The secret war is silent

Chapter 314 Rescue (3)

It took them nearly half an hour to walk several hundred meters before they finally arrived.

A mountain stream, with gurgling and rushing water, passes through the forest!

The surrounding grass is thick, half a person tall.

Those tall trees are here, each one has grown here for at least decades, or even hundreds of years, and this is already the core area of ​​Tuo.

In the early years, only hunters and herb collectors who went into the mountains were willing to enter such deep places because it was necessary for their survival.

Wild grasses, wild flowers, and herbs everywhere, coexisting with them, is a harmonious nature.

Luo Yao was not willing to disturb the tranquility if necessary.

The wooden house was built about ten meters upstream from the edge of the stream. The lower part was supported by wooden piles and was suspended in the air. There was a wooden ladder outside to get down.

Clear a path to the creek.

With Kuroki Yi's caution, he would definitely arrange sentries nearby to ensure safety.

It was pitch dark inside the wooden house. Luo Yao and the others were still on the other side of the stream, at least forty to fifty meters away, even though the sky was not as dark as before.

They could only see an outline from a distance.

We can't go any further.

Who knew that these Japanese ninjas didn't set any traps or animal traps near the wooden house? He didn't want to be accidentally caught, so he walked extremely carefully all the way here.

Which of you can imitate the chirping of birds? Luo Yao suddenly stopped, turned around, and asked Gong Hui and Cao Hui in a low voice.

Gong Hui glanced at Cao Hui, the meaning was very clear, I can't do it, what about you?

Cao Hui was also dumbfounded. He had learned ventriloquism during special training, but it also depended on talent. Some people just couldn't learn it no matter how hard they learned it.

He is one of them.

Can the old bird crow?

Luo Yao continued to ask.

Cao Hui thought for a moment. If it were any other bird, he really wasn't sure, but this old bird just made two croaks at the top of its voice?

He wondered if Luo Yao had accessed his files. There were records related to his learning of ventriloquism in the files. The one he learned best was Lao Yu.

Remember, when you call, you have one long call, two short calls, and then another long call. Seeing Cao Hui hesitate for a moment, he nodded and gave the order.

Cao Hui nodded.

Find a tree to climb up and scream from the tree.

Cao Hui found a tree that was slightly thinner than his waist and climbed up. He stepped on the branch with one foot and shouted, Quack!

Not to mention, it really sounds like the sound of an old bird crowing, very lifelike.

When the birds in the woods heard this sound, they suddenly woke up from their slumber. The woods became lively and the calls of various birds came out.

Mixed in among the sounds of these birds was a particularly thin call of a magpie.

Luo Yao captured it clearly.

It was Xia Fei who received his contact signal, and he was responding to himself.

Birds always get up early, but this won't work if it's in the middle of the night. You have to use other methods, otherwise the enemy will be alarmed.

Even then, the enemy may be awakened.

But this is what Luo Yao wants. According to the ninja's confession, there are at least five more people in the ninja team, and the most advantageous approach is to defeat them one by one.

Sure enough, not long after hearing Xia Fei's response, the door of the wooden house was heard, and a figure ducked out of the door.

Gong Hui and Cao Hui also saw it and understood it.

He thought Luo Yao was using the chirping of birds to lure the people out of the wooden house to check the situation, and then attack them one by one. This was a very clever tactic.

Don't worry, wait for him to come over. Luo Yao pressed his hand and fiddled with the grass a little, making a noise.

The figure coming down from the wooden house became increasingly clear. It was exactly the same as the ninja they encountered along the way. It was obvious that they were in the same group.

The sound of water plants on the other side of the stream obviously attracted his attention, and the person began to walk slowly towards this side.

When the morning light came up, a thin layer of mist suddenly appeared on the stream, and the line of sight was somewhat obstructed. The ninja who came out was not tall, and he was very cautious every step he took, with his hand always resting on the handle of the knife at his waist. !

The target pushed aside the grass and approached step by step.


Cao Hui was still on the tree when he suddenly shouted softly from above.

The ninja was startled and looked up. At this time, a streak of sword light passed under his neck from behind the tree like a poisonous snake spitting an apricot!

Before the knife was drawn out, the ninja knelt down on his knees in pain, leaned forward, and his head suddenly rested on the ground, and he died.

Not a sound was made.

A drop of bright red blood rolled down from the tip of the samurai sword in Gong Hui's hand.

Cao Hui jumped down from the tree and clucked his tongue: What a fast knife.

There are four left. Luo Yao said slowly, taking away the ninja's weapon. If he can't use it, maybe Xia Fei can.

Let's go and meet Xia Fei.

Stationmaster, do you know Xia Fei's location? Cao Hui said in surprise.

I just asked you to imitate the crow of the rook. In addition to seeing if you can attract opponents to come out to investigate the situation and give us a chance to defeat each other, it is also for the purpose of contacting Xia Fei. Luo Yao said, Now that the fog has formed, it will be more beneficial to us. Take action.

How did the webmaster know?

Didn't you hear the frightening cry of birds just now? Gong Hui explained for Luo Yao.


It was difficult for Cao Hui to understand for a moment, but he could not allow him to break the casserole now and ask the truth. Luo Yao and Gong Hui had already quickly moved towards the wooden house.

The road that the ninja walked just now must be safe, without traps or traps.

This is also one of Luo Yao's calculations.

Let the enemy show him the way.

After wading through the stream, which actually only went up to the ankles, when we reached the other side, there was a rustling sound in the grass, like a snake passing through it.

Shh, don't be nervous, it's Xia Fei. Gong Hui and Cao Hui both nervously grasped the handle of the knife, ready to take action at any time, but Luo Yao raised his hand and suppressed it.

Sure enough, a small black head emerged from the grass. In addition to grass blades and soil, there was also a pair of white teeth.

Sister Hui, stationmaster, Cao Ke, you are all here. Xia Fei grinned when he saw the three of them and chuckled.

Well, let's briefly talk about the situation. Luo Yao nodded.

That old man just now was Cao Ke, right? Xia Fei turned to ask Cao Hui.

Cao Hui snorted: How do you know?

As for your drake voice, I've already recognized it, but it's really similar. If you didn't listen carefully, you might have taken it seriously.

Stop talking nonsense and get down to business.

Yes, stationmaster. Osborne was drunk at the Shancheng Hotel last night. Xu Zhen helped him out. Later, George Kevin arranged for a driver to drive for them, and we followed them across the river. When we arrived at the South Bank... Xia Fei briefly told Luo Yao and the others what he had encountered along the way.

The situation is roughly similar to what Luo Yao and the others analyzed and judged. There may be some discrepancies in the details, but the basic context is clear.

Moreover, Xia Fei and the others did not know the situation as clearly as Luo Yao and the others. Xia Fei only knew that Osborne and Xu Zhen were carried along the way after they were kidnapped.

Because Osborne was big and heavy, he needed four people to carry him, so he walked a little slowly. After Xia Fei and the others led him astray, they reacted and caught up with them based on the traces they had walked.

Being able to react in time and find the clues to come back and chase him all the way here is enough to show that Xia Fei's ability is really extraordinary.

I chased them based on the smell of the medicine bags on these people, and I was almost discovered. Fortunately, the other party underestimated the enemy, and the two of us killed each other.

How do you throw someone into that hole?

Firstly, we are afraid that his accomplices will find the body. Secondly, I have left marks along the way. As long as you, the stationmaster, see it, you will follow the marks and chase him. When you see the body in the hole, you will know that it is What's going on? Xia Fei explained.

You are really smart. Cao Hui praised, No, there is someone else with you?

Cao Ke is talking about Xiao Le. He is lurking under the wooden house. He cannot move. If he moves, the people inside will find him. Xia Fei explained.

How did he do it? Luo Yao asked in surprise.

Xiao Le moved over little by little.

How did you convey the message? Luo Yao asked strangely. One of them was hiding in the grass, and the other had sneaked under the wooden house.

We have no intention of sending a message. As long as he stays down there, he won't find out. I'm waiting for dawn. If you don't come before dawn, I will go back to find you first. There are many of them, and Xiao Le and I are no match. . Xia Fei said, Xiao Le will continue to stay here and keep an eye on them. If they leave after dawn, Xiao Le will try his best to keep up and leave clues for us.

Yes, it's very thoughtful. Xiaole hid it under the wooden house and used the principle of darkness under the lamp. These Japanese may not be able to find it. Luo Yao praised.

Stationmaster, it will be great if you are here. Can we take action? Xia Fei asked hopefully.

Now the opponent only has four people left, and we are also five. Five versus four, we still have an advantage. Cao Hui is also eager to give it a try.

Osborne and Xu Zhen are not in the cabin.

What, not here?

There is only one person in the wooden house. They should be detained elsewhere. From such a close distance, Luo Yao could hear the breathing of the people inside.

What should we do?

Wait, wait for the people inside to take us to find them. Luo Yao said.

The fog in the mountains and forests is getting thicker and thicker, but as soon as the sun comes out, the fog disperses, and the people who came out have not gone back for so long, and the people in the wooden house obviously can't stay any longer.

He did not leave from the front door, but followed a piece of ivy from the window, and then quickly moved his body in a direction southeast of the wooden house.

Luo Yao and others followed him, with a distance of more than ten meters. Under the cover of the mist in the forest, when he walked, they walked too, and when he stopped, they stopped too.

Suddenly, the person disappeared into thin air.

Luo Yao and others came to the place where he disappeared, listened carefully for a while, and suddenly pointed in the direction. It was a nearly vertical hillside, covered with ivy from top to bottom, and it was extremely dense.

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