The secret war is silent

Chapter 149 Aftermath

Someone else would smile like that.

Tang Xin might have lost face immediately and walked away, but Luo Yao was different. He knew that the other party was not laughing at him, but looking at his current appearance, he looked a little embarrassed.

Embarrassing indeed.

If he hadn't received a warning from Luo Yao, he would have set up an early warning device in his residence, discovered the Japanese military police who came to arrest him in advance, and escaped in time.

Otherwise, he would not be so lucky today and still be able to stand in front of Luo Yao.

Because he was walking in a hurry, he didn't have time to grab anything, so he hid for a whole night. The next day, he stole some bad clothes and put them on, pretending to be a beggar before he dared to come out.

Luo Yao took Tang Xin back to the Tongda car dealership and asked Mancang to get him hot water for a bath and then get him some food. He hadn't eaten well all day.

Mancang didn't know Tang Xin at first. He didn't know that the man in front of him, who was gorging himself like a starving ghost, was actually the number two figure in Jiangcheng District of Juntong.

He won't ask any questions. Luo Yao brought him here, so he naturally has to treat him well.

Brother, as soon as something happened to me, I thought of you. Now I can't believe anyone but you. Tang Xin said with all his heart.

Brother, please eat slowly, there is still not enough. Luo Yao's mood was a bit complicated. With this move by the Japanese, Juntong Jiangcheng District was afraid that his vitality would be seriously damaged.

Enough, enough. Be sure to eat too much when you are hungry. It will harm your health. Tang Xin finished two large bowls of noodles, put down the bowl, pointed at the remaining duck rack he had just eaten, and said, This duck rack will be cooked later in the evening. A soup.

Mancang smiled and nodded, his smile a little awkward. This is all for you to chew on. By the time you make the soup, you can drink it yourself. No one wants to eat your saliva.

Who is this brother?

Mancang, pseudonym: Gao Rong, codename: Kui Mulang, a member of the core team of 'River God', and my action team leader. Luo Yao introduced.

It turns out it's Brother Mancang. I've admired your name for a long time. I've heard Brother Luo mention your name a long time ago, but I've never had the chance to meet you. Thank you for meeting me! Tang Xin hurriedly stood up and clasped his fists.

You're welcome, Deputy District Chief Tang. I'm just a nobody. Mancang now also knew who the embarrassed man in front of him was. He blew up the celebration meeting of the Maintenance Association in Jiangcheng and put everyone in Jiangcheng's traitorous lackeys in danger. Even if the character is in a sorry state now, he is still worthy of respect.

Brother, I'm like a lost dog now. Hey, let's not talk anymore! Tang Xin sighed. This time it was really dangerous. Fortunately, he didn't live with Li Guochen and got Luo Yao's warning in advance. Otherwise, this would have happened. Once again, he might not be able to escape.

I feel scared when I think about it now.

Team leader, Deputy District Chief Tang, you guys chat, I'll go out and inquire about the situation. Mancang glanced at Luo Yao, bowed slightly and exited the room.

Talents... Tang Xin looked at Mancang walking out, his eyes shining with envy. Why didn't he have such smart people under his command who knew how to advance and retreat?

Brother Tang, it's very safe here. You can stay here temporarily. If you have anything to do, you can ask Mancang to do it. Just remember to call him Gaorong in front of outsiders. Luo Yaodao.

Well, okay, thank you. Tang Xin nodded, By the way, brother, I want to get in touch with the bureau headquarters immediately and report the situation here to Boss Dai?

This is not difficult. Just give me the message you want to send and I will send it. Luo Yao said.

Okay, let me tell you what I know now so that you can be mentally prepared. Tang Xin nodded, he had absolute trust in Luo Yaona.

Only then did Luo Yao learn that the arrest operation the night before yesterday involved not only the Japanese gendarmerie stationed in Jiangcheng, but also the Japanese Marine Corps stationed in Jiangcheng.

No wonder the French Concession Patrol Office and the Annan troops stationed in the French Concession were powerless to stop them, allowing the Japanese troops to rush into the French Concession and arrest many people in the concession.

Of course, this may have been a private discussion between the Japanese and the French Concession authorities, but it was just for the sake of face that it was not disclosed to the outside world in advance.

The French Concession authorities must have been asked to conceal it from their subordinates, otherwise it would be impossible for the military commander's internal line in the patrol office not to receive any information.

But if the Japanese did not get accurate information, they would never plan such a precise arrest. The French Concession authorities also had to take their own face into consideration.

Of course, this kind of face is worthless in the face of power.

But this has done a lot of damage to Japan, which bills itself as a civilized country. At present, Japan is still under considerable pressure from international public opinion.

When fighting the Japanese, you must always be prepared for them to turn over the table and violate the rules.

So Boss Li was arrested? Luo Yao heard the exact news about the arrest of Jiangcheng District Chief Li Guochen from Tang Xin.

Well, he and his work wife were arrested together. Tang Xin said, Someone saw them being put into a car with their own eyes.

Now we are in big trouble. Luo Yao asked, Once Boss Li falls into the water, Jiangcheng District will suffer a devastating blow. Can we still find people who have not been arrested and know about Boss Li?

The incident happened suddenly, and the Japanese directly took control of the location of the district agency. I think there are not many people who are as lucky as me... Tang Xin said.

This time it was obvious that a traitor leaked the location of the district agency. Otherwise, how could the Japanese choose to operate at night with such a clear target?

Don't let me know who betrayed us. I'm going to strip him of his skin and cramps and cut him into pieces! Tang Xin was extremely angry. If he was betrayed after being arrested and tortured, it would be excusable. After all, under torture, How many people would rather die than surrender?

The kind of people who take the initiative to inform and betray their country for glory are the most shameful people.

Traitors are the most unforgivable.

Brother Tang, please be patient. Since everything has happened, we can only work hard to deal with the aftermath. Getting angry will not help. Luo Yao said, First of all, gather those who were not exposed and those who luckily escaped arrest, and pay attention to screening at the same time. and review work, and secondly, investigating and finding traitors. Only by finding and eliminating traitors can we completely eliminate hidden dangers.

The main arrests this time are in the French Concession. The situation in other areas is not clear yet, but it should not have a big impact. However, once the arrested person opens his mouth, the exposure and losses will be further expanded. The losses must be stopped immediately, otherwise Jiangcheng District must be seriously injured! Tang Xin nodded, I have already made arrangements for everyone to evacuate and transfer urgently, and abandon everything that needs to be discarded, except for some key transportation stations.

Brother Tang, if you need anything, just ask me. If I can help, I won't refuse. Luo Yao said solemnly.

Thank you, brother, it would be great if you could allow me to hide here for two days. Tang Xin said gratefully. Although he could pretend to be a beggar, he didn't know how to beg without food and drink, so it was easier for him. Reveal your identity.

You can live here with peace of mind. Wherever you want to go, just tell me and I will make arrangements for you.

Luo Yao gave Mancang a few more instructions before he came out of Tongda Car Shop. After this delay, most of the day passed, and by the time he arrived at school, it was already lunch time.

Teacher Qin, what's going on? You're rarely late, let alone late for most of the day? Teacher Xu asked with concern.

Luo Yao said hurriedly: Oh, it wasn't because of what happened the night before yesterday. Our street was blocked and the blockade was lifted just now.

Hey, we haven't had a peaceful day since the Japanese came.

Teacher Xu, be careful what you say.

Yeah, teacher Qin, you should be more careful.


The Japanese arrests did not stop there. That night, Sanli, where Gong Hui lived, was surrounded by Japanese military police and searched. Then they heard that another person had been arrested.

In the next three days, news of arrests continued to come, and the work of the entire Jiangcheng District of Juntong was completely paralyzed. The Japanese cut off the French Concession's connection with the outside world.

People outside did not know the situation of the district agencies, especially the people under District Chief Li Guochen. They were alert and moved immediately. Those who were a little slower and still waiting for instructions and notifications became prisoners of the Japanese. .

The scope of arrests is expanding.

Luo Yao and Tang Xinming knew that people were being arrested constantly, but there was nothing they could do. They didn't know the situation of some lurking people at all. Some people from Tang Xin's group were affected at first, but after receiving the evacuation and evacuation notice, all of them were transferred In the countryside, the power was preserved.

As for Li Guokan's group, most of them were arrested except for a few who escaped the search.

Some of them chose to follow Li Guochen instead of being recruited by the River God team. This time, almost the entire army was wiped out. Only two were lucky enough to escape capture and fled to the countryside to hide. They were contacted after a long time.

Mountain city, headquarters of the Military Command Bureau.

Boss Dai, there's an urgent call from Jiangcheng! Mao Qiwu anxiously pushed open the door of Dai Yunong's secret room, walked in, and saw Dai Yunong sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed.

Boss Dai, Jiangcheng... Mao Qiwu continued to speak, and Dai Yunong suddenly opened his eyes, shooting out a soul-stirring cold light.

What's the damage?

The losses have been huge and the vitality of Jiangcheng District has been severely damaged. Except for Deputy District Chief Tang Xin and his troops who luckily escaped arrest, all of them have now been evacuated and moved to safe areas in the countryside. Mao Qiwu said with his head lowered.

What does Li Guokan do for a living? The Japanese only occupied Jiangcheng for a few days and almost uprooted the entire Jiangcheng district? Dai Yunong was furious.

Tang Xin and Luo Yao both concluded that it was most likely the work of a traitor.

The traitor, who is the traitor? Have you found out? Dai Yunong said angrily, It's not that Li Guo is incompetent and can't control his own internal affairs. How did he become the district chief? It was in vain that I had such high expectations for him. Leave such an important task of lurking in Jiangcheng to him!

Boss Dai, are Jiangcheng still waiting for your reply?

Adjust and appoint Tang Xin as the district chief of Jiangcheng District, gather the remaining troops, identify the enemy and friends, and rescue the arrested comrades. If the city cannot gain a foothold, it can be moved to the suburbs for command. Dai Yunong thought for a moment and then ordered.

Jiangcheng District has suffered such heavy losses. Can the team directly under the 'River God' be merged into Jiangcheng District for unified action? Mao Qiwu thought about it and suggested.

No, the direct team will not move. This is our trump card in Jiangcheng. It cannot be touched unless it is a particularly critical moment. Dai Yunong refused directly.


Has that person's plane arrived in Hanoi? Dai Yunong asked.

Already arrived.

The news will spread back to China soon. We should all be prepared to deal with it. Dai Yunong took a long breath and said, Qi Wu, prepare a transport plane for me. I want to fly to Xijing.


At that time, the old man was inspecting and supervising the war in Xijing.

A few chapters are over, and the subsequent plot is unfolding. Necessary explanations!

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