The secret war is silent

Chapter 306 It’s done

Jiang Yuan ran out.

I found a public phone and dialed a number. The call on the other end was connected, but the call was unresponsive. I waited for nearly seven or eight seconds before any sound came through.

Hey, who's there?

It's me, brother. I'm eating out with Li Fu now. He agreed to be our middleman, but does he have a condition?


He asked for 20 percent dry stock.

There was no sound of breathing on the other end of the phone for at least ten seconds. Jiang Yuan couldn't help but become nervous, and then he heard a deep voice: Promise him.

Brother, do you really agree?

You can buy someone like Li Fu with just 10% of the shares. It's worth it. Gao Tiankui's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Okay, then I'll tell him. Jiang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, it was finally done.

Luo Yao soon received the news from Li Fu that Gao Tiankui agreed to his conditions, 20% of the shares.

Brother Yao, Gao Tiankui has placed a lot of bets on Li Fu, and his intentions must be big. It seems that the target we suspect is right. Gong Hui said, Xueren's monitoring of the secret radio station of Japanese spies is also normal. , it seems that Xu Zhen should have no problem.

Let Xu Zhen test George Kevin and tell him that someone is interested in the transfer of the German Building and ask him if he is willing to talk about it?

Don't you speculate that George Kevin and Kui Takada have secretly reached an agreement?

I just want to test whether Gao Tiankui and this George Kevin have a deep relationship, or is it possible that they are a team?

Understood, I'll contact Xu Zhen.

Mountain City Hotel.

At the beginning of the lights, a black car drove up. The doorman hurried up and opened the door. A middle-aged man wearing a Chinese tunic suit, meticulously combed hair, and wearing glasses stepped out of the car!

At this time, a man of similar age walked quickly from the hall. He hurriedly came to the middle-aged man and said, Director Mao, you are here, please come quickly.

Brother Huang, Dr. Wen has arrived?

My brother just called me and I'll be here soon. Huang Jibi explained hurriedly and led the way for Mao Zongxiang. Mao Zongxiang is a person close to the old man. It is not easy to get an appointment to go out for dinner, not to mention the business competition between the two. .

But now both of them are facing a powerful opponent, which is the military secret interpretation room, which has threatened the survival of the secret inspection office.

Wen Yuqing had to fly to Shancheng in person to understand the situation.

It was unrealistic to go directly to the military command, and his relationship with Wei Daming was not good. In particular, the people who supported the secret inspection office of the military command were the targets of his focus.

We can only come to Mao Zongxiang of the Cryptozoology Research Group of the Military Commission. There are four major cryptography research institutions in the government, excluding the research and interpretation room under the Ministry of Military Affairs (43 stations), the Cryptozoology Research Group of the Military Commission, the Cryptozoology Inspection and Translation Institute of the Department of Electrical Affairs of the Ministry of Communications, and Secret Interpretation Room of the Military Command Bureau.

Station 43 of the Ministry of Military Affairs was the last to be established, and it missed talents like Chi An. Although it had some achievements in intercepting the Japanese military's secret communications, in terms of deciphering, there was almost no progress and it was basically ignored.

The Central Military Commission's Secret Code Research Group is actually the same team as the Secret Code Unit of the Secret Service. Although it is also studying the deciphering of secret codes, its main task is still the Central Military Commission's secret message communication work, and compiling secret codes is its main job.

The deciphering work used to be a secret inspection office, but now it is a secret interpretation room for rising stars.

The Military Command Bureau has taken the initiative in deciphering some cipher codes, while the Secret Inspection Institute used to be in the lead, but now lags behind. The role of this cipher code research institution with the largest staffing and technical equipment is gradually becoming smaller.

How could this not make his helmsman, Dr. Wen Yuqing, anxious?

If the secret inspection station cannot decipher the secret code, it will be abolished.

Once the superiors think about dismantling the secret inspection office, there may be other ways out for the people in the secret inspection office, but his future will be bleak, and he may not even have the opportunity to engage in the work of deciphering secret codes again.

In the past, he relied on his skills and abilities. The government couldn't do anything without him in deciphering secret messages. Even when the old man summoned him, he had to be polite.

It's great now. I was caught up by a little-known boy. Not only was he caught up, he was also beaten. Isn't this too much of a deception?

Wen Yuqing was so angry and worried that she had no choice but to come over and see what was going on in person. Wei Daming didn't want to think about it anymore.

The only way to break through was Mao Zongxiang. At least his brother-in-law was still working under him, so it was not difficult to make an appointment to have a meal or meet in person.

But when he arrived in the mountain city, the first person he wanted to see was the old man, followed by Minister Kong from the Ministry of Finance. The funds for the Secret Inspection Office were allocated by the Ministry of Finance, and the Japanese military diplomatic secret messages deciphered by the Secret Inspection Office used to be all at the same time. Make a copy for the Ministry of Finance.

He Jingzhi from the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs wanted to ask for equal treatment, but he ignored it. Otherwise, why would the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs want to start a new research and translation laboratory?

This is the result of the world being bitter and warm for a long time.

Minister Kong stayed for dinner, but he refused on the grounds that his brother-in-law Huang Jibi was hosting a Hakka banquet, and then hurried to the Shancheng Hotel.

Director Mao, please have tea. My brother will be here soon.

It doesn't matter. Dr. Wen is one of the people I respect. You should wait a moment. Mao Zongxiang said. In terms of rank, Wen Yuqing is a lieutenant general, still above him.

But in terms of closeness, he, the major general, is much more important than Wen Yuqing.

Of course, he was younger than Wen Yuqing, and Wen still had a doctorate in the United States and had very deep connections in the United States. This kind of person could not be offended as much as possible, even though Mao Zongxiang also wanted to take the initiative in deciphering the secret code.

I'm late, I'm late, Director Mao, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Wen Yuqing opened the door and apologized directly to Mao Zongxiang with clasped fists.

Dr. Wen is so polite. Ji Bi and I have just arrived. Mao Zongxiang stood up hurriedly and said, the rules in officialdom still have to be respected.

Brother, can the food be served? Huang Jibi stepped forward and asked.

Serve the food, serve the food, let's talk while eating! Wen Yuqing is the host, Director Mao, please take a seat.

Mao Zongxiang declined: Dr. Wen's position and military rank are higher than mine. How dare I take the seat? Dr. Wen, you should take the seat.

After several refusals, Mao Zongxiang refused to take the seat, so Wen Yuqing had to take the seat. Mao Zongxiang sat on his left and Huang Jibi sat on the right.

Except for the waiter who serves the food, Huang Jibi has driven away all the waiters in the private room. Tonight, he plays the role of objective waiter.

Director Mao, thank you for taking care of my brother-in-law!

Dr. Wen, you're welcome. Ji Bi is a rare talent in our confidential room, and he is my right-hand man. Mao Zongxiang chuckled, and he understood this truth.

Well, let's go one!

When the three cups touched each other, the relationship immediately became more familiar.

Director Mao, let me get straight to the point. I specifically asked my brother-in-law to ask you out tonight. Is there something I want to ask you about? Wen Yuqing said.

Dr. Wen, please tell me everything Mao knows. Mao Zongxiang smiled slightly. He agreed to come, and he had already guessed Wen Yuqing's purpose.

Wen Yuqing secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Mao Zongxiang would follow him around and the dinner tonight would be in vain.

I wonder how much Director Mao knows about the military secret interpretation room?

Dr. Wen, you also know that the military command is its own system. Although they are affiliated with the Military Commission, Dai Yunong has the final say in promotion and personnel appointments. I don't know much about it. Mao Zongxiang nodded, I only know that They invited an expert from the United States who was engaged in code deciphering, and first established a code research group, referred to as the secret research team. Internally, the military command called them 'Taiwan 84 or Veterinary Station No. 84'. Later, the secret research team He deciphered the coded communications related to the Japanese air force and mastered the rules of Japanese air raids. He became famous for a while. Later, he assisted the military commanders in uncovering the Japanese espionage organization lurking in the mountain city, and captured dozens of lurking Japanese spies and traitors. The early warning of the May 3 bombing allowed us to evacuate and prepare in advance to avoid greater losses. Dr. Wen must also understand these.

Wen Yuqing nodded. These situations were not considered confidential to him.

Later, they made a breakthrough in deciphering Japan's secret diplomatic messages, which allowed us to grasp Japan's foreign policy and some internal affairs. By the way, a few days ago, they just deciphered a document sent by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the station in Jinghai. Dr. Wen should still remember the negotiation minutes of the Consulate General, right? Mao Zongxiang asked.

Wen Yuqing nodded: I know all this. What I want to ask is, how much do you know about Luo Yao, who is in charge of the secret interpretation room?

Haha, Luo Yao, I don't know much about him. I have never even met him. I only know that he is very young, no more than twenty-five years old. I heard that he was the first person Dai Yunong held in Linli. One of the top graduates of the special training class, he and two other students became sworn brothers, and were called the Three Heroes of the Temporary Training. He was also the head of the Three Heroes. It is said that he was from Jinling and was a corpse from the massacre. He crawled out of mountains and seas of blood, and I don’t know the rest. Mao Zongxiang said.

Which university did he graduate from?

I don't know about this. The military commander has classified his information as top secret. No one is allowed to access it without Dai Yunong's approval.


I don't know about that. I know some things from the side. He stayed in the temporary training class for less than half a year before he was valued by Dai Yunong to perform a top-secret mission. He only came back at the end of last year. He was working with that American secret agent. The code expert came back together, I think the mission he performed must be related to this person.

Hobert Yardley, former Director of CIA Section 8?

His name in the mountain city seems to be Osborne. Mao Zongxiang nodded. As the old man's confidential director, he didn't know any of the secrets, so it was all in vain.

So, the success of his secret research team should be attributed to Osborne! Wen Yuqing asked.

It seems that he hired a person named Chi who was in the Japanese Army's secret research group. This person used to study in Japan. He also helped recruit a group of international students with experience in Japan to join the secret research group. These people He did not join the military command, but worked in the Secret Interpretation Room as the Second Office of the Military Command Department. Mao Zongxiang said.

Wen Yuqing couldn't help but feel stunned after hearing this.

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