The secret war is silent

Chapter 326 Boss Yang has a problem

Qingxin Teahouse is located on Shibati Street, which connects the upper and lower half of the mountain city. It is one of the most lively and prosperous streets in the mountain city. It is both a street and a traffic artery.

Regardless of whether you are a dignitary or a peddler and a pawn, if you want to go to the upper half of the city, you must take these eighteen stairs.

It's strange that it's not lively here.

Even at night, there are more people here than other places. People can be seen on both sides of the street going out to cool off at any time, although Japanese planes may come and drop bombs at any time.

But it still cannot stop the people in the mountain city from loving and yearning for life.

Three or five people sat together, setting up a game of chess and a dragon gate formation. Children nearby were playing barefoot and had no idea what the hardship of life was.

There was also the big black dog that was so hot that it stuck out its tongue, lying in the shade of the yellow-horned tree, with its head pressed against the stone slab on the ground, greedily enjoying the cool air.

In summer, it gets dark relatively late. Although it is already time to turn on the lights, you can still see the road clearly without turning on the lights.

There are no rickshaws here. In addition to riding on the sliding pole, you can only walk on your own feet. At this time, the Bangbangs who have been tired for a day have almost gone home to eat and rest.

Everyone is working hard and wants to live a better life, but their labor is not in comparison with their income. They can barely afford food and clothing.

The sufferings of the people at the bottom cannot be understood by the big shots above. They drink fine wine, eat delicacies from the mountains and seas, hug women, live in debauchery, and live in intoxication.

What does he have to do with the life and death of those poor people?

Teahouses are usually closed at night, and the same goes for Qingxin Teahouse, but the boss lives in the teahouse. Boss Yang is not very old, about forty years old.

He is not from Shancheng, but is said to be from Chongqing. He has few people at home. He has come to Shancheng alone to open a teahouse for three or four years.

He is a very nice person and has a harmonious relationship with the surrounding neighbors. He has set up a free tea point for the poor Bangbang people in Shibati.

As long as Bangbang works as a coolie in Shibati, he can get it for free, and he is considered a good person with a little reputation in Shibati.

During the bombing, his teahouse was slightly damaged, but these stick men who had been favored by him helped him rebuild it without any wages.

When people near and far mention Boss Yang, they always give him thumbs up.

Such a persona.

If there is no real evidence, touching him will cause public resentment. Although it is just a good reputation, it represents the will of the people at critical moments.

No matter how ruthless and vicious the military commander is, if he offends the army of sticks and sticks in Shancheng, then the military commander's life in Shancheng will definitely be difficult.

If Boss Yang is really a traitor spy working for the Japanese, then this guy has managed such a good character, which is really impressive.

Anyway, Luo Yao has already arranged for someone to monitor Boss Yang, which is why he dared to come alone. He has a surveillance team nearby.

This group can be activated at any time.

Luo Yao is still dressed in a suit and leather shoes, but the suit he is wearing now is relatively cheap, because he only came here for a temporary micro-photo shoot.

Luo Yao changed his identity and did not use William Li's identity. Boss Yang was outside and he could check his identity at any time.

He was pretending to be an assistant lawyer at Shancheng Law Firm, an unknown young man. Even if Boss Yang wanted to verify it, it would be difficult.

Raise your hand and knock on the door.

Who is it?

Boss Yang, I have been asked to give you a message. Luo Yao shouted through the crack in the door.

After about a minute, there was a sound of footsteps inside, and then, a piece of the door panel was removed from the inside, revealing the face of a middle-aged man wearing a blue-gray robe.

The man is not tall, has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and does not look like a loyal person.

A traitor may look like a loyal person, as our ancestors have said long ago, you cannot judge people by their appearance.


Is this Qingxin Tea House?

Yes, isn't my sign hanging outside? Boss Yang pointed at the sign of his teahouse and said.

Are you Boss Yang?

It's Yang.

I am a lawyer, and I have been asked to give you a message. Luo Yao said slowly.

Sir, it turns out you're a lawyer. Please come in and talk. Upon hearing this, Boss Yang immediately put on his clothes with a kinder smile, opened the door, and let Luo Yao in.

Those who open teahouses naturally have no shortage of tea.

The water temperature in the copper pot on the stove is always over 80 degrees, which is the most suitable temperature for brewing tea. Boss Yang brews the tea himself.

You haven't asked for advice, sir?

I believe in Gu. Boss Yang just calls me Xiao Gu. Luo Yao said, making up a surname at random.

Don't dare to call me that, I'll just call you Lawyer Gu. Boss Yang said quickly, and at the same time brought a cup of brewed tea to Luo Yao, Lawyer Gu, please have some tea.


Luo Yao opened the tea cup casually and took a sip: What a fragrant tea. Is this Mingqian's tea?

Lawyer Gu has good eyesight. This is the Longjing in Mingqian. Boss Yang smiled and complimented.

I just drank it by chance. Luo Yao was just making up nonsense. How could he tell the difference between Mingqian tea and Yuqian tea? He found it out with just one try. Boss Yang is loyal on the surface, but he is also honest in his heart. He is a tactful person. You cannot say he is cunning. He is a businessman after all. How can he be so foolish as to say things that his customers don't like to hear? Luo Yao is obviously the kind of young man who looks pretentious at first glance.

This kind of person is not very broad-minded, so it is better to just follow his advice and make him happy. Anyway, no one loses anything.

After walking out of this door, who would remember whether the tea was from Mingqian or Yuqian?

Lawyer Gu hasn't said yet who asked you to deliver a message to me? Boss Yang sat down opposite Luo Yao and asked politely.

Oh, I almost forgot about the real thing. Luo Yao said hurriedly, I am also running errands for others. In fact, I am just a small assistant lawyer. I am serving Barrister Li William of Shancheng Law Firm. , he asked me to come over to you, Boss Yang, and said that it was an Englishman named George Kevin who asked him to bring you a message.

George Kevin? Boss Yang's body obviously shook slightly, his eyes became wandering, and he was obviously very shocked.

Don't you recognize Boss Yang?

No, I know him. This Mr. George Kevin used to come to my teahouse to drink tea. We became familiar with each other after going back and forth.

No wonder. Luo Yao said, We, Barrister Li William, are too busy at work, so we can only ask me to convey this sentence to you.

Lawyer Gu, tell me. Boss Yang said hurriedly.

Mr. George Kevin's original words are that the batch of tea you asked him to order may not be available for the time being. Luo Yao said slowly.

Ah? Boss Yang was stunned for a moment, but quickly recovered and said hurriedly, I asked Mr. George Kevin to help me order a batch of tea leaves from Fujian. I didn't expect that the rainy season in Fujian this year will be longer. The growth is affected, and the yield and quality may not be as good as in previous years. If there is something wrong with this product, it is not his fault.

Oh, that's it. Luo Yao nodded.

Lawyer Gu, can I ask if you can meet Mr. George Kevin? Boss Yang asked solemnly.

I don't know, but our lawyer William Li can do it. What, does Boss Yang have something to say that he needs to pass on? Luo Yao asked.

Lawyer Gu, can you help me tell Barrister Li William? The next time I see Mr. George Kevin, tell him that he is not to blame for the tea. I also learned from other dealers. I ordered a batch at the same time, it should be enough, and the deposit given to him does not need to be returned. Boss Yang said.

Okay, no problem. Luo Yao agreed, picked up the teacup and said, I'll try Boss Yang's Mingqian tea. This good tea can't be wasted.

If Lawyer Gu likes it, I'll give you two taels here, and you can take it home and drink it slowly. How about it? Boss Yang stood up in a hurry and understood.

Why is this so embarrassing? Luo Yao pretended to decline.

After a while, Boss Yang came out from behind with a tea bag in his hand and handed it to Luo Yao: Lawyer Gu, please, this tea is easily affected by moisture. You should find a better sealed tea can to store it after you go back. stand up.

I got it, Boss Yang, see you later. Luo Yao reached out to take it, weighed it, and said with great satisfaction.

You walk slowly, I will see you off.

After sending Luo Yao out, he closed the door and returned to where Luo Yao was sitting. He stared at the tea cup on the table. The kind boss Yang's face was as gloomy as a black curtain.

He suddenly grabbed the tea cup on the table and threw it to the ground.


With a crisp sound, the fine blue and white porcelain teacup broke into pieces, and the golden tea soup and tea leaves spilled out, still steaming.

Luo Yao, who had already gone seven or eight meters away, heard this crisp sound, turned around, glanced in the direction of Qingxin Tea House, and showed a sneer.

There is indeed something wrong with this guy named Yang.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening when Luo Yao returned to the Ci'en Temple complex. He was very hungry and was about to go back to get some food to fill his stomach.

You haven't eaten yet. I made you noodles and fried two poached eggs. Gong Hui limped and brought a bowl of noodles to Luo Yao.

Thank you, did you make it? Luo Yao didn't refuse, took it and ate it.

Brother Six called and said that you were back, but I stopped by Qingxin Tea House to do some business. I guessed that you wouldn't eat out, so I waited for you to come back. Gong Hui explained,

What if I eat it outside? Luo Yao asked after swallowing.

Then I'll eat it as a midnight snack, and it won't be wasted. Gong Huiqing hummed.

Haha, you can eat so much. Luo Yao chuckled, By the way, did Osborne come to work today?

No, I should rest at home.

No one in the station knows about Osborne's kidnapping, right?

No, I didn't tell anyone. I also told Cao Hui, so he probably won't tell anyone. This can easily affect everyone's work morale. Gong Hui said.

Very good, continue to block the news for two or three days, and let Osborne rest at home for two more days. Due to the hot weather, he suffered from heatstroke and diarrhea. Luo Yao nodded.

okay, I get it.

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