The secret war is silent

Chapter 160 Photos

Best Friend bookstore is closed for the day.

rarely seen.

Even on the day when the Japanese army entered the city, they did not see the best friend bookstore closed, but business as usual. However, it is understandable, who doesn't have some personal matters to deal with?

In fact, Yan Ming came here early in the morning and just put up a temporary business sign. He was inside and was working nervously.

This work requires concentration and concentration without making any mistakes.

He was developing the film taken by Gong Hui using a micro camera. This was not an ordinary film, and ordinary people would not do this job.

Only agents can do this. Yan Ming has a deep knowledge of photography technology. This is also Luo Yao's request. Everyone in the River God team must be proficient in at least one or more techniques.

Yan Ming is proficient in photography skills, full of fighting and driving skills, Su Jing is good at tracking and anti-tracking and making bombs, Gong Hui is good at fighting, firearms, tactical intelligence analysis and calculation, Xu Jihong is good at secret communication, and Gu Principle is good at planning and strategy , formulate an action plan...

There is also Xiao Dongbei, Qiao Sanyang, who is good at speed and has special talents in infiltration. As for Liu Jinbao, needless to say, being selected to implement the Nail plan is enough to illustrate his adaptability and acting skills. .

Needless to say, as for the team leader Luo Yao, in addition to leading and coordinating the entire team, he also has the ability to brew poisons and has terrible hearing. fundamental.

In other aspects, there is water quality. He is definitely the first in the group. His physical strength is long and his real exertion is probably unmatched by anyone.

Disguise and make-up, ventriloquism voice change, language (he can speak at least three languages, English, Japanese, Chinese, and more dialects)...

Even the newly joined Tiewei Yang Fan has outstanding skills, and the strength of his arms is definitely the best in the group!

The school had a three-day break on New Year's Day, so Luo Yao naturally didn't have to go to school to work. He came out of Tongda and walked around to make sure there was no tail behind him.

Then he slowly came to the Best Friend bookstore.

The bookstore was closed for customers, not Luo Yao. When Yan Ming heard a certain pattern of knocking on the door, he immediately dropped what he was doing, came over to open the door, and let Luo Yao in.

The Closed sign at the door remains the same.

Yan Ming's eyes were so red that he went into the darkroom to work since he got the camera. He has been working continuously for seven or eight hours.

Not only have I not had breakfast, I have not even used the toilet once.

The purpose is to develop the film in the miniature camera as quickly as possible.

I gave Luo Yao a mask. The darkroom was filled with the smell of developing water. It was a bit pungent and even toxic. It was not good for your health and you couldn't work in it for a long time.

I knew you didn't have breakfast, so I bought it for you. Luo Yao handed Yan Ming a brown paper bag, which contained the steamed buns he had just sold.

Thank you, team leader. Yan Ming happily reached out to take it.

Wash your hands before eating.

Yan Ming chuckled, his hands were stained with developing water, which is poisonous. Although it may not cause trouble immediately if eaten, but over time, something will happen one day.

Yan Ming hurriedly washed his face. Luo Yao had already opened the door and entered the darkroom. The film had been developed and the photos were drying.

Densely hung on the rope with clips, it feels a bit messy.

It's just that the smell is a bit strong. It's really unbearable to come in without a mask.

Outside, Yan Ming swept into his stomach the four big meat buns that Luo Yao brought him, burped, and followed in.

Team leader, there are fifty-seven pictures in total. Some of the pictures were taken at wrong angles and no one was captured at all. There are also a few pictures that are blurry and the faces cannot be seen clearly. In the end, there are about forty-four pictures left. They are all here. Yes. Yan Ming introduced.

How much do we know about the people in the photo? Luo Yao asked.

Half of the unfamiliar faces will have to be identified after Sister Hui comes back. They were all taken by her, so she should have remembered the other person's identity. Yan Ming said.

Luo Yao nodded.

This assassination of a traitor and accidentally hitting the passenger car occasionally happened. Most of the time it was the result of the gunman mistaking the target.

In many cases, intelligence collection and action are separated. Once the intelligence is wrong, or the person in action identifies the wrong target, such an oolong will occur.

Luo Yao asked Gong Hui to take this opportunity to collect photos and information of traitors, so that once an anti-rape operation is carried out in the future, he would not admit the wrong target and make a joke.

This is... Luo Yao saw a Japanese officer sitting in a wheelchair. His face was a little blurry and he couldn't see clearly, but he should be able to tell from the collar badge that he should be a general.

The status of the Japanese general who can appear at the cocktail party must not be too low. Who could it be?

Team leader, there are two more photos of the Japanese officers you are looking at. This one is a bit blurry. Yan Ming said immediately after seeing this scene.

Oh, where?

Here. Yan Ming pointed to the top of his head, turned over a photo, and faced Luo Yaoda.

The photo shows a Japanese general standing in front of a microphone. He is wearing a winter uniform. He is not tall, probably a head shorter than himself. He is wearing a ribbon. His face is thin and his eyes are sunken. He looks like he is recovering from a serious illness. Look at the epaulettes. , is actually a general.

The Japanese army has only one general in Jiangcheng.

Neji Okamura, commander of the 11th Army of the Japanese Expeditionary Forces.

Okamura Neiji actually attended the New Year's reception of this traitor gathering, which surprised Luo Yao. Even a small move by such a person has strong political implications.

Especially this kind of New Year's reception with strong political meaning, which is a gentle way for the Japanese army to win over local traitors in Jiangcheng.

With the presence of Neji Okamura, the level of this reception was undoubtedly raised.

This is a strategic consideration. Luo Yao also has such a vague concept. As for what the meaning will be, someone will naturally analyze and interpret it if the news is sent back.

After the photos are dried, send them to the old house (Sunshine Cafe) immediately. Luo Yao ordered.


It's up to you to collect and archive the film.

Understood. Yan Ming's bookstore is actually the secret document archive and storage place of the River God team. Some documents and phone calls need to be preserved. This is precious historical information. It should be preserved as much as possible, but it cannot be preserved. , it can only be destroyed.

Team leader, will Sister Hui be okay?

Don't worry, she will be fine with her adaptability. Luo Yao said, but actually he was still very worried in his heart. The most dangerous person in last night's actions was not Yang Fan. Yang Fan's actions were not his alone. , and Gong Hui is the only person.

Once Toshio Fujiwara is killed, Gong Hui, who came back with him, is the most direct suspect. If the Japanese are evil and indiscriminate, they will directly assume that Gong Hui committed the murder.

Of course, this is extremely unlikely, because the murderers left their names at the scene. If the Japanese wanted to find someone to kill and take the blame, they wouldn't do it so brazenly.

In this way, no one will believe what they said in Jiangcheng...

Luo Yao casually bought two newspapers, one was Jiangcheng Daily and the other was Dachu Daily. The former was from Jiangcheng's past, and the latter was a traitor newspaper controlled by the Japanese Secret Service.

The focus of the reports in the two newspapers was obviously different. Jiangcheng Daily put the bloody murder that occurred in the Yangtze River Hotel on the front page. A bloody photo took up almost half of the page, even though the case has not yet been solved. , but the basic facts were published in detail.

On the contrary, the news that Okamura Neiji attended the New Year's reception held at the Valais Hotel and delivered a New Year's greeting was placed in the lower left corner. Part of the content of the greeting was selectively published, and some were moved to the next layout.

Da Chu News, on the contrary, published a huge photo of Okamura Neji on the front page, published the full text of the New Year's message, and also published an editor's note with extremely complimentary words.

As for the murder of Toshio Fujiwara at the Yangtze River Hotel, he only sent a brief communication, less than a hundred words including punctuation.

The sales volume of the two newspapers is enough to show that the common people prefer to read Jiangcheng Daily. As soon as the newspaper came out, it sold like crazy. The copy in Luo Yao's hand was still after printing, and the ink on the newspaper was not dry yet.

The Da Chu News prints about 10,000 copies every day. Except for the traitors and major merchants who are forced to subscribe, the rest, which are distributed to various newsstands, cannot be sold at all.

Recycled newspapers can only be given away, or used to plaster walls or wipe people's butts, but no one wants them.

In any case, the death of Toshio Fujiwara overshadowed Neji Okamura's attendance at the New Year's reception held at the Valais Hotel and his New Year's greetings.

This can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

Team leader, you are here.

Is there no news about Rakshasa yet? Luo Yao asked Xin Xiaowu.

I've sent people to inquire, but there's no news yet. I heard that Sister Hui was taken to the gendarmerie for questioning, but as long as this person enters the gendarmerie, if he wants to get out...

What are you talking about in frustration?

Bah, bah, with my bad mouth, Sister Hui will definitely come back safely. Xin Xiaowu quickly reached out and hit himself twice on the cheek.

The boss is not here today and the business is temporarily closed.


Go ahead and tell everyone not to panic. Do whatever you need to do. If you have nothing to do, go home and rest. We will wait for notification when the business will open. Luo Yao ordered.


As for whether Gong Hui should be released immediately, Gendarmerie Captain Yoshino advocated immediate release. After all, she was also a victim, and the records had been made. Someone at the hotel also testified that Gong Hui was already asleep when she arrived. It was Fujiwara. Toshio helped him go upstairs.

Moreover, we also learned from other channels that Toshio Fujiwara secretly drugged the juice Gong Hui drank, which is enough proof.

Gong Hui has no connection with the murder of Fujiwara Toshio.

The reason why Gong Hui was safe and none of Fujiwara Toshio's adopted son and bodyguards survived was that the murderer believed that these people were accomplices, and Gong Hui was an innocent woman.

The murderer was not a murderer.

This is very easy to understand.

But Takeshima Shigenori and Sugita Kotaro believed that Miya Hui had no good impression of Fujiwara Toshio, so how could she suddenly make a 180-degree turn and agree to attend the cocktail party with him?

This is doubtful.

Is it possible that the two colluded, and Yang Fan killed Fujiwara Toshio, and Gong Hui could get rid of Fujiwara Toshio's entanglement?

However, the two of them could not produce any solid evidence. It was all based on their suspicions, but they requested that Gong Hui be detained and continue to question and investigate.

However, Takeshima Shigenori and Sugita Kotaro failed to find evidence that Gong Hui and Yang Fan colluded. However, the plainclothes sent by Yoshino to investigate Yang Fan's home came back to report that Yang Fan had sent his old mother away a few days ago, and he himself Also disappeared.

But some yellowed newspapers and papyrus were found under the bed board at his home. One of them was relatively new, and it advertised that Toshio Fujiwara attended a ribbon-cutting event...

Obviously, it was after Yang Fan saw this newspaper that he learned that Fujiwara Toshio had returned to Jiangcheng, and decided to plan murder for revenge.

Some of the tracks on the papyrus were identified as Toshio Fujiwara's movements these days, including important information that he had a long-term private room at the Yangtze River Hotel.

Everyone was killed, and these things meant nothing to Yang Fan. Moreover, he had no intention of concealing his murderous behavior and motives, so it was only a matter of time before these things were discovered.

Major Yoshino threw these evidences in the faces of Takeshima Shigenori and Sugita Kotaro. With such conclusive evidence, what else could there be to doubt?

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