The secret war is silent

Chapter 150 Trouble is coming

Although the bad news keeps coming.

But the Japanese arrests seemed to have stopped, and the Japanese military police also withdrew from the concession. It seemed that they had reached some kind of agreement with the concession.

It's the weekend.

During the school holidays, Luo Yao also rested at home. In the morning, he ate a bowl of noodles at a noodle shop, then went to Yuhetang and asked Yitie Ling to put the last medicine on him.

After coming out of Yuhetang, Luo Yao went to Tongda Automobile Dealership again, met and chatted with Tang Xin for a while, and learned some things.

It was almost noon before we went to Sunshine Cafe.

Suddenly it began to rain lightly in the sky, and gradually snowflakes drifted down. There were already few pedestrians on the street, but now that it snowed, there were even fewer people.

Although there is a fireplace in the house, the temperature is still very low.

The coffee shop's business at noon was pretty good, with about a dozen customers, mostly Westerners. At this time in Jiangcheng, only Westerners could be so leisurely.

Although the Japanese despise the Westerners at heart, they are still afraid of the Westerners. Therefore, unlike the Chinese, they do not beat or scold the Westerners at will, and even use fists and kicks when they are happy.

My cousin is here, can I make you a cup of coffee?

No, I haven't been sleeping well recently, and I can't sleep even after drinking coffee. You'd better give me a cup of hot water. Luo Yao shook his hand and ordered.

Is it because of the incident in Jiangcheng District that I can't sleep well? Gong Hui asked with concern.

Well, Jiangcheng District's vitality has been severely damaged this time, and I'm afraid it won't be able to recover within half a year. Luo Yao nodded, Jiangcheng District has learned from the past and we should be vigilant. Once there is an internal problem, it will be extremely destructive.

I understand, cousin, don't worry, I will be careful.

Any special news?

There is news, however, coming from Jinghai District. Li Shiqun and Ding Mocun, traitors to the Central Unification Committee, with the support of the Mei Agency, established a secret service organization at No. 76 Jisi Feier Road in the British Concession to target the anti-Japanese elements in the concession. and carried out crazy persecution of patriots. Gong Huidao.

Is this the time for the demons to dance wildly? Luo Yao sneered. Counting the time, it was time for these two notorious traitorous spies to appear.

Cousin, your description is really apt!

Any other news?

No other news. Gong Hui thought for a moment and shook her head.

Forget it... Luo Yao's mood was waning. The news of Wang's escape should have only become known to the world after he published the erotic video in Hong Kong's South China Daily.

Now it is estimated that not many people in Chongqing know the inside story. He is in the Japanese war zone, and the information is originally blocked. The bureau headquarters will not report this kind of information to him out of the need to keep it confidential. It is normal not to know.

However, according to what he knew in his second soul's memory, Mr. Wang was probably already in Hanoi at the moment, secretly meeting the Japanese.

He couldn't change this. Even if he knew about it, he could only lose his temper and curse.

Sister Hui...

Xiao Wu, come in. Gong Hui ordered.

Sister Hui, there is a guest outside who wants to see you by name. Xiao Wu, whose full name is Xin Chunsheng, is the fifth eldest child in the family, so everyone is used to calling him Xiao Wu.

You want to see me by name? Gong Hui waved her hand nonchalantly, No.

Gong Hui's beauty and curvy figure have skyrocketed her popularity since she opened this coffee shop, attracting a lot of fans.

These people came to drink coffee just for her. She knew this very well. Even if she deliberately put on makeup to look more mature, there were still many people who liked to look like a boss lady.

Coffee Shih Tzu!

This is a nickname given to her by many people.

She didn't like this nickname very much, but she couldn't stop others from talking. There were too many people calling her by name to see her and ask her to serve. Especially before the Japanese army entered Jiangcheng, it happened every day. People come here because of the reputation, and there are even some old perverts who come here deliberately to take advantage of it.

Gong Hui always said nothing in her words: Missing.

If you like coffee or not, if you don’t drink it, get out of here.

Just such a bad temper.

Of course, it’s not that no one came forward with force and even smashed the store, but the consequence was that there was no future...

Therefore, when she heard someone make this request, Gong Hui subconsciously said two words: No see, where can I stay?

Sister Hui, the other party is Japanese. Xiao Wu whispered.

Gong Hui couldn't help but change her expression when she heard this, and Luo Yao's expression quickly became serious after hearing this. Since the Sunshine Cafe opened, it's not like no Japanese have come here, but this is the first time that they want to see the proprietress by name.

Cousin, what should I do? Gong Hui asked softly.

See, let's see what he wants to do. Remember, if he is just someone who admires you, this is easy to handle. If he has other purposes, try to find out his origins. Luo Yao thought for a moment and ordered.

Yes, I understand. With Luo Yao here, she felt more confident.

Xiaowu, take me to see him.

Luo Yao was sitting in Gong Hui's office. He could hear the conversation between the two of them without going out.

Xiao Wu was right, he was indeed a Japanese. Not many Chinese people wanted to keep the iconic Japanese rendanhu because it was too ugly.

In this regard, the aesthetics of the Japanese are very different from that of the Chinese. Therefore, Gong Hui does not believe that China and Japan share the same culture and race. Apart from similar skin colors, they are basically two different races. How could they be the same kind of people in a country that is gentle and modest and has universally recognized etiquette, but is cruel and easy to kill?

I'm ashamed to be in the company of such a talking, upright walking beast!

Although she hates the Japanese, Gong Hui still works hard to deal with the Japanese. After all, Jiangcheng is now dominated by the Japanese. Only those who can bend and stretch are the heroes among women.

As soon as the middle-aged Japanese with a beard and a plump figure saw Gong Hui, his eyes lit up and he stood up from his seat.

Ah, Boss Hui is so beautiful. It's better to see her than to hear her. Please sit down!

Sir, I'm sorry, I'm the boss and I'm not allowed to sit at the same table as the guests. Gong Hui suppressed the disgust in her heart, nodded slightly, and showed a formulaic smile.

Beautiful, so beautiful. Boss Hui is just like the person in my dreams... The Japanese stared at Gong Hui, unable to take his eyes away, talking to himself, as if he was suffering from some kind of hysteria.

Sir, please respect yourself. Gong Hui was already very restrained, but since the other party was Japanese and his purpose was unknown, she could still hold it back.

My Excellency, Toshio Fujiwara, is the president of Fujiwara Co., Ltd. Fujiwara Toshio bowed slightly, Boss Hui's beauty makes me yearn for it. I'm sorry.

Mr. Fujiwara, you're too polite. Gong Hui nodded slightly. They had already apologized, so she had to be polite and reluctant.

However, she was very uncomfortable with the way Toshio Fujiwara looked at her just now and wanted to swallow her whole.

Boss Hui, can you ask me a few questions?

Mr. Fujiwara, please speak?

Can you please Miss Hui sit down and talk? It's not appropriate to stand like this? Fujiwara Toshio asked Gong Hui to sit down again.

Gong Hui thought about it, and finally walked over and sat down in front of Fujiwara Toshio: Mr. Fujiwara, if you have any questions, I have a lot of things to do later.

It won't delay Miss Hui for long.

Fujiwara Toshio never took his eyes away from Gong Hui. The strong desire was completely undisguised, which made Gong Hui very uncomfortable. However, in order to know the purpose of this Japanese, she could only choose to endure it. .

Fujiwara Toshio paused for a moment: Boss Hui, I remember that this coffee shop was originally called Dusk. His boss was a very elegant and open-minded gentleman?

Mr. Fujiwara is talking about Lao Mu Bar. He changed hands and sold the coffee shop. I rented it, took over it, renovated it, and renamed it Sunshine Coffee House. Gong Hui smiled calmly, and it was indeed purposeful. Come.

Does Boss Hui know the whereabouts of Boss Mu?

I don't know about this. I used to be a regular customer of this coffee shop. Suddenly it closed one day. I couldn't drink the coffee or desserts I liked. So, I asked around and found out that he had closed the coffee shop. It was resold, and I sublet it from someone else. Unfortunately, the business is much worse than when Lao Mu was here. Gong Huidao.

So that's it. Boss Mu and I were friends. We left almost a year and a half ago. When I came back, I thought I could see my old friend again, but I didn't expect that he had already left! Fujiwara Toshio sighed.

If you don't have any other questions, Mr. Fujiwara, then I'll go get busy. Gong Hui stood up and said.

Boss Hui, wait a moment, do I have another question? Fujiwara Toshio said hurriedly.

Gong Hui continued to sit down.

Boss Mu is an old friend of mine. I think his redemption of this place is only temporary. He will come back. I want to buy this place again. Boss Hui, what do you think? Fujiwara Toshio said.

Mr. Fujiwara, are you kidding?

No, I'm definitely not joking. I really want to buy this coffee shop, and if possible, I want to continue to hand it over to you, Boss Hui, to run it! Fujiwara Toshio said very openly.

Mr. Fujiwara, please respect yourself! Gong Hui was furious. Fujiwara Toshio had gone too far.

Boss Hui, I, Fujiwara Toshio, will definitely get whatever I like. This coffee shop and you will be mine. Fujiwara Toshio said proudly, leaning back on his chair.

Fujiwara Toshio, you are not welcome here, please get out! Gong Hui was trembling with anger, pointed at the door, and shouted sternly.

Fujiwara Toshio smiled, took out a banknote, put it under the plate, then turned around and called the bodyguard behind him, and left quickly.

I'm furious!

Don't be angry, he is testing you. Luo Yao put down a small black dog in his hand, his name was Heidou. They were born to the big stray black dog that Lin Miao had raised. There were four of them in total. After the lactation period, Luo Yao kept the smallest one and gave away the remaining three.

Dahei subsequently disappeared. Someone saw him commit suicide by throwing himself into the river. His body was floating on the river and later disappeared.

Luo Yao had to go to work, so Heidou was raised at Gong Hui's place. This little guy was very smart. Even if he was eating and drinking at Gong Hui's place, the person he was closest to was still Luo Yao.

As long as Luo Yao comes, it will always follow the smell, then jump into Luo Yao's arms, find the most comfortable position, and make comfortable snoring sounds.

What should we do now? Gong Hui said, If we get entangled with Fujiwara Toshio, I'm afraid we will continue to have troubles.

Let's take stock of Lao Mu's coffee house, and we have predicted the consequences. Luo Yao nodded. If there hadn't been Jiang Xiaoyu and Fan Jingyin, it would not be difficult to get through this matter, but that Fujiwara Toshio insisted. If something happens, there's nothing you can do about it. Some things can't be avoided if you want to.

If you don't look for trouble, trouble will come to you. No one can arrange things in the future perfectly.

You deal with it first, I will find a way to deal with this person. Luo Yao knew that if Fujiwara Toshio could not be solved, it would be a huge trouble.

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