The secret war is silent

Chapter 145 The worst plan

Mr. Qin, just apply some medicine to the wound on your body. Once the scab comes off, you'll be fine. Yitieling applied medicine to Luo Yao and put on his clothes.

Thank you, Lao Lin. Your medicine is really good. Without your medicine this time, I really can't survive. Luo Yao said with a smile.

The various scars and calluses he had left in the temporary training class would have been difficult to deceive the Japanese inspections without the scar and callus removal ointment provided by Yi Tie Ling.

Yitie Ling put away the medicine box and said: Mr. Qin is blessed with profound blessings, so he will naturally become auspicious in times of adversity. It is not my contribution.

Let's go. Come back in a few days.

Walk slowly, Mr. Qin.

Master, Mr. Qin has been very kind to us. Why didn't you leave someone to eat? Yitieling's wife came out of the room and asked.

He won't stay for dinner. There are some things that Yi Tie Ling doesn't dare to tell his wife, lest she worry. He is also Chinese and understands some righteousness.

Otherwise, he would not have agreed to Luo Yao's stay in Yuhetang and Jiangcheng.

Why is there such a strong smell of medicine on you? Where are you injured? Gong Hui made a cup of tea for Luo Yao and handed it over, sniffing it gently.

Your nose belongs to the dog?

Go to Lao Lin's place, right?

Ask if you know. Luo Yao took a sip of tea and rolled his eyes at Gong Hui.

The smell of this ointment can only be found at Lao Lin's place. Gong Hui chuckled, Dad went to the temporary training class to attend the graduation ceremony. Unfortunately, we can't go back.

It's a bit of a pity, but how can we not envy us if we don't know that those who stayed and waited until graduation? Luo Yao chuckled.

The fourth team of Li Fu and Wen Zishan, who are in the espionage field, will probably not graduate until next year, and they will have to wait for a while.

Fortunately, I didn't choose the espionage corps, otherwise I wouldn't be able to graduate now. Luo Yao said thankfully. He had known for a long time that the espionage corps would be postponed, so naturally he didn't want to go. Most of the espionage cadets were working in the rear. This is also one of the important reasons why he did not choose spy ginseng.

Also, the special training base may have to be moved to Qianyang. Linli is already at the forefront and is very unsafe. Gong Hui said.

It seems that the superiors are preparing for the worst, and we must be mentally prepared for this. Luo Yao nodded. After the fall of Wuhan, the Japanese army was actually unable to launch a large-scale battle similar to the Battle of Wuhan. Hundreds of The chances of an army of ten thousand fighting fiercely are slim.

Japan's next strategy should be three-quarters force and seven-cent politics, mainly to induce Chongqing to surrender. A typical incident is the departure of the number two figure.

All in all, it's only a few days.

What follows is a long and painful strategic stalemate that lasts for several years. However, only a few people can clearly understand this.

Most people are still in the pessimistic mood that the war of resistance will be defeated. They even believe that if they continue to fight, the country will be destroyed and the genocide is imminent. This kind of sentiment even pervades the entire Chongqing National Government. There are not a few people who want to seek peace with Japan. , including the old man, had all wavered.

Worst plan? Gong Hui asked incomprehensively.

Just stay vigilant at all times, be prepared to fight and evacuate, and make sacrifices. Luo Yao finally mentioned sacrifice emphatically.

Will we sacrifice?

I don't know. No one can tell what will happen in the future. Luo Yao shook his head.

I know, I won't be caught by the Japanese anyway. Gong Hui's home is in Bingcheng in the Northeast, where Japanese influence has existed for a long time. She has witnessed with her own eyes since she was a child that the Japanese colonization group was tyrannical. Scenes of bullying Chinese people.

Although her father was only a small businessman, he taught her patriotism from an early age, taught her the principles of her country, and sent her to study and practice martial arts. When she grew up, she wanted to go to police school. Without her father's support, she would not have been able to do it. of.


If you don't stay for dinner...

It happens every time. Is the food I cook so unpalatable? Gong Hui groaned angrily and muttered to herself, pouting at Luo Yao's back.

Hey, you guys...

The people under his command dispersed in a hurry, and they risked their lives if they dared to eat the delicious food cooked by Boss Hui himself, which was exclusive to Team Leader Heshen.

A few days have passed in a flash, and two weeks have passed since Shangzhi Middle School resumed classes. Everything seems to be back before the fall of Japan, but is this really the case?

Obviously not.

Public security deteriorated, prices soared, and the Japanese army continued to send various donations in order to plunder China's resources and wealth. The people's lives were much more difficult than before.

Just look at the people in the so-called maintenance committee that the Japanese have paid for, and you will know that in addition to being exploited by the Japanese, the people in Jiangcheng will also have to take advantage of the people who are riding on the heads of the people and pretending to be powerful. A layer of oil was scraped off the body.

The people are already so poor, and there is no oil or water in their stomachs. If you scrape again, you will squeeze out a few ounces of oil from the bones and marrow.

Teacher Qin, go get your salary quickly. If you go late, you may not get it.

Okay, thank you, Teacher Liu.

The price of rice outside is rising every day, but anyone who has paid a salary will immediately go to the rice store to queue up to buy rice. Purchases are also restricted, and each person can only buy up to five kilograms per day.

For a family of three, five kilograms of rice is enough to eat, but if the family has a large number of people, more people will have to queue up.

A bachelor like Luo Yao (who claims to have a fiancée) is the type of person who has enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry, and his life is pretty good.

At least the salary paid is enough for food and clothing.

Teacher Qin, this is your salary last month. I received a wad of money from the school cashier, half of which was legal currency and the other half of which was silver dollars.

The director of Shangzhi Middle School is Father Xixian of German nationality. Considering the current relationship between Germany and Japan, Shangzhi Middle School has not suffered much harassment.

Teachers' salaries can still be paid as usual.

Many other schools, both private and public, are no longer able to pay full salaries.

The Japanese banned the circulation of French currency with a denomination of more than 10 yuan in Jiangcheng, so Luo Yao got only five legal currency with a face value. There were not many silver dollars, and each person was given eight yuan. This is hard currency and can be used anywhere.

If only legal currency were issued, life would be even more difficult. The preservation of the value of silver dollars allows teachers to at least live a subsistence life.

Teacher Qin, will you wait a moment? Luo Yao received the money and was about to leave when the young cashier called him.

What's wrong?

Teacher Qin, it's not convenient for Teacher Fei to come and pay his salary. He asked you to collect it for him.

Oh, okay, I'll get it for him. Luo Yao didn't hesitate. He has a good relationship with Teacher Fei now, and even went to visit him at home over the weekend.

Now that Teacher Jiang is gone, the love-rival relationship no longer exists. Teacher Fei still has some character, at least he didn't anger Luo Yao because he was seriously injured.

The salary of a physical education teacher is slightly lower.

Luo Yao signed the pay slip for Teacher Fei once and put Teacher Fei's salary slip and salary into an envelope, thinking that he would send it to him after get off work.

After get off work, Luo Yao bought a bag of apples and went to Teacher Fei's house.

Feijie lives with his parents. The family is squeezed into a space of less than fifty square meters. In addition to his parents, he also has a younger brother and younger sister.

Because she needed to support her youngest brother's education, her sister dropped out of school early and worked as a worker in a knitting factory. Although she was only sixteen, she was already engaged.

His father works for the Pinghan-Hankou Railway Bureau as a dispatcher. My mother is in poor health, so she can only do some daily housework. Sometimes, she also does some sewing work to supplement the family income.

Teacher Qin, you came as soon as you came, and you brought something with you... Fei Jie said politely, and took the apple without any politeness with his hand on crutches.

Brother, go wash some apples and bring them to the guests?

Fei Yu, a ten-year-old boy, is only in the third grade of elementary school. He looks thin and weak and doesn't talk much, but I heard that he has good academic performance.

Teacher Fei, don't be polite. I'm here to give you your salary. I'll be leaving in a moment. Luo Yao said hurriedly.

No, last time I asked Teacher Qin to pick me up from the hospital. When I got home, I didn't even have a sip of hot tea. I'm really sorry... Fei Jie said.

We are colleagues and friends. There is no need to differentiate so clearly. Luo Yao laughed. If he stayed to eat, the meal would be enough for the family's living expenses for ten and a half days, but he couldn't bear it.

How embarrassing is this?

No, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. Luo Yao handed over the envelope containing his salary, This is your salary last month, it's all in it, you count it.

Am I still worried about Teacher Qin's character?

Let's count it. Luo Yao insisted. Fei Jie opened the envelope, took out the salary inside, and counted it. It completely matched the number on the salary slip.

Fei Jie repeatedly invited him to stay for dinner, but Luo Yao declined.

When I came out of Fei Jie's house, it was already dark. I suddenly remembered that Fei Jie's house was relatively close to Lao Wu's Zhouji bamboo products store.

If you're going back this time, why don't you stop by and take a look?

He is Zhou Min's math teacher, and now he is the head teacher. There is nothing much to say when he visits his classmate's home. Besides, he also wants to know how Old Wu's family is doing.

There are some things you can't ask Zhou Min directly.

Teacher Qin... Lao Wu, who was about to close the shop, saw Luo Yao first and said hello first.

Oh, hello, Boss Zhou.

Oh, don't call me that. You are our Zhou Min's teacher or her class teacher. Come in and sit for a while?

It's so late and you're already closed, isn't it? Luo Yao waved his hand.

It's okay. I don't know how happy Zhou Min is to know you're coming. This kid is now interested in mathematics. Old Wu winked at Luo Yao.

Luo Yao understood that it was Old Wu who had something to say to him.

Okay, I'll excuse you. Luo Yao entered the store, Lao Wu closed the last door panel, and then walked to the back yard.

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