The secret war is silent

Chapter 325 The codebook is obtained

Shen Yu mobilized a team of close men and horses, disguised as mountain people, to follow him and Luo Yao into the mountains. They arrived at the south bank at around two o'clock in the afternoon and did not reach their destination until four o'clock.

Luo Yao checked the traces.

No one was found to have come.

The corpses of those ninjas had been almost eaten by wild beasts in the mountains. There were jackals in the mountains, and these dead corpses just became food in their mouths.

The remaining corpses should be cleaned and buried deeply to avoid the spread of the plague. After all, the weather is too hot and it is easy to breed various bacteria. Who knows what harmful things these Japanese ninjas might carry on their bodies?

Setting up a guard post, according to Kuroki Yoshi's previous arrangement, was actually to set up a net and wait for the Japanese ninja named Momojiro to come over.

Back to the wooden house by the mountain stream again.

When I left with myself, nothing changed, except that time was tight at that time and I had to leave immediately. Although I took some important items away, there was no guarantee that nothing would be missed.

This is also the reason why Luo Yao came to the wooden house to check again.

According to normal circumstances, Kuroki Yoshi had no intention of abandoning the radio station and escaping before they found the person. In other words, if the codebook was carried by Momojiro, it would be on Kuroki Yoshi, or it might still be hidden in this wooden house. .

Just such a small wooden house can hide eight or nine people?

There is a cave not far over there. It has nine twists and turns, almost like a maze. Even eight or nine hundred people can be hidden in it, let alone eight or nine people.

Is there such a good place? Shen Yu asked in surprise, Will you take me to see it later?

Okay, no problem. Luo Yao nodded. He carefully inspected the wooden house and found no place where he could hide anything.

If the code pad was hidden, where would it be hidden?

At least it should be easy to access.

If it is so troublesome every time you use it, then there is no need. This place is so secretive, and few people enter the mountain during this season.

There are two simple wooden beds and a table, all made of native wood. This is just a shelter from the wind and rain, nothing special.

Unobstructed view.

Luo Yao raised his head and glanced at the roof beam.

This is something I didn't pay attention to at the time. These Japanese ninjas are all good at climbing, especially the ninja who was hidden in the tree and was killed by himself.

But ordinary people, if they want to climb the roof beams, they can't do it without a ladder.

Xia Fei, can you climb up the beam and have a look? Luo Yao asked Xia Fei who came with him. He knew that he would definitely not be able to climb up without the help of tools.

Xia Fei looked up and nodded.

Xia Fei jumped up lightly, used the table as a leverage, and easily grabbed the beam with both hands. Then he turned around in the air, like a kite, and easily climbed onto the beam.

Brother Yao, there's something up there.

Be careful, take the things off. Luo Yao couldn't help but be happy when he heard this, but still told Xia Fei to be careful. After all, the Japanese are very cunning. They hide things on the beams and may set traps.


Xia Fei suddenly leaned back and saw three black steel needles flying out of the beam, heading straight for his face, flying up to the roof close to his face, and shooting directly through him.

What a vicious design.

If you don't know the situation and whether you are prepared, you may be caught.

Brother Yao. Xia Fei took out a booklet and jumped down. He broke out in a cold sweat. If Luo Yao hadn't reminded him below, he would have done it the moment he opened the cover embedded in the beam. Even if he was not prepared to avoid it, he might have been injured by the poisonous needle hidden inside.

Are you okay? Luo Yao did not pick up the brochure, but asked with concern first.

It's okay. Thanks to Brother Yao for reminding me, I was prepared, otherwise I would have been in trouble. Xia Fei said quickly.

It is indeed a code book, great. Luo Yao saw the words on the cover of the booklet and was immediately overjoyed, Xiao Fei, you have made a meritorious service.

After finding the code book, Luo Yao's first purpose of coming had been achieved, and there was no need to stay in the wooden house anymore, so he led Shen Yu and his party to the cave where they found Osborne imprisoned.

The temperature inside the cave is significantly lower.

Therefore, even though it had been almost two days, the two corpses had not yet decomposed. Shen Yu asked people to come in, put them in body bags, and carried them out for deep burial.

You Ning, this cave doesn't look completely natural. Some of it is artificially dug, which should be related to ancient wars. Shen Yu said as he walked and observed the marks on the cave wall.

I didn't pay attention to these when I came here, but now it seems that it looks very much like the cave where soldiers were hidden in ancient times. Luo Yao nodded, Or it may have been dug by the common people to avoid war disasters. It's possible.

That's true. This place doesn't look like a mine. The stones are all ordinary granite and not valuable. Shen Yu nodded, agreeing with Luo Yao's judgment.

It looks quite dry here, and there is still wind. There should be vents to the outside world. This place can be fully utilized to build an arsenal to avoid Japanese bombing. Shen Yu said.

That's true. It's not far from the road at the foot of the mountain. We can build a road to extend it. There is water here, so we can build an arsenal. Luo Yao nodded.

We discovered this place. How to use it will be discussed later. The current task is to capture that Momojiro. Shen Yu said.

Brother Six, you are responsible for arresting people. I have to go back first, otherwise, I won't be able to get out of the mountain before dark. Luo Yao had no intention of continuing to watch with Shen Yu.

He has now found the codebook used by Kuroki Yi, the ninja team, to communicate with the Kondo Agency, and he has to go back immediately to verify whether it is true.

As long as he matched the deciphered message he got from the wooden house, he would know the authenticity of the code book. After writing it down, he would know whether the intercepted Kondo agency sent it to Kuroki Yoshi or Kitagawa the content of the secret message.

I'll go back with you and leave this place to them, Shen Yu said.

That's fine. Luo Yao nodded. Shen Yu's men were all elite soldiers, and some of them were trained by the Ci'en Temple.

Shen Yu's eye for picking people is ruthless, and no one with any ability can fall into his eyes.

Luo Yao also kept Xia Fei here.

The two went back to the detention center first and learned from Deng Yi about the interrogation between George Kevin and Kuroki Yi after meeting the lawyer.

After Su Li took over Heimu Yi's interrogation, Heimu Yi finally understood that the training he had received in the past was not at the same level as the torture he was receiving now.

Su Li asked people to find honey and smear it on Hei Muyi's body. Then, he found an ant nest and asked him to put it beside it. It didn't take long.

Kuromu Yi's body was covered with ants. The feeling of being eaten by thousands of ants was really sour. After screaming for an hour, Su Li had someone wash the ants off his body with water.

But Kuroki Yi was really an elite among ninjas, and he still refused to speak. Su Li had him tied up and left to explode in the sun for two hours.

Then he threw him into the ice water!

Let him truly experience what it means to be in the world of ice and fire.

After he was fished out of the ice water, Kuromu Yi was already dying. Su Li ordered the doctor to treat him with the best medicine.

After Deng Yi saw it, he was amazed, amazed and admiring him. Even the Iron Man couldn't stand it under such treatment.

Even Luo Yao was shocked when he heard Deng Yi's description. He actually didn't know much about Su Li, but his younger brother Su Jing was more familiar with him.

Su Jing is a master of action with great leadership ability.

But he didn't expect that his brother Su Li would be so skilled in torture. It was completely unexpected.

Shen Yu's eyes were filled with fire. Such a master of torture was exactly what he wanted, but he also knew that Luo Yao might not give it to him.

After all, Su Li is now a member of the Secret Translation Room.

But it doesn't matter. As long as he wants to use it, he can just say hello to Luo Yao and ask him to be seconded. There is no problem. Not every case requires a master like Su Li to take action. It just needs to be used at critical moments.

Deputy Director Shen, Station Commander, as long as you give me a little more time, I will make sure that Kuromu Yi speaks. Su Li was called over for questioning, and he patted his chest and promised.

Okay, if you can get Kuromu Yi to talk, I will give you a big credit. Shen Yu directly promised that he would lead the investigation of this case, and it would not be him who has the final say in reporting the credit when the time comes.

Su Li, I was busy the past few days and I failed to take care of you, which made you feel wronged. Luo Yao gently patted Su Li's shoulder and said.

You can't always wait for others to think about and guess some things. It's better to say it than not to say it. It won't be good if the misunderstanding becomes deeper and deeper.

Webmaster, I... Su Li suddenly felt that he was really judging a gentleman with a villain's heart. When his own beauty was in decline, Luo Yao took him in without any reason and entrusted him with important tasks. , he just saw that he was separated from the core of the 'cryptographic interpretation room', and he felt a little bit disappointed, so he complained. It was indeed inappropriate, and he was really disappointed.

I know that you want to do something and make some achievements so that others can see your excellence. I can understand it. There is nothing wrong with it. This is human nature. Luo Yao chuckled. The memory of his two lives, he You have become transparent a long time ago, and you cannot expect everyone to be the same as you.

That is impossible and cannot be done. Even if we are like-minded comrades, it is impossible for them to be completely in sync with each other. There will still be misunderstandings and quarrels between husband and wife.

Kuromuyi has a lot of secrets about Japanese spy Beichuan. Su Li, you have to pay attention and don't kill people. This is the first Japanese ninja agent captured by our military commander! Shen Yu reminded.

Yes, Su Li understands.

I took you back, but you didn't drive. Shen Yu said.

No, I can leave by myself. Besides, I have to go to Qingxin Teahouse. Luo Yao declined politely.

you alone?

Well, one person is enough. I signaled the identity of lawyer Li William to come over. There will be no danger. You can rest assured. Luo Yao nodded.

Then how do you go back?

I'll just call Cao Hui and ask him to pick me up then.

That's good, I'll send a car to take you there.

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