The secret war is silent

Chapter 319 Cutting flesh to heal wounds

The wound is cleaned.

The injured leg is secured to a chair with bandages from front to back.

Ready to begin, are you ready? This time the treatment is different from the past. The inflamed flesh of the wound needs to be removed and then sutured.

It was all because of the extremely hot weather that the wounds fester so quickly.

Yes. Gong Hui nodded, her face a little red. She didn't know whether it was because of the hot weather or because her heartbeat was beating faster than usual.

Sterilize the scalpel with alcohol.

In ancient times, Guan Gong scraped bones to treat poisons, and now Gong Hui cuts flesh to treat wounds, which is also a good story.

Of course, Luo Yao did not dare to compare himself with Hua Tuo.

Be patient, if you feel pain, just shout out... Luo Yao first opened the wound, and the yellow liquid came out from it, and then used a sterilized scalpel to start cutting off the inflamed muscles on the side.

Can you shout?

Gong Hui was extremely embarrassed. If she shouted out today, I was afraid that tomorrow this matter would become the biggest news in the entire code interpretation team, and it would also be the most crooked news.

Luo Yao held the tweezers in one hand and the scalpel in the other. He focused on the location of the wound and cut it right away because there was no anesthesia.

The pain of cutting flesh was suddenly transmitted from the cross nerve of her calf to her mind. If her calf hadn't been tied to the chair and fixed, she would have withdrawn it at that moment.

I couldn't shout, I could only grit my teeth and hold it back.

A muffled groan.

Gong Hui grabbed a book placed by Luo Yao's pillow, stuffed it into her mouth, and bit it, finally able to hold back the pain.

Luo Yao tried his best to think carefully, choose the angle and route of the knife, and then finish it with one knife, so as to avoid Gong Hui suffering from more pain.

Fine beads of sweat covered his forehead.

Regardless of whether it is Gong Hui or Luo Yao, one is highly concentrated and nervous, while the other has to endure pain that ordinary people cannot bear.

Luo Yao only used three knives to cut off the rotten flesh, but when she looked up at Gong Hui's meeting, she was already sweating profusely, her lips were white, and she kept exhaling loudly through her nose.

Okay, now I'll help you sew up the wound. It shouldn't be that painful anymore. Just bear with it for a while and it'll be fine. Luo Yao said comfortingly.

Gong Hui bit the book and did not let go, but nodded her head to show that she could do it.

Thread the needle.

Luo Yao was very skilled in this set of actions. After all, he was a single man and lived alone, so mending was a necessary skill.


Ouch, why didn't you close the door... A voice suddenly came from the door, I didn't see anything, you continue, continue.

Luo Yao and Gong Hui felt as if ten thousand grass and mud horses were roaring past in their minds. Why did he come here at this time?

Brother Six, I'm bandaging Xiaohui's wound. Luo Yao explained while suturing.

Ah, treat the wound, I was shocked. Shen Yu walked in from the outside with an embarrassed smile, I asked you why you didn't close the door. You are not such an open person.

When Luo Yao heard this, his forehead was instantly covered with black lines.

Gong Hui was so embarrassed that she didn't dare to see anyone. What was originally a normal thing turned out to be an indescribable situation when it came to Shen Yu's mouth.

Forget it if it was true, it wasn't true at all. How could this make her feel so embarrassed?

Oh, how come Xiaohui was so seriously injured? Who did it? Shen Yu looked closer and was surprised. Luo Yao's wound was almost half sutured, and the other half was being sutured.

That's the Kuroki Yi I brought back today.

Oh, it's that kid. He's very tough. I interrogated him all afternoon, but he didn't explain a single word. Shen Yu said.

Japanese ninjas are ancient agents who have received all kinds of cruel training since childhood. These are just commonplace for them. Luo Yao said while sewing.

Well, didn't I come here to give you an idea? Shen Yu said, The Japanese ninja driver who kidnapped Osborne has not been arrested yet. He is still the contact person between Kuroki Yi and Kitagawa. If this person is caught, We will be able to reveal the true face of Beichuan.

1Where's George Kevin?

If you don't cooperate, you won't see your lawyer, and you won't speak. Shen Yu said, Although we have evidence to suspect that he is related to Osborne's kidnapping case, we can't torture him if he doesn't speak.

Can he escape legal punishment if he doesn't cooperate?

To be precise, if he doesn't admit it, we can't catch the driver. Even if Osborne himself testifies, we can't convict him. The court may not accept one-sided evidence, so... Shen Yu was helpless. He shrugged his shoulders and said.

Foreigners like George Kevin, who have been informed by the British Embassy and taken away by the military for investigation, must go through formal judicial channels. Otherwise, even Dai Yunong will not be able to bear the pressure of public opinion.

Because this time they are foreigners, which have privileges in China.

If you were Chinese and didn't cooperate and had to meet with a lawyer, you would have been beaten until your parents didn't recognize you. This is the reality.

The information about the case has not been disclosed to the public, right?

Of course we keep the specific situation confidential and cannot tell it to the British. However, the British Embassy will definitely put pressure on us and pass the news to reporters to create the image of ourselves being treated unfairly and form public opinion. This is their usual practice. Shen Yu said, As for us, Osborne's identity cannot be exposed, otherwise the US Embassy will definitely come to us if they find out about it. We hired Osborne as our After all, the consultant did not go through official channels?”

It doesn't matter. Osborne is no longer an employee of the CIA. He is now an ordinary citizen. He is free to go wherever he wants and for whom he works. Even the U.S. federal government cannot interfere. But after his identity is exposed, we can no longer Maintain the asymmetric advantage that we have deciphered the Japanese military code. Luo Yao explained while applying medicine to Gong Hui.

Is it serious?

It's hard to say how much information the Japanese have about us. Luo Yao said.

You mean Osborne...

In such a short time, the Japanese probably didn't have time to question him. Even if they said something, it would be very limited. Luo Yao shook his head.

That's good. Kuroki Yi won't speak, and George Kevin won't cooperate. Now that the British know that we have detained someone, they will definitely catch us, Shen Yu said.

On the one hand, they will protest against our innocent arrest of British citizens and falsely accuse them of espionage. On the other hand, they will hype that this is a retaliatory move by us against the secret agreement signed between Britain and Japan. Am I right in my guess? Luo Yao smiled slightly and said.

How do you know? Shen Yu asked in surprise, Have you deciphered the British diplomatic code?

The British secretly negotiated peace with Japan and betrayed our interests. Naturally, we have to be on guard. Luo Yao chuckled.

Really deciphered?

There is no pure friendship between countries, only interests. Luo Yao talked about him, and he was quietly trying to decipher the British and American diplomatic messages.

Because this was a private job he did, he couldn't talk about it.

I'm so worried. Have you deciphered the British diplomatic code?

I've been sleeping since I came back. Do you think I have time to do this? Luo Yao chuckled, What I just told you is based on my understanding of the British, and then I analyzed and speculated on it. Don't believe me. If so, Sixth Brother can just wait and read tomorrow’s newspaper.”

Tch, it's all a joy for nothing.

Don't touch the water. You'll have to endure it for the next two days. You can't take a shower until the wound heals. Luo Yao untied his leggings and lowered Gong Hui's calf.

Yes, I understand. Gong Hui nodded with a red face.

I'm still a little unclear about your situation last night. Why did you focus on this George Kevin? Shen Yu asked.

Isn't it worthy of suspicion that a good person living in a mountain city suddenly sells his property and leaves in a hurry?

But he has his own reasons?

The reason is that they are all cover-ups for the outside world, and he has a very close relationship with Gao Tiankui, but on the surface he deliberately keeps a distance. Even Gao Tiankui's purchase of the German Building was already discussed between them. Li Fu was deliberately asked to serve as the middleman. There must be secrets between them that we don't know. Luo Yao explained, Furthermore, how did George Kevin know Osborne? It all seems accidental, but In fact, it was all the result of careful planning. He worked hard to get to know Osborne, but he didn't get any benefit from him, so he just left. If it were you, would you be willing to do it?

That's all?

Isn't this enough? This George Kevin didn't say he was leaving during the bombing, but said now that the bombing is not so severe, he is leaving? Luo Yao said, Unless he has something in his heart, otherwise this is not consistent. It's common sense, but if you cooperate with the spy to kidnap Osborne before leaving, and then walk away after the incident, do you think this is a brilliant plan?

Yes, this is a very reasonable explanation. Shen Yu nodded, But these are just your analysis and speculation, not facts?

Well, how about I go with you tomorrow and meet with George Kevin for a while? Luo Yao said after a ponder.

Okay, I'm just waiting for your words. Shen Yu smiled and agreed.

Luo Yao shook his head slightly, and he knew that when Shen Yu came over this night, he must have gone to the Three Treasures Hall to do anything. It was no different if he said it himself than if he took the initiative to mention it.

Well, I saw Su Li today. He doesn't look very good. Are you having a conflict? Shen Yu was about to say goodbye and leave, but suddenly remembered something and sat down again.

Su Li, is he doing well in the training department? Luo Yao asked strangely. Su Li has been here for more than three months. He is mainly responsible for the daily training of the group of action team members at Ci'en Temple. .

Of course, less than half of this group of people are left now. Shen Yu picked ten, and Chen Gongshu also took twenty with him when he left. Although he had his old team when he went to Jinghai, it was still too thin. Yes, new blood is needed.

Dai Yunong gave him the power to select people. Originally, Chen Gongshu could go to the Qianyang class to select people, but he refused and directly selected 20 people from among the people he trained. After all, they were trained by him. Not only were they familiar with , and it’s easier to use.

The remaining thirty people are reserved for Luo Yao himself. They are nominally a secret action team under the name of the Inspection Division of the Garrison Headquarters. Luo Yao is the leader of this action team and is actually led by Gong Hui.

In addition, this team has another identity, that is, the Shapingba Operation Team of the Juntong Mountain City Station, and the team leader is concurrently served by Gong Hui.

Seeing that the training of this operational team has been completed, is he worried about whether he will stay or leave? Shen Yu said.

This Su Li, if you have any ideas, just come to me and tell me. If you have to keep it in your heart, you are really stubborn. Luo Yaodao, Brother Six, don't worry about this matter. I'll talk to him some time. Let's see. He wants to know what he has planned next.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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