The secret war is silent

Chapter 151 Evil Deeds

Jiangcheng Secret Service.

Fujiwara-kun, how are you? Jiro Domon personally welcomed Fujiwara Toshio into his office. The Fujiwara surname belongs to the Chinese ethnic group in Japan.

Fujiwara Toshio is a businessman. Before the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he had invested heavily in China, especially in Jiangcheng, where there were many industries.

After the Nationalist Government took back the Japanese concession and Japanese-owned enterprises, Fujiwara Toshio was forced to return to Japan. This time the Japanese army reoccupied Jiangcheng and he came back.

Not only did he get back his past property, he also robbed a lot of assets. He is one of the few Japanese upstarts in Jiangcheng now.

Lao Mu's identity is a secret within the Japanese army. If Domon Jiro was not related to the Kappa case and was ordered to find the whereabouts of the Kappa, he would not be qualified to know such a secret.

According to my observation, there should be nothing wrong with Boss Hui. Toshio Fujiwara chuckled, However, her name of 'Coffee Beauty' is well-deserved.

Fujiwara-kun is interested in him? Domon Jiro has long known that Fujiwara Toshio is a lecherous person. Not only is he lustful, but he also prefers young girls.

This special hobby is common among Japanese nobles, and there are even many who like sex.

No wonder.

Well, I fell in love with her the first time we met. I must get this woman. Fujiwara Toshio chuckled lewdly.

I don't care about this, as long as Boss Hui has nothing to do with the Kappa case. Domon Jiro doesn't care about Fujiwara Toshio's bad things. He asked him to come forward, just to test Boss Hui of Sunshine Cafe. What is the relationship between the Twilight Cafe of the past.

As long as it is proven that there is no connection, he will naturally stop interfering. Fujiwara Toshio has many Japanese ronin samurai under his command, so naturally there will be people to help him do these things.

This boss Hui was also a customer of Lao Mu in the past. Lao Mu suddenly sold out the shop. She had no place to drink coffee, so she took the shop from others and ran it herself...

Well, what you said is similar to what I investigated. There should be nothing wrong with this boss Hui. Domon Jiro nodded. He naturally did some research before asking Fujiwara Toshio to test it out.

It's okay, I'll leave first. Fujiwara Toshio stood up and said, I will invite Minister Domon to my house for tea another day. I brought the best tea from Jinghai.

Okay, Mr. Fujiwara invites you, I will definitely go, please! Jiro Domon personally sent Toshio Fujiwara out of his office.


Send someone to keep an eye on Fujiwara secretly. Adjutant Akagi came in. Domon Jiro raised his eyelids slightly and gave an order.

Minister, why is this? President Fujiwara is one of our own, and his loyalty to the empire is unquestionable. Akagi was surprised.

I don't doubt his loyalty to the empire, I'm worried that his life is in danger. Domon Jiro said, Today I sent him to test the Sunshine Cafe, but this guy still doesn't change his old habits, even though Jiangcheng is in our Under the control, there are still many lawless people, such as the 'River God' group we are looking for. Unexpectedly, District Chief Li does not know its situation. This is really an elusive opponent.

Do you want me to send someone to protect President Fujiwara?

There are many bodyguards around him. You don't need to do the protection. Your people only need to report in time what he does every day.

Hai! Akagi agreed and went out to set up.

After breaking the military rule in Jiangcheng District and arresting hundreds of core members below the district chief Li Guochen, Domon Erlang received a commendation from the dispatched army headquarters.

This made his position as secret service minister instantly secure, and no one doubted his ability.

However, Li Guochen, in addition to explaining the situation in the Jiangcheng District of the military command, gave very little confessions about the River God team of the military command that carried out the 11.3 shelling into the city, only a few words.

However, Tang Xin, the deputy district chief who was closely related to the River God group and the mastermind of the explosion at the celebration meeting for the establishment of the Sustaining Association, unexpectedly escaped.

Once such a key figure escapes, it is very difficult to capture him again. The remaining personnel in the Jiangcheng District of Juntong are like frightened birds. As long as there is the slightest sign of trouble, they will immediately take action and hide as far as you can. I can't find a corner of the place.

Jiangcheng is so big that if you include the countryside, even if you ask the garrison to cooperate with the search, it will be difficult to do so.

What's more, how much would it cost to really do this? Not to mention, he couldn't afford it now, and even Neji Okamura wouldn't agree to do it.

Judging from the relevant information now known, after the real Kappa Lao Mu disappeared, the entire Kappa group almost completely disappeared from Jiangcheng.

Kappa Lao Mu has a lot of confidential information he has collected over the years. These things are what the empire urgently needs now.

Even if Kappa is arrested, he will not hand over these things easily. Therefore, he has a mission in Jiangcheng, which is to find Kappa Lao Mu and determine the whereabouts of the confidential information in his hands.

Fujiwara Toshio, let me think about it, I seem to have heard of this person before. After hearing Luo Yao's introduction, Tang Xin closed his eyes and recalled it carefully.

Since Fujiwara Toshio once stayed in Jiangcheng, it is very likely that Tang Xin, who has been working in Jiangcheng, knows him.

Therefore, the first person he thought of was him.

I remembered that I had some impressions of this Japanese man. He seems to be considered a noble in Japan. In the 23rd or 24th year of the Republic of China, in Jiangcheng, he jointly established a textile factory with a local entrepreneur and purchased He bought some industries and set up a trading company, mainly engaged in cloth, and also engaged in other businesses. This person's reputation was not very good, and he liked to go to places with fireworks. He left Jiangcheng before the government took back the Xiakou Japanese Concession. About him Regarding the situation, Juntong Jiangcheng Station has collected relevant information about him in the past, but I don’t know the details.

Where are these information?

Before evacuating Jiangcheng, most of the information was transported back to the mountain city. Some of the useless ones were burned directly. Tang Xin said, I don't know if his information was included in the burning. Logically speaking, it should not be.

Thanks, I'll contact the bureau headquarters immediately.

Wait, brother, has this Japanese provoked you? Tang Xin asked.

So be it.

Brother, do you want me to help you?

It's not needed yet. If necessary, I will ask. Luo Yao knew that Tang Xin also had good intentions. If he refused, it would hurt his heart.

Don't be embarrassed. Although I am a polished commander now, my skills have not fallen behind.

I know, I'm here to tell you some good news. Luo Yao said, Cao Shican, the translator of the district agency, luckily escaped, but his wife was arrested and the radio station was confiscated by the Japanese military police.

Really, where is Cao Shican now? Tang Xin asked excitedly.

Don't worry, he has moved to the countryside now and is very safe. In addition, Song Yue has arrived in Xia Yang and gathered many people there.

Brother, please arrange for me to rent the area right away. I'm going to join Song Yue and the others to rebuild Jiangcheng District. Tang Xin already knew that he had been appointed as the new head of Jiangcheng District, but others were trapped in the French Concession, and the reconstruction was just a matter of time. It can be left to outsiders.

Although the Japanese troops withdrew from the French Concession, the blockade and inspection of the French Concession became more stringent, and even the living passes were not so easy to handle.

I'll make arrangements.

Tang Xin is now in the concession and his heart is no longer there, so it is better to arrange for him to leave and join Song Yue. Song Yue's personal prestige is not enough to lead Jiangcheng District.

Only when Tang Xin, the backbone, is gone can the reconstruction of Jiangcheng District be officially launched.

Jiangcheng District needs Tang Xin, and Tang Xin also needs Jiangcheng District.

Thanks, brother. Tang Xin said with great gratitude.

Why are you so polite? From now on in Jiangcheng, our two families will be the only ones helping each other. Luo Yao stretched out his hand and held Tang Xin's hand.

Yes, let's back to back, watch and help each other, and never leave!

In the mountain city, Wanglongmen Hunan Guild Hall is the public office of the military commander. It is mainly the location of the military commander's clerical department, archives department and confidential correspondence department.

A telegram from Luo Yao asked the bureau headquarters to investigate a Japanese businessman who had stayed in Jiangcheng in the past.

There was no need to alarm Dai Yunong, Mao Qiwu, the secretary-director, could do it. A phone call was made to the archives department, and the originally idle department suddenly became active.

There are so many files on military commanders, even if they are not overwhelming, they are definitely indispensable. It is really not easy to find information about a Japanese businessman that is not important.

But it depends on who needs it. This is Mao Qiwu, the popular man next to Boss Dai. He can decide the future and fate of the following people, even life and death, with just one sentence.

Found it, found it... After working overtime for seven or eight hours overnight, a clerk from the archives unit shouted excitedly, grabbing this file bag in his hand.

Call Secretary Mao quickly!

Luo Yao didn't expect the efficiency of the bureau headquarters to be so high. He thought that even if Mao Qiwu saved his face, it would take three to five days to find the information.

Unexpectedly, after this awakening, detailed investigation information about Fujiwara Toshio was transmitted via radio waves.

Fujiwara Toshio, 44 ​​years old, is from Iwate Prefecture, Japan. He graduated from Toa Douben School. He has lived in China for many years and speaks fluent Chinese. In the 23rd year of the Republic of China, he came to Jiangcheng at the invitation of Guo, a local textile company in Jiangcheng, to invest. A year later, the textile factory of the Guo family was annexed by the Guo family, and the Guo family went bankrupt. The head of the family, Guo Jinyi, committed suicide by taking poison...

Fujiwara Toshio looks polite and polite on the surface, but he is extremely dirty at heart. He used very despicable means in the process of annexing the Guo family. Even Guo Jinyi's daughter-in-law was raped by him. Insulted, and finally unable to bear the humiliation, he threw himself into the river.

Of course, this was Guo's family scandal. The matter was not announced to the public and was even suppressed. However, Fujiwara Toshio was protected by consular jurisdiction because of his identity as a Japanese. He was not punished at all after the incident, and even lost his reputation. Nothing was damaged, and we continued to live happily.

This was just one of the many crimes Fujiwara Toshio committed in Jiangcheng.

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