The secret war is silent

Chapter 321 Pretending to be a lawyer

Lao Chi, you should be busy first. I will arrange the matters concerning my wife later. Luo Yao promised.

Chi An said happily.

It would be good if the wife could come over to work, even if it was just to do auxiliary work. At least the couple would not have to be like now, living together but acting like they are on opposite sides. When you come back, she goes out. , can't even say a serious word.

Back in the office, Luo Yao thought carefully and arranged for Chi An's wife to work in the secret interpretation room. The biggest obstacle should be Chen Zuxun.

This guy has been doing a lot of small tricks recently. In addition to people from the original research laboratory, there are also many people from the original secret research team who have contacted him, got close to him, built relationships, invited him to dinner, and even set up an anti-Luo alliance directly in the secret translation room.

But fish looks for fish and shrimp looks for shrimp. Everyone can see clearly who he can win over. Some people just come in to mix the sand. Can Luo Yao see that?

Can you kick them all out?

Obviously not. An organization will definitely not work if there are no opposing voices. Otherwise, it will first let down its vigilance and develop the habit of arrogance.

Secondly, he will be jealous of the superiors, especially the superfluous superiors like Dai Yunong. The secret translation team will really become his own kingdom, and it will not be long before he dismounts.

These people have no other skills. They are experts at engaging in internal fighting. What they have to do is to control conflicts within a certain range.

Neither let people like Chen Zuxun affect the work of the secret interpretation room, nor intensify conflicts. Of course, how to control this degree requires you to balance it yourself.

Being away for a day squeezed a lot of work. Luo Yao didn't have the habit of procrastinating work.

Keep your head down and work hard.

After finally finishing the work at hand, he looked at the time and saw that it was already three o'clock in the morning. Tomorrow he and Shen Yu would go to the detention center of the Detective Brigade. In order to maintain his energy, he decided to go back to sleep.

After sleeping for nearly four hours, I got up, washed up, and went to the cafeteria for breakfast. It was already too late. If I were one step later, the cafeteria would be closed.

Someone is even later than him.

It was Shen Yu and his wife. They were almost stepping back to the canteen to get their food back.

I'm right. You Ning wouldn't have gotten up so early. He must have worked overtime yesterday. Shen Yu said to Jiang Pingping in a bold voice.

Jiang Pingping made a big fuss. The reason why they got up late was not because of Shen Yu. They had not been married for long, and it was the time when the honey was mixed with oil.

You Ning, how are you and Xiaohui doing? Shen Yu sat over directly.

How's it going?

Don't pretend to be stupid for me. This girl is totally devoted to you. Don't you know? Shen Yu said I look down on you.

Brother Six, haven't you forgotten that Boss Dai just issued a ban that military commanders are prohibited from getting married during the Anti-Japanese War? Luo Yao asked rhetorically, because Dai Yunong's wife died of illness. Of course, this was an inducement. The real reason was to allow the military commanders to marry. All the efforts were spent on fighting the war and saving the country, so this ban was issued!

Stop talking about this, relationships and marriage are two different things!

Love without the purpose of marriage is just hooliganism. Luo Yao replied lightly. He couldn't remember who said this.

Anyway, I think it makes sense.

You, you... Shen Yu was choked and pointed at Luo Yao so angry that he didn't know what words to use to describe it.

Brother Yu, you'd better not get involved in the matter between the webmaster and Sister Xiaohui. Jiang Pingping reminded her husband aloud.

What do you know? When fourth brother left, he told me to take good care of You Ning. I have to take care of his affairs, Shen Yu said.

Brother Six, you and Sister-in-law Six should work harder and give me a nephew. It's more practical this way. Luo Yao chuckled, stood up and said, I'm full, please use it slowly, and call me when you leave. One sound.

Hey, how come this guy doesn't know what's good and what's good... Looking at Luo Yao's back as he turned to leave, Shen Yu snorted angrily.

Okay, let them solve this kind of thing by themselves and eat your steamed buns. Jiang Pingping grabbed a steamed bun and stuffed it into Shen Yu's mouth.

Pingping, I think You Ning is right, we have worked hard... Shen Yu took a bite, then turned his head and said seriously.

Jiang Pingping's face turned red. She stretched out her hand, found the weak spot with ease, and twisted it hard.


A scream came from the cafeteria.

Yeah, the canteen killed pigs again today. Let me tell you, the food at our veterinary station is really good. I've only been here a few days and I've already gained three pounds...

Who says it's not the case? No wonder the webmaster requires all of us to run laps on the playground every day. He says it's for physical training, but he's not afraid that we'll gain weight.

Xia Fei drove, and Luo Yao sat in the passenger seat.

Shen Yu came over, jumped up, sat in the back, and waved: Drive.

Brother Six, you didn't drive?


Then how did you get here?

I asked someone to drive me here. Shen Yu chuckled, It's not like I have a car back home, it's just a ride.

How do you know I will definitely go with you? Luo Yao smiled bitterly.

I'll just count it with my fingers and it'll be there.

Let's go, let's drive quickly.

At the Shancheng Police Station Detention Center, George Kevin was temporarily detained here after he was taken away from the airport. Of course, he is a foreigner and can only be a suspect under investigation now.

The Detective Brigade has special cells in the detention center.

The cases handled by the Detective Brigade are basically related to the security of mountain cities, mainly espionage and traitor cases, but also the Communist Party.

Now that the Kuomintang and the Communist Party have begun to engage in friction again, there are naturally more cases of this type.

Luo Yao saw many people who were arrested as communists. It was hard to say how many of them were true.

In order to claim credit, the military commander did a lot of things to catch good people and take credit for themselves. Although the captain of the detective brigade was Shen Yu, the only people he had complete control over were those directly related to him.

In George Kevin's case, he caught it himself and did not let anyone else interfere.

The specific investigator is Shen Yu’s close confidant, Section Chief Deng Yi.

Virgin, you are here. When Deng Yi saw Shen Yu coming, he hurried over with his men. Shen Yu also served as the deputy director of the General Affairs Department of the Military Command Headquarters, and he was more accustomed to calling him that.

Let me introduce, this is Deng Yi, the chief of the management department under me, my right-hand man. Shen Yu introduced Luo Yao. Although Luo Yao had a close relationship with him, he rarely had contact with his subordinates.

Luo Yao chuckled and stretched out his hand: Hello, Section Chief Deng, we meet again.

Do you know each other? Shen Yu was surprised.

Virgin, you have forgotten that at your wedding, Counselor Luo and I drank. Deng Yi smiled and explained.

Ouch, look at my memory, how could I forget this? Shen Yu slapped his forehead and said in annoyance.

Hahaha... Luo Yao shook hands with Deng Yi and laughed out loud.

Deng Yi, Staff Officer Luo no longer serves as a staff officer in the Secret Interpretation Office. He is now the lieutenant colonel deputy director of the Military Secret Interpretation Office. Shen Yu said.

Hello, Deputy Director Luo. Deng Yi stood at attention and saluted with a military salute. Luo Yao's position and military rank were above Deng Yi's, so he would naturally salute when he saw a superior. This is the rule in the military.

Brother Deng, please don't belittle me, let's talk about business. Luo Yao chuckled.


In the interrogation room, bursts of screams could be heard.

Kuroki Yi?

Well, this guy is very tough and refuses to speak. He has no choice but to use torture. Deng Yi nodded, I have used all the possible punishments, but it's useless.

Where's George Kevin?

The chief ordered that he not be tortured, but he also refused to cooperate and insisted on seeing a lawyer. He had no choice but to be detained first, Deng Yi said.

Prepare a suit for me, a briefcase for lawyers, and business cards. Luo Yao ordered.

Deputy Director Luo wanted to pretend to be a lawyer, but George Kevin asked to see the lawyer he appointed? Deng Yi said in surprise.

Does he still have a choice at this time? Luo Yao sneered, What is the name of the counselor of the British Embassy?


Very good, I know how to do it. Luo Yao nodded and pretended to be a lawyer. This was a strategy he had thought up for a long time. It depends on whether he can deceive the other party. Anyway, George Kevin didn't know him. It is the fastest way to open the opponent's gap.

By the way, I also need a pair of glasses, just plain ones. Luo Yao remembered and added.

Okay, I'll prepare it for Deputy Director Luo right away.

You Ning, is this okay? Shen Yu watched Luo Yao order Deng Yi to do things, but didn't speak until Deng Yi went out, then he came over and asked.

I've tried it. Now do you have a better way? Luo Yao asked. You can't use torture. It's even more impossible to express emotions and reason.

If the evidence cannot be obtained, and if the British Embassy tries to put pressure on the government again, it is very likely that it will be unable to withstand the diplomatic pressure and release the person.

Once a person is released, it is impossible to capture him again.

Well, only you can use this method. Shen Yu nodded. If he could pry open George Kevin's mouth, everything would be easier.

Deng Yi worked very efficiently. He quickly brought over a professional lawyer suit, glasses, a leather bag, and even some legal documents. He also prepared a lawyer's authorization letter in English, which also saved Luo Yao a lot of time. They all need to be prepared by himself.

Now that there are ready-made documents, it is much easier to handle.

Where did this thing come from? Luo Yao asked.

We borrowed it directly from a law firm that specializes in representing foreigners in lawsuits. I think this will be more in line with your requirements, Deputy Director Luo. Deng Yi explained.

Deng Ke, I understand. No wonder my sixth brother said you are his right-hand man. With your ability, I even want to poach you. Luo Yao said with appreciation.

Deputy Director Luo is so complimentary. I learned this from our leader. Deng Yi said humbly.

Brother Six, Chief Deng, do you still want it? Don't give it to me. I don't have people like Deng Ke here? Luo Yao turned to Shen Yu and asked directly.

Shen Yu's eyes flashed fiercely: If you want to be beautiful, that's my person. If you want it, you can cultivate it yourself.

Luo Yao laughed, and Deng Yi was also embarrassed. At the same time, he also understood that the relationship between his Virgo and Luo Yao was extraordinary, and such jokes were all made.

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