The secret war is silent

Chapter 315 Rescue (End)

It is impossible for a person to disappear for no reason.

Then there must be a reason for his disappearance. Sometimes, it's just a cover-up, such as the mountain wall covered with vines in front of him.

The secret lies behind these lush green vines.

No one knew what was behind Qingteng. Just as Luo Yao was about to take a step forward, Gong Hui reached out and grabbed him.

Xiaohui, what are you doing? Luo Yao glared at her fiercely. The first person to go in is the most dangerous. Can a man like him let a woman get in first in such a dangerous matter?

Do you want face?

Gong Hui stubbornly held him down and slapped Cao Hui in the face.

Can Cao Hui not understand what that means and let him go?

Can you refuse?

Or can you back down?

Luo Yao is a commander. Something happened and he couldn't eat and was forced to walk around. Gong Hui is a woman and her leg was slightly injured. Xia Fei and Xiao Le are both young and have little combat experience, so they all have to be in full shadow. , he is the only one who maintains the most complete combat effectiveness.

Old Cao, be careful. Luo Yao could only give Cao Hui a concerned look. There was no way Gong Hui would let him be suspected easily.

Cao Hui held the captured katana in his hand and plunged it into the green vine.

The blade went in easily.

There is a way.

The blade cut through the rattan bit by bit, forming a space that a person could almost squeeze into. Cao Hui then held the katana tightly, made a defensive posture, and slowly squeezed in.


The sound of gold and iron inscription suddenly came out.

Unfortunately, Cao Hui has encountered an enemy, and the enemy has arranged a guard at the entrance of the cave.

Come in! Luo Yao waved his hand without hesitation, leading Gong Hui and the others to rush in through the opening Cao Hui had just made.

At the entrance of the cave, in the long and narrow corridor, Cao Hui was fighting at close range with a ninja. It was obvious that he was at a disadvantage because he had not adapted to the environment.

However, when the ninja saw four people rushing in at once, he panicked. If Cao Hui was alone, he could still handle it, but now that there were four more people, he was outnumbered.

Turn around and run!

How could Luo Yao let him run away? Once a few of them got together, it would be difficult to deal with them, and they would also tip off the people inside.

So he gave chase.

Gong Hui's reaction speed was faster than him, and she waved her hand and fired a flying claw, which was captured from these ninjas.

Now it has become a weapon against them.

The sound of breaking through the air came from behind, and the ninja seemed to know what it was. He quickly ducked and lowered his head to avoid this fatal claw. But just because of this delay, Cao Hui, who was closest, had already pounced on him and slashed his calf with a knife.

The ninja staggered to his knees and fell to the ground in pain.

He glanced back, immediately propped himself up with his katana, and started to run again. He knew very well that if he moved a little slower, he would be killed or captured.

But no matter how fast he was, he couldn't move faster than the stone in Luo Yao's hand.

When he came in, he held a fist-sized stone in his hand. This kind of stone is found all over the mountains and plains, and is a natural material for concealed weapons.

He may not be able to fight with people, but he still has the ability to throw stones. Just now he was a beat slower than Gong Hui, but the stone was not thrown.

Seeing that this guy was still trying to run away, Luo Yao finally put the stone in his hand to use. He flicked his hand and threw it over.


Before the ninja, who was dragging his injured calf, could run two steps, the back of his head was hit hard by the stone in Luo Yao's hand. With a clang, his body hit the ground hard.

Stationmaster, have you practiced before? Cao Hui rushed forward, kicked the katana in the ninja's hand away first, then squatted down and took a breath, and asked strangely.

What's wrong? Luo Yao asked. He was actually hitting the opponent's back just now. After all, the back was a big target. As long as he delayed for a moment, Cao Hui and Gong Hui could catch up.



He was hit in the vital part of the back of the head, and he didn't know that this guy's skull was too fragile, but he was actually killed by a stone thrown by Luo Yao.

It was really unfair to die.

Gong Hui didn't say anything. She walked up and stabbed him on the neck: Ninjas are good at turtle breathing. To prevent him from pretending to be dead, remember to stab him again whenever you encounter him in the future.

Cao Hui and others looked at the serious Gong Hui, and their eyes shrank slightly. It was not without reason that the deputy station chief Gong was called the Gong Hui Demon.

Let's go quickly. There are only three opponents left at most. There are five of us. We are more sure. Luo Yao was very calm. He had never had a good impression of these Japanese invaders. The more he killed, the better.

In such an environment, Luo Yao's abnormal hearing was fully utilized, because this was a naturally formed cave maze.

The ears are much more effective here than the eyes.

From this point of view, these Japanese ninjas hid the kidnapped Osborne and Xu Zhen here with complete premeditation. It is very difficult to find people here, and it will also be dangerous to those who come in. The path is not clear If you blindly search in depth, you run the risk of falling into a trap where you can’t find a way out.

Even though Luo Yao led the way, after they came in, they kept leaving marks on the places they walked to make it easier for them to come out later.

There is a fork in the road ahead, take the one on the left.




Here they are, they are not far ahead. I can hear their voices. Luo Yao raised his hand to signal everyone to stop. They have been in for almost ten minutes.

The distance we walked was four to five hundred meters long.

Everyone, be careful. There may be a head-on conflict soon. The safety of Advisor Osborne must be ensured. Luo Yao reminded everyone.


They should know that we have followed, so we must be careful. The other party may very well fight us to the death out of desperation. Gong Hui analyzed.

It's not impossible, so we must rescue people as soon as possible and ensure that we don't suffer casualties. Luo Yao nodded.

The stationmaster is right.

Next, you are not allowed to make any noise. Try not to touch the stones on the ground when walking. Look at my gestures the whole time. Do you understand? Luo Yao lowered his voice.


Under the leadership of Luo Yao, the five people continued to move forward. After about thirty or forty meters, Luo Yao signaled the people behind him to squat down.

At this time, I can already understand the light shining on the other side of the passage.

There was also a chattering voice, speaking in Japanese, but no one except Luo Yao could hear what it was.

There were only two Japanese ninjas left in the cave. Luo Yao initially guessed that there were three people. After all, the ninja told them that the Japanese ninja team consisted of ten people.

Six people were dead outside now, including the one who came in at the door of the passage, a total of seven brothers, and there were three left. However, Luo Yao heard only two people besides Oslborne and Xu Zhen.

It is unknown where the other person went, whether he hid or left, but there is no time to think about that much now.

Because the leader of the Japanese ninja team named Kuroki Yi had noticed that their hiding place had been discovered, and was discussing with another person to kill Osborne and Xu Zhen directly and then leave.

During the conversation, Luo Yao heard the order given to him by Baichuan. If Osborne could not be brought out of the mountain city alive, then he would be killed and must not be left to the Chinese.

Kuroki Yi had just come in, but he had not immediately ordered the killing. After all, the value of the living was much greater than the dead, and Osborne had gone through great troubles to bring them back.

It was because of this hesitation that Luo Yao and others were given the opportunity to rescue. If Kuroki Yi came and made a decisive decision to kill and then evacuate, then the rescue operation would be completely meaningless.

Luo Yao secretly said lucky and at the same time knew that he had to act immediately without any delay, otherwise, it would be too late for Kuroki Yi to take action.

Judging from the sound, they could keep a certain distance from Osborne when they spoke. The purpose was naturally not to let the other party hear. This was a God-given opportunity.

Luo Yao made a gesture to tell Gong Hui and Cao Hui behind him that they were ready to take action. At the same time, he asked Xia Fei and Xiao Le to save people after taking action.

The goal is getting closer.

Kuroki Yi and his ninja have already discussed it. He will attack Osborne and his ninja will attack Xu Zhen at the same time.

Distracted by talking, Kuromu Yi discovered the traces of Luo Yao and others.

Just as they turned around and walked towards the fire, where Osborne and Xu Zhen were bundled back to back, Cao Hui pulled the trigger on the loaded pistol.


A crisp gunshot sounded.

The ninja who walked towards Xu Zhen lowered his head in disbelief and saw a pool of blood spurting out of his chest. Before he could make a sound from his throat, he fell down.

Seeing this scene, Kuromu Yi was so frightened that he suddenly retracted his forward kick and was about to escape in another direction.

Did he run away?

Gong Hui did not use a gun. She remembered what Luo Yao said and wanted to capture the leader of the Japanese ninja team, Kuroki Yoshi, alive.

A little run-up.

A leg flew up in the air and kicked Kuromu Yi directly in the chest.

Hearing only a muffled groan, Kuromu Yi reached out to cover his chest with a very painful expression. For this blow, Gong Hui was ready to strike and used her strongest strength.


Kuroki Yi drew out his katana and rushed towards Gong Hui desperately.

Gong Hui had already been prepared. Although her calf was injured and her movement was slightly inconvenient, it was only a minor injury. After being bandaged to stop the bleeding, it had little impact on his combat ability.

What's more, she was not alone. Cao Hui also swung his sword and launched an attack from behind Kuromu Yi, which was equivalent to two people attacking Kuromu Yi alone.

Kuroki Yi collided with Gong Hui and dodged Cao Hui's fatal blow from the back. However, the violent movement and the force of the shock suddenly affected the wound on his chest.

Gong Hui's kick just now definitely hurt his ribs. The sharp pain in his chest told him that his ribs were probably broken.

Mission failed!

To a ninja, failure is death.

Kuroki Yi's eyes flashed fiercely, he let out a loud cry, and rushed towards Gong Hui again with his knife, hoping that he would have someone to support him before he died.

His intuition told him that this woman was the most dangerous, the greatest threat to him, and she seemed to be an important figure among the enemies.

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