The secret war is silent

Chapter 303 The only way out

The taste of freedom can only be known if it is lost.

For Xu Zhen, she now has the most personal experience of this. She is trapped in jail, and the world is not responding to her, and the earth and the earth are not working. This feeling is very uncomfortable.

In less than half a day, a beautiful woman was tortured until her spirit became extremely haggard.

It's like the feeling of a person's energy suddenly falling apart.

Could it be an act?

Gong Hui saw this woman outside looking like two people before and after she was arrested. She was a little unsure. Maybe she was overly worried.

Return to the questioning room.

Xu Zhen met Gong Hui again. Gong Hui had already changed into women's clothing, a smart professional suit, and a delicate baby face, giving people the illusion that she was a little girl who had just experienced the world.

Many people will be deceived by this face.

We meet again, Miss Xu. Gong Hui ordered someone to close the door, stood under the incandescent light, walked up to Xu Zhen and said.

Sir, let me go. I've told you everything I know.

Miss Xu, you have very good eyesight, how did you discover my identity? Gong Hui laughed, walked behind Xu Zhen, and gently clasped her neck with both hands.

My guess.

Lie! Gong Hui suddenly stopped her hand, and a force quickly tightened around Xu Zhen's neck. Xu Zhen's face suddenly turned red because she was unable to breathe due to lack of oxygen.

to be honest.

The tone of the officer's words, his movements, the skills of his men, and their clothing do not look like a gangster or a bandit...

Gong Hui let go of her hand slightly, allowing Xu Zhen to take a breath.

How do you, a woman who entertains people with sex, know this? Gong Hui asked.

The more people you see, the more you observe, the more you will be able to identify something. Xu Zhen stammered as she adjusted her breathing.

She really almost felt like she was going to die just now. The force was definitely not just to scare her. If he really wanted to strangle her to death, it would only take less than three minutes.

Gong Hui completely let go of her hand.

It's really surprising that a weak woman like you has such eyesight.

What's the use? We women are born to depend on men to survive. This is especially true in troubled times. Otherwise, what can we do?

In the final analysis, it's just that you don't want to give up your luxurious life in the past. If you were willing to endure hardship and be happy in poverty, you might be freer than you are now. Gong Hui said.

Sir, you are right. It is easy for a person to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. I don't want to endure hardship, but I also want to live a luxurious life. There is no such good thing in this world. If you gain something, you will lose something. I should Got it.

I'm not here to talk to you about the principles of life. Gong Hui walked up to Xu Zhen and said, I know you want to get out of here, right?


We know about your special relationship with Osborne, that's why we found you. Do you understand what I mean? Gong Hui said.

Xu Zhen nodded subconsciously, then shook her head immediately.

Osborne is an American expert who serves us. You don't need to worry about what he does for us, and you don't need to ask. Your task is to pay attention to what he does when he is with you, for example, what kind of friendship he has. What did the person say? Record it, do you understand? Gong Hui said.

Sir, what do you mean, let me monitor Osborne?

You can understand that. Gong Hui said, In addition, we may also ask you to help us find out about some people. This shouldn't be difficult for you.

Is it dangerous?

As long as you are not discovered, there will naturally be no danger.

Can I not do it?

You said it yourself, a weak woman like you cannot control her own destiny in troubled times. Gong Hui chuckled, But you can choose life or death?

Well, I don't have any other choice.

Very good. You have to sign a pledge to voluntarily work for us. In addition, I have some information I want to know from you. Gong Hui nodded with great satisfaction.

It would be best if Xu Zhen can cooperate.

This is her only way out.

After all the matters were explained, Gong Huicai left the new location of the Veterinary Station in Ciqikou and returned to her residence in Ci'en Temple at 11 o'clock at night.

The lights were on in Luo Yao's room.

After hesitating for a moment, she walked over, stretched out her hand and knocked on the door.

The door is unlocked, come in. Luo Yao didn't know that Gong Hui was back, so he spoke as soon as there was a knock on the door.

Gong Hui opened the door and came in: Brother Yao, are you still awake?

When she was alone with no one, Gong Hui still liked to call him Brother Yao, and she used to call him Webmaster in public places. After all, that was Luo Yao's public position.

Public and private matters should not be mixed together, otherwise it will attract criticism from people in front and behind.

Didn't you just come back? Luo Yao also took this part of the deciphering work with him. This work is very boring, but it is actually very interesting to really delve into it.

Deciphering the enemy's secret code is a very fulfilling thing. Otherwise, with his character, how could he be willing to do this work in the rear?

Xu Zhen promised to cooperate with us.

What did you tell her? Luo Yao nodded and said hello, Sit down, I'll get you a glass of water.

I haven't made it clear about Gao Tiankui yet. I just made an excuse to ask her to help us monitor Osborne's every move with her, and then I learned something about George Kevin and the German Mansion from the side. situation. Gong Hui explained.

You didn't mention the Nanhua trade, did you?


Well, there are still a lot of doubts about Xu Zhen. Let's use it and observe it at the same time. This is a safe method. Luo Yao nodded and affirmed.

This Xu Zhen is very smart. She can actually infer our identities from my tone of voice, movements and other details. If she has received special training, it is not surprising that she can do this! Gong Huidao.

Does she know the identity of your military commander?

I just told her that I am from the Inspection Division of the Shancheng Garrison Headquarters. She should know that I am the military commander. Gong Hui nodded.

Okay, from now on, you can use this identity to contact her. Anyway, it's not wrong. What's going on with that George Kevin? Luo Yao nodded.

The identity of George Kevin is a bit complicated. He had a very close relationship with the Wang family in the past, and he had contacts with many of Wang's confidants, such as Zhou, Chen and others. These people were all frequent visitors to the German Mansion in the past.

These people haven't stayed in Shancheng for long, so why have they all become guests of this George Kevin? Luo Yao frowned slightly.

Brother Yao, I think this George Kevin is probably the middleman between the Japanese and the Wang family. Gong Hui speculated.

He holds a British passport, which is indeed a good identity cover and is not easy to be detected. Luo Yao nodded.

Then do we need to monitor this person intensively?

No, let's not make the stall too big. The focus is still on Gao Tiankui. He is the biggest suspect now. If we can seize conclusive evidence, then we can arrest him. Luo Yao thought about it for a moment. It would be better if the goal is to focus on one person.

There is currently no evidence that Gao Tiankui is directly related to George Kevin, and of course it is not ruled out that there is a connection between them.

I have arranged for someone to monitor Gao Tiankui's residence.

Didn't you alarm him?

No, my people are only monitoring and recording, not tracking, and they won't be discovered by him. Gong Hui explained.

Well, okay. Luo Yao nodded, Then just wait. If he is the person we are looking for, sooner or later there will be flaws.

That's okay. You can rest early. Gong Hui stood up and said.

OK, good night.

When he walked to the door, he saw a pile of dirty clothes in the basin behind the door. He bent down and picked up the dirty clothes. Just when Luo Yao was about to say Don't move, Gong Hui had already opened the door and went out.

Germania Building, top floor.

The light was very dim, and I saw a man sitting on the sofa. He was wearing a black gentleman's hat and lowered his head so that no one could see his true face.

What are you thinking about that matter?

The risk of this matter is too great. I am very satisfied with my current life and don't want to take such a big risk. George Kevin sat opposite, with his legs crossed and the scarlet wine in the goblet swirling. .

The mountain city may be attacked by air strikes from the Japanese Empire at any time. Even if you hang the flag of the British Empire, it may be okay during the day. If it is at night, who can guarantee the safety of the Germanic Building?

This... George Kevin hesitated.

You just need to agree to do this for me. When the time comes, you will receive a large amount of money and you can leave the mountain city. Whether it is to Hong Kong or back to the UK, you will not have to worry about food and drink for the rest of your life, okay? The visitor said in a low voice. The seductive voice said.

I want one hundred thousand dollars.


Fifty percent deposit payable in cash. George Kevin added.

Thirty percent, and the rest will be paid to you in full after everything is completed. You can rest assured that our Empire of Japan is the most trustworthy.

I need to get rid of the German Building first.

Okay, but you have to be more secretive and don't make people suspicious of you. The person nodded.

Don't worry, the mountain city is so unsafe now. Many people have abandoned their homes and businesses and left. As a foreigner, I don't want to be bombed, so it's normal to leave here. And I also found a very suitable buyer to take over. George Kevin smiled confidently.


Of course, he was very interested in my Germania Building and even proposed to invest in it, but I never agreed. George Kevin said.

You should deal with it as soon as possible.

Don't worry, I will notify you as soon as I finish processing it. Then it will be up to you. George Kevin chuckled.

Okay, the deposit will be transferred to your HSBC account in Hong Kong. You can check it when the time comes.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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