The secret war is silent

Chapter 139 Double Insurance

Have you made arrangements for a long time? Gong Hui finally understood, and her worries were in vain. When had this man ever let her down?

No matter who Fan Jingyin is, if he doesn't die, I will be in trouble, but his death has nothing to do with me. Luo Yao smiled slightly, He died in the Japanese Gendarmerie Prison, so just follow me We no longer have anything to do with my son, not to mention that he and I were released earlier.

Brother Yao, how did you do that? Gong Hui suddenly smiled charmingly and asked delicately.

Stay away from me. When you act coquettishly, I feel like something is up to you. Luo Yao quickly took a step back and looked at Gong Hui warily.

Tch, you're being petty. Gong Hui pouted and stepped forward to ask with concern, The Japanese didn't do anything to you, did they? Let me see?

It's okay, it's just a little flesh wound. Lao Man has already taken care of it for me. Luo Yao took another step back. After Gong Hui changed her past reserve and became bold in attacking, he really couldn't resist it.

As for Xu Jihong, he has become much more restrained when he saw him recently, and the two of them seemed to have fallen apart.

Lao Man is a grown man, and his hands are as rough as stone grinders. It is better for us women to do the delicate work of treating wounds...

Okay, Rakshasa, that's too much. Luo Yao said, I'm your team leader, your immediate boss.

Hmph, if it weren't for your injury, I would have beaten you up today, which made me worry all night. Gong Hui knew that she couldn't go too far, or she might really anger Luo Yao. , this guy has too much bad water in his belly, and what he is best at is digging holes for people to jump into. Li Fu and Wen Zishan, two arrogant guys, finally had to call him big brother.

Who asked you to come here without an order?

You haven't been to my place for three days. Am I worried about you? Gong Hui said aggrievedly.

Why are you worried about me? Luo Yao snorted coldly, If something happens to me, you will know it immediately, and no news is the best news. Didn't the instructors teach this during class?

Are you hungry? Let me cook for you? Gong Hui asked.

Lao Man went out to buy something and will be back soon, Luo Yao said.

The ones bought outside are not as delicious as those made at home. Wait, I'll make you a bowl of noodles. Gong Hui rolled up her sleeves and went to the kitchen.

Luo Yao shook his head. Sometimes he really couldn't be hard-hearted towards Gong Hui, but for some things, the only person he could really trust was her.

There were many secrets that he only told Gong Hui, such as the Nail plan. Apart from Boss Dai and him as the framer, Gong Hui was the only one who knew the secrets. Of course, Xiao Dongbei Qiao Sanyang was not counted.

By the way, I told the Japanese that you are my fiancée. Once someone asks you, you must also say the same. Luo Yao walked to the kitchen door.

Gong Hui was stunned for a moment, then said with a bright smile: I know, Brother Yao.

This is just a cover-up, don't think too much about it. Luo Yao reminded.

After Mancang came back, Luo Yao went to open the door and bought a lot of food, including soy sauce beef, mutton, and snacks such as peanuts. Most importantly, he brought two bottles of wine.

Lao Man, Brother Yao is injured, and you actually bought some wine. Are you afraid that his injury won't heal quickly enough? Gong Hui came out of the kitchen with a knife in hand.

Mancang's expression was sarcastic: As you said, can't I have a drink?

You can drink it, but Brother Yao can't drink it.

Don't call me Brother Yao, call me Qin Ming. How many times have I told you that even when there are no outsiders at home, you must be careful that walls have ears. Luo Yao corrected him.

Then call me cousin.

What about me? Laoman asked himself.

Lao Man, I will hire your car from now on. Luo Yao said, This way, no one will suspect you when you come in and out of my place.

Okay, I don't have to go to the streets to work. Mancang chuckled.

Boss Hui cooked the noodles himself, Lao Man, you'll have to try them later. He was lucky enough to have eaten the noodles made by Gong Hui, and he would have to hold his back for a while.

Okay, I didn't expect Boss Hui to cook? Mancang agreed happily without doubting that he was there.

In the end, the wine was taken away by Mancang. Even though Luo Yao promised not to drink secretly, he still couldn't pass Gong Hui's test. It was useless to say anything.

Even if the identity of the team leader is revealed, it won't work.

Mancang was still very discerning. After dinner, he said goodbye and left. It would be uncomfortable to stay between Luo Yao and Gong Hui.

Three days ago, I gave Fan Jingyin a poison. I used a slow-release method. After the poison is eaten, it will slowly release the toxin. It will take almost three days to achieve the fatal effect. If If my calculation is correct, he will be poisoned and die tonight! Luo Yao solemnly explained to Gong Hui.

So that's it. No wonder you're not worried that the Japanese will use you as a scapegoat!

Once Fan Jingyin dies, his value will completely disappear, and the Japanese will no longer have the need to protect him. Therefore, my life is truly saved. Luo Yao was also relatively lucky. If he just wanted to use Japan If Fan Jingyin had been killed by human hands, he might be in danger now.

He also didn't expect that Fan Jingyin was actually the commander-in-chief of the Central Committee. Once he became useful, he would most likely be pushed out by the Japanese as a scapegoat and executed.

All his plans failed.

This time, he really passed the test.

If Fan Jingyin betrays the enemy, the consequences will be very serious. The Central Command will probably cause trouble for us, Gong Hui said.

Fan Jingyin's identity exposure has nothing to do with us. He himself has long been suspected and monitored by the Japanese. Luo Yaodao.


Could that be Han Liangze?

It's still unclear whether Fan Jingyin is a core member of the 'Han Dynasty' or a peripheral member. Yes, they are all using this as a breakthrough to test whether Han Liangze has betrayed the party and the state through fake behavior. Luo Yaodao.

What are you going to do?

Old Liu has successfully gained the trust of Domen Erlang, and Domen Erlang plans to establish a new department in the police station, the Special Investigation Section. Old Liu has been appointed as the deputy of this Special Investigation Section... Luo Yao said.

How do you know so much? Have you met Lao Liu? Gong Hui said in surprise.

I went to the Japan Military Academy Special High School Course, how could it be that I went in vain? Luo Yao chuckled, Liu Jinbao was inside, and he was much freer than him. They had a special way of contact and communication. After entering, Got in touch.

This is double insurance.

I'll send a telegram to dad when I get back soon and report what's going on here. But what do you say about Jiang Xiaoyu? Gong Hui asked with some amusement.

To tell the truth, that Jiang Xiaoyu and I are just ordinary colleagues. We have nothing to hide. Luo Yao said.

I'm afraid they still miss you in their hearts, right?

I have clearly rejected her. She should have given up. Luo Yao shook his head.

Well, okay, then I will report it truthfully. Gong Hui nodded, That vixen asked, Gu Yuan has been detained for several days, and he has lost a lot of weight. What should he do?

Well, I have to talk to him carefully when I find time later. Luo Yao nodded.

Liu Jinbao was officially freed, and was appointed by the Japanese as the deputy chief of the newly established Special Investigation Section.

Except for the Japanese Sugita, he has the greatest authority in the Investigation Section.

There is no upper limit on the number of personnel in the Investigation Section, but the basic principle is that the number of Japanese and Chinese people is equal. In other words, there are as many Chinese as there are Japanese.

There can be non-staff personnel, but they are not counted as regular personnel of the Investigation Section.

Sugita is responsible for the selection of Japanese personnel, while Liu Jinbao is responsible for the selection of Chinese personnel. However, it is ultimately Sugita, the section chief, who has the final say in determining the scope of candidates.

The funds are calculated independently and do not go through the financial department of the police station. It can be said that it has more privileges than the original special agent brigade.

However, there are currently only two chief officers in the Special Investigation Section, and the positions below are still vacant. Sugita can recruit some people from the Special High School and the Military Police to do the preliminary work first. Liu Jinbao will be in trouble. A polished commander.

Of course, it was easy for him to get people. As long as he asked, Han Liangze and Gu Mosheng were willing to give them to him. But in this way, he, the deputy section chief, would be left out in minutes.

This isn't what he wants either.

Liu Sang, something happened... Early in the morning, Liu Jinbao was in a daze when he suddenly heard someone calling him outside the door and quickly took his clothes and got up.

Section Chief Sugita, what's wrong? Liu Jinbao saw it was Kotaro Sugita and asked while getting dressed.

Fan Jingyin is dead!

What, you weren't fine last night, why did you die suddenly? Liu Jinbao asked pretending to be surprised.

I don't know. This morning the guard came to report that Fan Jingyin had not eaten breakfast, so he sent someone in to take a look and found that he was already dead. Kotaro Sugita felt very bad, and finally caught a lurking Zhongtong The agent thought that he could make a great contribution now, but as a result, he died before he could find out much.

How did you die?

It seems to be poisoning. Let's go take a look? Sugita Kotaro said.


The Japanese attach great importance to Fan Jingyin. This is one of the few captured high-level anti-Japanese elements lurking in Chongqing. He must know many secrets and is naturally closely guarded. People like Liu Jinbao cannot have contact with him alone.

However, Liu Jinbao's status was special, so Sugita Kotaro allowed him to participate in the interrogation work, and the results seemed to be very good.

But just as he was about to dig deeper, the prisoner suddenly died.

When Kotaro Sugita and Liu Jinbao arrived, the military doctor had already arrived, and the military police also conducted a detailed survey of the cell site.

Umino-kun, what's going on? Sugita Kotaro looked unhappy. The criminal was dead, and the opportunity to perform meritorious service slipped through his fingers.

The time of death was probably between one and three o'clock in the morning. The cause of death was poisoning. The preliminary judgment is that he took poison. Lieutenant Umino said.

He took poison. Where did he get the poison? Didn't we search him when he was arrested? Kotaro Sugita asked in confusion.

Maybe it's hidden in a place we didn't expect...

Could someone have poisoned you? Liu Jinbao suddenly asked.

Absolutely impossible! Second Lieutenant Umino said flatly. The guards here are all Japanese soldiers. If someone poisons them, it means that there is something wrong with the Japanese here.

Sugita-kun, this poison is very similar to the poison that poisoned Chief Miyagi, but the specific composition needs to be tested back home. The military doctor intervened.

Kotaro Sugita nodded. Miyagi Uhei and others were poisoned by Fan Jingyin. Although he refused to admit it, because he did not want to suffer the physical pain, he now took his own poison and committed suicide. It was logical.

Chief Sugita, I'm afraid this case can only end here. Liu Jinbao said regretfully.

Liu Sang, I thought our first cooperation would have a good start, but I didn't expect it to be like this. Kotaro Sugita nodded.

If no one poisoned him, he would naturally commit suicide by taking poison.

After the person dies, the case is closed, and all parties have an explanation. As for some of the clues Fan Jingyin gave, the investigation is still continuing, but it is not as urgent.

There is a more difficult case waiting for them!

PS: I recommend Silent Iron's new work The End of the Night. He is also an old author of military espionage. If you like espionage, you might as well support it!

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