The secret war is silent

Chapter 322 Fraud

Give me half an hour to familiarize myself with my identity. Luo Yao directly drove Shen Yu and Deng Yi out of the room. He needed to concentrate and focus on nothing else.

William Li, male, 33 years old, Hong Kong, graduated with a master's degree in law from Thames University in the UK...

He is a man with yellow skin and white heart.

Luo Yao hates this kind of person, but he has no choice now. He needs to borrow this person's skin to use.

Pretending to be people with different professional identities is the most basic skill for an agent. The difference lies in whether the identity you assume can deceive everyone.

Luo Yao had been a teacher, a teacher who really taught and educated people. Although he had never been a lawyer, he had seen it, especially those guys who were particularly good at pretending in his memory.

Deng Ke, does William Li's law firm have any business relationship with George Kevin? Luo Yao called Deng Yi in and asked specifically.

No, I have specifically investigated it. Deng Yi couldn't help but feel his heart tightening. He roughly knew Luo Yao's exact identity from Shen Yu's mouth. He was surprised and admired him. Especially this question, he was even more excited. Awe-inspiring.

I was already very thoughtful, and Deputy Director Luo was equally meticulous, taking into account all these details.

Okay, then there's no problem.

They started to change clothes and make up, and a few minutes later, a completely different Luo Yao appeared in front of Shen Yu and Deng Yi.

It's incredible. It's like a different person. Deputy Director Luo, how did you do it? Deng Yi exclaimed.

Shen Yu was also shocked. A person can have two different temperaments. Just by changing a set of clothes, he was an ordinary person just now, but now he has transformed into a gorgeous and cold elite in the legal world.

Putting on the gold-rimmed plain glasses that Deng Yi prepared for him, he added a professional temperament, at least five years more mature in age.

When such a person speaks, it is easier for others to believe him.

Hello, I am Li William from Shancheng Law Firm. This is my business card! Even as he spoke, the action of taking out his business card sounded tall and classy, ​​and he looked like a British gentleman. .

Shen Yu and Deng Yi were stunned.

Six, Deng Ke, do you think I look like me? Luo Yaoxiao asked.

Although I have never seen what a barrister talks like, Deputy Director Luo is the image of a barrister in my mind. Deng Yi murmured to himself.

You Ning, you are just a monkey. Shen Yu took a breath and said.

Okay, since both of you agree, I'll get started. Luo Yao chuckled, Help me arrange a room for visits and install the eavesdropping equipment.

Install listening equipment?

Yes, I will dismantle it when I enter later. Do you understand my purpose? Luo Yao explained.

Then how do we know what you said?

Can you also install a listening device on me? Luo Yao looked at Deng Yi with a look like You are stupid.

Ahem... Deng Yi blushed and coughed to cover up his embarrassment.

Hurry up and get our eavesdropping equipment imported from the United States. If you don't need it now, when will you use it? Shen Yu couldn't wait to watch Luo Yao's performance.

This was the first time he had encountered such a scene. He had to learn from it and tell his fourth brother properly in the telegram later. He is an amazing student.

Deng Yi immediately arranged it.

After a while, a visiting room was set up and the eavesdropping equipment was installed.

everything's ready.

Deng Yi personally went to the detention cell and brought George Kevin out.

George Kevin was only detained for investigation and no restraint tools were used on him, that is to say, no handcuffs were used.

But George Kevin, who had been detained for a whole night, was obviously much more haggard. He didn't know the situation outside or what would happen to him. Even if he had a British passport, the British Embassy knew how much assistance it would give him. All of this is hard to say. The British are very arrogant and save face, but the person who arrested him was not an ordinary policeman, but the military commander, a violent organization with a license to kill.

Such an organization does not need a reason to arrest and kill people. Will the British government break up with Shancheng for him?

He wasn't sure either.

Because he has a ghost in his heart.

People who have ghosts in their hearts will be suspicious of ghosts.

Where are you taking me? What do you want to do? I am a citizen of the British Empire... George Kevin asked angrily and was extremely uncooperative.

Mr. George, your British Embassy has assigned you an aid lawyer and is taking you to see him now. Why, don't you want to see the lawyer? Why don't you want to see him now? Deng Yi said with a chuckle.

Lawyer, are you willing to let me speak as a lawyer? George Kevin said in surprise.

Of course, this is your right, and we have no reason to stop it. Deng Yi nodded.

Okay, I'll see you.

In the temporary visit room, Deng Yi brought George Kevin in. Lawyer Li William, played by Luo Yao, was already sitting inside. When he saw the two coming in, he stood up hurriedly.

Lawyer Li, you only have half an hour at most.

Thank you, Chief Deng. Luo Yao bowed slightly politely, then looked at George Kevin without saying a word, and George Kevin was also looking at him.

You guys talk. When you're done, just call and we'll be outside.


Are you a lawyer? George Kevin asked after Deng Yi walked out of the room, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Yes, Mr. George, let me introduce myself first. My surname is Li, and my English name is William. Everyone is accustomed to calling me Li William. Mr. George can also be called me the same way. Luo Yao waved his hand and made a gesture of invitation, I was entrusted by the British Embassy in Shancheng to provide help to Mr. George.

After George Kevin sat down in front of Luo Yao, Luo Yao took out a business card from his briefcase and handed it over with both hands: This is my business card.

Shancheng Law Firm, Attorney William Li.

How do I believe what you said is true? Also, why are there no embassy personnel accompanying you? George Kevin asked.

Because your case involves some special circumstances, China does not agree to the British Embassy sending someone to accompany you to the meeting. Luo Yao explained.

Why is this not in line with international practice?

You should know that the relationship between the UK and China has been very unharmonious recently. They took this opportunity to make things difficult. There is nothing they can do about it. If it weren't for the strong pressure from the embassy, ​​even I wouldn't be able to see you. Luo Yao laughed. , the excuse comes just by opening your mouth.

Of course George Kevin knew that the British government was pursuing a policy of appeasement towards Japan and betraying China's interests. It was natural for China to be dissatisfied and find trouble, but he never expected that he would be so unlucky as to just happen to meet him.

Okay, if you still don't believe it, can I show you the authorization letter issued by Mr. Mudir, the counselor of the British Embassy? Luo Yao said calmly.

No need, I believe you are the one. George Kevin shook his head. Luo Yao's performance was too professional, and his answers were watertight and there was no flaw at all.

Very good, then Mr. George, can we have a frank conversation? Luo Yao asked.

Of course, but can you guarantee that our conversation here will not be heard by the military commanders outside? George Kevin pointed to the person outside the door and said.

Well, Mr. George's concerns are reasonable, so what suggestions do you have?

How about we all use English next?

OK, no problem. Luo Yao nodded. Since George Kevin already trusted him, he didn't bother to remove the listening device installed under the table.

Wait a minute! George Kevin saw that Luo Yao agreed to talk in English, but he did not get into the topic immediately. Instead, he stood up, walked around the table, and finally squatted down and looked under the table.

What's wrong, Mr. George? Luo Yao asked pretending not to understand.

George Kevin lay down, reached down, pulled off the listening device under the table, took it in his hand, and placed it on the table.

What's this?

Eavesdropping device, Attorney William, you must have never seen it, right? George Kevin said excitedly, of course, in English.

No, how could there be such a thing here? Luo Yao also pretended to be surprised.

They want to use your death after meeting me to steal the secrets of our conversation so that they can frame me. George Kevin said.

What should I do now? I'll go to them to protest? Luo Yao said.

No, just give it back to them. George Kevin took the eavesdropping device, walked over, opened the door, and threw it out.

Now we can talk safely. George Kevin came back with a smile.

Mr. George, are you sure there will be no problem with this?

Of course not. Their little trick was discovered, and that's their fault. If they don't agree to our continued meeting, if you expose this matter, they will be the ones who lose face. George Kevin said.

Okay, Mr. George, we can continue. Luo Yao continued to sit down, Mr. George, I think you must tell me frankly, do you have any problems?


No problem, how can they be so tough? Even if the embassy puts pressure on them, they won't give in even a little bit? Luo Yao asked.

I've sold off my property here and am ready to leave, so what's the problem?

As far as I know, the explanation they gave to the British Embassy was that Mr. George was related to a kidnapping case, and that he had long-term cooperation with Japanese intelligence agencies to collect intelligence for them while living in the mountain city?

Slander, this is all slander. I am a legitimate businessman. I have never done anything criminal in these years in the mountain city. I don't know anyone who works in Japanese intelligence at all! George Kevin Said angrily.

They should have some evidence in their hands. Otherwise, it is impossible to have such a tough attitude. Mr. George, if you don't tell me the truth, the embassy and I may not be able to provide effective assistance. Luo Yao said directly.

Do you know how much they have?

Of course I don't know how they told me, but according to the embassy's news, you were stopped at the airport this time because you were involved in the kidnapping of an important person by a Japanese spy, and this person was kidnapped People may have a certain background, so they have such a tough attitude and are not afraid of offending the British Empire. Luo Yao said ambiguously.

This... If George Kevin didn't understand, he might as well have bought a piece of tofu and killed him.

Mr. George, you have to tell me if there is such a thing and how involved you are? Luo Yao asked very seriously.

I don't know about kidnapping at all, it has nothing to do with me. George Kevin denied it, but his eyes clearly flickered a few times, and his inner activities were very intense.

Mr. George, they only gave us half an hour. Almost a quarter of an hour has passed just now. If you don't want to say anything, how can you ask us to help you? When will we meet again next time? Luo Yaohou He leaned back slightly, looking at the other person carefully.

Mr. William, in my case, can I apply for bail?

If the other party determines that you are involved in a serious crime such as kidnapping, you can be released without bail. Luo Yao leaned over, propped his elbows on the table, and said seriously.

They have no evidence at all!

There is no evidence. There is no evidence. Why did they detain you and even ignore the embassy's protest? Luo Yao asked.

George Kevin stopped talking.

Mr. George, although you are a citizen of the British Empire, the British Empire embassy will try its best to protect every overseas citizen, but if serious crimes are involved, we cannot completely ignore the laws of the country where you are located. Luo Yao said very seriously. , Mr. George, I hope our conversation can be frank. Otherwise, once they file a formal arrest against you, it will be another situation. At least they will not allow such a separate meeting.

When George Kevin heard this, his face was gloomy.

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