The secret war is silent

Chapter 307 After death

Germania House, top floor, George Kevin's drawing room.

Li Fu signed his name on a transfer agreement and pressed the fingerprint of his right thumb, and the contract was concluded.

Congratulations, Mr. Li. From today on, the German Mansion will belong to you. George Kevin was very happy to put away his agreement.

Mr. George, congratulations!

Li Fu also handed over an HSBC cashier's check worth 60,000 oceans to George Kevin, and solemnly said: We have both money and goods.

It's natural. From today on, the suite on the top floor belongs to Mr. Li. George Kevin spread his hands, At this time, is it time to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate?

If Mr. George doesn't mind, I have no problem. Li Fu chuckled. It was not his money that was spent anyway.

George Kevin took out a bottle of champagne from the wine cabinet, opened it, and poured out the champagne inside.


When does Mr. George plan to leave the mountain town?

It should be within a week. I still have some personal matters that need to be dealt with and I will be leaving soon. George Kevin said.

Mr. George should be very nostalgic for the mountain city, right?

Of course, I have lived here for more than three years. The people here are very simple and enthusiastic, and the girls are beautiful. If it weren't for this damn war, I think I would have lived in the mountain city forever. George Kevin said He said with a regretful expression.

Really, then why not stay?

My heart is not good, and there are no better medical conditions in the mountain city. If I continue to stay here, my body will not be able to bear it, so I must leave.

I have to find an excuse even if I am afraid of death.

Li Fu smiled, raised his glass and said, I wish you all the best.

Thank you Mr. Li for being kind to those poor girls. They just want to survive in this troubled world. George Kevin said in a compassionate tone.

So hypocritical!

Li Fu said with a smile: Of course, they also include my compatriots and many international friends. I also hope they can live well.

The wines in the wine cabinet are left to you. Although I don't want to part with them, I have no choice but to take them away. George Kevin said, pointing to the various drinks in his wine cabinet.

Thank you Mr. George for your generosity.

Let's go, I have to say goodbye to the girls! In fact, George Kevin had already packed up and moved out most of his things, leaving only some changes of clothes.

He had actually been ready to leave for a long time.

The farewell scene was touching, and at least on the surface, George Kevin was very kind to the girls who lived in Germantown House.

Everyone seemed reluctant to leave such a landlord.

After all, the new landlord is a Chinese. Will he still be like when George was there? Will he change the German Building to other uses, kick them out, or threaten them to do things they don't want to do.

Li Fu locked the suite on the top floor and left the German Building directly with the agreement.

According to the agreement, he had to take this agreement to sign a share authorization agreement with Gao Tiankui before he could confirm his 20% shareholding.

Jiang Yuan took him to Gao Tiankui's villa on the south bank of the mountain city.

There are three floors above ground and one underground floor with air-raid shelters and numerous bodyguards, all of whom are issued with guns, but none of them are soldiers.

Gao Tiankui was just the commander of the air defense artillery battalion. Even with a high military rank, that is, a colonel, he was not qualified to form his own guard.

If you are the commander of a division, you can have at most one guard company, which is good. If you are the commander of a regiment, you can have at most a guard platoon.

This should be his personal defense force.

This is quite a luxury for a battalion commander, and even this is rare in the entire national army.

If you have money, arm a private guard.

do you have any opinion?

It was Li Fu's first time here, so he was naturally very shocked. Gao Tiankui could have such great power. No wonder he couldn't force himself without having definite evidence.

The villa was newly built. Because it was necessary to guard against Japanese air raids at any time, the interior decoration was relatively rough and the furniture was very simple. It was obvious that Gao Tiankui did not intend to regard this villa as his home.

This is just his residence.

Li Fu saw a blond woman named Linda. She used to live in the German Mansion, but later moved out from there after joining Gao Tiankui.

This villa is her residence, but Gao Tiankui does not come back every day. Linda is free. She can go back to drink tea and play cards with her sisters who live in the German Mansion.

However, as long as Takada Kui needs her, she will come back.

Except for an old woman who served Linda, all the others in the villa were men. They were in awe of Gao Tiankui and rarely heard them speak in private.

The rules are very strict.

Battlemaster Gao, according to your instructions, I have signed a transfer agreement with George. Now the title deed and house deed of the German Building are in my hands. Li Fu met Gao Tiankui.

He has a short cut head, a white shirt, and black silk pants. He only has one arm, but he is full of strength, especially his eyes, which are quite cold.

But when he saw Li Fu, he immediately smiled, like spring breeze turning into rain. The change was so fast that it was breathtaking.

This is a dangerous man.

At least the alarm bell has sounded in Li Fu's heart, and he must deal with it carefully.

Brother Li Fu is here, come on, please take a seat. Gao Tiankui's hearty laughter made people feel good about him, and at the same time, he also lowered his guard unconsciously.

This is a kind of personality charm that many people don't have. Among the people Li Fu knows, there are only a few people.

Even for Luo Yao, the eldest brother, he didn't think he had such charm, but more of an invisible fear.

This was Li Fu's most intuitive feeling when he saw Gao Tiankui.

Thank you, Battalion Commander Gao.

Hey, you're already at home, and you're still calling me Camp Commander Gao. How much older am I than you are, and you can just call me Brother Gao like Jiang Yuan? Gao Tiankui asked.

The eldest brother cannot be recognized casually. Li Fu already has Luo Yao as his sworn brother, which makes him very embarrassed.

Brother, please don't embarrass Brother Li. Brother Li has a sworn brother. Jiang Yuan lost no time in reminding him.

Look at my brain, I forgot, forgot, call me Brother Gao, you can also call me Brother Gao.

Okay, Brother Gao! Li Fu nodded.

Jiang Yuan, show your equity holding authorization agreement to Brother Li Fu, as well as the grant agreement for 20% of the dry shares. Gao Tiankui sat down and took a cigar from Linda's hand. He ordered with a slight smile.

There is nothing wrong with the agreement. You should keep it and keep it. This thing may be useful in the future. Luo Yao returned it to Li Fu after reading the agreement signed by Li Fu. There were no text traps.

Li Fu asked uneasily: Brother, I feel more and more uneasy about this Gao Tiankui. He is just a battalion commander of an anti-aircraft artillery battalion, but he can actually accumulate such a big family fortune in a mountain city. Moreover, he has established a A private armed guard, I estimate there must be about a hundred or so people.

He is a bandit and a hero of the Northern Expedition. It is not surprising that he has some assets. Many generals in our national army have private guards. Although there are not many like him, it is not unusual. Luo Yao chuckled, He is not a native of the mountain city. , I can eat well in the local area, and my ability to make friends is extraordinary.”

That's true. His villa has a golden house, and there lives a young foreign woman with blond hair and blue eyes named Linda. It's really unimaginable.

Let me tell you, don't let me know that you have done something wrong to Ze Rong's siblings. I can't spare you! Luo Yao solemnly warned Li Fu.

Brother, don't worry, I'm not that kind of person.

Next, he will let you sink into the mud slowly. You have to be flexible and keep communicating with me in a timely manner. It is impossible for him to spend such a high price on you without getting corresponding benefits. Luo Yao reminded.

Well, I'm also wondering, what will he want me to do? Is it to steal information, or let me do something illegal for him?

It's not necessarily possible to steal information, but you have to be careful not to fall into the other party's trap. Luo Yao said, I discussed with Gong Hui and asked Zhou Xiaoying to move to the German Mansion to live with you.

This, this is not okay, brother, doesn't this mean that I am openly living with Zhou Xiaoying? Li Fu was anxious. The beauty is hidden in the golden house. As long as the scope of knowledge is controlled, not many people will know anyway, so the impact will naturally be small.

But once Zhou Xiaoying moves to the German Mansion, it will be different. In that place, where people come and go, how can she keep the news secret?

I'm afraid if we don't let you do this, they will also arrange it. Luo Yao said, You don't have to worry about the reaction from the military command, Director Dai won't mind this.

I'm not afraid of Director Dai. If this news reaches Ze Rong's ears, how should I explain it to her? Li Fu said distressedly.

Don't worry, I will explain this matter for you. Brother and sister Ze Rong will not blame you. Besides, you are already in love with each other, so why should you be afraid?

Brother, people's words are terrible!

The instructor told us on the first day of class that those in our field are destined to be misunderstood. This is something we must bear. For our country and our nation, sacrifice is inevitable. If If necessary, reputation is just a piece of shit to me! Luo Yao looked directly at Li Fu and said, Have you forgotten the oath the three of us swore?

I have dedicated my life to death! Li Fu said, Brother, I have not forgotten it.

Let me tell you, the Japanese army has recompiled the air force's secret communication code. It can no longer be deciphered using the previous method. If we can destroy this traitor spy organization lurking in the mountain city and working for the Japanese army, it will prevent the Japanese army from controlling the mountain city and its surroundings. The situation of surrounding important military targets, in this way, our losses in future air strikes will be greatly reduced. Luo Yao said solemnly.

Hasn't the Japanese Air Force communication code been deciphered?

The Japanese are not fools. We prepare in advance for every air attack. Fighters take off and anti-aircraft firepower strangles us. We have suffered a lot of losses. Don't we think about where we went wrong? Luo Yao asked, Internally we If someone tipped them off, is there any other explanation?

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