The secret war is silent

Chapter 136 Passing the test

Could it be that the explosion at the founding meeting of the pseudo-vigilante committee of the Commercial Bank this morning... Gong Hui asked in surprise. Who in Jiangcheng doesn't know about that loud noise?

Probably not. Mancang shook his head.

What is that, Lao Man, you don't know anything about it, right? Gong Hui was speechless. How could Mancang not ask anything?

The military commander has family rules. Don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked. He is the team leader. If he doesn't tell me, what else can I do? Mancang explained matter-of-factly.

I said you are so stubborn?

To tell you the truth, the team leader asked me to move in just because he was afraid that you would know about it. Mancang said with a smile, But he still couldn't guess that you would find me.

The difference between the two of you is so huge. If you hadn't turned on the lights and sat near the window, I might not have been able to notice. Gong Hui explained.

Mancang slapped his forehead in annoyance: I was negligent.

Did he say, what will happen if I find you out? Gong Hui laughed in anger and asked casually.



The team leader said that if I was discovered by Gong Hui, I must advise her not to act rashly. Also, don't send a telegram to inform dad. Wait at least three days before talking. Mancang said.

Then what day is today?

first day.

Gong Hui smiled bitterly: It seems that I discovered you on the first day. I should feel a sense of accomplishment.

Mancang was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer. Luo Yao had told him that once Gong Hui found out, in addition to stopping her from doing stupid things, he should also pretend not to know and act dumb when asked some questions.

Yan Ming, a shrewd man, might not be able to do this, but Mancang is an honest and straightforward person, so it would not arouse Gong Hui's suspicion.

Even if Gong Hui was suspicious, there was nothing she could do, because in actual combat, Gong Hui could defeat Mancang, but she couldn't do anything to him.

The team leader said that you have to wait at least three days. After three days, you can send a telegram to dad! Mancang said, Otherwise, you will ruin the team leader's plan.

Plan, can't he discuss anything with us in the future? Gong Hui said, Does the River God Group belong to him alone?

I believe the team leader must have his reasons for doing this... Mancang said.

Okay, I know the severity. If he comes back safely this time, I will give him a good beating! Gong Hui gritted her teeth and said, If he takes risks behind our backs again, I will beat him until he can't take care of himself.

Luo Yao passed the military police special class and was tortured. He was held in jail for another night and was not arraigned until the next morning.

This time, besides him, there was Fan Jingyin.

It was obvious that the Japanese wanted to confront them face to face.

When the Japanese asked them to confront them, they obviously believed at least half of what they said, and Fan Jingyin's accusation was purely a false accusation.

Sure enough, this time the interrogator was a different Japanese captain. Of course, the Umino Military Police second lieutenant who interrogated him before was also there.

Fan Jingyin, at noon on the 24th of this month, you were treating guests to dinner at Shengji. The guests eating were all your first-grade teachers from the high school department of Shangzhi Middle School, right?


Did you drink at noon that day, and you were so drunk that you asked Teacher Qin Ming to take you home?


Teacher Qin Ming doesn't know your home address. You tell him an address, No. 17, Changleli, right?

Fan Jingyin hesitated for a moment and wanted to say no, but when he saw Luo Yao, who was also beaten and covered with bruises, he knew that he would definitely not be able to lie, so he nodded: Yes.

You said you fell asleep after getting on the pedal rickshaw. When you woke up, you were in bed at home and found that it was already dark outside?

Yes, Taijun, I didn't kill anyone. Really, it was Qin Ming who did the killing... Fan Jingyin suddenly became emotional.

Fan Jingyin, you are slanderous. I sent you to Changle. You said you would go back after a few steps, and then you got out of the car and asked me to leave. You also asked me to pay the fare... Luo Yao also refuted the angry master. road.

Qin Ming, you bastard, you are hurting me... Fan Jingyin was about to pounce on Luo Yao, his eyes were about to split, and he looked like he wanted to fight him desperately, but he was held down by two Japanese military policemen. .

I have no grievances against you. What did I do to you?

You are Mr. Yang Fei's love rival. It was Mr. Yang Fei who asked me to trick you that day and wanted to teach you a lesson... Fan Jingyin struggled and said loudly.

This is the time to not tell the truth. Fan Jingyin knows that his future is worrying.

Yang Fei? The interrogating Japanese captain looked confused. The round-faced translator beside him quickly leaned into his ear and explained to him who Yang Fei was.

Luo Yao looked confused. Of course, he was pretending. He really shouldn't know who Yang Fei was.

Fan Jingyin, tell me clearly, why is Qin Ming Master Yang Fei's love rival? the Japanese military police captain stood up and asked.

President Yang Zan's son, also known as Yang Fei, fell in love with a female teacher in our school named Jiang Xiaoyu and wanted to propose marriage. However, Jiang Xiaoyu said that the person she liked was Qin Ming and refused to date Yang Fei, so Mr. Yang Fei found me and wanted my help to find a way to trick Qin Ming into talking to him so that he could voluntarily give up on Jiang Xiaoyu. Therefore, at noon that day, I deliberately said that I had drunk too much and asked him to send me home before I reported the matter. That address, Taijun, I really didn’t kill anyone, the murderer must be Qin Ming, it must be him! Fan Jingyin pointed at Luo Yao and accused.

Qin Ming, do you have anything to say about Fan's accusation?

First of all, I don't know Mr. Yang Fei, and Jiang Xiaoyu and I are not boyfriend and girlfriend. It's just that she has some affection for me, but I have already rejected her.


I have a marriage contract with my cousin. Luo Yao said.

You are love rivals, how could you not know each other? You lied! Fan Jingyin scolded.

I really don't know you. After you Japanese came, the school was closed. Jiang Xiaoyu and I haven't seen each other for a month. I don't know when I met Yang Fei. If you don't believe me, you can go investigate. I said everything That's the truth. Luo Yao pointed his hand at Fan Jingyin and said, Ask him, if Yang Fei knew me, he would have just come to me directly, why did he need to trick me through him?

Xinxi, that makes sense! the Japanese military police captain nodded.

Taijun, don't listen to his nonsense. The first time I asked you to notify Jiang Xiaoyu to come back to work, it was Master Yang Fei's instruction. You didn't go, and as a result, Teacher Fei was injured and hospitalized... Fan Jingyin was anxious, this time If the Japanese believed Luo Yao's words, he would be finished.

Oh, I remembered. I asked Teacher Fei why he was injured for no reason. It turned out to be you. You gave me the address of Jiang Xiaoyu after he moved. In fact, you tricked me into going there. I didn't have a class that day. Please Teacher Fei helped, but I was the one who was injured and hospitalized that day? Luo Yao accused sadly and angrily.

Taijun, do you understand now? If Jiang Xiaoyu and I were boyfriend and girlfriend, wouldn't I know where she had moved? Luo Yao analyzed and explained to the Japanese military police captain.

Fan Jingyin, it seems that you have a lot of things that you haven't told us clearly? The Japanese military police captain sneered and walked towards Fan Jingyin.

Taijun, I didn't lie. I am really a friend of Young Master Yang Fei. He asked me to go there. How could I kill Taijun Miyagi and Young Master Yang Fei...

Baga, keep performing. Mr. Yang Fei is dead. Who can prove what you said? In fact, your performance is too clumsy. We have seen through it a long time ago. The Japanese military police captain waved his hand, and a Japanese military policeman held a The coat came in, Actually, some of us saw you entering No. 17 Changleli and coming out again wearing this coat. Was this found from your home?

Fan Jingyin's eyes widened.

This is a frame-up, Taijun, a frame-up... Fan Jingyin shouted.

Framed, Teacher Qin Ming? The Japanese military police captain sneered, pointed at Fan Jingyin and said solemnly, We have already investigated. Teacher Qin Ming returned to school very early that afternoon and had no time to commit the crime. He cannot be You are the murderer in this case!

No, no, Taijun, you must have made a mistake, made a mistake! Fan Jingyin said in a panic.

Fan Jingyin, your conscience is greatly damaged! The Japanese military police captain suddenly changed his clothes and had a fierce look on his face. Your identity as the teaching director is superficial. Your true identity is the Jiangcheng lurking team of the Central Government, codenamed 'Han' Members of the chamber, am I right?


When Fan Jingyin heard this, he instantly collapsed on the ground like a puddle of mud.

Someone, drag me down!

Teacher Qin, I have made you suffer. Our Japanese Empire will not wrongly accuse a good person, but we will not let any bad person go. The Japanese captain actually came to Luo Yao and bowed.

Tai, Taijun is too polite, I don't dare, I don't dare... Luo Yao said tremblingly.

Come here, untie Teacher Qin and treat the wound.


No need to trouble Taijun. I dare to ask Taijun, can I go back?

Of course you can, but please forgive me, Teacher Qin. There are some things that we have no choice but to do. We will compensate Teacher Qin accordingly for the injustice and harm he suffered.

Thank you, thank you Taijun for clearing my name. Just make up for it or something. Luo Yao said with a grateful expression.

Sugita-kun, why are you so polite to this Chinese man?

The Empire of Japan has not occupied a city. The conquest by force is only superficial. What really needs to be conquered is the people's hearts and minds in this city. This cannot be obtained through suppression and killing. They must be made to identify with us from the heart, and a person must be free from suffering He was so unjust that he was almost framed, he was beaten into a trick, and finally he was suddenly acquitted. Will he be deeply impressed by the fairness and strictness of our Empire of Japan? Captain Sugita chuckled and explained to Second Lieutenant Umino.

Goodbye Sugita-kun!

To conquer a city, the first thing to conquer is the people's hearts. As long as the people's hearts are what they want, we can truly gain a foothold here! Captain Sugita took a long breath, Umino-kun, we have a long way to go.


The moment he walked out of the military police special class, Luo Yao knew that the Japanese captain who interrogated him was named Sugita Kotaro, who was about to replace the dead Miyagi as the intelligence squad leader of the Jiangcheng Secret Service Department.

This guy doesn't have a high military rank, but he has extraordinary knowledge. He is a powerful enemy.

What he never expected was that Fan Jingyin turned out to be a member of the Han Room of the Zhongtong hidden group. This was really a big surprise.

However, the people of Zhongtong are similar in this virtue.

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