The secret war is silent

Chapter 324: Sit back and wait.

Before Luo Yao and others could go to the hidden ravine in Tushan on the south bank, he and Shen Yu were called by Boss Dai to go to No. 51 Zengjiayan.

Dai Gongguan.

The person who received them was secretary Wang Hanguang, whom Luo Yao met.

Brother Han Guang, is Director Dai in a good mood?

Wang Hanguang shook his head, meaning that it was inconvenient for him to say more.

Luo Yao immediately understood and cast a grateful look. I am afraid that today's test will not be so easy. I can't hide anyway, so I might as well face it calmly.

On the coffee table in the living room.

More than a dozen newspapers were lined up and placed in front of the two of them.

Have you two had lunch?

have eaten.

After eating, let's take a good look at these newspapers. What are they talking about? Dai Yunong's face was as dark as water, and he was obviously in a very bad mood.

Luo Yao leaned over and took out a copy. He looked up and saw that it was Shancheng Daily. It was a local newspaper. Although it was not in the most conspicuous place on the page, he also saw a piece of news on the best page. The military commander was at the airport. A foreigner named George Kevin was detained on trumped-up charges. The military commander's spies' practice of arresting people indiscriminately has long been common, and the people in the mountain city have long been disgusted by this.

This is clearly a left-wing newspaper.

You don’t need to read the following articles. Most of them are critical. There are even commentaries saying that this is China’s retaliation for the recent peace and appeasement treaty signed between Britain and Japan. It is wrong to vent this anger on innocent British expatriates. Disgraceful behavior and so on.

Obviously, if you can think of this, there must be someone behind the scenes.

Of course, there are also objective reports.

Luo Yao turned to a copy of Xinhua Daily. Although the Communist Party's official newspaper also reported the news, it did not immediately condemn the military commander's behavior. Instead, he analyzed it very objectively and said that the government has never dared to offend foreigners. Why? He might do such a stupid thing at this time. Dai Yunong is the old man's hawk. The old man has always been pro-British and American, not to mention that the government now relies heavily on Western aid.

At this time, no matter how great the humiliation is, we must endure it. We will definitely not make such provocations or even revenge. There must be something inside.

What if this George Kevin really committed a crime?

Are there still few foreigners committing crimes in China? How many of them have been punished by law?

It would be a good thing if we could start with this George Kevin...

The article was really well written, and Luo Yao couldn't help but praise it in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face, and even showed disgust.

The words of these communists are so unpleasant. They only analyze the case. They humiliate you, the director, on top. This is simply intolerable!

Boss Dai, the British are clearly using public opinion to put pressure on us. There must be someone behind this. Shen Yu also looked through a few newspapers and said with a sad face.

I called you here to ask you what to do next? Dai Yunong said, Many of these newspapers are not under our supervision. Once the higher authorities ask, how should we answer?

Director, the students have a suggestion. We might as well hold a press conference to announce and clarify some facts to relieve public doubts. Luo Yao thought for a moment, On the British side, we can reveal more to them secretly. The inside story, of course, is that the news that Osborne has been rescued cannot be announced to the outside world, and it can be said that he is missing.

Is this feasible? Dai Yunong frowned slightly, he really hadn't thought about this.

You don't have to come forward to respond to this press conference. It's enough for Deputy Director Shen to come forward. He went to the airport to detain the person, and he should respond. Luo Yao suggested, What should be said? It shouldn’t be said that we can control it. If reporters are allowed to make random assumptions and spread rumors in newspapers, things will get worse. Also, our own public opinion must also keep up, and don’t be led by others. Walk.

Well, Boss Dai, I think what You Ning said makes sense. Our initiative cannot be led by others. Dai Yunong nodded slightly, and his eyebrows stretched involuntarily.

When will this press conference be held, and where will it be held? Dai Yunong was a little moved after hearing this, and felt that this method was indeed a good one.

I think the sooner the better, preferably tomorrow morning. The location can be the Shancheng Hotel, which is where the crime happened. Luo Yaodao, Moreover, we can also use this press conference to make a mistake for our opponents. The information made him mistakenly believe that their operation was successful, confusing them and buying time for us to arrest the driver who survived.

What's the meaning?

I analyzed it with Deputy Director Shen and found that our rescue operation has not been leaked yet. The Japanese ninja team only has one contact person named Momotaro. He should have left after delivering the people, and what happened next He didn't know anything about it, and once the news of Advisor Osborne's rescue is announced, the other party will definitely be alert, and Momotaro will not go back again.

Are you trying to use the stupidest method and just wait and see? Dai Yunong understood what Luo Yao was thinking.

Yes, if this Momotaro can be captured and brought to justice, then George Kevin's mouth will be easily pried open, and the intelligence of the Japanese spy Kitagawa can be learned from this Momotaro's mouth, killing two birds with one stone. Luo Yaodao.

Deputy Director Luo met with George Kevin this morning, pretending to be a lawyer entrusted by the British Embassy, ​​and got out a lot of useful information. Next, as long as we go according to our plans, this George Kevin's The true identity should be revealed. Shen Yu agreed.

Is this George Kevin really a spy? Dai Yunong was also a little surprised.

Now it seems that it is 80% true. Moreover, he has been working with the Japanese for a long time. It has already started when our government decided to move the capital to Shancheng. Luo Yao answered affirmatively.

Good guy, these Japanese spies are so pervasive that even British people have been bribed to act as spies. Dai Yunong said angrily.

The British and the Japanese have always been flirting with each other. Now it's said that there are Japanese spies in the British Embassy. Even the students don't think it's surprising.

Don't talk nonsense. Such remarks are baseless and can easily cause diplomatic disputes.

I'm not an important person. Someone must believe what I say. Luo Yao smiled. He was not lying. There may not be George Kevin's associates among the staff of the British Embassy. From this time, the British Embassy Judging from their reactions, their speed and intensity were unprecedented.

If there was no one secretly pushing them, Luo Yao really didn't believe that they would be so efficient.

I'll keep an eye on the pressure from above for you first, but you have to come up with the results quickly, otherwise, I won't be able to explain it to the above. Dai Yunong said, Three days, is it enough?

Boss Dai, three days...

Director, three days is enough. Luo Yao stopped Shen Yu's words and agreed directly.

Shen Yu glared at Luo Yao, a little confused as to why he didn't buy a few more days. If he had enough time, he could do things more calmly.

Okay, I'll give you three days. After three days, I'll ask you for the results. Dai Yunong ignored the eye contact between Shen Yu and Luo Yao.

You Ning, why did you promise Boss Dai three days? Three days is too stressful. If a week doesn't work, five days is fine? Shen Yu complained as he came out of Dai's mansion and got in the car.

For us, three days, five days, and a week are all the same. Luo Yao laughed and said, If you want to catch Momotaro, just tonight or tomorrow night, it will be impossible any later.


I have observed that the supplies left in their wooden house only lasted for two days at most. They kidnapped Osborne. In addition to obtaining relevant information from Osborne for us to decipher the Japanese secret messages, they also wanted to intercept We deciphered the purpose of the progress, and even wanted it to serve the Japanese side. In other words, if they did not execute Osborne, they would definitely transfer him in the near future. Kuroki Yi's actions were all under the direction of Kitagawa. Therefore, Momotaro will most likely go to see Kuroki Yi tonight or tomorrow night to bring him supplies and convey orders. Luo Yao analyzed.

What if they have already planned it? Now that Kuromu Yi has not spoken at all, don't we know their specific plan? Shen Yu asked.

Now we can only take a gamble. Luo Yao said.

That's all. Anyway, you and I are like grasshoppers on the same rope now. It's good for you and it's good for me. Shen Yu said nonchalantly, By the way, how should I arrange the press conference tomorrow?

You can leave this kind of thing to Deng Ke. I'll also introduce you to someone and ask him to come over and help you. Luo Yao said with a smile.

Wen Zishan?

Brother Six, he is smart. He works in the International Department of the Second Division and is familiar with dealing with foreigners. Luo Yao said, With such meritorious deeds, it is natural for him to take care of his own people.

That's reasonable. We have no reason to take advantage of outsiders. Shen Yu nodded. How could he not see that Luo Yao was trying to help his brothers in a different way, or to cultivate a small team for himself.

The three of them were originally sworn brothers, and it was human nature to support each other. If they didn't even have normal favors, they either had huge ambitions, or their personalities were too weird and unkind.

Luo Yao obviously doesn't seem to be the kind of unreasonable person. If he deliberately refuses to support his sworn brothers in order to avoid being suspected by his superiors, it sounds like he is not selfish, but in the eyes of those who are selfish, Do you believe it? Definitely not, especially someone like Dai Yunong.

The military commander does not need selfless people. Being ambitious is not scary. What is scary is that you have no ambition and have no desire to climb up.

That's doubtful.

I will issue a secondment letter when I get back and second him from the second office to handle the case. If he does a good job, he will stay. Shen Yu chuckled.

No problem, as long as he is willing, I have no objection. Luo Yao chuckled. In the past, he had no ability to interfere with the whereabouts of Li Fu, Wen Zishan and others. But now it is different. As long as he does not put people under his control It can still be done by moving to a better unit.


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