The secret war is silent

Chapter 158 Explosion!

Okamura Neji stood up.

He seemed to want to use this to prove to the whole world that he was an unbeatable iron man, and let everyone see the determination of the Japanese Empire to defeat Chongqing and conquer China in the next military operation.

Wait, why are his calves shaking a little?

Liu Jinbao couldn't understand what Okamura Neji said. He followed Sugita's instructions and stayed away. However, he noticed a detail that others might not have noticed.

Okamura Neji seemed to be using something to support his body, but even so, it was still a bit difficult to stand for a long time...

Okamura Neiji's New Year's message is really a new one. It just repeats the contents of Prime Minister Konoe's statement, such as Japan-China goodwill, economic cooperation, establishing a new order in Greater East Asia...

These are nothing more than giving Japanese aggression a beautiful coat. In essence, it is still aggression, slavery and plunder. What kind of friendliness and support are all bullshit?

I went to someone's house, beat them up, smashed them, looted and burned them, and then took away all their wealth and land, and then I told you, I am doing this for your own good!

Damn, what kind of gangster logic is this?

However, traitors and traitors cannot see these things. They only see themselves getting a lot of wealth and getting promoted. As for the life and death of others, does it have nothing to do with them?

It is really difficult for normal people to understand the joy of being a dog. No, saying they are dogs is an insult to dogs.

The arrival of Okamura Neji pushed the atmosphere of the reception to a climax. The traitors rushed to get in front of Okamura Neji one by one and wanted to propose a glass of wine.

But they were all blocked by the people around Okamura Neji.

Okamura Neji's health does not seem to be as good as everyone sees. The trauma caused to him by the shell bombing should be very serious.

Liu Jinbao silently noted this situation.

He didn't communicate with Gong Hui the whole time, let alone get together. In such a situation, who knows that no one will notice his behavior. Once he is suspected, it will be troublesome.

Gong Hui also saw Liu Jinbao. It was very common to see Liu Jinbao on such occasions. However, she also knew that it was not suitable for her to exchange news with Liu Jinbao now.

We can only pretend to be two strangers who don't know each other.

Neji Okamura only stayed at the reception for less than twenty minutes before leaving. When he left, he went out in a wheelchair. Obviously, even with assistive tools, his body was not strong enough to support him standing for a long time. Or walk.

In this case, unless you are pretending, there is no need.

Mr. Fujiwara, I want to go to the bathroom? As soon as Okamura Neji left, Gong Hui said like Fujiwara Toshio who had been accompanying him.

Okay. Fujiwara Toshio nodded.

Looking at Gong Hui's swaying figure, Fujiwara Toshio's eyes flashed with light. If Gong Hui stayed by his side, many things would be difficult to do.

About ten minutes passed.

Gong Huicai walked out of the bathroom.

Fujiwara Toshio greeted him attentively, handed Gong Hui a glass of fresh juice and said: Miss Hui, there will be a dance soon, will you dance with me?

No, I'm a little tired. I want to go back. Gong Hui shook her head.

Go back now, it's too early. Today is the first day of the New Year. It's a rare opportunity. Let's play for a while. Fujiwara Toshio advised.

Okay, then stay a little longer. Gong Hui reluctantly agreed.

Miss Hui, please!

After the dance, Gong Hui felt a little dizzy and couldn't help but stroke her forehead and said: Mr. Fujiwara, I may have drunk too much and am a little dizzy.

Really, Miss Hui, it doesn't matter, or else I'll take you back first? Fujiwara Toshio asked with very gentlemanly concern.


Everyone, Miss Hui is a little tired. I'll send her back to rest first. Excuse me. Fujiwara Toshio supported Gong Hui and greeted a few familiar people.

Coffee Shih Tzu, the cheap Fujiwara family is alive...

Fujiwara-kun is so lucky!


Miss Hui, how are you? Fujiwara Toshio helped Gong Hui out and walked to the car. Gong Hui almost fell asleep.

Fujiwara Toshio couldn't help but show a proud smile.

He had drugged the juice just now. Otherwise, how could Gong Hui become dizzy and sleepy after dancing? Tonight was really a beautiful night.

This Chinese woman is much more attractive than Japanese women, which is why he is obsessed with China.

Ogino, come and drive to the Yangtze River Hotel. I have a long-term private room there. Fujiwara Toshio helped Gong Hui into the car, then got into the car himself and ordered Ogino Moriha.


The car left the Valais Hotel and headed towards Riverside Road.

The target should be to go to the Yangtze River Hotel. He has a long-term private room in the Yangtze River Hotel, and he always has women there. The Su Jing team in charge of intelligence observation immediately sent the news to the traffic team full of warehouses.

Because he didn't know where Fujiwara Toshio would take Gong Hui at night, two teams, the news tracking team and the traffic team, had to be arranged to cooperate with Yang Fan's actions.

If Toshio Fujiwara goes home, he can only act halfway, which is more risky, and there are at least four bodyguards around Toshio Fujiwara.

Yang Fan definitely can't do it alone, he will need Yan Ming's support team.

But if Toshio Fujiwara went to the Yangtze River Hotel, the revenge plan would be much simpler, and there would be no need to intercept the vehicle halfway.

Just wait and see in the hotel.

Of course, because we don't know where Fujiwara Toshio will go, the traffic team is responsible for sending Yang Fan to the designated location. Otherwise, Gong Hui will be in danger if he arrives late.

After confirming that the place where Toshio Fujiwara wanted to go was the Yangtze River Hotel, Mancang called Yang Fan who closed his eyes to rest, took the fare and rushed to the next destination.

When they arrived at the next location, the relay team members took the rickshaw directly from Mancang and continued running all the way...

Through the relay method, it is guaranteed that Yang Fan can arrive at the Yangtze River Hotel one step ahead of Fujiwara Toshio.

The Yangtze River Hotel has already arranged and bribed internal agents.

As soon as Yang Fan arrives!

Someone let him in through the back door of the kitchen, then changed into the clothes of a housekeeper, and quickly entered the Yangtze River Hotel.

Fujiwara Toshio's motorcade also arrived at the Yangtze River Hotel.

Fujiwara Toshio got out of the car first, then walked to the other side and helped Gong Hui out of the car...

Father, the room has been cleaned and arranged. Ogino Moriha followed and whispered to Fujiwara Toshio.

Well, for a while, you go and get a room next door, but don't come over and disturb me.

Understood. Ogino Moriha bowed slightly.

Fujiwara Toshio helped Gong Hui into the elevator, but Ogino Moriha did not go up with him. He knew Fujiwara Toshio's habits. Fujiwara Toshio was in high spirits at the moment, so he could disturb him.

There are no outsiders in the elevator, and Fujiwara Toshio no longer has to hide his Rokuyama claws...

Well, I'm home...

Here, here, Miss Hui, please slow down. The elevator just stopped and the elevator door opened. Fujiwara Toshio retracted his hand and said quickly.


Taking out the key and opening the door of the suite, Fujiwara Toshio helped Gong Hui and walked in.

Turn on the light and put Gong Hui on the bed.

Fujiwara Toshio immediately showed his true colors and rushed forward impatiently.

At this time, Gong Hui, who had been unconscious, suddenly opened her eyes. Fujiwara Toshio was so frightened that he jumped up in the air. Before he could even let out a scream, he was hit hard on the neck. His vision went dark and he fell to the bed. Gong Hui slid off the bed and stood up.

Yang Fan, who was a housekeeper, walked out of the door, holding a hammer, walked over silently, stripped Toshio Fujiwara of his clothes, then put on a bathrobe and dragged him into the bathroom!

Pick up the big hammer!

Smashed it down hard.

Red and white ones exploded everywhere...

Is there another one next door? Gong Hui reminded with a slight frown as she watched Yang Fan come out of the bathroom, covered in blood, as if he had walked out of hell.

Don't worry, no one will be left behind. Yang Fan didn't say much. He could also guess that this was a killing plot against Fujiwara Toshio, and Gong Hui was the bait for this killing plot.

After Yang Fan dragged the hammer out, it didn't take long before he came in again: It's over, four bodyguards, not one of them is missing.

Later, please be gentler! Gong Hui said.


How to clear Gong Hui's suspicion depends on Yang Fan.

Yang Fan dipped a towel in Fujiwara Toshio's blood and wrote on the wall of the suite: Murderer, Yang Fan! Five blood-red words were typed.

After doing all this, Yang Fan walked over: Sorry, Miss Hui, this is the only way to keep you out of the matter.

Come on. Gong Hui unbuttoned the collar of her cheongsam and closed her eyes.

Yang Fan cut Gong Hui's neck with his knife quickly and accurately. Gong Hui suddenly felt her vision darken, rolled her eyes, and fell straight down.

Time passed and around four or five o'clock in the morning, a piercing scream resounded throughout the Yangtze River Hotel.

Kill someone, kill someone...

Gong Hui is disheveled and stumbles out of Suite 502!

The entire floor woke up, and then the entire Yangtze River Hotel guests were awakened by the commotion outside. They ran out one after another and asked what was going on.

The hotel manager came up, opened the door and went in. His face turned pale and he almost came out holding on to the wall. Then he asked his subordinates to call the police.

Someone died, this is a criminal case.

The police from the Third Branch of the Police came out and took a look. Everyone was vomiting. I had never heard of such a murder scene.

A human head was like a hammered watermelon, and the scene was simply too horrible to look at.

Whose room is this?

Fujiwara Toshio... The manager had already vomited jaundice water.

What, Japanese, we can't take this case. When the police from the Third Bureau heard that the dead were Japanese, it was not bad. In Jiangcheng, all criminal cases involving Japanese are under the jurisdiction of the Japanese Military Police, let alone the Third Bureau. Even if the police headquarters comes to the branch, they are not qualified to investigate.

Quickly call the Japanese military police.

By the time the gendarmerie sent someone over, it was already broad daylight. When the Japanese gendarmerie squad leader saw that the dead man was Toshio Fujiwara, he was frightened. He couldn't handle this case, so he quickly reported it to his superiors.

Not long after, the military police captain, Major Yoshino, came in person.

I saw Toshio Fujiwara dead in the bathtub with his head like a rotten watermelon, and the five words written on the wall with dried blood.

Being used to seeing killings, he felt his stomach churn.

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