The secret war is silent

Chapter 154 Iron Guard

Young man, where is the patient? Yitieling looked up at Yang Fan and asked gently.


What, is it possible that the patient didn't come, or is it you who is the patient? Yitie Ling asked in surprise, I see that you are strong and healthy, and apart from a little malnutrition, there is nothing wrong with you. ?”

No, doctor, I'm here to find someone. Yang Fan hurriedly explained, A gentleman asked me to come here. He asked me to come to the address on the medicine bottle.

With that said, Yang Fan took out the medicine bottle and handed it to Yitie Ling\

,"Yitieling stretched out his hand to take it, looked at the writing on it again, and smiled: It turns out that Mr. Qin asked you to come over. Wait a moment.

Yang Fan smiled politely to show that he was not in a hurry.

Yitieling called the boy at the counter over and whispered a few instructions. The boy nodded and ran out quickly.

What's your last name, little brother?

My surname is Yang.

Brother Yang, please go inside and have a cup of tea. Wait a moment. Someone will be here soon. Yitie Ling explained.


About twenty minutes later, the boy came back, followed by a man wearing a cotton-padded jacket and a felt hat. Who was Mancang?

Luo Yao has a job and cannot wait for Yang Fan all the time. He can only make arrangements.

Who is Brother Yang Fan? Mancang asked loudly as soon as he came in, cupping his fists.

That's it. Yang Fan stood up and returned the greeting with clasped fists.

My name is Gao Rong. Mr. Qin has ordered you to come with me if you come. Mancang looked Yang Fan up and down and nodded.

This... Yang Fan hesitated. He didn't see Luo Yao, so he wasn't sure whether to follow the person in front of him.

Mr. Qin has something to do. He will come to my place to meet you soon. Don't worry.

All right.

Yang Fan nodded. Since he was here and left like this, his previous determination was not in vain. He might as well follow and take a look.


There was a rickshaw parked outside the door. Yang Fan looked at the word tongda on Mancang's back and recognized that this person was actually a rickshaw puller.

After getting in the car, Mancang took Yang Fan directly back to Tongda Automobile Dealership.

Brother Yang Fan, my place is a little shabby, but I have everything you need. Please be patient. Mancang greeted with a smile.

Yang Fan came down and saw various stone locks, sticks and other things in the backyard, which should be used for daily practice. There were several people stretching their muscles in the yard. Judging from their postures, they all had good kung fu.

What kind of people are these?

Yang Fan was confused, was it some kind of gang organization?


Drink water. Mancang poured a bowl of water for Yang Fan and handed it over.


Mr. Qin will be here soon, Mancang said. He told me that you would be here within three days. Unexpectedly, you were actually on time.

He really said that? Yang Fan was startled. He must have met some god. Otherwise, how could he have expected that he would come today?

Hahaha... Mancang laughed.

Brother Gao, I saw someone practicing martial arts outside, and you are wearing the clothes of a rickshaw puller. Who are you? Yang Fan asked directly.

Well, when Mr. Qin comes, he will explain it to you. Mancang didn't dare to overstep his authority, and he didn't know what Luo Yao wanted to do with this person named Yang Fan.

Yang Fan stopped talking and had to sit there and wait.

Mancang has a saying, say this to him without a word, so as not to neglect the guests.

About half an hour.

Luo Yao is here.

He was dressed exactly the same as when he went to see Yang Fan that day. As soon as he came in, Yang Fan stood up, clasped his fists and said, Yang Fan is here to thank you sir for saving your life.

Is your father's illness okay? When Luo Yao heard this, he knew who he was talking about.

My mother's medicine is no longer in the way. If my husband hadn't donated the medicine, my mother might have been in danger. Yang Fan said with great gratitude.

I gave you the medicine for a purpose.

Sir, if you have orders, Yang Fan will definitely obey. Yang Fan gritted his teeth, lowered his head and clasped his fists.

What if I let you commit murder, arson, or commit crimes?

If this is the case, please forgive Yang Fan for not obeying his orders...

Very good, I saw you right. Luo Yao nodded, What I need is a Yang Fan who has the ability to make his own judgment and a sense of right and wrong, not a machine that just obeys orders.

Please give me your orders, sir!

Don't worry, the person I want to kill must have a reason to kill, and I will never kill innocent people indiscriminately. Luo Yao smiled slightly and nodded.



Bring Yang Fan a bag of flour and take him back later, Luo Yao ordered.


Thank you, Mr. Qin. Yang Fan said with tears of gratitude. The family was short of food. He originally wanted to ask for it later, but he didn't expect that it was given directly without him asking.

It's not that I can't give more, I'm afraid that giving too much will not be a good thing for you. Luo Yao explained, Yang Fan, the task I want you to complete is not simple. You have to show your ability to convince me.

What ability does Mr. Qin want to see?

There are those two people outside, can you beat them? Luo Yao pointed at the two people practicing outside and said.

Should we defeat one of them, or should we fight both together? Yang Fan straightened his back and asked confidently.

How about one of them, how about two together?

Both of them combined are no match for me.

Really? Then prove it to me.


The three of them came to the yard.

Mancang stopped the two people practicing martial arts and explained the situation to them. The two people's eyes suddenly flashed with unconvinced light. They were both top-notch masters.

Normally, it is no problem for one person to beat several ordinary people. How can this arrogant boy be so angry? Even if two people beat one person, they are no match for him.

The two of them have been practicing martial arts together for a long time, and they have a tacit understanding of each other, and they know what the other wants to do with just one look.

With a running start, the two of them rushed forward, one punching and the other kicking.

The attack is as fast as lightning!

Yang Fan stood there with his feet as if they were taking root. He didn't pay attention to the attacks of the two men at all. His arm movements were like swinging a hammer to meet the opponent's attack.

Without even seeing clearly how Yang Fan moved his hands, he heard two muffled grunts, and the two attackers both fell back, their faces turning pale at the same time.

Come again!

The two stood up together at the same time and attacked Yang Fan.



After two sounds, the two of them took four or five steps back as if bitten by a poisonous snake, looking at Yang Fan with a hint of horror in their eyes.

There is no doubt that two of them beat each other and lost.

The two of them glanced at each other, both unwilling to do so. They were about to continue charging forward, but were stopped by Mancang's shout: Okay, you two are no match for Brother Yang Fan, get down.


Brother Yang Fan, how about we two attack each other? Mancang could see it. Yang Fan's lower body was as stable as a mountain, and his arms were extremely flexible and unusually long, and he had probably developed hidden strength.

He only knew that Yang Fan was just a blacksmith. Without the guidance of a master, he would be a martial arts wizard who could master his skills to such an extent.

Meeting such a master, Mancang was curious and wanted to compete with him.

After entering the temporary training class, his kung fu was honed by a group of masters. It was completely different from what it was a year ago. If he had met Gong Hui from a year ago, he could easily win.

Of course, Gong Hui has made greater progress than him now. If he wants to win, there is basically no hope.

That's why he didn't go looking for abuse.

As the so-called expert knows when he makes a move, Yang Fan's face was not as relaxed as before when Mancang met his fate. He could tell that Mancang was a master.

Sure enough, as soon as Mancang took action, Yang Fan was knocked back three steps from where he was standing with one punch.

He has been working in the iron all year round, and his lower body can be said to be as solid as a rock. The force of ordinary collisions is no more than a push from a child to him, and it has no impact on him at all.

The force from Mancang's fist not only numbed his arms, but also transmitted the force to his legs, the force was extremely strong.

This is a master of foreign boxing.

If it were Yang Fan three years ago, he would not have been so knowledgeable, but after meeting many strange people in prison, his horizons were much broader.


Yang Fan resisted Mancang's palm, and his entire left shoulder was numb, but this time he did not step back, but let go and struck Mancang with an elbow, hitting Mancang's chest.

Mancang groaned, grinned, took a step back, stretched out his hand and rubbed his chest. Good guy, luckily he was wearing cotton clothes. If he had been hit directly on his chest just now, his bones would have been injured.

Of course, there was no guarantee that he would show mercy. After all, this was a sparring match, not a life-and-death fight. Moreover, he also felt that although the other party was young, he could send and receive strength freely, which was extremely rare among young people.

You must know that at this age, he will never be able to do what Yang Fan is. It is enough to show that Yang Fan's qualifications are far above him.

Where did the team leader find such a talent?

Yes, I have seen Brother Yang Fan's skills. There are not many people who can tie with me. Luo Yao felt that there was no need to compete. If anyone was injured, it would be a loss.

Yang Fan nodded. Mancang's strength was not inferior to his. Although both sides held back their hands and did not use all their strength, if the fight continued, there would inevitably be times when they could not hold back their strength and they would be damaged.

Brother Yang Fan integrated this blacksmithing skill into fighting kung fu, which really opened my eyes and admired me. Mancang said with admiration.

Brother Gao, you're welcome. Your skills are by no means ordinary.


Yang Fan, have you thought about it? Follow me, your future life will be very dangerous, but it will definitely be a different life. Luo Yaodao.

Will Mr. Qin give me a chance to choose again?

Hahaha, no. Luo Yao did not shy away from this. This shows that Yang Fan is a smart person. Smart people have many things to say and don't need to say more.

Give you three days to settle down with your mother, and then come here to find him. Luo Yao pointed his finger at the warehouse, He will arrange for you to do some training.


Brother Yang Fan, although your skills are good, in other aspects you are still far from what we require. Mancang chuckled.

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