The secret war is silent

Chapter 317 Can’t I ask for permission first?

Osborne's car was discovered.

It was pushed down the mountain road and rolled into the ravine. It was obscured by dense weeds and could not be found without looking carefully during the day, let alone at night.

It's a pity that a car was scrapped like this, worth thousands of oceans.

Kuroki Yi's eyes were covered with cloth, and his hands were tied. He was led forward by Luo Yao, followed by Gong Hui, who walked back along the mountain road leisurely.

Finally, Xia Fei drove over.

Stationmaster, I brought you and Sister Xiaohui some food. It took a little time. Xia Fei smiled and took a brown paper bag from the car.

You are so smart, kid.

I didn't eat much this night, and there was a high-intensity battle. Even if there was no shortage of water, my stomach would have been growling with hunger. This food was really timely.

When he opened it, he saw that it was steamed buns and sesame seed cakes. He took a sesame seed cake, took a bite, and threw the bag to Gong Hui.


Can you give me one? I'm hungry too? There was a roar in Kuroki Yi's stomach.

Luo Yao thought for a while. Since he didn't kill him, he couldn't starve to death, but it would definitely not work if he was full: Xiao Fei, give him half a steamed bun.

Yes. Xia Fei reluctantly took a steamed bun, broke it in half, weighed it carefully, and put the larger half into his mouth, and the smaller half into Hei Muyi's mouths. .

People who are too hungry cannot eat too much.

Luo Yao stopped after eating a sesame seed cake and a corn flour bun, then asked Xia Fei to turn around the car, put Kuroki Yi into the car, and returned the same way.

What does this bastard want to do? Dai Yunong put down the phone and roared angrily, startling Mao Qiwu who came to report on his work.

What's wrong with Boss Dai? He rarely gets so angry. He even called him a bastard. It's very rare.

Boss, who made you angry again? Mao Qiwu asked tentatively.

Who else could it be?

Dai Yunong said angrily.

Mao Qiwu was embarrassed. This could make Boss Dai angry, and there would be many unhappy people. How could he have guessed that, just at the meal last night, Wen Yuqing also started to learn Tai Chi, and he could eat it in one meal Everyone has their own agenda.

Boss Dai came to work this morning full of anger.

Go, call Luo Youning and ask him to come to see me at the Taoist Bureau headquarters immediately! Dai Yunong ordered.


Of course it is now. He ordered Shen Yu to detain British businessman George Kevin at the airport and brought him back to assist in the investigation. The British Embassy even protested to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs! Dai Yunong said angrily.

What, detaining people at the airport? Mao Qiwu said in surprise, The bureau headquarters did not issue such an order?

Shen Yu ordered the arrest in the name of the police detective brigade, and he is being held in the police station's detention center! Dai Yunong said, It's really outrageous.

Yes, I'll call Ronaldinho right away. However, Ronaldinho has always been steady in his work. Is there really something going on here? Otherwise, he wouldn't have acted in such a drastic way? Mao Qiwu replaced Luo. Yao defended himself.

Even if there is a problem, why don't you ask for permission first?

Mao Qiwu understood that what made Yunong angry was not the detention of the British George Kevin, but Luo Yao's failure to report and ask for instructions in advance.

What, I'm not here, I didn't come back all night, okay, I understand...

Mao Qiwu immediately felt that the situation was serious, so he immediately turned back and reported to Dai Yunong.

Dai Yunong was also confused.

what's the situation?

Hurry, call Shen Yu, no, ask him to come over and explain in person. Dai Yunong frowned. Although the pressure from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was not small, it was nothing to him.

As long as the old man doesn't say anything, he doesn't bother to care. He just makes a little gesture and does whatever he wants. He still has to protect his own people, otherwise how will he lead the team?

Mao Qiwu did not go back to his office, but directly took the phone number of Dai Yunong's office and asked for it.

Deputy Director Shen Yu? I am Mao Qiwu. Boss Dai wants you to come to the bureau headquarters. Yes, right now, right away!

Shen Yu said he would be here soon. Mao Qiwu said after hanging up the phone.

how long?

A quarter of an hour at most. Mao Qiwu said.

Then wait for him for a quarter of an hour.

Boss Dai suddenly summoned him. Of course Shen Yu knew what was going on. He detained the British man George Kevin. There was also a British man on the plane. He used the airport phone number to call the British Embassy in the mountain city on the spot. I made a phone call and reported the incident.

The British reacted, either by protesting or condemning, so this matter became a big deal.

But when Dai Yunong summoned him, he had to go. Luo Yao had ordered this matter, and the caller was Luo Yao's little follower.

It's not that he hasn't suspected it, but he probably won't lie.

Luo Yao knew that he was investigating George Kevin and the German Mansion. He also knew that there was something wrong with George Kevin, but he was a foreigner and there was no evidence. How could he do anything?

It causes a diplomatic dispute. Are you going to take the blame?

If it were anyone else, he wouldn't have bothered to take care of it, but he had to consider Luo Yao's request, and after thinking about it seriously, he decided to just do it.

Now that the sequelae are here, I don’t know how many storms are waiting for me, so I can only go there and get scolded.

Shen Yu walked in tremblingly, and as expected, Dai Yunong, who had a dark face, became even more uneasy.

Boss Dai.

Shen Yu, what happened to the British man George Kevin? Why did you let the detective brigade detain him from the airport and take him away?

This George Kevin is suspected of being a spy, so I brought him back for investigation.

Spy, where's the evidence?

This... Shen Yu was speechless. The suspicion that George Kevin was a Japanese spy was just a guess, but there was no evidence. However, this British man did secretly do a lot of illegal things, but he was a foreigner. If he was caught, it would still be the same. There's nothing you can do if you let him go.

Unless there is evidence of a spy being caught, or evidence of a major criminal case such as murder and arson.

There's no evidence, right?

It's not that there isn't anything, it's that I haven't found it yet... Shen Yu hesitated. He wanted to betray Luo Yao, but at least he couldn't admit in front of Dai Yunong that Luo Yao had asked him to do all this. Otherwise, there would be no good fruit to eat. .

Deputy Director Shen, just say what you have to say, don't be secretive, we are all our own people here. Mao Qiwu couldn't help but interjected.

Dai Yunong glared at Mao Qiwu. He actually wanted to hear the name Luo Yao coming from Shen Yu's mouth. Shen Yu was quite loyal and just didn't mention it.

Boss Dai, actually, we found some traces of George Kevin's espionage activities in Shancheng. He may have noticed that we were investigating him, so he transferred the business in Shancheng and prepared to escape. As a last resort, we can only go The airport intercepts the person, and if he escapes, many clues will be lost and there will be no way to investigate. Shen Yu explained.

What did you find?

The woman George Kevin stayed at in the Germanic Mansion was, on the surface, some aristocratic ladies who came to take refuge in the mountain city, but secretly she was a eldest son. Those women all had regular patrons, and these patrons were all George Kay Wen secretly created bridges. Among these benefactors were many senior government officials and military officers who had been close to Wang Ni in the past. Among them was a woman who had a long-term underground secret lover relationship with Wang. After Wang defected, , this woman met Mr. Osborne, the cryptographic expert we invited from the United States, under the introduction of George Kevin... Until now, Shen Yu had no choice but to tell George Kevin and the situation of the German Mansion. Dai Yunong gave a detailed introduction.

There are things he found out here, and there are also things Luo Yao learned from Xu Zhen and relayed to him.

Therefore we have reason to suspect that George Kevin used his British identity to act as an intermediary between the Japanese spy intelligence service and the Wang family for a long time. He even participated in instigating the Wang family's defection.

How did you discover this Xu Zhen and George Kevin? Dai Yunong's face became serious after hearing this. If this is the case, then the problem is indeed serious.

This at least started before the military command headquarters moved to the mountain city.

It's Luo Yao. He has been sending people to secretly protect Osborne and investigate anyone who deliberately gets close to Osborne. He feels that with a personality like Osborne's, it is impossible to completely conceal his identity. He's not the kind of person who can stand loneliness at all, so in a sense, Osborne is a huge bait.

Dai Yunong's eyelids twitched. He still didn't understand what was going on. Everything behind this was done by Luo Yao. He actually used experts invited from the United States as bait to lure Japanese spies lurking in the mountain city. This was too bold. .

However, he is not a fool. If Luo Yao doesn't want to have a dispute with Osborne and restrict his freedom everywhere, is there any better choice?

If you think about it from his perspective, he may not have a better solution.

On the surface, he does not restrict the other person's freedom, but secretly protects him, and he always pays attention to the people who appear around him and deliberately approach him.

Kill multiple birds with one stone.

Except that the parties involved may encounter unpredictable dangers, this is the best way to deal with it.

Where are the people from Luo Youning?

I don't know. I just received a call from someone he sent to me, saying that George Kevin was going to escape and asked me to lead someone to arrest him. Otherwise, if he ran away, there would be no chance of catching him. . Shen Yu said. In fact, he didn't know the specific situation. Xia Fei didn't say anything on the phone. That's because Luo Yao didn't let him say it. Of course, he wouldn't reveal a word.

In fact, after he detained the person, he immediately called the veterinary station and received the same news as Mao Qiwu just now. Luo Yao and Gong Hui were not there and did not come back overnight.

He also realized that something was wrong, otherwise the call should have come from Luo Yao himself, instead of letting the little follower named Xia Fei call him.

Report. Secretary Wang Hanguang's voice came from outside the door.


Boss Dai, stationmaster Luo wants to see you.

Which webmaster is causing trouble? Tell him to get out! Dai Yunong waved his hand and said in disgust.


Wait a minute, Secretary Wang, are you talking about Station Director Luo from Veterinary Station No. 84? An idea flashed in Mao Qiwu's mind, and he quickly stopped Wang Hanguang and asked.


Then what's the point of waiting? Call him in quickly.

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