The secret war is silent

Chapter 320 Work Arrangement

You Ning, don't bother me. If you have anything else, please continue. Shen Yu covered his mouth, smiled, opened the door and walked out.


I, I'm going back to my room first. Gong Hui's cheeks were as red as prawns and she quickly stood up, walking faster with one leg than with two.

Luo Yao shook his head and started to clean up.

No, I have to go to the yard and take a shower to calm down the irritation.

At this point in the case, although George Kevin and the Japanese ninja leader Yoshitsugu Kuroki have been captured, it seems to be making great progress.

In fact, every next step would be difficult, otherwise Shen Yu wouldn't be eager to come to him.

This case is difficult.

In addition to diplomatic troubles, there is also the handling of Yankee Osborne's identity. The Americans superficially condemned the British for making peace with Japan and condemned Japan's aggression in China, but their domestic Ship after ship of scrap steel, rubber and oil have never stopped being exported to Japan.

Without a buyer as big as Japan, who will absorb the excess domestic production capacity?

Europe, impossible.

Only one country in Asia, Japan, could afford it. The other countries were either colonies of Britain and France or agricultural countries with feudal societies.

These industrial raw materials are simply unbearable.

Therefore, Americans say they refuse now, but their bodies are still honest, but one day, they will suffer the consequences, and Luo Yao knows it very well.

Cause and effect may not be visible for a while, but if you look back from a historical perspective, sometimes you really can’t help but not believe it.

The military commander can no longer hide Osborne's identity even if he wants to. Before, everyone was half-hiding it. If you didn't tell me, I would just pretend I didn't see it and just turn a blind eye.

If something goes wrong now, Americans can't pretend they don't know about it.

As long as we get the evidence that George Kevin acted as an intermediary for Japanese spies, we can open up talks with the British side. The British side has been overwhelmed by public opinion and should not fight with China over a George Kevin.

As long as China publishes the evidence, the British side will surely be embarrassed again.

Of course, if the British side is shameless, there is nothing they can do.

The key is that China is a weak country. In terms of diplomacy, the other party is unlikely to give you equal status, nor will it talk to you on an equal footing.

As for the specifics, we can only wait until we see George Kevin tomorrow.

After taking a nap in the afternoon and unable to fall back asleep, Luo Yao went directly to the office at the Veterinary Station to work. The seized radio stations were immediately sent over for research.

After the radio station was delivered, Wen Xueren spent time in his radio station laboratory, and had his meals brought to him by phone.

When Luo Yao comes.

He was still working hard inside.

On the big workbench.

The radio station had been dismantled into a pile of parts. Wen Xueren lowered his head on the table and kept drawing on a piece of paper with a pencil.

Build a radio station.

This is Wen Xueren's dream, and Luo Yao is very supportive. Wei Daming can build a mini radio station as big as a popsicle, so he can do it too.

However, building a radio is not an easy task and requires a lot of knowledge. Merely knowing how to use a radio is not enough. Therefore, in addition to his own job, Wen Xueren also teaches himself electromechanical knowledge every day.

Luo Yao also got him a lot of books and documents, some of which were not available in China. Using this as an excuse, he also made a copy for his hometown, which was also considered as a gift.

And disassembling a completed radio station doesn't give you many opportunities to practice.

How's it going, Xueren, what's the gain?

Webmaster, when did you stand behind me? You scared me. Wen Xueren was so focused on his work that he didn't notice Luo Yao quietly appearing behind him.

I see that you are very focused on your work. You came in without knocking. Luo Yao chuckled, You, work is important, but your body is also important. Look, why are you not eating half of your dinner?

On the desk next to it, most of the food was still untouched in the rice compartment. I must have eaten a few mouthfuls of rice, then thought of something, came over to work again, and forgot about eating.

Wen Xueren said awkwardly: As soon as I started working, I forgot about it.

Would you like someone to heat the food for you?

No, stationmaster, it's not the middle of winter. I'll finish it right away, just in time to save a late night snack. Wen Xueren hurriedly waved his hand.

Okay, eat it quickly. It's hot. If you keep it for a long time, it will go rancid easily, so you can't eat it. Luo Yao nodded.

Wen Xueren sat at the edge of the desk, picked up his chopsticks, and started eating. Within a few bites, most of your food was shallow and fell into the rice grid.

Xueren, this radio station has been dismantled, can it be put back together?

Yes, I have marked it all, and I have a general idea of ​​its design, which will be of great help to the radio station I design next. Wen Xueren said.

I mean, can it still be used if I put it back?


Okay, after you study it, put it back and put it back. I'll be useful. Luo Yao nodded and gave an order.

Okay, stationmaster.

Can you intercept the communication code between the Kuroki team and the Kondo agency based on the script I gave you? Luo Yao asked.

We have already detected it based on the characteristics we have. According to their communication rules, they communicate once every two days, and at a fixed time. However, if we intercept the message but cannot decipher it, it means that we have not intercepted it. Wen Xueren said.

They just contacted us last night, so according to normal payment requirements, they should contact us again tomorrow night. We still have one day. Luo Yaodao.

No code book was found at the scene. There are only two possibilities. The code book was carried by the Japanese ninja named Mojiro. In other words, Kuroki Yoshi was only responsible for sending and receiving messages, and he was not responsible for the translation work. He was probably not even responsible for communications. Not aware of the content.

There is another possibility, that is, Kuroki Yi hid the code book or memorized it in his mind. Now he is not sure which one.

But Luo Yao believed that it was more likely that Kuroki Yi would keep the code book in his mind.

The wooden house was only that big, and there were only enough places to hide things. When they left, they searched it carefully and found nothing.

If the operator and translator move together with the radio station, there is no need to hide them separately, which would also be extremely inconvenient.

Also, stationmaster, the 94-type No. 6 radio station we captured this time is mainly attached to the Army among the Japanese army. It is a corps communication level. This kind of radio can be carried and operated by one or two people. I judge that they Therefore, bringing such a radio station to the mountain city should be to facilitate communication with the Japanese intelligence center, because it has high power, stable signal, and long transmission distance. If it is portable, the signal will be blocked by electromagnetic signals in the air and mountains. The attenuation will be more serious, and it is even possible that it cannot be received in bad weather. Wen Xueren finished the last bite and wiped his mouth.

I'll go over to Lao Chi's side and watch. You get busy first. Luo Yao nodded.

The work of Chi An's research room is the core department of the entire encryption room, and it is also the one with the greatest work pressure. A large number of Japanese encryption codes need to be analyzed and deciphered. It is impossible to decipher all the encryption codes, and we can only select the important ones. analyze.

Even Japan's secret diplomatic messages can only be deciphered about 70% of the time, which is quite remarkable for intelligence agencies around the world that decipher secret messages.

This is still in China, which is quite backward economically, militarily, scientifically and technologically.

Lao Chi.

Webmaster, you're here. I'll tell you after I finish calculating this. Chi An was calculating a set of formulas, and at a certain critical moment, he couldn't stop.

Well, forget it, I'll wait for you. Luo Yao nodded. He understood that a workaholic like Chi An, who worked without sleep and food, was also contributing to the fight against Japan and national salvation.

Finally, when Chi An finished his calculations, he put down his calculations and breathed a sigh of relief.

A cold towel was handed over.

Chi An took it and wiped the sweat from his face: Thank you.

When he looked up, he saw it was Luo Yao and said hurriedly: Stationmaster, how can I ask you to pass me a towel?

Lao Chi, I think you are too busy at work. Why don't you ask your sister-in-law to come over to work and take care of your life here, so that you and your wife will not have many opportunities to meet and talk every day even though they live together? Luo Yaodao, in fact, he has had such an idea for a long time.

Since Tian Shoushan can work in the secret translation team, why can't Chi An's wife? Although she is also Japanese, Chi An's wife Yingzi broke with the family for him and resolutely returned to China with him, losing two daughters. , still supports her husband’s work, what else can’t be trusted in such a person?

Webmaster, is this possible? Chi An's heartbeat couldn't help but beat fast. Of course he wanted his wife to work with him, but his wife was Japanese. Now that China and Japan are at full-scale war, national origin is a serious matter. If you don't do it right, you'll get into a lot of trouble.

I'll vouch for it, don't worry, as long as you don't let your wife have access to the core secrets. Luo Yao said, I have complete trust in you.

Thank you, webmaster.

Don't thank me, I would like to arrange a young and beautiful life assistant for you, but I'm afraid that my wife will hate me to death. Luo Yao said with a smile.

Chi An also smiled. His original decision now seemed wise. He didn't need to worry about the messy interpersonal relationships and official struggles here, he only needed to do his own thing well.

Have you read the coded message I will send you later?

I've seen it, webmaster. It's a double secret code commonly used by the Japanese Army. If you want to decipher it, you need a certain base of secret messages for analysis and calculation. Chi An said.

This specimen is difficult to obtain. The Japanese side is likely to know immediately that we have seized their radio station, and this set of code books will soon be abandoned. Luo Yao said helplessly.

We seized the radio station and didn't find the code book? Chi An asked.

No, I carefully searched the place where the radio was hidden, and I didn't find the place where the code pad was hidden. Luo Yao said.

Have the belongings of the telegraph operator or translator been checked? Chi An asked again.

I did a rough inspection and found nothing. Luo Yao's heart moved slightly. He thought he was just searching the wooden house and only briefly checked the belongings of Kuroki Yi and the Japanese ninja killed in Shandong.

Hey, if there is no secret code, it will be really difficult to decipher this kind of secret code.

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