, no, the conditions here are too simple. We have prepared a very comfortable office for Liu Sang. You can write there. Domen Erlang said hurriedly.

That's fine.

Domen Erlang still seems a little hesitant about Liu Jinbao's cooperation, but he feels that he has control over Liu Jinbao's fate and he doesn't dare to play any tricks.

Of course, a self-reflection letter must be written, and it must be published in the newspaper to explain. This is a necessary procedure that Chongqing elements must go through anyway.

Four or five days had passed since the attack on Tang Ji. Gu Mosheng had also been frightened for four or five days. Except for necessary outings, he did not dare to step out of the police station the rest of the time.

The Japanese were frantically searching for the murderer, but in the Special Third District, there was not much progress.

The people who attacked Tang Kee seemed to appear out of thin air, and then disappeared out of thin air, just like ghosts, coming and going without a trace.

Having such an enemy is a terrible thing.

Han Bureau, the 'River God' team must be hiding in the French Concession. Otherwise, there is no way to explain how they appeared and suddenly disappeared.

Brother Mo Sheng, what do you want to do?

Can you ask Minister Duomen to send troops directly into the French Concession to conduct searches?

It's impossible. The French Concession authorities won't agree. It might lead to a diplomatic dispute. At least there isn't enough reason to do so now.

If the culprit of the 'shelling' case during the entrance ceremony was hidden in the French Concession, do you think the Japanese would let this opportunity pass? Gu Mosheng said through gritted teeth.

Where's the evidence?

As long as Liu Jinbao speaks, this is the evidence! Gu Mosheng's eyes were red. If he didn't catch the military command team that attacked Tang Ji, he would definitely have trouble sleeping and eating. Could it be that he had been hiding in the police station all his life and didn't dare to show his face?

Too cowardly.

If Liu Jinbao confesses that the murderer who 'shelled' General Okamura during the city entry was hiding in the French Concession, this would indeed give the Japanese an excuse to forcefully send troops into the French Concession to conduct searches, but they must have accurate information. Han Liangze said.

I'll send someone!

Brother Mo Sheng, are you sure? Han Liangze asked.

How will you know if it doesn't work if you don't try? Gu Mosheng said through gritted teeth.

Okay, I'll do what you say. If I have accurate information, I'll tell Minister Duomen. Han Liangze also knew that the River God team not only threatened Gu Mo Sheng, but also threatened his safety.

The last time he almost fell into the hands of the River God group, the grudge had been settled long ago, not to mention the grievances between the Central Commander-in-Chief and the Military Commander-in-Chief.

If we could borrow the help of the Japanese and seize the opportunity to reunify the army, we would be able to avenge the last time we were dismissed and put under house arrest.

The next day, we were still at Dadong Hotel.

This is the information requested by the 'River God'. Please pass it on to my brother. Song Yue handed Qiao Sanyang a kraft paper document bag with a seal on it.

The team leader asked me to tell you what you want. Be careful. This thing cannot be exposed to heat or collision, otherwise we will not care if something happens. Qiao Sanyang also handed Song Yue a paper bag and explained solemnly.

Got it. Song Yue took the Rex Gold and left quickly. Qiao Sanyang also went to Luo Yao with the relevant documents and information given by Song Yue.

With money and funds, life was settled. Huang Yan and the thirty people naturally settled down. Luo Yao began to give them new identities based on each person's experience and expertise, and arranged for them to lurk.

It took three days just to arrange the lurking work of these people. Finally, all thirty people were arranged, and this matter was considered to have come to an end.

It’s time for schools to resume classes.

Luo Yao still went to school. If he gave up this job, it would be more difficult to find a cover identity, especially the relationship between him and the teachers and students' parents established through Zhou Min and Lao Wu.

So, he still had to go.

Teacher Qin Ming, come to my office! On the first day of class resumption, Luo Yao was called to the office by the new dean Fan Jingyin.


As soon as Qin Ming entered the office, Director Fan asked: Teacher Qin, didn't I ask you to notify Teacher Jiang Xiaoyu of the resumption of classes? Why didn't you go?

Well, Director Fan, Teacher Jiang has moved. I really don't know where she has moved. How do you want me to notify you? Luo Yao explained hurriedly.

Didn't you call me and tell me that Teacher Jiang has moved to Hunan Street in Special District 3?

Yes, Hunan Street in the Third District is so big and there is no specific address. How do I know where she lives? Luo Yao said, Look, why don't you post a notice in the newspaper? Teacher Jiang will see it and come to class naturally.

No need, I've already found out the specific address of Teacher Jiang's home. It's up to you to inform her so that she can come to work tomorrow! Fan Jingyin said.

Ah? Luo Yao was a little surprised. What was Director Fan doing? Since he already knew the address of Jiang Xiaoyu's home, why did he have to call him or find someone to inform him?

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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