The secret war is silent

Chapter 142 Arrangement

Arranging for Gu Yuan and Xu Jihong to evacuate from Yuhetang does not mean giving up the point of Yuhetang. The Yitieling couple are still there.

Yitieling is also the doctor of Yuhetang.

Liu Jinbao will decide whether to sell Yuhetang to the Japanese depending on the situation. Although he has gained the trust of Domon Jiro now, he still needs enough credit to gain a foothold with the Japanese. .

Go to Shouchang and we'll contact you to use the radio station. The code book is at Xu Jihong's place. The radio station has already made arrangements. You don't have to worry.


The Japanese want to show that they are superior to others. If you encounter them, you should take off your hat and bow, and don't show off your anger. You have to remember these things. If you make a mistake, it will bring you trouble. Do you understand?

Well, people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads. Sooner or later, we have to make them kneel in front of us, kowtow and beg for mercy. Gu Yuan said with a self-deprecating smile.

There will be such a day. Luo Yao said firmly.

How are things being packed? Luo Yao and Gu Yuan finished eating and then met and talked with Xu Jihong alone.

There is nothing to deal with. The radio station and confidential documents have been moved. Now, Gu Yuan and I are the only two people left here. We can leave at any time. Xu Jihong said.

I have opened a room for you at the Dadong Hotel on General Foch Road. You will live there temporarily. Luo Yao handed Xu Jihong a key and said, This is the room key. Dadong Hotel is a safe place for us. At the foothold, please help me guide the confidentiality of communications there.

Where's Gu Yuan?

Gu Yuan has other plans, so you don't have to worry about this. Luo Yao said.

Yes, I understand. Xu Jihong nodded. Although she was clearly out of the competition with Gong Hui, she had figured out Luo Yao's temper and had to follow it. Those routines that were useful to ordinary men were in Luo Yao's. Everything about Yao is malfunctioning.

Team leader, you have to be careful about Gong Hui. She is someone sent by your father to be by your side. She will report everything you say and do to the Shancheng Bureau headquarters. Xu Jihong suddenly lowered his voice to remind Luo Yao. road.

Luo Yao looked at Xu Jihong blankly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and asked: How did you know?

I work in communications. She once used a radio to send electricity to the Shancheng Bureau headquarters. She did not use the passwords commonly used by our team. I knew that she must have secret contacts with the Shancheng Bureau headquarters. Xu Jihong explained. .

You didn't tell anyone else about this, right?

No, what did I tell the others to do?

Then from now on, you will keep this matter in your stomach and don't mention it to anyone. Do you understand? Luo Yao solemnly ordered.

Team leader, do you still trust such a woman?

This is my business, so you don't have to worry about it. Also, I hope you don't waste your time on me. Luo Yao reminded.

Can't I attract the team leader at all? Xu Jihong asked aggrievedly.

You are very beautiful, even better than Gong Hui in some aspects, but my mind is not on the relationship between men and women right now. I have told Gong Hui that I will not consider it until the Japanese invaders are driven out of China. It's a personal matter. Luo Yao said seriously.

If the Japanese invaders cannot be driven out of China in ten years, will the team leader not consider it in ten years? Xu Jihong asked quietly.

Yes, I won't consider it even if it takes twenty years. This is my principle. Luo Yao said.

I understand, team leader. A relieved smile appeared on Xu Jihong's lips. Since there is no hope, why bother fighting?

Work hard, and we will all live until the day of victory. Luo Yao said solemnly, I'm leaving. I will contact you if anything happens.

Cheng Ziyue, Su Guangbin...why is there Liu Yumei? Han Liangze saw the list sent by Liu Jinbao, browsed it for a while, and was a little surprised.

Of course, Han Liangze knew all the people on the list. Some were from the main bureau, some were from the sub-bureaus below, and many were on the sidelines or just hanging around.

When it comes to ability, there are a few who are somewhat capable. The one who surprised Han Liangze the most was Liu Yumei from the statistics room. As far as he knew, there was Liu Yumei from the statistics room.

Liu Jinbao and Liu Yumei have no relationship at all. It is possible that they have contact in private, but Liu Jinbao's sweetheart is already pregnant...

Could it be that this kid has already fallen in love with Liu Yumei and never had the chance to make a move?

As a man, it’s normal to have other thoughts.

Oh, Sister Liu, I had a good relationship with Luo Yao in the statistics office in the past. Luo Yao and I both worked from the Xiakou Police Headquarters. We had a good relationship. When I returned to Jiangcheng to work, I told others without telling anyone. After meeting him, he mentioned Sister Liu and said, let me take care of her if I have a chance. Liu Jinbao said while observing Han Liangze's reaction.

When the name Luo Yao was mentioned, Han Liangze's brows twitched. It was obvious that he still cared about this name.

Speaking of which, what's going on with my nephew? Han Liangze asked slightly embarrassed.

He's not bad at all, just in terms of physical fitness and fighting skills, but not bad in other aspects. If he has the opportunity to stay in school or work at the bureau headquarters, it's much easier and safer than me. Liu Jinbao said with a hint of envy.


Anyway, I have nothing to do with you there now. If we meet again, we might be enemies. Liu Jinbao smiled self-deprecatingly, Han Bureau, in terms of closeness, you are one level closer than me.

Haha, his mother is my distant cousin. In fact, there is not much blood relationship. Compared with your classmate, I may be worse. Han Liangze made a haha, Then what is the relationship between this Liu Yumei and Luo Yao?

They probably have nothing to do with each other. Liu Yumei took special care of him when he was working in the bureau. He only stayed in the statistics room for less than a month. How could it be related?

Indeed, although Liu Yumei looks slutty, she is still quite conservative in her heart... Han Liangze muttered to himself.

Bureau Han, please select seven or eight of these people above. My shop is waiting to be opened. No one can do this. Liu Jinbao.

Anyway, there is nothing to do in the statistics office. I will ask Liu Yumei to report to you now! Bureau Han put a check mark behind Liu Yumei's name with a stroke of his pen.

Okay, I'll go back first. I have to go to the Secret Service Department for a meeting in the afternoon. Liu Jinbao stood up and said goodbye.

Brother Jinbao, walk slowly...

After Liu Jinbao left, Gu Mosheng walked out of the small room in the bureau office. He had been hiding in it just now, and he heard clearly the conversation between Han Liangze and Liu Jinbao.

The villain succeeds!

Brother Mo Sheng, I'm serious. Han Liangze chuckled, Now that the Japanese need him, they have to offer him up. When the Japanese don't need him anymore, do you think the Japanese will still do this?

Bureau Han, the Special Investigation Division has been established, will my Detective Division become a decoration? Gu Mosheng was a little anxious. The Detective Division overlaps with the Special Investigation Division, and the Special Investigation Division is led by Japanese people. By then, All the benefits and cases have been sidelined.

Brother Mo Sheng, our goal is to get promoted and make a fortune, not to follow those desperate anti-Japanese elements in Chongqing. If we win the fight, the Japanese will be happy, but we will become the objects of jealousy and eradication. If we lose, the Japanese What's the benefit of taking it out on us? Han Liangze said, The best strategy is to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

What do you mean, let's do nothing together? Gu Mosheng said in a daze.

Are you interested in anti-smuggling? Han Liangze said with a slight smile.

Gu Mosheng's eyes lit up. All his family assets had been confiscated by the military commander. He was now so poor that his eyes were green, and even a lump of iron could squeeze out a little bit of oil and water.

Anti-smuggling is very lucrative, and smuggling is even more profitable.

Han Bureau, can these Japanese allow us to get involved?

There's nothing wrong with this. This is China. Without us, they can't do anything at all. With just their little strength, they can't put an end to smuggling. In the end, we have to rely on us. Just wait and see. Sooner or later they will find us. Yes. Han Liangze chuckled.

I'll invite Minister Duomen to dinner at the Yangtze River Hotel tonight. You can come with me.

Thank you Bureau Han, I will be there on time.

After get off work the next day, Luo Yao went to Sunshine Cafe.

Dad called and said that this time the merits and demerits were equal to each other, and it won't be the same next time. Gong Hui handed Luo Yao the secret disposal message signed by Dai Yunong.

Call me back and thank you for your cultivation. The student will definitely work hard to serve the party and the country. Luo Yao also breathed a sigh of relief. If he really had to be punished, he could only accept it calmly.

Dad also asked in the telegram, do you have any next plans? Gong Hui asked.

We have been attacking continuously. Counting this time in private, it has been three times. As the saying goes, it is only three things. Frequent attacks are detrimental to our lurking. In the next period of time, we will mainly focus on collecting intelligence from lurking. Luo Yao After thinking for a moment, he said.

He Bo has crossed the river safely. It's up to him to do what he wants next. We can't help him for the time being. Gong Hui nodded, Luo Yao's mind was still very calm.

I won't be coming over for the next few days. If anything happens, please see Lao Man. Luo Yao ordered.

Well, how's it going with you and that Miss Jiang?

He has resigned a long time ago. There is no relationship between us at all. Luo Yao curled his lips and said, I'm leaving. Remember to keep in touch with dad.


Luo Yao came out of the coffee shop and walked home. When he walked to the entrance of the alley, he found a familiar figure, Ah Cheng, the guide assigned to him by Tang Xin at the beginning, and later became the exclusive traffic person between the two of them.

Ah Cheng also has contact with the Law Enforcement Agency.

The only people who knew where Luo Yao lived were from Juntong Jiangcheng District, Acheng, Song Yue and Tang Xin himself.

No one else, including Gu Yuan and Xu Jihong, knew where Luo Yao lived in the French Concession. Only the five people at the beginning knew.

If one member of the five-person group rebels, then Luo Yao and the River God group will be completely exposed.

After observing for a while, he didn't find a tail behind Ah Cheng. Luo Yao quietly walked over and passed him: Don't look back. Turn around the corner and go to the Saozi Noodle House to meet you.

Ah Cheng was also a smart man. He didn't look back and walked straight forward. Then he turned a corner in front and came to the noodle shop Luo Yao mentioned.

Luo Yao had already ordered a bowl of noodles and sat inside to eat. Originally, he planned to go home and cook, but in order to meet Ah Cheng, he had to settle in the noodle shop.

Anyway, we are regular customers.

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