The secret war is silent

Chapter 153 Decision

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold.

Not to mention the friendship between Luo Yao and Tang Xin, he still understood this fact. The existence of Juntong Jiangcheng District could at least share half of his pressure.

Therefore, Tang Xin wanted to rebuild Jiangcheng District, and Luo Yao generously sent some supplies, including various weapons, ammunition, and radio stations.

How can Tang Xin get in touch with his subordinates without a radio station?

The timeliness of relying on human power to deliver messages is so poor that sometimes just one second can mean a life.

I'm wronged, Brother Tang.

Under Luo Yao's arrangement, Tang Xin mingled with the charcoal sellers and sneaked out of the French Concession. Outside the concession, there would be people to help him, so he didn't have to worry about this.

Tang Xin's men suffered little loss, and they basically all evacuated the city safely, plus some of Li Guochen's men who managed to escape by chance.

The personnel losses in Juntong Jiangcheng District were not too great, but the hard work of more than half a year was in vain. With Li Guochen's familiarity and understanding of Juntong Jiangcheng District, the Japanese secret service would definitely have the upper hand in the future.

Thank you, Brother Luo. My brother's escape from death this time is all thanks to my brother. If we meet again, I will treat you to a big drink!


Team leader, Deputy District Chief Tang is quite a man of temperament and worth making friends with. Mancang stood behind Luo Yao and said in a low voice. Although he and Tang Xin had only been together for a short time, they got along well with each other and were very fond of him. fold.

There are not many people like this in the military.

Team leader, are we left in the city to fight alone? Mancang said.

The Japanese have just cracked our Jiangcheng District agency, and they are in full swing. Let's avoid the danger first. Luo Yao is not afraid, but there is no need to go toe-to-toe with the enemy at this time, as that will undoubtedly lead to self-destruction.

I understand, it's just that the brothers are holding their breath in their hearts.

Don't worry, there will be a chance for them to say this. Luo Yao nodded, I'll emphasize discipline to the people below again and don't act rashly.


In the past few days, someone named Yang Fan may come to see me. Please keep him for me and notify me immediately. Luo Yao ordered.

Yang Fan, who is he?

A useful person.

Mancang scratched his thin-haired head, a little confused, but Luo Yao was already far away, so it was difficult to catch up and ask.

Anyway, what you should know, you will know naturally when the time comes.

According to your instructions, I lied to Fujiwara Toshio and secretly followed up and investigated his whereabouts. Gong Hui said, This guy said everything to me and didn't hide anything.

Has he been to the Jiangcheng Secret Service?

Basically I go there every day, just like reporting for work. Gong Hui said.

Luo Yao nodded: It's not difficult to explain. Fujiwara Toshio must have another identity, an intelligence agent of the Japanese Army Ministry.

Then we can't let it go.

How's the traitor investigation going? Luo Yao changed the topic and asked another question.

Jiangcheng District government driver Jiang Lianwen and Li Guochen's orderly Ding Lai spent money lavishly and had poor living styles. They owed a lot of debt outside and were chased by creditors. They asked Li Guochen to borrow money, but Li Guochen refused to lend and paid back. After scolding the two of them, these two people harbored a grudge and turned traitor to the enemy together. That night, it was these two people who led the Japanese to directly surround the Lixin Building on Dongting Street! Gong Hui said.

These two people deserve to be killed!

These two people are now protected by the Japanese. It would be difficult to assassinate or assassinate them. Gong Hui added.

Send capable personnel to keep an eye on these two people, and impose sanctions immediately if there is an opportunity! Luo Yao ordered.

Understand, these two are just minor characters, and the Japanese's protection of them will not last long. Gong Hui nodded, agreeing with Luo Yao's judgment.

Cousin, Merry Christmas! Gong Hui took out a red scarf and handed it to Luo Yao, with a happy expression on her face.

Given to me?

Cousin, don't you even know that today is Christmas? Gong Hui asked with a strange expression.

How could I not know that today is Christmas? It's just that we don't even understand the Chinese people's own festivals. Why go to other people's festivals? Luo Yao is somewhat repulsive and even disgusted with these Western festivals. This is a subtle influence. cultural invasion.

Of course, he still accepted Gong Hui's gift. After all, it was her wish, and he was not that stubborn.

The reason why the Chinese nation has a huge ability to assimilate is because of its cultural identity. Culture is the foundation for the inheritance and maintenance of a nation.

Bloodline, skin color, and even genes, if you want to fix them, it is almost impossible. War, migration and integration of ethnic groups, no matter how you stop it, rejection will only make you die faster.

Old fashioned.

This is not old-fashioned. You can celebrate foreigners' festivals, but don't take them too seriously. You have to carefully analyze and understand these festivals. Are the connotations behind them heavier than the festivals of our ancestors? Luo Yao felt. It is necessary to educate Gong Hui on traditional Chinese culture.

It is quite necessary to identify with the culture of one's own nation, which is very important to the current Chinese people.

Gong Hui had never seen Luo Yao treat her like this because of a little thing. He quoted scriptures and talked to her non-stop for half an hour.

Besides talking about work, did he ever talk to her for more than half an hour?

After listening to Luo Yao's brainwashing of ancestral culture, Gong Hui also felt that the foreign festivals were too casual and tasteless, and there was no interest in them.

Which Chinese festival does not have rich stories and cultural connotations?

Sister Hui, you have done so much for the team leader, why doesn't the team leader appreciate you at all? Xin Xiaowu felt a little sorry for Gong Hui.

What do you know? The team leader is focused on the cause of resisting the war and saving the country. For him, having an affair with his children is a waste of energy. Gong Hui rolled her eyes at Xin Xiaowu.

Ah, is the team leader going to become an ascetic?

The man I, Gong Hui, like is naturally different. Gong Hui raised her head proudly and said.

Sister Hui, have you confessed your love to the team leader?

Um...uh, Xin Xiaowu, are you asking for a beating? These words touched Gong Hui's pain point, and immediately triggered a hammer blow.

In fact, Luo Yao heard all these words and couldn't help but laugh. He actually hadn't gone far yet. This small distance did not hinder his hearing, and even if he heard it, he could only pretend not to hear it.

Still in the west of the city, Zhujia Lane.

The bottle of medicine has been in Yang Fan's hands for two days, but he has not given it to his mother. It is not that he is unfilial, but that he knows that once the medicine in the bottle is touched, no matter what, the love will be owed. Got off.

Yang Fan is a filial son, and he is also a person who values ​​friendship and loyalty. He must repay the debt he owes, but his mother's illness is getting worse.

Without this special medicine, she probably wouldn't have been able to survive this winter.

However, the little income he earned from customizing ironware for others was just enough to feed and clothe the mother and son. If he wanted to treat his mother, he simply could not afford the high medical expenses.

Entering the door from the outside, he heard the sound of his mother coughing in the room again. Whenever this happened, as a son, his heart felt like a knife.

All this was caused by Toshio Fujiwara and the Guo family. How could they do this to their sister?

In fact, his hatred for the Guo family was far greater than that of Fujiwara Toshio. If it weren't for the selfishness and weakness of the Guo family, how could his sister have been humiliated? How could she later be ridiculed by the Guo family and people around her, and commit suicide by throwing herself into a river to prove it? Innocent?

It's a pity that the Guo family has moved away from Jiangcheng a long time ago, and he can't find anyone to seek justice.

Mom, how are you? Hearing that his mother was suddenly out of breath, Yang Fan immediately put aside his thoughts and ran in quickly.

Fan'er, I'm afraid my mother will die. The only thing I'm worried about is you. I originally planned to arrange a marriage for you. When you get married... Yang Fan's mother grabbed her son's arm and spoke intermittently. said.

Mom, don't talk, we have medicine. Yang Fan couldn't care less and took out the bottle of medicine from his arms.

Fan'er, where did you get the medicine? Yang Fan's mother asked with excitement on her face.

It's a friend of my son's who bought it for me.

Friend, Fan'er, why haven't I heard that you have such a friend? Mother asked doubtfully.

It's my son's friend in prison... Yang Fan hesitated.

The mother was silent. In the past, she would have scolded Yang Fan. Can there be good people in this prison and be friends? But isn’t the son a good person? Good people are also in jail. It shows that not all the people in this prison are bad people. After the son came out of jail, there is no change. It shows that in this world, good people and bad people cannot be easily distinguished.

Mom, I'll pour you some water. If you take the medicine, we'll be fine. Yang Fan helped his mother sit up and poured a cup of hot water over.

A pill was poured out of the bottle.

Mom, take medicine.

Yang Fan's mother took the pill and held it in her mouth. Yang Fan brought the water to her mother's mouth and watched her mother take the medicine. The medicine did not have an immediate effect, but after more than ten minutes, the pain on her mother's face eased significantly. A lot.

Fan'er, if you have a chance, please invite this friend of yours to come over to your house. Mom should thank him properly. Yang Fan's mother opened her eyes and said slowly.

I understand, mother, you have a good rest. What do you want to eat? Can my son cook it for you?

Is there any flour at home?

There are still some... Yang Fan hesitated and said. In fact, he knew that there was not much food left at home, and they were even running out of flour.

Mom wants to eat gnocchi...

Okay, mother, my son will do it for you now. Yang Fan forced a smile and nodded.

In the kitchen, Yang Fan was heating hot water and covering his face. The five-foot-tall man cried bitterly. If he hadn't borrowed some flour from his neighbor, the two of them would have been hungry tonight.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't eat. If his mother doesn't eat, how can she survive this cold night?

Taking out the medicine bottle and looking at the address on it, Yang Fan made a decision.

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