The secret war is silent

Chapter 135 The team leader killed someone!

Domenjiro had a bunch of blisters on his lips, it was because he was getting angry.

Another explosion!

Although this explosion was small compared to the shelling more than twenty days ago, the impact was not small.

The casualties last time were basically Japanese soldiers, and the ones killed this time were traitors. To Domen, they should be people friendly to Japan.

These people are all tool men for their use of China to control China. Without these tool men, how can we obtain war materials and support war with war?

War supplies include more than just weapons and ammunition. Weapons and ammunition are only a small part of them. Food, cloth, fuel, etc. can all play a decisive role in the war.

Especially food and clothing. If the soldiers don't have enough to eat or wear warm clothes, how can they have the strength to fight?

In addition, various other supplies and military expenditures are also needed. Japan's domestic finances have long been unable to make ends meet, and the fiscal deficit is even more frightening.

The reason why Jiangcheng was occupied was not only due to political and military considerations, but also economic considerations. Cutting off the economic lifeline of the National Government and forcing the government to surrender was also one of the factors.

At the same time, after capturing Jiangcheng, Jiangcheng's future taxes and resources can also benefit the subsequent war with China, reducing reliance on China.

The purpose of Japan's war of aggression against China was not only its territorial ambitions on the mainland, but also its demand for resources and population, as well as the transfer of domestic conflicts and many other factors.

The top Japanese military officials did not want to turn Jiangcheng into another Jinling. Although that would be pleasant, in the end, the gains outweighed the losses.

Using China to control China is the most suitable policy at present. Domon Jiro is very clear about the intentions of the higher-ups, so he was entrusted with the important task of coming to Jiangcheng to serve as the secret service minister.

However, although the Japanese army occupied Jiangcheng easily, it was not easy to rule the city easily.

He underestimated the determination and will of the Chinese people to resist, and also underestimated the anti-Japanese organizations lurking in Jiangcheng. Whether they were military or civilian organizations, they all gave him a blow!

The struggle will not stop, it will only become more and more hidden, the methods will become more and more sophisticated, and the lethality will become greater and greater.

It's simply a matter of precaution.

Yoshino-kun, how many casualties are there?

Still counting, it is estimated that there are more than a hundred people... The disgraced Major Yoshino reported in embarrassment.

You stay to treat the wounded and comfort the wounded. These Chinese cannot be equated with other people. This is the basis for the Japanese Empire to rule Jiangcheng!


For such a big event, how could Police Chief Han Liangze, who is the vice-president, not show up? In fact, the police department is also involved in security work.

The security work within the venue is completed by the police station.

Han Liangze was lucky. He only had a slight scratch on his skin and was slightly frightened. However, he was not in danger, but he broke out in a cold sweat.

Brother Han, what do you think of this bombing attack? Domen Erlang was a little proud in his heart. He and Han Liangze were classmates, but when they were in school, Han Liangze was an outstanding student, and he was very ordinary. , so, deep down, he wanted to compete with Han Liangze.

This... Han Liangze didn't expect Domen Erlang to ask him this question.

It's not that it's hard to answer, but this question is too big. If you give a general answer, the other party will probably not be satisfied. He knows Duomen's character very well. He is very competitive and pretentious at heart. If you give a bad answer, he will be offended. If you feel unhappy, you will be in trouble.

Brother Han, don't worry, just say whatever you have to say.

Mr. Duomen, I feel that the enemy is hiding and we are hiding. We are too passive if we continue like this. If we don't crack down on their arrogance, this type of attacks will continue to happen in the future, and we will be exhausted to deal with it. Han Liangze said slightly He organized his language and said.

Go on.

I think a special agency should be established to deal with the sabotage and attacks of these underground anti-Japanese elements. Han Liangze said.

Isn't there now the Military Police Special High School Division and the Detective Division?


Whatever you have to say, speak freely in front of me. Domon Jiro said, There is no need to be taboo.

The Gendarmerie's Special Course is certainly powerful, but they have a weakness, that is, they are not familiar with the situation in Jiangcheng. As for the Detective Division, although they are familiar with the situation in Jiangcheng, they are subject to many restrictions on their actions, especially when investigating cases. The required procedures are extremely cumbersome. Even if you have clues in your hand, the day lily will be cold by the time you get the permit. Han Liangze said.

Well, that makes sense. Brother Han, you are indeed a bystander. There is poor communication and coordination between the Military Police Special High School Division and the Detective Team. This is also a headache for me. Do you have any good suggestions?


Brother Han, why are you still hiding this?

I have a suggestion, but I don't know if Mr. Domen can accept it?

I'm all ears.

Select elite agents from both Japan and China to set up a special investigation section within the Xiakou Police Headquarters to investigate cases involving anti-Japanese elements. The military police will provide professional guidance to the special high-level courses. What do you think of Mr. Duomen? Han Liangze asked.

Xinxi, your proposal is good, I will seriously consider it. Hearing this, Domen Erlang couldn't help but his eyes lit up. This proposal spoke to his heart.

Han Liangze smiled and said nothing.

Brother Han is also injured? Domen Erlang noticed the blood on Han Liangze's forehead and asked with concern.

It's not much of a problem. It's just a layer of skin scratched by the force of the backlash and a little blood. It's much better than others. Han Liangze said.

Brother Han, it's better to bandage it to prevent the wound from getting infected.


Minister... Domon Jiro's adjutant Akagi ran over, came to his side, and whispered in a whisper.

Nani, are you sure?

Judging from the residue of the explosion at the scene, our blasting experts determined that this is most likely RDX. Akagi said.

Impossible, where did the Chinese get such high explosives? Domon Jiro's first reaction was, this is impossible. Even the Empire of Japan has not mastered the preparation technology of RDX, and the poor and backward China does not have it at all. There may be such technology that can produce RDX explosives.

Akagi looked down at his shoes. He couldn't answer this question.


This is never a good thing.

If the Chinese could produce this kind of high explosive on a large scale, it would definitely be a terrible disaster for the empire.

Thinking of this, Domonjiro shivered all over, and a chill rushed to the back of his head.

Akagi, you must confirm for me whether it is RDX. What I want is not a yes or no answer. Domon Jiro said.


Let's go and visit President Ji Guozhen.

Luo Yao doesn't necessarily go to Sunshine Cafe every day, and he doesn't want to appear too frequently, which will attract too much attention.

But for Gong Hui, after not seeing Luo Yao for a day, she felt something was missing in her heart. However, she knew the principle of lurking in occupied areas, so she wanted to keep a distance from Luo Yao as much as possible.

Of course, since they are now cousins, there is no problem in communicating with each other.

Not seeing each other for one night was no problem, but after not seeing each other for three consecutive nights, she couldn't help but murmur in her heart that even if she didn't see each other, she still needed a phone call.

However, now there is not even a phone call, which is a bit strange.

She wanted to call Shangzhi Middle School where Luo Yao worked, but Luo Yao warned him that she would never be allowed to call the school to find him unless necessary.

Therefore, she endured it again and again, but finally did not make the call.

It’s okay not to call, but you can always go see him after closing time, right?

Gong Hui thought that when she passed by his door, it would be fine as long as she saw someone at home. As long as she didn't come in... it still wouldn't work. This guy's ears were very good. As long as she passed by the door, he would definitely be able to hear her.

Gong Hui struggled in her heart for seven or eight times, but finally couldn't hold it back. She gritted her teeth and decided to go to Huanshanli No. 26 to have a look after closing time.

Don’t worry if you don’t look at it.

Getting closer and closer to Luo Yao's residence.

When she looked up, the lights were on in the small study room on the second floor, and a person's back was reflected on the window. Gong Hui's nervous heart dropped.

Now that she was at home, she felt relieved. She was about to turn around and leave when she suddenly turned around again and took a closer look at the figure. Gong Hui frowned instantly.

Gong Hui stepped forward and knocked on the door.

At this time, the light in the study room on the second floor attic suddenly went out.

Something's wrong!

Gong Hui was too familiar with Luo Yao. Even if Luo Yao didn't want to see her, it would be impossible for him to behave in such a childish way. This would attract the attention of the neighbors, which was not in line with the low-key approach of a lurker.

The correct approach should be to let people in first, even if they don't want to, so as not to disturb the neighbors next door. How could Luo Yao make such a stupid mistake?

A mere door cannot stop Gong Hui at all.

A hairpin can easily solve the problem, not to mention that this was once her home and she was too familiar with everything in it.

After entering, I quickly felt around the house.

Based on Gong Hui's understanding of Luo Yao, he should have known that he had come in a long time ago. It would be pointless to deliberately hide at this time.

However, Luo Yao did not show up to meet him.

Gong Hui's heart was beating wildly. She thought something had happened to Luo Yao and it was a trap. She quickly turned around and rushed out.

At this time, a big hand patted her shoulder in the darkness. Gong Hui's whole body tensed up, and she immediately let go and fought back. The two collided in the darkness.

Old Man!

Gong Hui!

During this encounter, both of them recognized each other.

Turn on the lights.

The two looked at each other.

Lao Man, how could it be you, the team leader? Gong Hui asked eagerly.

Mancang sighed, not daring to look at Gong Hui. He actually didn't know very well, but he just followed Luo Yao's orders faithfully.

The team leader went to work, and he asked me to stay for two nights for him. After all, he has a lot of secrets here. Mancang explained with a stern expression, I also said that I can't let you know, especially.

What do you mean, why can't you let me know? Gong Hui said angrily, What did he do without telling us? Is this considered an unauthorized act?

The team leader said this is his private matter...

Lao Man, can the team leader's private affairs be considered private affairs? Gong Hui asked, You are confused, do you believe this?

If the team leader doesn't tell me, what can I do?

If he doesn't tell you, why don't you ask? Gong Hui was angry and anxious. He knew that Mancang was an honest man with no ill intentions, but he didn't expect him to be so honest.

I only know that the team leader killed people, and many of them were Japanese. Mancang held it in for a long time before saying.

Ah?! Gong Hui's hair stood up in shock, Lao Man, you are so honest. Why don't you let us know about such a big matter?

The team leader won't let me say...

Gong Hui couldn't help but touch her forehead, her head hurt.

Haha, I'll be back!

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