The secret war is silent

Chapter 323 Foreign devils are paper tigers


Bet in a timely and determined manner.

Whether it succeeds or not depends on this.

Luo Yao didn't force him, he just raised his hand to look at his watch, and then quietly waited for George Kevin's answer, but the pressure in his heart increased by three points invisibly.

George Kevin kept rubbing his hands, looking nervous and uneasy, blinking and gritting his teeth constantly, and a layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

This all showed that he was extremely nervous at the moment.

Three minutes later, Luo Yao looked at his watch again.

Mr. William, do I have to say it? George Kevin seemed to have made up his mind and asked.

Mr. George, I'm here to help you, not to harm you. Luo Yao said seriously, You don't even tell the truth to your lawyer, how can I help you?

Will you keep my secret?

You are questioning my professional ethics as a barrister. If this is the case, I think there is no need to continue the discussion between us. You can ask the British Embassy to hire another lawyer for you. Luo Yaohehe A smile.

No, no, Lawyer William, I believe you, but I'm worried that after I tell you, will the embassy not help me?

So, are you really suspected of kidnapping?

It doesn't count, I just did a small favor to others without knowing it. George Kevin said with a smile.

That depends on how busy you are, how big a role you played in the kidnapping case, and whether it was a subjective act? Luo Yao said very professionally.

“What is subjective behavior?”

Subjective behavior means that you know that this is a kidnapping and you actively participated in it. Then you are an accessory, and the crime is very serious. But if not, you were deceived and did not know the other party's purpose at all, then it was unintentional A crime can only be regarded as a mistake, not even a crime. There is a big difference. Luo Yao laughed and explained.

Yes, I didn't act subjectively. I didn't know what he wanted to do at all. I just provided some information. George Kevin said.

It would be much easier if you just provide information and the others don't know. Basically, they can't convict you. Luo Yao nodded, The embassy can also use this to put pressure on the military commander, so that we can prosecute you. By setting bail, at least people can get out first.”

Yes, yes, bail me out first.

Okay, it's almost time for our meeting today. Mr. George, do you have anything else to say to me? Luo Yao decided to end the conversation. Haste makes waste, and pushing too hard will make the other party let go. If you are alert, you will lose more than you gain.

After all, George Kevin is not an ordinary foreigner. He can act as a middleman for the Japanese. Even if he has not undergone special training, he at least has some experience. Moreover, this person is very vigilant and answers questions very cautiously. If you are careful, he may see the flaw.

Is this the end?

Mr. George, there is a time limit for the meeting, and my lawyer consultation fee is also calculated based on time. Luo Yao began to pack his things and prepare to leave.

Lawyer William, can you bring me a message?

You said I can help you, I will try my best to help you. My job is to serve the client. Luo Yao smiled slightly and nodded.

Tell Boss Yang of Qingxin Tea House for me that the batch of tea he asked me to order may not be available for the time being. George Kevin said.

Okay, I'll bring this to you. Luo Yao nodded.

Thank you, Attorney William.

I hope that when I see you again, I will be going through your bail procedures. Luo Yao stood up and said, rather than in this dark, hot, humid place.

George Kevin smiled unnaturally and said nothing.

It's time, the meeting is over! Deng Yi pushed the door open and looked at the two of them expressionlessly. Two policemen came behind him and escorted George Kevin away.

Monitoring room.

Luo Yao came in with his briefcase and immediately took off his suit. His vest was soaked through. Shen Yu quickly handed him a glass of water.

Gudong, Gudong, it’s gone in two mouthfuls.

How is it, Sixth Brother, did you hear it? Luo Yao let out a long sigh of relief and asked Shen Yu.

Shen Yu gave Luo Yao a thumbs up: You Ning, I really have you, but why didn't you just pursue the victory? Maybe this George Kevin told the truth.

You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. This George Kevin is not a simple person. He is cautious and cautious. He will not tell the truth all at once, and what he says now is all beneficial to himself, because he I still don’t believe how much definite evidence we have about him, he is gambling!” Luo Yao said.

But apart from the two witnesses of Osborne and Miss Xu Zhen, we don't have any other favorable evidence yet?

Isn't there another one?


Boss Yang of Qingxin Teahouse. Luo Yao smiled slightly.

Yes, this George Kevin asked you to bring him a message to Boss Yang of Qingxin Tea House. It is obvious that he has intentions. Shen Yu nodded.

In the words he asked me to bring, he said that the batch of tea he ordered would not arrive for the time being. It was probably a code word. The tea probably refers to Consultant Osborne. If the goods cannot arrive, it means that the kidnapping has failed. He cannot possibly know about the kidnapping. The operation failed, and information about our rescue operation was strictly blocked from the outside world. Luo Yao took two steps back and forth, analyzing while saying.

Will you ask this person named Yang to check whether Osborne has been kidnapped?

But even if Yang is verified, does he have a chance to pass the news to himself? Is George Kevin confused?

If he is not confused, doesn't he still have me as a lawyer? Boss Yang can see me, but I, the lawyer, can see him. Luo Yao.

Is he using me to convey information to him, understand what is going on outside, and decide whether or not to say something, or how much to say?

If this guy wasn't a spy, I wouldn't believe him if he were beaten to death. Deng Yi asserted.

Wash the clothes for me, iron them, and get me the authorization letter from the British Embassy and all the legal documents. This time we caught him off guard. Next, he came to his senses. , will definitely be more cautious. Luo Yao told Deng Yi.

Yes, Deputy Director Luo, I will definitely handle it for you. Deng Yi nodded quickly and agreed.

How long can we hold him hostage?

For up to forty-eight hours, if there is no definite evidence to arrest him, we can only release him. Shen Yu said, Of course, if Advisor Osborne comes forward to accuse, he can be arrested at any time, but Advisor Osborne's identity is sensitive. He Once you come forward, your identity will be completely exposed.

This was Luo Yao's headache. Dai Yunong didn't want Osborne's identity to be exposed so quickly, mainly to estimate the reaction of the United States.

If we can catch the driver Momotaro, everything will be easier. Luo Yao said, Of course, it would be better if Kuroki Yi speaks.

The driver Momotaro was arranged by George Kevin for Osborne, and he was the direct person who kidnapped him. In this way, no matter how George Kevin said that he was innocent and ignorant, he could not escape the involvement. At least he could extend his The detention time and even the arrest are justified.

This person probably doesn't know that their operation failed. Can we just wait and see? Shen Yu suggested.

This is a good idea. I want to go to the wooden house in the ravine again. Is there any place where I left it? Luo Yao agreed very much.

I'll make arrangements. Shen Yu said immediately. When it comes to arresting people, he is professional.

How is Kuromu Yi's interrogation going? Luo Yao asked.

Deng Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Deng Ke, do your people speak Japanese?

This... Shen Yu and Deng Yi looked at each other. They could only say a few simple words, but if they communicated directly and could even speak as well as the Japanese, that would not be possible.

There are not many people from China studying in Japan, but compared to such a big country, it is still not enough, especially in some special occupations.

Those who engage in preliminary interrogation belong to this special profession, but the interrogators we face now are Japanese spies, and not all spies can speak Chinese.

Let me call Su Li over temporarily. His Japanese is very good. He can just cooperate with your case? Luo Yao thought for a moment. Gong Hui had a leg injury and was definitely not suitable for running around. Cao Hui could temporarily participate in the operation as time goes by. No, the security of the veterinary station cannot be separated from him.

Although Xia Fei is smart, he is still young and not mature enough to do things properly.

Okay, the people you train there are almost there, and his work is not that heavy anymore. You can consider changing his position. Shen Yu still had a lot of contact with Su Li. He went to select people and gave lectures. , I have dealt with this person before.

Director, Deputy Director Luo, it's lunch time. The two officers would like to give Deng Yi some face and have dinner together? Deng Yi interjected.

You Ning, what do you think?

Brother Six, Section Chief Deng has already spoken. I'm hungry too. I'd rather obey your orders than to be respectful. How about after dinner, let's go to the South Bank again? Luo Yao said. He probably won't be able to go back today.

Deng Yi, you go and make arrangements. It's just us. Don't make too many dishes. We have something to do in the afternoon, so we won't drink. Shen Zui said with a wave of his hand.

I'll make a call.

Luo Yao called Gong Hui directly, asked about the situation at home, and asked Gong Hui to call Su Li over.

When Su Li received the notice, he had no idea what was going on, but with orders from above, he packed up and quickly asked someone from the station to send a car to take him there.

Su Li came over just in time to have dinner.

The four of them had a simple lunch. During the meal, Luo Yao also briefly introduced the Osborne kidnapping case to Su Li, allowing him to get into the role as quickly as possible.

Su Li was not stupid. He borrowed wine to talk to Shen Yu a few days ago. Within a few days, he was called over. It was obviously Shen Yu who had told Luo Yao.

Su Li, I'll leave Hei Muyi's interrogation to you. Luo Yao solemnly ordered.

Webmaster and Director Shen, please rest assured that Su Li will do his best. Su Li was very excited. This was an opportunity to prove his ability. He must seize it, otherwise he doesn't know where the next opportunity will be.

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