The secret war is silent

Chapter 155 Traitor, die!

December 29, 27th year of the Republic of China.

In Hong Kong, Lin Bosheng's representative Wang Zhaoming publicly published a Message to the Supreme National Defense Meeting of the Central Standing Committee to the Kuomintang Central Committee in the South China Daily, publicly expressing capitulationist arguments and echoing Japanese Prime Minister Konoe Fumima's third statement on China.

It’s for: Yandian.

For a time, public opinion across the country was in an uproar.

The denunciation of Wang Ni instantly swept across the entire land of China. Even in Jiangcheng, many people were discussing this matter secretly. However, they were afraid of the Japanese's power and did not dare to talk about it in public.

Ms. Hui, the day after tomorrow is the New Year. We, Mr. Fujiwara, would like to invite you to be his female companion to the New Year's reception held at the Valais Hotel.

Sorry, no time. Gong Hui threw the invitation into the trash can.

Miss Hui, are you rejecting Mr. Fujiwara? Ogino Moriha, Fujiwara Toshio's assistant who sent the invitation, immediately turned pale.

I have nothing to do with Fujiwara Toshio. Do I have to go to his invitation? Gong Hui said coldly. These Japanese people feel too good about themselves. Just because they are occupiers, they can do whatever they want?

No one in Jiangcheng can refuse Mr. Fujiwara's invitation. Miss Hui, you have to consider the consequences. The threat in Ogino Moriha's tone is self-evident.

Gong Hui said: What if I must refuse?

Then just wait for Mr. Fujiwara's wrath! Ogino Moriha snorted coldly, turned around and left directly.

It's such a good opportunity, it would be a pity not to go. Luo Yao walked over from behind and bent down to pick up the invitation from the trash can.

You also said that I am your cousin, and you are willing to watch your cousin accompany such a shameless and obscene fat pig? Gong Hui said displeased.

Since you don't want to, let him disappear completely. Luo Yao put the invitation in Gong Hui's hand, You must go to this New Year's reception.


There will definitely be many high-level officials of the Japanese army in Jiangcheng at the reception, and even Neji Okamura may be present. We need information from these people. Luo Yaodao.

The cocktail party is just about eating, drinking and having fun. What information can I get from you?

Their pictures.


Yes, if you go in as Fujiwara Toshio's female companion, the military police will definitely not search you. When the time comes, you can bring this miniature camera in and take pictures of valuable targets when you encounter them. Luo Yao took out a miniature camera that was only half the size of a palm and handed it over.

How do you take a picture of this? Gong Hui reached out and took it. Although she knew how to operate a camera, this was a cocktail party. How could she operate it in public?

I will install this miniature camera in your handbag and debug it. You only need to hold the handbag with one hand and gently press the metal button on it. Luo Yao stretched out his hand to put the miniature camera Got it back.

So simple?

It's that simple. Luo Yao said, Of course it's not easy to do this. If you show a slight flaw, you will be discovered, and that Fujiwara Toshio will definitely be rude to you at the cocktail party. Can you stay calm? ?”


I won't force you. If you don't do this voluntarily, the risk of exposure is very high. Luo Yao said, Moreover, after the cocktail party, Fujiwara Toshio will definitely have undue demands on you, and may even secretly harass you. The wine I drank at night was drugged...

Cousin, what do you mean? Gong Hui's face changed slightly.

If you drank the drugged wine, you would naturally have no idea about the murder of Toshio Fujiwara. But if you had not drank the drugged wine, he would have taken you away with force. You will definitely resist when the time comes. Can you guarantee that you Aren't your skills exposed? Luo Yao asked.

Gong Hui understood that Luo Yao planned to ambush Fujiwara Toshio on the way taking her away after the New Year's reception.

Will it implicate us? Gong Hui asked.

No, don't worry. Fujiwara Toshio's death has nothing to do with us. Luo Yao nodded. Yang Fan avenged his sister who was humiliated and committed suicide. This will not implicate them in any way. On the body.

May I know what the plan is?

When the plan is completed, I will explain it to you in detail. Now, the less you know, the better. Luo Yaodao, Of course, if you don't want to go to the New Year's reception, I won't force you. There are plenty of opportunities to kill Fujiwara Toshio.

Gong Hui took a deep breath and said, I'm going, I want to see this person die in front of me.

Okay, now that you have decided, I will teach you how to deal with Toshio Fujiwara at the reception... Luo Yao nodded and began to teach Gong Hui how to deliberately alienate Toshio Fujiwara at the reception and how to arouse his jealousy. How to make him take her out of the scene early.

Gong Hui was not a woman who knew these skills, but when it came to Luo Yao's mouth, it seemed as if he was familiar with it. Gong Hui listened to it and wondered whether Luo Yao was a master of prodigal sons who wandered around in love.

How is it? Has Yang Fan mastered the tracking and escape skills? Luo Yao came to the Tongda car dealership and asked Mancang directly.

His understanding is very high. Although the training time is very short, it has already achieved initial results. Mancang said.

Luo Yao nodded with satisfaction: Tomorrow night, make arrangements for him to get rid of that orderly Ding Lai. This traitor has lived long enough.

Okay, what's the specific plan?

There is no specific plan. You just provide him with the information about the traitor and then arrange for someone to respond. Luo Yao fully trusted Mancang Dao.

Yes, team leader, don't worry, I guarantee that news of the traitor's execution will be published in the newspaper the day after tomorrow. Mancang said.

I'm waiting for your good news. Luo Yao chuckled.

How are you, are you sure about this mission? Mancang handed Ding Lai's photo to Yang Fan and explained the mission in detail.

Why do you want to kill this person? Yang Fan knew that he might have a dark life next, but for his mother and revenge, he only had this choice.

He was a traitor and betrayed our comrades to the Japanese, causing heavy losses to our organization. Many people were arrested and killed, Mancang explained.

Are you from Chongqing?


So, I can be considered an anti-Japanese element now?

Of course, you were recruited by our husband, and of course you are an anti-Japanese element. Mancang nodded.

I understand, if it is to fight against Japan and kill the Japanese Japanese, it is my duty, Yang Fan. Yang Fan said seriously, the little psychological burden in his heart was gone.

Mr. Qin's request is to hit the target immediately and escape immediately. I will send someone to pick you up on your way to escape. Do you understand? Mancang said.

Will this man named Ding Lai definitely show up tomorrow night?

According to our information, after he finished gambling in the casino, he would definitely spend the night at this woman's house. This has been the case for the past few days. Mancang said, However, the Japanese sent two people to protect him. They used to be special high school students. The plainclothes people are now replaced by people from the Detective Division, and their vigilance is much weaker, so you have the opportunity to take action.

Should we also deal with those two special agents from the Detective Division?

It's up to you, Mancang said. The focus is on the traitor, and on ensuring your own personal safety. You will complete the entire operation alone. This is also Mr. Qin's actual combat test for you.

Okay, I understand, I'm going to prepare now.

No hammers, no guns, and no one can see your face to avoid exposing your identity. Mancang warned, which was also Luo Yao's request.


Because your next task will use a hammer that you are familiar with, and you cannot be associated with this task. Mancang explained.

Yang Fan didn't understand.

You will understand when you complete this task and take on the next one. Mancang gently patted Yang Fan on the shoulder.

He still likes Yang Fan, a young man. Being able to teach an action master with his own hands gives him a greater sense of accomplishment than becoming an action master himself.

Jiangcheng's recovery speed was much slower than the Japanese army expected, but the streets, which were already bustling in the past, especially those entertainment venues, have regained their vitality first.

This is not a place where ordinary people can spend money. There has never been a shortage of wealthy people to visit, although there are many fewer wealthy people in Jiangcheng now than in the past.

But there are also some so-called upstarts.

Those who relied on the Japanese, became traitors, and plundered, of course, did not understand what national justice meant. When they had money, they knew how to live in extravagance and live in intoxication.

Ding Lai is one of them, and he is just a minor character. If he had not become a traitor to the Jiangcheng District of Jiangtong District, betrayed his superiors, and gained wealth by stepping on the bones of his comrades, he would actually spend this kind of money with such peace of mind. There is simply no humanity at all.

The Japanese are all just looking for food. Ding Lai's value is that he betrayed the Jiangcheng District Bureau of Military Tong and District Chief Li Guochen and others. In addition, how much ability can he have as an orderly?

The Japanese arranged for him a position as a specialist in the Detective Division and also arranged for someone to protect him. This was considered to be the most benevolent and righteous thing to do.

Of course, Ding Lai was not satisfied. He had betrayed so many people and made such great achievements, only to be given three melons and two dates. Of course he was dissatisfied.

However, he did not dare to say it to his face. After all, if he pissed off the Japanese again, his life would be in danger. So, he took the bonus given by the Japanese and spent the day in the casino, and at night, he piled on makeup and powder. It's such a joy to turn around!

Brother Ding, it's time. If you go back late, Sister Lan won't be able to accompany you... In the Mingtong Gambling House, Ding Lai's eyes were red, and the little follower reminded him.

Go, go, go later, let's see who dares to steal a woman from me! Ding Lai had very few chips left in front of him. This night, he lost almost half of the bonus he got from the Japanese. The eyes are red, almost like a beast trying to eat people.

The dealer takes all! After a while, as the dealer announced, all the few chips left in front of Ding Lai were taken away by the dealer.

Unlucky, I'm having bad luck today, come back tomorrow! Ding Lai, who had lost all his chips, finally regained his clarity and was ready to leave.

I saw Ding Lai coming out of the gambling house.

Yang Fan, disguised as a rickshaw puller, immediately stood up and trotted over while pulling the rickshaw.

Sir, where are you going?

You're so cute, haven't I seen you here? Ding Lai looked at Yang Fan's face and seemed to have never seen him before, so he didn't get in the car immediately.

Lao Huang quit. He transferred the car to me. Yang Fan had already thought of his excuse.

That's right. Ding Lai looked at the number on the car and saw that it was the rickshaw he was familiar with and often rode in. He didn't doubt that he was there and sat on it.

The two bodyguards who followed him did not receive this treatment and ran behind him.

Brother, do you know where I'm going?

I know, Lao Huang has told me that you should go to No. 19 Victory Street now. Yang Fan opened his mouth and came without any hesitation.

Well, not bad, you are quite sensible. I will continue to rent your car from now on!

Okay, thank you, Brother Ding!

Yang Fan pulled the rickshaw and rushed all the way. Within a few minutes, the two people following behind him were no longer visible. At this moment, he pulled the rickshaw and suddenly turned and entered a dark alley.

Wait until the two bodyguards behind find him.

Ding Lai had turned into a cold corpse, his throat was cut with a knife, and he felt no pain at all.

There is also a line of words on the ground beside it: Traitor, die!

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