The secret war is silent

Chapter 138 Own Weaknesses

Siss, Lao Man, please be gentle, be gentle... Luo Yao gritted his teeth and said. Although the injuries on his body were not serious, they did not hurt his muscles and bones.

But if flesh wounds are not treated well, there will be big problems. Inflammation and suppuration of the wounds can also be fatal.

At this time, penicillin, a miracle drug more expensive than gold, had not yet appeared.

Team leader, this little devil's attack was too ruthless. I didn't even see a good piece of meat on your back. Mancang was cleaning the wound while applying medicine, and the force was very strong.

If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cubs. Luo Yao gritted his teeth and chuckled, This time I went in, it was not just because of the frame-up by the old guy Fan Jingyin. No, he didn't count it as a frame-up, it was just a mistake. I learned all about the situation in the Military Police Special High School.

But you are taking too much risk, Mancang complained.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. How can I know what's going on inside if I don't go in? Luo Yao said, Furthermore, now that I have been eliminated as a suspect by the Japanese themselves, it is like having an extra layer of talisman. When I encounter someone in the future, If it doesn’t matter, I won’t be suspected easily.”

But you also left information with the Military Police. Mancang said, If Han Liangze or Gu Mosheng sees it, your identity will be exposed.

How does my current appearance compare with the one we just met? Luo Yao asked with a smile.

Isn't it true? Mancang took a closer look at Luo Yao's current face, then recalled the situation when they first met, and nodded.

Let me tell you, this is my second growth. I am now at least three or four centimeters taller than before, and my face used to be so thin that there was almost no flesh. Now look at it, can it be the same? Luo Yao hehe With a smile, Mancang seemed to be recalling the situation when he first met Luo Yao. His hand shook, and the force became stronger. Luo Yao grinned in pain, Take it easy, I told you to be gentle, Lao Man, what are you thinking about?

No, if you don't tell me, team leader, I really don't feel that you have changed a lot when we first met. It's just that we are together in the temporary training class every day. Mancang said hurriedly.

Although Han Liangze is my cousin, I have only met him a handful of times. Even if I stand in front of him now, he may not be able to recognize me. As for Gu Mo Sheng, I have met him twice in total. Of course, he But he is an old agent, and his memory may be different from others, but if I show up with a different identity and image, he may not be able to recognize me. There are still similar people in the world. Luo Yao explained, However, I I will try my best not to meet him. There are millions of people in this big Jiangcheng, so the chance of us meeting is very low. If we meet again, there will be a result, either you die or I die.

Changing his accent, changing his image, and even changing his habits, Luo Yao had made a lot of preparations to lurk in Jiangcheng.

However, he has never said this to anyone in detail, and even the people around him have never felt that he has quietly become a different person.

He now doesn't speak with the accent of Jinling or even Jinghai, but the accent of the Tangshan area of ​​Jinmen in the north. He used to not wear glasses, but now he always wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and the bridge of his nose has formed I almost don’t drink or rarely drink, I don’t smoke as frequently as before, and my hairstyle has also changed...

It can be said that he has made changes as long as he can think of them.

This was to ensure that even if he met an acquaintance, he would not be recognized. Of course, he had few contacts in Jiangcheng.

Except for a few people in the statistics office of the bureau, he has almost no friends. If it weren't for his relationship with Han Yun, he would be almost a transparent person.

Many people know him, but few know him.

To be honest, he was really afraid of meeting one of Han and Gu in the Military Police Special Course. This was a gamble. The bet was that the Japanese did not fully believe these two people. At least this case involved Japan. Intelligence personnel, Duomen Erlang must not want Han Liangze or Gu Mosheng to intervene.

It's a family scandal.

Is there anything to eat?

Yes, I ate the leftover half of the roast chicken last night...

Bring it to me, let's eat together. Luo Yao was already ravenous with hunger. This Japanese man said something nice, but he had to do another thing. He had put rice in the morning, and a bowl could be seen. The figure's rice porridge, plus a steamed bun that can knock your teeth out.

With just this little thing, I can't stand it for an hour, let alone half a day.

Okay, I'll get it for you.

Half a roasted chicken is enough to eat, but there's nothing you can do about it. It's better than nothing, and you can take care of the injury. Luo Yao directly sent Mancang out to buy food.

Luo Yao finished eating the roast chicken, lit a cigarette, and started smoking.

In his mind, he deepened his memory of what he had attended in the military police special class. These things cannot be bought with money.

Then I reviewed the situation during my trial in my mind to see if I had any flaws.

Fortunately, after going through it carefully, he found that there were no big flaws. However, one thing he couldn't figure out was why the Japanese military police captain Sugita said that he had time evidence of alibi, even though he had calculated the time at the time. It was very accurate, but the time was still a little rushed, and it still couldn't be completely seamless. Someone secretly helped me.

Who is the one?

This person must be among the teachers in the high school department of Shangchi Middle School. If we narrow the scope further, he should be among the teachers who had dinner with him at noon that day.

What also surprised him was that Fan Jingyin was actually a member of the Han Dynasty of the Central Government, which meant that this guy might still be a subordinate of Han Liangze.

How do the Japanese know this?

Is it because Han Liangze is really pretending and has completely turned to the Japanese?

This is something Luo Yao does not want to see. Although he has doubts about Han Liangze's character and even has a little personal grudge, from a national and national perspective, he does not want such a situation to occur.

The organization used to have a deep hatred against the two unifications, but now it is the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and it is the anti-Japanese national united front. No matter how great the hatred was in the past, it should be put down when facing foreign enemies.

Luo Yao still has this point of view of the overall situation.

There are some things that need to be clarified, otherwise I don’t know how to report them to the Chongqing Military Unification Bureau headquarters.

Gong Hui is here.

Far away, Luo Yao heard the familiar footsteps. He stood up, went to the bathroom, washed his face, and tidied himself up so that he didn't look so miserable.

Almost there, Gong Hui's unique knocking signal sounded.

Luo Yao got up and went to open the door.

Come in. Luo Yao greeted Gong Hui calmly, then turned around and walked in. Gong Hui walked behind, opening his mouth several times without opening his mouth.

What do you want to say? I know in my heart that this is an emergency. I can't discuss it with you. I can only temporarily ask Lao Man to cooperate with me. Luo Yao walked into the main room, turned around and explained.

Don't you know how dangerous this is? Gong Hui asked, You are the team leader, what will we do if something happens to you?

Don't we have any arrangements for how to deal with emergencies?

Yes, you arranged it, but you are the backbone of the 'River God' team. If something happens to you, will our team be able to be like before? Gong Hui was angry and anxious.

What happened this time was that I acted without permission. I will ask dad for punishment. Luo Yao nodded. He did take a risk this time. He was happy for a while, but it almost caused a disaster.

Although the ending is not bad now and his goal has been achieved, there are still many hidden dangers left in the follow-up.

I want to know why you did this? Gong Hui asked stubbornly.

Gong Hui, I've already said that it's my fault this time, why do you continue to ask?

It's related to your safety, I have the right to know. Gong Hui said, Dad said that on the surface you are calm and objective, but whenever you encounter something related to yourself, you will become hot-headed and impulsively do something unexpected. Unexpected things come.”

Really? Luo Yao's face froze. Most people's shortcomings are not easily discovered by themselves. Only bystanders have a clear understanding.

I must report this matter to dad, and you must tell me the whole story. Gong Hui said in a rude commanding tone.

Okay, I'll tell you. Having said this, Luo Yao also felt that he shouldn't hide it from Gong Hui, otherwise Dai Yunong would not be able to pass the test.

So, he explained the whole thing to Gong Hui, including his clear rejection of Jiang Xiaoyu.

He was implicated and then forced to fight back.

A second-generation ancestor like Yang Fei has long developed a character in which those who obey me will prosper and those who go against me will perish. It is impossible to just scare him into retreating.

The only thing that can be done is to cut through the mess with a sharp knife and end it immediately. Moreover, the crimes of people like Yang Fei are obvious. For the things he has done, not to mention death a hundred times, ten times is enough.

As for Miyagi Uhei, that was really unlucky, but this old spy did a lot of bad things in Jiangcheng, and he deserved to die.

No matter what Luo Yao does, he can't get rid of this suspicion, so he can only let himself be suspected and proven innocent again, so that he can completely escape from this matter.

Of course, Jiang Xiaoyu had to bear a lot of responsibility for this matter. If she hadn't told Yang Fei that she had fallen in love with someone, she wouldn't have been implicated.

And a person like Yang Fei grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth. He got wind and rain when he wanted, and he had everything he wanted since he was a child. How could he swallow the woman he likes and be nice to others?

Naturally, he will try his best to cause trouble for Luo Yao, and may even kill him directly.

There is no way, people's lives are like grass in troubled times, and with the support of the Japanese, these traitors will naturally become more lawless one by one.

You want to kill people and silence them, can we make a detailed plan?

I also want to do this, but my opponent's moves come one after another, leaving me no time to prepare. I can only respond passively. If I hadn't known in advance that Fan Jingyin was colluding with Yang Fei, I might have fallen. If I enter the pit designed by these two people, maybe I will be the one lying in the Wanguo Hospital now. Luo Yaodao.

You've registered in the Gendarmerie's special high school course. Aren't you likely to be exposed at any time? Gong Hui asked worriedly.

The Japanese must be sure that Fan Jingyin is the murderer, but his identity as the Central Commander is a variable. However, this time it was an old agent like Miyagi Uhei who died, and Yang Fei, who was Yang Zan's son. There is always a need for someone As told. Luo Yao frowned slightly, If Fan Jingyin rebels and betrays the 'Han Dynasty' group...

If the Japanese don't kill him, don't they need someone to be the scapegoat? Gong Hui exclaimed.

No, Fan Jingyin probably won't survive tonight. Luo Yao smiled slightly.

Everyone has weaknesses, as long as you know them and overcome them!

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