The secret war is silent

Chapter 304: Taking advantage of Germany

Xu Zhen, do you remember what I said to you? After the car entered the city, it stopped in a relatively secluded alley.

Gong Hui asked Xu Zhen.


If you have a situation to report, just make this call. You don't need me to teach you how to speak, right? Gong Hui took out a note from her pocket and handed it over.

Xu Zhen took it and put it into her purse.

Okay, you can go down now. What would you say if someone asks?

I said I was at the hot spring hotel on the south bank with Mr. Osborne. Xu Zhen hesitated and said.

No, you have to say that after you and Osborne separated, you were in a bad mood. You went to Yudu for a day and stayed there for one night. You just came back early this morning.

Oh, okay, I understand. Xu Zhen nodded quickly.

Get out of the car.

After watching Xu Zhen get off the car, walk into the main street, and squeeze into the crowd, Gong Hui started the car, turned around, and returned to the veterinary station.

In a blink of an eye, two days passed.

Luo Yao got up in the morning and went to work at the station step by step. Shen Yu called him and told him that George Kevin was secretly contacting the buyer to sell the German Mansion.

The news surprised him.

At this time, George Kevin's sale of the Germanic Building seemed normal to outsiders. The mountain town was bombed by Japanese planes almost every now and then. Those who stayed behind were all stubborn, and the urban population was already less than 100,000. .

After each bombing, before repairs could be completed, the next bombing would come.

Not to mention the houses of ordinary people, even the embassies of various countries were bombed. The Japanese did not care about international conventions at all and were very unscrupulous.

Housing prices in the urban area have long since dropped to bargain prices. Who wants to stay in the urban area and be bombed?

Most of the people who could hide in the countryside went to live with their relatives. The rest had no place to go and had no choice but to stay.

After bombing the urban area of ​​Shancheng City, they began to bomb the surrounding counties and villages. In short, if the Japanese army did not bomb with precision, the people in the mountain city and surrounding areas would suffer a lot.

At this time, it is human nature and reasonable to flee the mountain city and seek shelter elsewhere.

The Germanic Building had been bombed before, but luckily, the damage was not very serious. Later, money was spent to repair it, not to mention restoring it to its original condition, but at least it was a complete building.

In this way, the market price of such a five-story apartment building has shrunk by at least two-thirds from before the bombing, and even if it wants to sell it now, it is unlikely that anyone will take it over.

Of course, it’s not that no one has taken over, there are many people who want to take over, especially those who know who you live in the German Building.

If you are willing to take over, it comes with conditions.

The conditions offered by George Kevin were that the transfer fee must be in cash or a cashier's check. The girls living in the apartment in the German Building are free to leave. Those who are willing to leave are given one month to find a place to live, and this month they will be new. The owner does not charge any rent.

If you are willing to continue living in the German Building, the new owner must renew the lease for at least half a year at the original price and reduce the rent for one month.

In other words, after the new owner takes over, it will not be able to collect rent within one month and will not be able to renovate the German Building for other uses within half a year.

No one knows why George Kevin did this. Anyway, he just put forward such a condition. Anyone who is willing can talk to him.

Not long after Shen Yu's call came, Xu Zhen also called to make an appointment with Gong Hui. They met at Sheng Ji Cheongsam Shop and also mentioned this matter.

George Kevin suddenly wanted to transfer the Germantown Building, which affected the tenants like them whether to stay or not, but it caused quite a shock.

Some people have quietly begun to look for a new place to settle down. After all, no one knows what the new owner plans to do after buying the German Building.

Although these people are free, they are all under the protection of George Kevin and rely on their patrons to spend money on them. Once no one protects them, their lives will not be easy. , you have to find a good next home?

George Kevin said he wanted to end the business in Shancheng and prepare to return to the UK. As soon as Gong Hui came back, she recounted the general situation to Luo Yao.

A storm is brewing in Europe now. Does he want to go back and serve the country? Luo Yao chuckled and analyzed, Although the mountain city is risky, people like him should be fine, and he has lived here. Okay, if I have to leave suddenly, I’m afraid there’s something wrong with this.”

You mean, he realized he was in danger and wanted to leave?

It's not impossible. This kind of person has a very sensitive sense of smell. Once he smells danger, he will leave decisively. Luo Yao said.

What should I do? I don't have any evidence yet. Once he leaves, we can't stop him.

He didn't transfer the German Mansion publicly?

No, it's just news released in a small circle of people he knows. He probably wants to choose someone from among the people he knows to take over. This way it will be kept secret and will not attract the attention of the outside world. Gong Huidao.

Then do we have any name to intervene?

You mean, we eat the German Building? Gong Hui said in surprise.

We don't necessarily have to buy the German Building, but we can contact and negotiate with it as a buyer. Luo Yaodao.

I'm afraid it won't be easy. He probably won't trade with someone he doesn't know.

Can you find someone in the small circle where he spreads the news as a breakthrough so that we can have a chance to participate? Luo Yao asked.

Let me give it a try.

Xinya Coffee on Zourong Road, foreigners in mountain cities like this place because of its atmosphere and the most authentic Italian coffee. Many Chinese who admire the West and have a bit of a petty bourgeoisie also like to come here.

There are more people just pretending.

Li Fu was still at work when Jiang Yuan called and asked him to meet here. Of course, this place was relatively close to the Air Defense Command.

Li Fu's work is relatively leisurely, otherwise, he really wouldn't have the time.

He also hasn't been to the casino for several days.

Jiang Yuan can't see him in the casino, and he can't come to the Jiang Defense Headquarters every day to find him. So what if he, a battalion staff officer of the air defense force, always comes to the inspector of the headquarters' inspection office? Is there any collusion secretly? ?

When people see this, they will inevitably think so.

This is a place where Li Fu sometimes comes to drink a cup of coffee when he is tired. Therefore, if he makes an appointment here, he will not be gossiped about. Jiang Yuan has obviously done his homework.

Brother Li, what do you want to drink? Jiang Yuan came first. When he saw Li Fu coming in, he stood up and waved, and then asked enthusiastically.

American style.

A cup of Americano. Jiang Yuan asked the waiter for a cup of Americano. He already had a cup of mocha in front of him and drank less than half of it.

Why did you call me out?

Brother Li, I have an opportunity here. I wonder if you want it?

Opportunity, what opportunity? Li Fu was secretly wary, but on the surface he was still very relaxed. He and Jiang Yuan now talked about almost everything.

A fixed income every month, at least more than the salary you get at the Air Defense Command now. Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

Oh, such a good opportunity, tell me about it? Li Fu naturally looked interested. He was very short of money. He had kept a woman for a long time and was still living and drinking outside. The money he spent was like running water. Generally speaking, how can it be done if there is no financial support?

Our eldest brother wants to buy an apartment building. After buying it, he wants to redecorate the building and turn it into an entertainment venue, similar to the Queen's Cabaret. However, he doesn't want to negotiate by himself and needs a middleman. Help hold shares. Jiang Yuan said.

Am I the middleman?

That's right, after the project is completed, I will give you 10% of the shares. You don't have to do anything. You just wait and receive the dividends every month. Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

Why didn't Battalion Commander Gao give you such a good thing? Li Fu chuckled. Could it be that Gao Tiankui wanted to tie him up?

To tell you the truth, our eldest brother and the seller know each other and are considered friends. Between these friends, we need to take into account some face. When negotiating the price, it is a little difficult to talk. That's why I was asked to come to Brother Li. You help. Jiang Yuan explained.

Even if I can lower the transfer price of the other party, Commander Gao will still give me 100% of the profit from the shares. In fact, he may have to pay more. It sounds like Commander Gao will still suffer in this transaction. ?”

The other party wants cash. Our eldest brother doesn't have that much cash on hand... Jiang Yuan smiled awkwardly.

How much does the other party want? Li Fu nodded. He also knew that the other party was acting, so he just acted with them.

A hundred thousand oceans.

A building costs 100,000 yuan, which is not expensive. Of course, this is the current price. Six months ago, 300,000 yuan was probably not enough.

So how many do you have on hand?

Jiang Yuan stretched out his right hand and gestured to Li Fu. It was the word six. The amount was indeed very different, but with the current market situation, if the other party sincerely transfers it, it is not impossible. Maybe tomorrow the Japanese will If a bomb is dropped from the sky, let alone 60,000 yuan, no one may want even 6,000 yuan.

Brother Jiang, I can come forward to help you negotiate, but I won't receive any salary for no reward. I don't dare to accept 100% of the shares. Li Fu said.

Brother Li, are you too young? Jiang Yuan asked.

No, it's too much. After conversion, 10% of the shares are equivalent to fifty or sixty thousand French currency. Li Fu shook his head.

Not much. Brother Li, if you come forward, it will be worth the price. Jiang Yuan chuckled. Didn't this military commander make many plunders in the mountain city?

There are a few people in the military who are not greedy. How much of their wealth comes from legitimate sources and is not snatched from other people's hands? Are they any different from bandits?

I'll think about it, but why doesn't Brother Jiang come forward?

I know the other party too, so it's hard to talk to him. Jiang Yuan smiled coquettishly.

Thank you Battalion Commander Gao and Brother Jiang for your trust. This cup of coffee is mine. I have to go back and think about it and give you an answer tomorrow, okay? Li Fu took a sip of the coffee the waiter had just brought and said, That's right. , which building do you want to buy?

Germany Tower.

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