The secret war is silent

Chapter 157 Welcome Reception

The wind is freezing.

The drizzle is like a knife...

This New Year, not only the people in Jiangcheng, but also the people all over China will have a bad time, but it is the Valais Hotel in Xiakou.

The lights were shining, the music was playing, and the house was full of guests.

Of course, at a glance, they are all arrogant guys.

Tonight's welcome reception was held by the Japanese Army's Special Service Station in Jiangcheng and hosted by the Jiangcheng Maintenance Association and the General Chamber of Commerce. Those who came tonight were all the leading figures in Jiangcheng's business and political circles, as well as senior officials of the Japanese army stationed there, and of course those from the special higher education courses were indispensable. Undercover agents.

If something happens again tonight, the Japanese secret service in Jiangcheng will be really incompetent.

Three steps to a post, five steps to a sentry!

Security is tight.

Without an invitation, you can't get in.

Because the people who came here were all prominent people in Jiangcheng, and those they brought today were either their family members or their closest female companions, so a body search was naturally inappropriate.

At around five o'clock in the evening, Toshio Fujiwara drove to Sunshine Cafe.

Fujiwara Toshio thought that Gong Hui would not come out. He seemed to be mentally prepared for this, and he never thought that he could succeed. He was still patient enough with women.

Miss Hui, you are so beautiful today.

Gong Hui is wearing a black and red Sichuan brocade cheongsam today, with black silk like clouds, a gentle low bun, and a baby face as delicate as jade. She holds an apricot calfskin handbag in her hand, which is fashionable and noble. ,grace!

Fujiwara Toshio was so moved when he saw her that he almost drooled on the spot. He had never seen such a top-notch woman in his more than forty years of life.

He must capture this woman tonight!

Thank you. If the little girl hadn't agreed, I wouldn't have been able to open this coffee shop. Gong Hui glanced at Ogino Moriha behind Fujiwara Toshio as if he meant something.

Hey, Miss Hui is generous, Ogino is my adopted son. He always likes to be straightforward when talking and doing things. I hope you don't mind. Fujiwara Toshio smiled and explained.

Oh, it turns out that Mr. Fujiwara's adopted son is his adopted son. Gong Hui smiled faintly.

Miss Hui, please! Fujiwara Toshio opened the car door himself. Gong Hui looked back at Sunshine Cafe before sitting in.

Fujiwara Toshio gave Ogino Moriha a look, then smiled knowingly, pushed the car door open, turned to the other side, got in the car and sat on the other side of Gong Hui.

The car starts and leaves.

Team leader, Sister Hui hired someone to make this cheongsam as a matter of urgency. The original plan was... Xin Xiaowu stood behind Luo Yao and said softly.

What do you want to say?

Sister Hui likes the team leader. Xin Xiaowu said.

I know.

... Xin Xiaowu choked. He didn't know how to answer this. Originally, he wanted to help Gong Hui, but he was a little confused.

She's just doing it for me, isn't she? Luo Yao said, It's superficial.


Go and greet the customers. We will extend the business until ten o'clock tonight. Luo Yao ordered.


Luo Yao is not stupid. This woman is a little moody. He can't tell it, but it's good to be a little moody. At least it will help her perform at the reception.

As for the rest, he believed that Gong Hui, who had received professional training, could control her emotions, and she would be able to complete tonight's task.

Night falls.

People were coming and going at the entrance of Hotel Valles, and the interior was brightly lit. A red carpet was spread from the inside to the road, and the road was full of cars.

The people who got off the car were almost all couples. They were all in suits and looked like dogs. The women were also wearing fancy clothes. They were all posing. For those who didn’t know, they thought they were here to participate in a beauty pageant. of.

Han Liangze is also the vice-president of the Maintenance Committee. He also attended the meeting today with his wife Xu Xin dressed up. There were more people here today. It is said that there will be senior generals from the military attending.

As for whether it will be Okamura Neji, it's hard to say.

For the big and small traitors in Jiangcheng, today's opportunity to show up is hard to come by. However, the Secret Service controls the scale of tonight's reception, and only those who have received invitations are eligible to enter.

If you don't have an invitation, you can't even enter. Also, even if you have an invitation, you can only bring one female or male companion to attend.

Gu Mo Sheng and Liu Jinbao were also invited to attend. They were considered upstarts. Based on their past positions, they were not eligible to participate.

However, in order to set an example of Japan-China friendship and to show those traitors who took the initiative to rebel, the two of them also received invitations.

Gu Mosheng did not bring a female companion. It was not that he did not have a wife, but that he did not want to bring his own woman to such an occasion. He knew very well what the Japanese were like.

As for Liu Jinbao.

He originally didn't want to bring his female companion to attend, but Kotaro Sugita actually ordered him to bring Liu Yumei to the cocktail party.

He had no choice but to bring Liu Yumei over.

He also specifically told Liu Yumei not to dress up too beautifully. It was not an honorable thing to participate in such a meeting.

Liu Yumei also listened to Liu Jinbao's words and dressed more simply. Among the ladies and ladies in fancy clothes, she looked like a nanny or a servant.

Liu Sang, why didn't you buy Miss Liu a nice dress? Sugita Kotaro said a little dissatisfied when he saw Liu Yumei's unobtrusive outfit.

Section Chief Sugita, Secretary Liu and I are just colleagues. If I buy clothes for her, others will gossip... Liu Jinbao was embarrassed.

Oh, your idea is too conservative. Miss Liu will accompany you to such a high-end cocktail party. Isn't it natural for you to buy her a nice dress as a thank you? Kotaro Sugita said, The hotel has given her a nice dress. The customer provides the dress, let Miss Liu try it on later, and you can buy it later.

Yes, Section Chief Sugita. Liu Jinbao didn't care about buying Liu Yumei a piece of clothing, but the problem was that it would be misunderstood.

That's it, Liu Sang, General Okamura may come to tonight's cocktail party. You have to be careful not to bump into the general. Sugita Kotaro reminded.


Although the number of people attending was strictly controlled, there were still a lot of people coming tonight. At least one or two hundred invitations were sent out. Although some people might not come, there were at least two or three hundred people who came.

Ji Guozhen, the president of the Jiangcheng Maintenance Association, personally served as the guest of honor, and Yang Zan, the branch president of the Shouchang Maintenance Association. Although this old guy lost his son, he still did not miss this opportunity to curry favor with the Japanese and hurried over, looking sick. He was miserable, with a sense of death lingering around him, as if he was about to die soon.

All the heads of the traitor government agencies at all levels that have been established to maintain the association are here tonight.

The Japanese military stationed in Jiangcheng, the Secret Service Department, the Special Higher Education Course, the Gendarmerie, and even the Navy's intelligence department also sent people to attend. Second Lieutenant Sakai, wearing a black navy uniform, seemed to be very conspicuous, attracting some unscrupulous women to flock to him. .

Tonight's welcome reception should be regarded as a grand gathering of Japanese spies and traitors.

Fujiwara Toshio and Gong Hui stepped on the Persian carpet in the banquet hall, and suddenly attracted the attention of many people. One was a Japanese political and business figure in Jiangcheng, and the other was the Coffee Beauty who was famous in the French Concession.

This combination is really topical enough.

Although there are rumors that Fujiwara Toshio is pursuing the Coffee Xi Tzu, it is not said that he has successfully embraced the beauty, but now it seems to have been confirmed.

It's so unreasonable that a devil like Fujiwara Toshio can win the favor of Coffee Xishi. Anyone who knows who Fujiwara Toshio is can't help but shake his head secretly. This is more than just a flower stuck in cow dung. It's like flowers falling into the beast's mouth.

When Liu Jinbao saw Gong Hui, his expression changed drastically. Fortunately, everyone was looking at Fujiwara Toshio and Gong Hui and did not notice his change.

However, Liu Yumei, who had been with him all the time, noticed the change in Liu Jinbao's expression and secretly remembered it in her heart, but did not ask any more questions.

I didn't expect that Mr. Fujiwara's female companion tonight would be the famous Boss Hui!

Miss Hui, let me introduce you. This is the president of the Jiangcheng Maintenance Association, Ji Guozhen. From now on, he will have the final say in Jiangcheng. Fujiwara Toshio's vanity was greatly satisfied, and he introduced Gong Hui one by one. The traitor I know.

Gong Hui nodded slightly: President Ji, please take good care of me in the future.

Ji Guozhen is also an old pervert, and he can't control himself when facing a beauty like Gong Hui. However, the other party is Fujiwara Toshio's woman, so he can't help but restrain his mind and doesn't dare to be too presumptuous.

Boss Hui has a giant Buddha like Mr. Fujiwara as his backstage, so why does he still need an old man to take care of him?

My good friend, Tetsu Inoue, is the advisor of the Maintenance Council!

Hello, Mr. Inoue...

With every greeting, Gong Hui tried her best to smile, and then secretly photographed these people one by one with the camera in her bag.

Gou Shusen, Chief of Police...

Thanks to Fujiwara Toshio's cooperation, Gong Hui got to know almost all the heads of organizations at all levels of the Jiangcheng Puppet Maintenance Council, and the information on these people was what the River God team urgently needed to master.

Deputy Section Chief Liu, do you know this Miss Hui? Liu Yumei asked in a low voice.

Oh, I don't know her. Liu Jinbao quickly denied it. He could not reveal anything about Gong Hui to anyone, including Liu Yumei.

The appearance of Fujiwara Toshio and Gong Hui was just a small episode in tonight's reception, and it quickly subsided. The important people were still behind.

Kotaro Sugita's information is really accurate.

One-third of the way through the reception, as the organizer of the meeting, the head of the Japanese Secret Service in Jiangcheng, Jiro Domon, personally announced that a distinguished guest had temporarily decided to attend the reception and deliver a New Year's greeting!

This person is General Okamura Neiji, commander of the 11th Army of the Japanese Expeditionary Forces.

Since the last shell bombing incident, although Okamura Neiji narrowly escaped death and saved his life, his injuries were relatively serious. After waking up, he has been recuperating. Of course, because the Eleventh Army needs someone to take charge of military affairs, There was no suitable candidate in the country for a while.

Okamura Neiji could only work with injuries. Apart from occasionally seeing relevant news in newspapers, he almost never appeared in the public eye.

The outside world even suspected that Okamura Neiji may have suffered severe physical trauma and was unable to get out of bed and walk.

However, Neji Okamura did appear at the reception in a wheelchair, pushed in by his adjutant, with a dark green military blanket covering his knees.

Just when everyone was watching, everyone was guessing whether there were legs under the military blanket.

Okamura Neiji was already in a wheelchair and was pushed in front of the microphone by the adjutant. He took off his military blanket, slowly held the armrests of the wheelchair and stood up.

When the traitors, big and small, saw this scene, they applauded enthusiastically, with thunderous applause, and some even had tears in their eyes with excitement.

It has to be said that this way of appearing first, suppressing and then rising, is indeed a well-thought-out approach, and it completely captures people's inner expectations, and there is still a lot to write about afterwards.

In this way, Neji Okamura sends a signal to the outside world, that is, he cannot be beaten to death or defeated. Even if he is temporarily frustrated, he will stand up again!

This old devil has a great grasp on people's hearts. When Liu Jinbao saw this scene, he thought to himself. No wonder the team leader always said that when he mentioned Okamura Neiji, this old devil was one of the most difficult Japanese generals to deal with. .

When I saw him today, he was indeed cunning and cunning.

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