The secret war is silent

Chapter 159 A loud slap in the face

Okamura Neiji probably wouldn't have thought that he would work so hard and put on a show just to break out a big news on the first day of the new year.

As a result, one person stole all the limelight.

Fujiwara Toshio!

He was also Japanese, but he couldn't have a seizure because he was already dead, and his death was horrific. After the medical examiner examined his injuries, he couldn't even revive him.

Not only the Japanese forensic officials, but also the Chinese prosecutors have avoided seeing them and will not work no matter how much money they are given.

The case was solved as soon as it was discovered!

The murderers wrote their names on the wall.

This is a vendetta.

no doubt.

But how much hatred is there to make the murderer use such cruel methods to kill Fujiwara Toshio? Soon, those who still had some memories of Fujiwara Toshio immediately uncovered a public case.

The murderer's name is written on the wall. Isn't it hard to associate with it?

Ordinary people may not be able to remember it for a while, but the police who experienced it and the newspapers and reporters who reported this case can't think of it?

As a result, a case in which a boy assassinated Toshio Fujiwara in the street four years ago quickly spread throughout the streets and alleys of Xiaguchi, Jiangcheng. Furthermore, the reason why the boy assassinated Toshio Fujiwara was also revealed.

Four years ago, Fujiwara Toshio used despicable means to annex the Guo family, which he cooperated with, and got involved with the eldest daughter-in-law of the Guo family. Of course, rumors said that the eldest daughter-in-law of the Guo family was shameless. Seeing that the Guo family was in trouble, he Seduced the Japanese Toshio Fujiwara, but was discovered by her husband’s family...

Seeing that the incident was exposed and her reputation was ruined, the woman couldn't bear the accusations, so she committed suicide by throwing herself into the river.

This story is obviously illogical. A woman can seduce a man who is older and uglier than her husband, so what can’t she bear?

Why bother to commit suicide?

The Guo family's practices were also criticized at the time. After this incident, the Guo family, which was almost bankrupt, managed to survive.

There is no private transaction here, and it really cannot convince outsiders.

As for the woman who committed suicide by throwing herself into the river, her body was not recovered in the end. At that time, the case caused a great sensation in Jiangcheng.

The weapon held by the boy who later assassinated Toshio Fujiwara in the street was a hammer.

The boy’s name is Yang Fan.

The woman who committed suicide by throwing herself into the river was the boy's sister, named Yang Yun.

This case is still fresh in the minds of many people. The young man was sentenced to three years in prison for murder. Because no real harm was caused and the assassination was blocked by Toshio Fujiwara's bodyguard, the sentence was given a lighter sentence.

People who attended the trial recalled that the lawyer hired by the Japanese Fujiwara Toshio requested that Yang Fan be sentenced to death in court, with the minimum being life imprisonment.

However, the judge who heard the case did not listen. Fujiwara Toshio even went to the Japanese Consulate in Jiangcheng to ask the consul to come forward to Jiangcheng to lodge a serious protest.

The verdict was once considered to be a failure, but in the end the judge who tried the case withstood the pressure from all parties and insisted on giving him a three-year sentence.

All in all, Yang Fan's sentence should have passed long ago.

Four years ago, Yang Fan failed to kill Fujiwara Toshio. Four years later, he actually killed him with such cruel methods, which shocked the entire Jiangcheng.

How about it, Yang Fan, how does it feel to get revenge? Early the next morning, Luo Yao came to Tongda Automobile Dealership to see Yang Fan.

Mancang told him that after Yang Fan came back last night, he locked himself in the room. Then this morning, he went to ask people to come out for dinner, but there was no answer.

But there was no doubt that the person was still in the room.

Luo Yao knocked on the door, and Yang Fan opened the door and let him in.

After entering, Yang Fan hugged his legs and sat curled up on the bed. As soon as Luo Yao saw the neatly folded quilt on the bed, he knew that he hadn't slept all night.

Mr. Qin, I didn't want to do this, but I couldn't control myself at the time... Yang Fan took out his hands, and it was visible to the naked eye that his hands were still shaking slightly.

I know that this is not your fault. It is an explosion of emotions that you have suppressed for many years. If you keep suppressing it in your heart and cannot get relief, it is likely to affect your thinking and personality. Luo Yao clicked. Nodding, Now that you have vented it out, although it is difficult to accept it for a while, do you feel more comfortable in your heart?

Is that so?

Of course, if a person has too many negative emotions, it will affect his physical and mental health. Luo Yao said affirmatively, Don't think too much. Eat and drink when you should. I will take care of the rest. .”

Mr. Qin, if someone needs to pay for Fujiwara Toshio's life, I am willing...

You are thinking too much. Killing Fujiwara Toshio is not only to give you a chance for revenge, but we also want this scumbag to die. Luo Yao said with a smile, No matter what, I can't do that cutting. The matter of killing a donkey.”

Mr. Qin, my mother...

Don't worry, your mother is living a good life in the countryside. I will arrange for someone to send her to Xiangcheng in the near future. Once there, the Japanese will never find her. Luo Yao said.

Thank you Mr. Qin.

Don't call me Mr. Qin. I'm a few years older than you. Call me 'Brother Yao' from now on. Luo Yao likes Yang Fan very much, a young man who repays kindness with kindness. He is less than twenty years old this year. , has a bright future.

Brother Yao, I knocked out Miss Hui and left her on the bed in the hotel. Is she okay? Yang Fan asked Gong Hui, who had been knocked unconscious by him.

Don't worry, it'll be okay, she can handle this. Luo Yao said with a smile.


Let's go eat.

Kui Mulang, have you prepared Yang Fan's new identity? While watching Yang Fan eating, Luo Yao called Mancang over and asked.

Well, Brother Yang Fan has been in prison for three years. After he was released from prison, he seldom went out. Apart from his neighbors, not many people knew him. Therefore, as long as we try to avoid his past life circle, The chance of being recognized is very small. We can also make some slight changes to his image. As long as some time passes and the heat of the matter drops, it will be safer. Mancang said.

What identity did you design for him?

Nie Hu, his ancestral home is Taiyuan, Shanxi. His family used to run an escort agency, but later it collapsed and he was reduced to Jiangcheng, where he fought against sacks and worked as a coolie on the dock...

Are you planning to let him actually work as a coolie on the dock for a period of time? Luo Yao asked in surprise.

It depends on the situation. If necessary, you can let him go to the dock to work as a coolie for a period of time. This can also be used to test whether his identity can be recognized. Mancang explained.

You can use this identity. The people at the dock are very mixed. There is no need to take this risk now. Luo Yao said, What about the false clues arranged? Can they lead the Japanese in the wrong direction in solving the case?

It's hard to say this. According to normal thinking and logic, all they can find is that after Yang Fan killed someone, he swam across the Yangtze River with a small sampan. We also left some traces on the other side, leading to the mountains. , it depends on whether the Japanese will believe it after finding these clues. Mancang said.

Well, let's do this for now. Let Owl keep an eye on the progress of this case. Luo Yao ordered.

I see.

I can't stay any longer. I have to leave. If anything happens, please notify me as soon as possible.


Tell him not to go out these days, get familiar with his new identity, and tell him that killing Toshio Fujiwara is not the end of his life.

Jiangcheng Japanese Army Secret Service Department, conference room.

The atmosphere was a bit depressing. When he woke up early in the morning, Domon Jiro received the news that Fujiwara Toshio had been killed, which was really unprepared.

And it wasn't an assassination.

It's obvious to kill.

Fujiwara Toshio is an intelligence officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Although he is a businessman, he receives a special allowance from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and provides the empire with a lot of information about Jiangcheng.

Although he had some bad deeds in some aspects, he had made contributions to the Japanese Empire and was a meritorious imperial citizen.

Such a person actually died in such a tragic way in the private room he opened.

Moreover, none of the bodyguards survived.

Except for a Chinese woman.

And this Chinese woman seemed to be the prey of Toshio Fujiwara. She was taken to the hotel by Toshio Fujiwara and had been drugged before that.

If it hadn't been for her awakening, it was very likely that they would have discovered Fujiwara Toshio's death much later.

Your Excellency, Minister, this is the result of the preliminary investigation! Major Yoshino stood up to report the results of his on-site investigation and made a concluding speech.

Takeshima-kun, what do you think?

This case is obvious. If someone didn't do it deliberately, then what Yoshino-kun saw is the truth of the entire case. Takeshima Shigeru stood up and nodded slightly.


Fujiwara's security measures are very tight. It is very difficult for ordinary people to get close. The assassination last night was obviously carefully planned. If it was just this Yang Fan, it is difficult for me to imagine how he did it. Takeshima Maode said.

Chief Sugita, what's your opinion? Tamonjiro asked Sugita Kotaro again.

I also agree with Section Chief Takeshima's judgment. How did this person named Yang Fan know that Mr. Fujiwara would appear at the Yangtze River Hotel last night? Sugita Kotaro said, This is the first, and the second is how he sneaked into the Yangtze River Hotel. , I feel like he wouldn’t be able to do it without help.”

Mr. Fujiwara has a long-term private room at the Yangtze River Hotel. It's not difficult for this interested person to inquire about it. Major Yoshino said stiffly.

Domon Jiro nodded, as long as he kept this private room, he didn't have to worry about Fujiwara Toshio not showing up.

There is an idiom in China called: Waiting for the rabbit.

But, I asked all the staff at the Yangtze River Hotel, and no one knows you, Yang Fan. How did he get in so silently?

The Yangtze Hotel is not a military police force. Its security is not that tight. It is a bit difficult to sneak in during the day, but it is much easier at night. Major Yoshino seemed to be at odds with Kotaro Sugita.

Does Yoshino-kun think this is just an ordinary vendetta?

Yes, I have done some research on Yang Fan and know it very well. The cause of this case starts from a case four years ago... Major Yoshino solemnly explained to everyone the grudge between Yang Fan and Fujiwara Toshio.

In this case, there is nothing special about this case, it is just an ordinary murder case? Domon Jiro also breathed a sigh of relief. If Fujiwara Toshio's case involves intelligence, then the problem will be much more serious.

And if it was just an ordinary murder case, the cause would still be because of some despicable things he had done in Jiangcheng in the past.

Then this is your own fault.

Your Excellency, the forensic injury report can also confirm my judgment. Major Yoshino said, Mr. Fujiwara's head trauma was caused by being hit by a hammer, and the average human skull is very hard, even if it is a critical blow. , if you want to smash it, ordinary people can't do it, and the murderer in this case is a blacksmith. This person has learned to blacksmith since he was a child, and he is very strong. This is completely consistent with the injury to Mr. Fujiwara's head.

Both Shigetori Taketō and Kotaro Sugita were silent. Although they both felt that there was something inside in this case, there was no evidence to support their speculation.

Well, since the evidence is sufficient, then the case will be solved and a wanted order will be issued. The whole city is looking for the murderer Yang Fan. He must be captured and brought to justice to comfort Fujiwara-kun's spirit in heaven! Jiro Domon felt that there was no need to investigate this case. .

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