The secret war is silent

Chapter 318 I can bear it

Luo Yao was washing his face and went to see Dai Yunong dirty, which seemed a little disrespectful.

Oh, my stationmaster Luo, hurry up, Boss Dai has been waiting for you for a long time! Secretary Wang Hanguang urged outside.

Coming, coming... Luo Yao trembled quickly, ran out of the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and rinsed his hands.

I just came back, why is Boss Dai waiting for me?

People have called Songlinpo Mansion, what do you think? Wang Hanguang didn't know the specifics, but he knew that Dai Yunong asked Mao Qiwu to call someone.

Oh. Luo Yao was stunned for a moment. The news spread too fast. He hadn't come back yet. How could the boss already know about it?

Wang Hanguang knocked on the door.

Come in.

Wang Hanguang opened the door: You can go in alone, I won't go in.

With a worried heart, Luo Yao walked into Dai Yunong's office. When he looked up, he saw three people in the office. Dai Yunong, Mao Qiwu and Shen Yu all understood.

His feet were covered with mud, his pants were torn, and his shirt was wrinkled and gray, but his face was quite clean, probably freshly washed.

Otherwise, I would have thought that I was escaping from somewhere.

Director Dai, hello Secretary Mao! He stood at attention and saluted.

Okay, don't give me all this nonsense. What's going on with you? You've been in the ravine all night. What does it smell like? Dai Yunong took a step closer and smelled a smell of medicine mixed with Luo Yao's body. The smell of fragrance and sweat is really unpleasant.

Luo Yao smiled awkwardly: To tell you the truth, I really spent the whole night in the ravine.

What's going on, You Ning, please explain clearly? Mao Qiwu asked.

Director Dai, Secretary Mao, this is what happened... Luo Yao simply ignored Shen Yu who was sitting on the sofa. Anyway, they could talk about anything.

Luo Yao received a call from Xia Fei from Gong Hui, reporting that Osborne and his girlfriend had finished dinner at the Shancheng Hotel and were about to go to a private love nest for a tryst. They suddenly changed their route. He, Gong Hui and Cao Hui drove the first It was time to go and track all the way. After a night of searching, it was finally discovered that Advisor Osborne was kidnapped by a Japanese ninja team that sneaked into the mountain city and brought into Tushan. They used various methods to defeat the ninja team. The process of rescuing people also included the capture of Yoshitoshi Kuroki, the leader of the Japanese ninja team, as well as the seizure of a Japanese military radio station and some spy supplies.

Although Dai Yunong understood Luo Yao's rescue process, he still didn't understand why Luo Yao ordered someone to call Shen Yu after rescuing Osborne and asked him to go to the airport to detain George Kevin who was about to board the plane. ?

You Ning, what is the connection between George Kevin and the kidnapping of Consultant Osborne?

Director Dai, the relationship here is very important. The dinner I held last night was for George Kevin. Consultant Osborne was invited to go. That night, they drank a lot of alcohol from Consultant Osborne. After getting him drunk, Consultant Osborne was unable to drive, so George Kevin arranged for a driver to take him and Miss Xu to the hot spring hotel on the south bank, and this driver happened to be a Japanese ninja spy who had sneaked into the mountain city.

Hotels generally don't provide drivers, and if it wasn't arranged by an acquaintance, how could they safely let a strange driver drive? Shen Yu also understood that Luo Yao concluded that George Kevin was related to the Osborne kidnapping case.

Yes, Deputy Director Shen is right. In that situation, if you are not a trustworthy person, how can you safely let a stranger drive you away? Mao Qiwu agreed, Since this driver is a kidnapper, then George... Kevin is inextricably involved. He is not only suspected of espionage, but also involved in the kidnapping of American experts invited by our military commander. If he is not detained and investigated, we will probably be able to send him away respectfully. ?”

Moreover, this ninja spy may have left first after delivering the person to the destination. The driver may still be hiding somewhere in the mountain city! Luo Yao's next sentence was even more shocking and all three of them turned towards him. Cast a questioning look.

We already know that this infiltrated Japanese ninja team is led by a Japanese spy named Kitagawa. There are ten of them in total. Apart from the eight we killed, plus the captured Kuroki Yoshi, there is still one person alive. I guess it is this driver, because he is the liaison between Kitagawa and Kuroki Yi. Japanese ninjas like Kuroki Yi do not understand the local language and dare not enter towns and cities. They can only hide in the ravines and communicate in peacetime. Maybe it can be solved with a radio station, but someone needs to buy daily necessities from outside and deliver them in. We only know that this person is named Momojiro, Luo Yao explained.

Beichuan, do you have any information about him?

No, but now we have captured Yi Kuroki, and he has contact with Beichuan. Maybe this is our chance to reveal the true face of this Japanese spy.

In addition, the students also discovered that Kuroki Yi is under the leadership of the Kondo Organization. The radio station they carry will contact the Kondo Organization every other day to report the situation.

The more Dai Yunong heard, the more frightened he became. Shancheng had actually been infiltrated by spies to this extent. The face of him, the boss of the Military Command Bureau, was more than dull.

Kuromu Yi, the student has been brought back to the bureau headquarters and handed over to Director Dai. Luo Yao said solemnly. Although he wanted to continue to pursue this case, his main responsibility now is still the work of the secret interpretation room. I don’t want to give Dai Yunong the impression that he is just trying to get things done.

Very good, You Ning, you discovered the clues to this case, and you know the case best. You are the best investigator of this case, but the work of the secret interpretation room is also very important. I think this case is not as good as Leave it to Deputy Director Shen Yu, how about you assist me? Dai Yunong said with a slight hesitation.

Leave it to Deputy Director Shen, of course there will be no problem. I will fully cooperate. Luo Yao is naturally very willing. As long as Shen Yu handles this case, there will be no problem with the credit, and he will definitely be able to do it in the future. Go one step further.

Okay, you haven't had any rest this night and you're tired. Go back and rest first. We'll talk about the rest later. Dai Yunong said, Is everything okay with Consultant Osborne?

Consultant Osborne is fine, but he was very frightened. If we were one step later, Kuromu Yi would have planned to kill people and then escape. Luo Yao chuckled.

I will visit him in person later. You must show enough respect to Consultant Osborne. Dai Yunong instructed.

Yes, students have remembered, Director Dai!

Go ahead.

Boss Dai, my subordinates have also resigned. When Shen Yu saw Luo Yao leaving, he hurriedly leaned over and said.

Well, handle the case carefully. If we can use this case as a breakthrough to dig out all the spies who have sneaked into the mountain city, that would be the best. Dai Yunong ordered.

Yes, my subordinates will never let down Boss Dai's trust.

You Ning, You Ning, you scared me to death. Do you know, I was called over by Boss Dai. I don't know what's going on, and I don't know how to answer. I'm almost dying of anxiety. After leaving the office, Shen Yu hurriedly caught up with Luo Yao.

Xia Fei didn't tell you? Luo Yao turned around and asked in surprise.

That little guy died without even saying a few words to me. Shen Yu said.

This bastard, I'll talk to him later. How can he talk to Brother Six like this and still understand the rules? Luo Yao scolded.

No, no, it's just a kid, just teach him well.

You're not young anymore. He's sixteen years old. He's a grown man now. Even in the countryside, he's getting married and having children.

You Ning, what you just said in Boss Dai's office was too omitted. Why don't you come to my place and let's talk about it? Shen Yu pulled Luo Yao and said.

I haven't rested all night, and I still have such good behavior. Can't you let me go back first to take a bath and change clothes? Luo Yao asked in return.

Look, I'm so impatient. I'm sorry, You Ning. You go back and rest first. I'll look for you later. That Japanese ninja prisoner?

Don't worry, Boss Dai said that I would leave the case to you, so I will leave it to you. Luo Yao knew what Shen Yu had in mind.

Hehe... Shen Yu laughed unkindly.

This is finally an opportunity to make great achievements. How can you feel at ease if you don't grab it immediately?

Returning to his residence in Ci'en Temple, Luo Yao took a shower and then slept until dark. If Gong Hui hadn't asked him to get up to eat, he would have slept through the night.

In the evening, the canteen cooked pork with potatoes, stir-fried vegetables, and pumpkin soup.

Luo Yao vomited and ate two large bowls of rice in one go, finally filling his deflated stomach.



Gong Hui came in to collect the dishes and chopsticks. Seeing her limping, she hurriedly stepped forward and said, How is your leg injury? Should I do it myself?

It's okay. I just kicked Kuroki Yi too hard and the wound cracked. Then I walked such a long way. I didn't feel any pain at first. But after taking a rest, it actually still hurts a little bit. Hui said hurriedly.

You were not paying attention to your legs. You were concentrating and the slight pain was numb. As soon as you relaxed your mind, you will feel it naturally. Luo Yao did not let him continue, took away the bowls and chopsticks and said, Come back and let Sixth Sister-in-law Have you seen it?

It's just a minor injury. It's no need. I can handle it myself.

If a small injury is not treated well, it will become a big problem. Wasn't that cripple also a small injury in the first place, so why did he become lame? Luo Yao bent down, No, it's all taken care of. Gong Hui pulled her legs back, Dodged for a moment.

Why, you are still hiding your illness and avoiding medical treatment. This is not another place? Luo Yao chuckled, but he didn't let it go. He straightened up, pulled her over, and sat down by the bed.

Pick up the warehouse manager.

Luo Yao removed the gauze wrapped around the wound and immediately frowned. The wound was only as long as an index finger and was not deep at first. However, after the second tear, the wound was much deeper, and the muscles near the wound were red and faint. There are signs of abscess, which is obviously inflammation.

This situation must be reprocessed, the inflamed area must be cleaned, cut off, and then the wound must be sutured.

I'll go find Sixth Sister-in-law and come over...

No, I don't want others to see the injury on my leg. Gong Hui pulled Luo Yao.

Jiang Pingping is not an outsider?

Where is Brother Six? Why don't you go there at this time to disturb other people's husband and wife? Gong Hui explained the reason directly.


You took care of all my injuries before, but you took care of them for me this time. Gong Hui said with a blushing face.

I don't have any anesthetic here?

It doesn't matter, I can bear it. Gong Hui bit her lower lip lightly.

Okay, if you can endure the pain, I'll handle it for you. Luo Yao thought for a moment and nodded. It was really inappropriate to disturb the couple at this time.

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