The secret war is silent

Chapter 146: Dead lips and cold teeth

Is something wrong?

Luo Yao asked nervously.

It's a good thing, don't worry. Luo Yao could see the nervousness on his face. Old Wu smiled, polished the match and lit up a foreign oil lamp.

After the Japanese arrived, power outages became the norm. Instead of power plants being unable to generate electricity, power was given priority to the Japanese military and Japanese expatriates.

As for the Chinese people, they can only wait a while.

At night in the French Concession, except for some special institutions that have their own generators that can generate electricity, the rest basically have no access to electricity.

When having a meal in the evening, you must light a kerosene lamp or candle.

Therefore, people who don't have the conditions can't do anything at night. They can only hide in bed and shiver. This can be regarded as a way to keep warm.

What good thing can happen to you? My sister-in-law is pregnant again? When Luo Yao heard that it was a good thing, a stone fell in his heart.

You kid, after being the military commander for a few days, you can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth. Old Wu laughed and scolded, How old are your sister-in-law and I, and we still have children like this? Even if we can, in this situation, we You can’t give birth either, for us, Xiao Min is enough.”

What's the matter? The revolution needs descendants. Is it possible that we don't need future generations to make a revolution? Luo Yaodao said, If you ask me, while you are still young, you can get one more and make a good name for yourself. What do you think?

This... Old Wu's heart pounded. His current task was not heavy, and it was even said that there was no danger. He was only about forty years old.

I know a quack who has a secret recipe. Why don't you and your sister-in-law try it?

Don't, don't, it's too far off topic. Old Wu quickly waved his hand and said, Let's get down to business. This matter has to do with you.

Is it related to me?

Didn't you get separated from your father after the destruction of Jinling City?

Yes, I only know that he hid in the countryside before the city was broken. I don't know anything else. Luo Yao nodded. He also asked Shen Yu to find the connections in Jinghai, but he only found out about the old man. It should be fine, but the specific whereabouts are unclear.

After all, it's not easy to find a refugee.

The news we got is that your father went to the countryside to take refuge before the city was destroyed. Later he returned to Jinling and then to his hometown in Jinghai. He stayed there for about half a year and is now in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong, what is he doing in Hong Kong? Luo Yao was surprised.

We don't know the specific reason. The organization knows your situation and for your safety, we asked comrades from the Jinghai Underground Party to help you find it. When we found out the news, we heard that your father was sitting The French ship went to Hong Kong.”

Did my father go alone?

It seems, do you have any relatives or friends in Hong Kong? Lao Wu asked.

Let me think about it... Luo Yao searched carefully in his mind. There should be some relatives in his hometown, but the relationship is very estranged. They have settled in Jinling for many years. All their friends are in Jinling. I haven't heard of any in Hong Kong. What relatives and friends?

No matter what, if you know where the person is, you will meet one day. Is this good news? Old Wu chuckled.

Old Wu, for my personal affairs, you still bother the underground party comrades in Jinghai so much... Luo Yao was really moved. He knew very well how difficult it was to find someone in these troubled times.

How many families and relatives have been separated and never found again.

Old Wu, thank you! Luo Yao said gratefully. Knowing the exact news about his father, he finally felt relieved. His father is his only relative in this world, as long as he can be safe.

If you want to thank me for whatever you want, thank the comrades of the underground party in Jinghai from now on.

Well, I will definitely thank you for this.

But Hong Kong is not a small place. I don't know where your father will live when he arrives in Hong Kong. But we also have an office in Hong Kong. The money department has entrusted a reliable comrade to help find out. Of course, he does not know your identity. . Old Wu said, As soon as there is news, I will notify you immediately.


I just received a telegram from my superior, and I was going to find an opportunity to tell you. I didn't expect you to come over today. Old Wu said with a smile, So, I won't have to ask you out again.

Thank you. Luo Yao thanked him again.

Shall we stay for dinner?

No, I always eat at your house, Zhou Min and sister-in-law will be suspicious. Luo Yao hurriedly stood up and left, and Lao Wu personally sent him out.

When we came out, it was dark. Fortunately, there were still some stars in the sky, so we could see the way home clearly. Luo Yao's eyes were already moist.

Although he is not fighting alone, he can still feel the care every time late at night.

He wished he could go to Hong Kong right now to find his father, but he couldn't. He had his own mission and heavy responsibilities on his shoulders, so how could he leave without authorization.

Suddenly, after a few days, it felt a little calm. Even in the Special Zone 3, there were fewer Japanese military police stopping people on the street to check their good citizen certificates at will.

Even the rampant Japanese ronin samurai are much rarer than usual.

Luo Yao has sensitive hearing and is more sensitive to such changes than ordinary people. This is unusual. The security of Jiangcheng has not improved.

Even if Tang Xin shrinks his men and hibernates temporarily, it cannot be done in a short while. There are many things involved, including whether communication is smooth, and many tasks need to be finished, etc.!

There are hundreds of people in the entire Jiangcheng District, and they are scattered and lurking. It is normal that some people have no time to notify.

It started to rain lightly. Luo Yao didn't bring an umbrella. After work, he wanted to call a rickshaw back. As soon as he left the school gate and raised his hand, Mancang, dressed as a rickshaw driver and wearing a raincoat, appeared in front of him.

Although Mancang was hired by Luo Yao, he didn't use it often. After all, Mancang had his own affairs. This employment just gave him a name to see him at any time without being suspected.

Is there a situation?

Well, in recent days, a lot of new faces have sneaked into the French Concession. They are not locals in Jiangcheng. With an identity like Mancang, it is easiest to get close to characters from all walks of life, and they are scattered in every corner of the street. Is there anything unusual? , that’s when you’ll find something out immediately.

The Japanese have always believed that we anti-Japanese elements in Chongqing were hiding in the French Concession, and used various means to put pressure on the French Concession authorities, forcing them to send people in for investigation and arrest, but they were unsuccessful. Luo Yaodao said, This If the light thing doesn’t work, let’s use the dark thing.”

Is this a Japanese plainclothes agent?

It's not impossible. If we can lurk, they won't think of using infiltration to come in to investigate the situation. Moreover, I guess they must have information before they send people in. Otherwise, they will be like headless flies, stumbling around. Flying, it's easier to expose yourself. Luo Yao said, Are there any such discoveries near our points?

That's not true. We are all hibernating now, basically motionless. Mancang said.

It seems that the Japanese are going to make a big move against the French Concession. Luo Yao thought for a moment, analyzed and judged, How about you find two key suspects, and then send people to keep an eye on them secretly, and see what they do. What, and then analyze and judge, what do the Japanese want to do?

Team leader, these should be small spies, not of much value, right?

Don't think these people are just minions, but they can play a big role at critical moments. As long as we can keep an eye on a useful person. Luo Yao said, Just listen to me, but remember one thing, no matter whether the other party finds out or not. None of you can do anything.

Once you do it, it will be the biggest flaw. Luo Yao said.


Team leader, I find that you are becoming more and more cautious now. Mancang sighed, When you first lurked, you dared to do anything.

At this time, at that time, the Japanese had not yet established a stable foothold in Jiangcheng. But now, they have established a traitor puppet regime, taken control of the police agency, and colluded with the local traitors. Their information is no longer as closed as it was at the beginning. , the enemy is strong and we are weak, if we don’t change our fighting strategy, do you think we will die not fast enough?” Luo Yao explained.

I understand, otherwise you are our team leader and we can only work under your command? Mancang chuckled. With a reliable commander, you can live longer and even save your life by lurking behind enemy lines. uncertain.

If there is an unreliable commander who doesn't know anything and gives blind orders, the chance of being unlucky will increase tenfold or a hundredfold.

Tell Su Jing's action team to be on standby at any time. Luo Yao thought for a moment and then ordered.

Team leader, what are you...

If we are the only ones left in the French Concession, life will be very difficult. Luo Yao said slowly, Be ready to take action at any time.


This was the second assassination that Liu Jinbao suffered. In the first assassination, the killer disguised himself as a restaurant waiter. When he was eating and serving food, he suddenly took out a dagger from the plate and stabbed him in the throat.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and had quick eyesight and quick hands. He leaned back and avoided the fatal blow. The killer was then beaten into a sieve by the two Japanese plainclothes who protected him.

This second time, it was not a close-quarters assassination, but a long-range attack. Just as he was getting into the car, a bullet was fired and hit the door frame of the back seat of the car.

It was his subconscious action of closing the car door that saved him. Otherwise, the bullet would have killed him. But this time the gunman missed the target and fled directly.

Sitting in the car, Liu Jinbao was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. He didn't know whether the two assassinations were deliberately arranged, but each time was extremely thrilling. If this was an act, the price would be too high. Someone died.

In the plan, Luo Yao arranged some fake assassinations to help him gain the trust of the Japanese, but he didn't know the specific arrangements.

After the two assassinations, the Japanese paid more attention to him. Someone who could be killed by the Chongqing military commander at any cost must be of great value.

Liu Sang, it seems that they want to get rid of you quickly. You should be more careful when traveling from now on. Sugita Kotaro said.

Thank you, Section Chief Sugita, for your concern. I will be careful. Liu Jinbao tried his best to smile.

In the past few days, you should try to stay at home and not go out. The Special High School Division and the Military Police are planning a big operation. Sugita Kotaro said.

Liu Jinbao's heart moved: What action?

I'm not very clear about the specifics. I heard that it was targeted at the French Concession. After this operation, I believe we can severely crack down on these Chongqing anti-Japanese elements lurking in Jiangcheng. Our public security will have a fundamental turnaround! said Kotaro Sugita! .

I hope so.

By the way, Liu Sang, do you know the 'Kappa' group? Sugita Kotaro suddenly asked.

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