The secret war is silent

Chapter 156 Operation Codename: Revenge

Ding Lai is just a nobody.

The Japanese didn't care about his death, but in order to win over the traitors who came over to him, they hypocritically published an obituary in the newspaper and arranged a grand memorial ceremony. This is a story for another time.

Gendarmerie Detention Center.

Li Guokan has been detained here for almost ten days, because he and Takeshima Shigenori of the Special High School are classmates at the Japanese Military Academy.

He got some courtesy.

At least you live in a single room, and you don't have to go to court every day. In fact, every time you go to court, you will be beaten once, if you refuse to confess.

In fact, he had wanted to surrender for a long time, but he was afraid that he would not be taken seriously by the Japanese for betraying him so easily. He had studied in Japan and knew the Japanese character very well.

They will have great respect for enemies with strong bones. If they bully the weak and fear the strong, people with weak knees will look down on them from the bottom of their hearts.

No matter what, you have to persist and don't let others see you clearly.

Brother Li.

Wu Dao-kun, what are you doing here again?

Brother Li still has the same temper. I am not here today to persuade you to cooperate with our Empire of Japan, but to express our friendship as classmates. Takeshima Shigeru did not wear a military uniform, but wore a gray-striped samurai uniform, with his feet The wooden shoes made a clanging sound as they stepped on the hard ground as they walked. .

Brother Li, do you still remember this samurai uniform? Takeshima Shigeru waved his hand, and an orderly walked in behind him holding a samurai uniform.

This is?

Do you still remember that we practiced swordsmanship together in the kendo hall? Takeshima Shigeru said, This samurai uniform was the one you wore at that time.

You still keep this suit? Li Guokan asked in surprise.

Of course, how can Wu Dao forget the friendship between you and me as classmates? At that time, you personally taught me Chinese swordsmanship. I remember that I also wanted to become your apprentice, but you refused, saying that classmates learn from each other and learn from each other. It needs to be done,” Takeshima Shigenori said.

Really? I don't even remember it. So many years have passed and I have become your prisoner. Li Guokan laughed at himself.

Brother Li, why don't you put on these clothes and let's get drunk together?

This... Li Guokan hesitated.

Brother Li is still struggling with his identity, or is he unwilling to have a drink with his old classmates? Takeshima Shigenori asked with a hint of displeasure.

Okay, if it's just about drinking and nothing else, I'd like to accompany you. Li Guokan nodded.

That's great. Takeshima Shigeru showed a happy smile, waved his hand, and two military policemen came in carrying the table and all kinds of prepared food.

Li Guokan also put on his warrior uniform, and the two of them knelt on the straw mat.

The charcoal fire was burning brightly.

It wasn't cold at all in the cell.

Brother Li, please.

Takeshima-kun, please.

In the blink of an eye, how many years have we not seen each other? Takeshima Shigeru said with emotion as he drank a glass of wine.

It's been almost fifteen or sixteen years. Li Guokan said.

Brother Li, do you still remember the first day you reported to the sergeant academy? Takeshima Shigeru asked.

Of course, my Japanese was not very proficient at that time. When I asked for directions, I asked the wrong question and almost missed the check-in time... Li Guokan fell into memories.

Brother Li, you said that Japan and China are brotherly countries, and both have been oppressed by Western powers. Why can't we join hands to jointly revitalize East Asia? Isn't this our original ideal?

Ideal, why did Japan invade China?

This is not aggression, it is helping China get on the right path!

Did you agree that we would only talk about friendship today? Li Guokan said.

Okay, do you still remember the nurse you dated when you were injured in school and were in the hospital? Takeshima Shigeru immediately changed the topic.

How are you doing Hanako?

After you returned to China, she found out that she was pregnant. But unfortunately, the child was miscarried. Now she is married to an alcoholic. Her husband died the year before last. She has two children by herself, and her life is very difficult... Wu Shimamo De said.

I'm sorry for Hanako. Li Guokan's eyes turned red. Back then, he wanted to return to China, but he could only leave his girlfriend in Japan behind. He felt ashamed of his selfishness.

Brother Li, if there is a chance, do you want to see Hanako again?

Forget it, she has her own life now, so I won't bother her anymore. Li Guokan really didn't have the courage to face this woman who had been hurt by him.

Well, Brother Li is right to think so. If you see Hanako now, you may not be able to recognize her...

Downed a few glasses of wine.

The distance between the classmates immediately became much closer, and the hostility was no longer so great. They even became happy drinking and humming a few Japanese folk songs.

Although the alcohol content of Japanese sake is not high, once you drink too much and get drunk, it is much more powerful than Chinese liquor.

Li Guokan drank until the end and didn't even know how he got drunk. However, when he woke up the next day, there was a newspaper beside his pillow.

Under the first page above, in a very small space, is an obituary.

The orderly Ding Lai who betrayed him died. His throat was cut in the street, all his belongings were taken away, and then they were thrown on the roadside.

This is a common method used by military commanders!

Li Guokan was so familiar that he disguised himself as a murderer and robbed property, leaving no clues at the scene.

Ding Lai was sanctioned.

Who did it?

Tang Xin?

The organizational structure of Juntong Jiangcheng District was almost destroyed. Although Tang Xin was not arrested, his arrest warrants were posted everywhere in Xiakou.

Logically speaking, it was impossible for him to dare to show up in Xiakou, let alone be able to formulate and implement a plan to punish the traitors in such a short period of time.

In Xiakou, apart from Tang Xin, there is only one other military unified force that can do this, the River God direct group. He has always wanted to put this group under the command of Jiangcheng District, but the headquarters not only disagrees, but also He was strictly ordered not to have any cross-contact with the River God.

He originally felt that the military commander must unify command and actions in Jiangcheng. Now it seems that if he does this, the losses will be even greater.

This newspaper was obviously placed by Takeshima Shigenori on his pillow. The intention was self-evident, which was to tell him that he had no second choice now.

The military commander will never show mercy to a traitor, and after he is captured, once he is released, he will definitely be punished as a traitor.

Now, only the Japanese can protect him.

I want to see Section Chief Wu Dao! Li Guokan let out a long sigh. He knew that he had to make a choice. Otherwise, even if he did not die in the hands of the Japanese, he would die under the sanctions of the military. .

Well done, brother Yang Fan. Yang Fan's performance surprised Mancang. The formulation of the plan, the planning of the route, and the selection of the timing of the attack were all not like the work of a novice.

Thank you, this is the property found from Ding Lai. Yang Fan did not take the property he got from Ding Lai as his own, but handed it over.

This actually surprised Mancang.

Although the military commander did not strictly stipulate that property obtained during the operation must be handed over, this is the rule of the River God group.

In particular, property must be handed over. After handing over, it will be distributed or rewarded separately. This rule was set by Luo Yao and is one of the iron rules.

Because, many times, there are too many examples where the whereabouts and identity are exposed just because the property obtained during the operation is kept and used confidentially.

Also, when you have money, you make money, gamble, go to fireworks places to spend money, or even smoke cigarettes, are all important reasons for exposure.

The wallet and ring are personal items, you can't keep them, but the money doesn't have any personal markings, so you can keep it. Mancang took the wallet and ring back, but returned the banknotes and oceans to Yang Fan.

For me? Yang Fan showed a hint of surprise.

Yes, but I suggest you wait for a while before using it. Check whether there are any special marks on it before use. Anything with marks cannot be used, Mancang reminded.

I understand. Yang Fan nodded, put away the banknotes, and asked, Where's my next mission?

Don't worry, take a rest. Mancang said, Restore your energy and energy to the optimal level.

Yang Fan was even better than he imagined, which made Luo Yao very happy, and his confidence in completing the next task increased.

Target, Toshio Fujiwara, 44 years old, president of Fujiwara Co., Ltd. This person is a businessman on the surface. In fact, he also has another identity, that is, an intelligence agent. Of course, he is different from what we understand as a love worker. The direction of his intelligence work is mainly in the economic and cultural fields...

When Luo Yao convened a meeting of all personnel in the operation to assign tasks, Yang Fan sat below and couldn't help but clenched his hands tightly.

His eyes were red, he had finally waited for this day.

As expected, Mr. Qin did not deceive himself. He was really willing to help him get revenge.


Arrived. Su Jing stood up. His codename was Owl.

Your mission is to monitor Fujiwara Toshio's whereabouts today, including who he met and how long he stayed, all in detail. If there is any abnormality, report it as soon as possible.


Kui Mulang.

Here, team leader, your order.

You are in charge of the traffic team to ensure that Yang Fan can reach the target location as soon as possible and to evacuate after the operation is completed. Luo Yao ordered, The evacuation route must be backed up, and at least two cars and rickshaws must be prepared.


Muyu, you bring two people to serve as the support team. If Yang Fan's actions go wrong, you must step in as soon as possible, take over Yang Fan's mission and then retreat. Luo Yao pointed at Yan Ming and ordered.

Muyu understands.

Yang Fan, tonight's action has only one purpose, to avenge you. Of course, this is only the superficial reason. The deeper purpose is to make the Japanese believe that Fujiwara Toshio died in a vendetta and has nothing to do with others. Related. Luo Yao said, So, you are the protagonist tonight, and this is also the reason why I found you, do you understand?

I understand that as long as I can avenge my sister, I am willing to do anything. Yang Fan knew that if he had not had a grudge against Fujiwara Toshio, he would probably never interact with these people in his life.

However, he was glad that he had met these people, otherwise, with his own strength, he would not be able to avenge himself and his sister.

Yang Fan, the weapon you use tonight is your blacksmith hammer. You can use this hammer to smash Fujiwara Toshio's head into pieces! Luo Yao said seriously, Tonight's operation code name is :revenge!

Yang Fan nodded and grabbed the hammer tightly.

Sorry, the update is a little late!

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