The secret war is silent

Chapter 143 Walking on Two Legs

What happened? Ah Cheng broke the rules and came to see him. Something must have happened, otherwise, he would not have done this.

Boss Tang and Boss Li had a falling out. Ah Cheng sat down, also ordered a bowl of noodles, lowered his head and whispered.

Luo Yao frowned slightly: What's going on?

Not because of the explosion at the Jiangcheng security meeting on the 26th, Boss Li felt that Boss Tang did not consult with him before doing it, and it was likely to arouse a strong reaction from the Japanese, which would be very detrimental to the latent work of the military in Jiangcheng District. The two of them had a big quarrel and completely fell out. Ah Cheng said.

Why did you come to me about the matter in Jiangcheng District?

Assistant Song asked me to come. Now you are the only one who can make peace between the two bosses? Ah Cheng said.

Boss Li and I don't have any friendship at all. When he came to the training class to choose a working wife, I strongly opposed it. Luo Yao said after taking a bite of noodles.

But can you persuade Boss Tang?

Old Tang's temper is indeed a little tougher, but I'm afraid this matter is not that simple, and it's useless for me to step forward. Luo Yao shook his head.

This is because Tang Xin and Li Guochen have different work philosophies. Tang Xin advocates a tough attitude towards Japan and advocates bayonet against bayonet, which is to turn the Japanese upside down in Jiangcheng and make them uneasy.

Li Guochen, on the other hand, tends to be a little gentler. Jiangcheng has been actually controlled by the Japanese. They carry out assassinations, assassinations and sabotage. Although they can scare those traitors, after killing one group, another group will come. Intelligence efforts in the district are not helping.

It is better to use infiltration or bribery to enter the Japanese and puppets and obtain key intelligence on the other side to help the national army fight against the Japanese army on the frontal battlefield.

In good conscience, Luo Yao supports Li Guochen's strategy. However, he cannot blindly engage in soft infiltration. He must be tough when it is time to be tough. Otherwise, how can we ensure that those who infiltrate into the Japanese and puppets will not have different intentions?

Once these people betray, the consequences will be huge.

Luo Yao actually walked on two legs with Zheng, maintaining a strong force of deterrence, and at the same time, he also wanted to win over and infiltrate the Japanese and puppets.

Walking on two legs is not possible without one leg.

Assistant Song said that Boss Tang won't listen to anyone else now, so he only listens to you. Ah Cheng said, Because even though you are young and young, he admires you very much for what you can do.

Song Yue has said so. If I don't come forward, it will look like I am a bit petty. Okay, help me make an appointment with Boss Tang, and tell him that I will treat him to dinner at Jufang Building tomorrow night. Luo Yao After thinking about it for a while, he didn't want to get involved in this matter.

Li Guochen probably has a lot of dissatisfaction with him. If he and Tang Xin join forces, his misunderstanding will be even greater. The two of them are already at odds with each other, and it may not be a good thing to force a match.

In his memory, Li Guochen seemed to have been betrayed by someone under his command and arrested. He could no longer recall the specific details.

Maybe the two souls merged, and some things belonged to the future and were not allowed to be controlled at will, so they slowly disappeared.

However, even so, what he got was very much, and people still have to be content.

Okay, I'll go back and talk to Assistant Song right now. When Ah Cheng's noodles came, he picked up his chopsticks, lowered his head and started eating.

If anything happens, don't wander around in the alley in front of my house. It attracts too much attention. Luo Yao pressed fifty cents under the bowl, stood up, greeted the boss, and left.

He went to work as usual the next day. After get off work, Luo Yao went home first, changed his clothes, and put on a little makeup, making himself look a little older.

Although this is in the French Concession and the Japanese are not allowed to come in at will, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

Two people, one small private room. As for food, just give me an eight-big bowl, plus a pot of rice wine, that's all.

Okay, please come upstairs.

By the way, a gentleman named Xiong will come over in a moment. He is my guest tonight. Just invite him to my box.

I'm sorry, what's your last name?


Okay, I understand.

The agreed time was half past six, and Tang Xin came over without letting Luo Yao wait long, wearing a gray cotton robe, a dark red scarf, and a mink velvet hat.

Brother Tang came just in time. The dishes are almost ready and the wine is already hot. Luo Yao recognized him at a glance and rushed to greet him with a smile.

Brother, I'm treating you. Brother Yu has to give you face no matter what. Tang Xin untied his scarf, took off his hat, hung it on the hanger at the door, walked over and said, But today, let's talk first, you have to persuade me to follow the surname If Li reconciles, then there is no need to speak, so as not to affect the relationship between our brothers.

Hahaha, I just know that you are in a bad mood, so I just invited you to have a meal and drink some wine. It's not easy for me as an outsider to interfere in the internal affairs of Jiangcheng District, right? Luo Yao smiled and asked Tang Xin You are so shrewd, how can you not see what is going on at tonight's dinner?

Come, let's drink some wine to warm up first. Luo Yao stood up and poured a glass of wine for Tang Xin.

Okay. Tang Xin didn't have any objections to Luo Yao. What's more, the explosion at the founding meeting of the Vigilante Committee was caused by RDX provided by others, and he didn't mention a word of credit.

A person must be conscientious.

Tell me, what's going on between you and Li Guochen? It wasn't always the case before, so why is it so serious this time? Luo Yao asked.

It wasn't the explosion at the founding meeting of the maintenance committee. One of the people he placed inside was seriously injured. I blame me for not telling him in advance. After three glasses of wine, Tang Xin started chatting.

Luo Yao suddenly realized that everyone would be anxious if this matter changed, and all the hard work might be in vain.

I didn't do this on purpose. Why did he get angry at me? This bomb exploded without any clues. Brother, don't you think so?

Yes, there is really no way to control this bomb when it explodes. Luo Yao could only follow, However, according to the procedures, you should report to him in advance. After all, he is the district chief, and all actions in Jiangcheng District are He alone is responsible.”

Brother, I'm not afraid that he will leak the information privately. When the time comes, he will risk the lives of his brothers even if he fails to achieve his goals.

Boss Li is still a little aware of this. It's not like that. Luo Yao smiled. In the final analysis, this was all caused by the distrust between the two.

If the two of them had communicated more and given each other a little more trust, they might not have had such a falling out. However, due to their personalities, even if it didn't happen this time, they might fall out next time.

Stop talking, brother, drink.


Brother Tang, what are your plans next? Luo Yao asked.

Since they have different ways, let's not conspire with each other. If he does his thing, I will do mine. Brother, your RDX is really powerful. It's only a few kilograms and it's so powerful. If you're giving it If I have more, I can send all those traitors to the West. Tang Xin said.

Luo Yao smiled bitterly: That's what the teacher finally managed to get for me, and most of it was given to you.

Brother, I will remember this love. Tang Xin gently patted Luo Yao's shoulder and said, From now on, if anything happens, I will never say anything.

Brother Tang, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way you can win a hundred battles. We can't just rely on our bravery for a moment. After all, the enemy is strong and we are weak, and we are facing each other in secret. There is no doubt that we, the hidden front line in the occupied area, will suffer. Fighting still requires strategy. Luo Yao said patiently.

Brother, what do you mean? Tang Xin put down his wine glass unhappily.

What I mean is that the deterrence of traitors and Japanese aggressors cannot be too frequent. The more times we attack, the greater the exposure and sacrifice will be, and it is not conducive to our concealment and lurking, but such deterrence at the same time It is also necessary, because if we don't let these people get scared, they will enslave us and exploit us without any scruples. Luo Yao told Tang Xin his two-legged theory.

Tang Xin is not a stupid person. If he were a stupid person, he would not be able to achieve his current status. He cannot understand Li Guochen's soft-spoken work methods and advocates being tough on traitors, killing them as long as they can. People dare to sacrifice their lives for the Japanese and become traitors.

This is unrealistic. You can't kill all the traitors. It's like cutting leeks. After cutting one crop, another will grow.

Brother Tang, no matter how many traitors we kill now, we can't change the fact that Jiangcheng is now occupied by the Japanese. Even if we kill all the local traitors in Jiangcheng, can the Japanese transfer people from other places?

I will kill as many as you come!

Having said that, how much price do we need to pay to kill these traitors? The Japanese and the traitors will not just wait for you to kill them. The more frequent our actions, the easier it will be for the Japanese to catch us. Brother Tang, how long can you hold on even if you are covered in iron? Luo Yao asked in return.

Then what do you mean, indulge these traitors and leave them alone?

We must also distinguish between traitors. Some people do not really work for the Japanese, but reality forces them to do so. These people are the ones we win over and use. We can keep them without killing them, but for those who are determined to serve the Japanese Those who do things, whose hands are stained with the blood of our countrymen and anti-Japanese patriots, those who deserve to be killed must still be killed, and they must not be merciful! Luo Yao explained.

Tang Xin picked up the wine glass and put it down again, obviously thinking about Luo Yao's words.

Brother Tang, although I don't agree with some of your District Chief Li's actions, there is one thing. He used traitors who defected to the Japanese and puppets to cover and collect intelligence. This is completely correct. If there is no intelligence, it will be like I'm afraid the bombing operation you carried out at the founding meeting of the Vigilante Committee didn't go so smoothly, right? Luo Yao said, You started killing traitors when you saw them. Who is willing to provide you with intelligence information?

Whether a person is a traitor depends not on what official position he has held with the Japanese, but on what he has actually done. Then, don't all the comrades we have infiltrated into the Japanese puppets hold official positions for the Japanese puppets? Well, they are all considered traitors and will they be liquidated in the end?

If that doesn't count, then who would be willing to go undercover?

For the same reason, Brother Tang, we will focus on those who are extremely evil, or those who are bent on evil. The first strike will be fatal, we will never be sloppy, and we must ensure our own safety. Luo Yao said, If we continue like before If it blooms everywhere, I’m afraid it will be unsustainable.”

As the leader of a team, Tang Xin certainly doesn't just think about temporary happiness, but he hasn't found the right direction yet.

After he had a quarrel with Li Guochen, in addition to his personality, he also had a sense of pride and was unwilling to admit that what he did was wrong, or not entirely right.

He needs someone to give him a step up, and Li Guochen will definitely not give it to him. It would be nice not to ridicule him.

And who can give him a step up?

Besides Luo Yao, the leader of Jiangcheng's military command team who was boss Dai's favorite general, who asked him to make meritorious deeds? Who else could be there?

Tang Xin nodded: After listening to what I said, Brother Yu suddenly became enlightened. I listen to you, walk on two legs, and be steady.

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