The secret war is silent

Chapter 327 Speaking

After eating a large bowl of noodles, Luo Yao patted his belly with satisfaction, went out, washed the dishes and chopsticks with water, and handed them back to Gong Hui.

how do you feel?

It doesn't hurt that much anymore. Sister-in-law Six came over and changed my dressing. She said the wound was treated well and I recovered well. Gong Hui nodded.

It's only been a day, how can you tell?

At least the wound no longer oozes pus, which means the inflammation has stopped.

Lao Lin's medicine is still effective, but unfortunately, the output is too small and cannot be applied on a large scale. Luo Yao said with some regret.

This is someone else's food guy. Are you still thinking of confiscating it?

Good medicine can't be used to cure diseases. Doctors are kind-hearted. You think too narrowly of Lao Lin. The reason why he refused to take it out is because he didn't meet the right person. Luo Yao retorted, That's right. , I forgot about the real thing.

Thinking of the code book he brought back, Luo Yao hurried out.

Are you still going to the mansion?

Well, if something happens, I'll tell you about the case when I get back. Luo Yao ran away without looking back.

Lao Chi, look at this. Luo Yao took out the code book he found and waved it in front of Chi An, as if offering a treasure, and said with a chuckle.

Chi An was surprised and said, Where did the codebook come from?

Today I went back to the wooden house in the ravine and found it in the secret room of the beam. This little devil is really good at hiding things. If you don't look carefully, you won't find it. Luo Yao gently patted the code pad on Chi An. on the desk.

I'll verify it right away. Chi An opened the drawer as if he had found a treasure, and took out the translated message that Luo Yao had brought back.

This is still a shift encryption. Even if the code book is seized, it may not be possible to decipher the code. The Japanese are really careful. After about ten minutes, Chi An put down his pencil and exclaimed.


Webmaster, look at it, it's almost certain that this is a Chinese coded message. Comparing the four digits, the code book doesn't match up at all. Once seized, it's very likely that the code book is fake. In fact, Otherwise, the sending and receiving parties have agreed on a method. A set of numbers represents a Chinese character. How much is subtracted or added from the first number of each number. Finally, the real secret code is found. This secret code is then used to compare and search the code book. This is the real message, what is copied above is the original message, and what is below is translated according to the real secret code after shifting. Chi An explained.

Lao Chi, your deciphering speed is fast enough. How come you thought of it so quickly? Luo Yao was surprised.

It's nothing, I've seen a lot, practice makes perfect. Chi An adjusted his glasses, smiled, and said without being modest at all.

Okay, I'll leave the code book here with you. If Xueren intercepts it, decipher it immediately. No matter what time, as long as I am in the station, notify me as soon as possible. Luo Yao ordered.

Okay, I get it.

Get busy, but don't be too late. If there's nothing particularly important, go back early to spend time with your sister-in-law and children. How long has it been since you last seen the children? Luo Yao asked.

I understand, Station Master.

Wen Xueren was not in the radio room, but through the glass, Luo Yao could see the reassembled radio station on the workbench in his room.

The signal is good at night, and most less important secret telegraph communications are carried out at night. Therefore, the work in the radio room is busiest at night, especially from 8 o'clock to 2 o'clock in the morning, when radio waves are most active.

Many underground secret radio stations also like to come out at this time. It feels like a brothel opening its doors at night to receive customers.

Not all intercepted messages may be useful. It would be good if only 10% of them can be deciphered. The useful information in them is only about 1%.

For this one percent of information, the manpower and material resources required are quite huge, but this investment and effort are worth it.

Because a very simple message may be related to the victory or defeat of a battle, the victory or defeat of a battle, the life and death of thousands of people, or even the rise and fall of a country.

Compared with this, what is this little investment?

Brother Luo. That's what Chen Zerong could call him in the secret translation room. She was Li Fu's wife, and Li Fu was Luo Yao's sworn brother.

This is something everyone knows and is not a secret.

Are the younger siblings on duty in the radio station today? Luo Yao subconsciously wanted to leave. It wasn't that he was afraid of Chen Zerong, or that he was afraid of being gossiped about.

Chen Zerong is his subordinate. It is normal for the boss to meet, talk and communicate with his subordinates normally. However, he has something in his heart. After all, what Li Fu is doing outside is not fair to Chen Zerong. Especially when he hid it from her.

Brother Luo, Li Fu hasn't come to see me for several days. I wonder if I can take a leave to see him? Chen Zerong asked with some anxiety.

Although she is Li Fu's wife and she and Luo Yao are classmates, there is a big gap in status between her and her. She is very satisfied to be transferred to the mountain city to work, and she does not expect to be together every day.

You want to ask for leave to go out? Luo Yao was embarrassed. According to the rules, there was no problem for Chen Zerong to ask for leave.

Well, it's been two months since I started working in the secret interpretation room, and I haven't gone out once. I want to go out to visit the mountain city, buy some things on the way, and then go see Li Fu.

you alone?


You've never gone out alone, so I'm afraid you're not familiar with the road. So, if you're not sure, I'd better ask Li Fu to come over and accompany you out, Luo Yao said.

Does he have time?

If he doesn't have time, I will tie him up. Luo Yao said, Don't worry, I'll call him.

Thank you, Brother Luo.

Thank you for nothing, my family.

It's true that Li Fu hasn't been here for a while. No wonder Chen Zerong misses this guy. He has been in Wenrou Township for a long time and has forgotten who he is.

It shouldn't be, Li Fu still understands it and is very principled.

The radio room is very busy, and Luo Yao doesn't want his appearance to disrupt the work of these people. In fact, listening to telegrams every day is extremely boring work. People who can't stand loneliness will not be qualified for this job.

Women are docile, patient, and attentive, and are most suitable for this job. Just like the profession of nurse, careless men are far inferior to careful and gentle women who can take care of patients.

Today's radio room is more than double the size when the secret research team was there. It has more than 40 express machines of various types and more than 60 people. It is the largest department in the secret interpretation room.

After this group of newcomers completes their special training, the size of the radio room will be increased, and a batch of radio stations and listening equipment will be purchased.

This is probably after moving to a new location.

The construction and renovation of the new site have already started. The place is several times larger than it is now. Luo Yao has almost taken down the entire factory area.

Then we will re-plan and design based on the original ones, optimize the use of the original buildings, and build more functional areas at the same time.

It is expected that it will be completed by the end of the year. By then, the code interpretation room may be the largest internal support organization besides the headquarters of the Military Command Bureau. It will have more people and be larger than the current Telecommunications Department.

By then, there will be hundreds of devices working at the same time, capable of simultaneously detecting the Japanese army, navy, aviation and diplomatic secret messages, while also taking into account the secret message communication between various domestic ministries.

If this goal can be achieved, the size and volume of the secret interpretation room will be twice that of the secret inspection office.

This was built by Luo Yao, and it looks very fulfilling.

This is probably the Chinese version of the black room.

Deputy Director Luo?

Deputy Director Chen, it's so late, haven't you gotten off work yet? Luo Yao was a little surprised when he suddenly saw Chen Zuxun in the corridor. He was not a technical officer, but a political worker. He went to and from get off work on time every day. Use a magnifying glass to observe the staff in the code room.

There is also how to figure out how to deal with people.

Luo Yao didn't want to see this Deputy Director Chen, but he couldn't ignore it.

I've been waiting for you, Deputy Director Luo. Chen Zuxun said.

Wait for me, what are you waiting for me to do?

Deputy Director Luo is not at the station today. I can only use this method, otherwise how can I see you? Chen Zuxun's tone was quite dissatisfied.

Oh, I'm quite busy these days, so I may not be at the station during the day. If Deputy Director Chen has something to do, he can directly contact Deputy Station Director Gong or Section Chief Qi?

Deputy Director Luo, I can only turn to you for this matter. Chen Zuxun said.

Okay, Deputy Director Chen, come to the office with me and talk. Luo Yao had no choice but to invite Chen Zuxun to his office.

CP unit, Deputy Director Chen means to set up a separate CP unit in the research and translation room. Is this necessary? Luo Yao frowned slightly after listening to Chen Zuxun's suggestion.

Deputy Director Luo, this is quite necessary. When I was in the research office, there was a department dedicated to detecting and studying the secret communications of the Eighth Office of the Mountain City and the underground party. I think our code interpretation room also needs to set up such a department. Boss Dai has been They all emphasized that the Communist Party is our most serious concern and we must pay enough attention to it. Deputy Director Luo, do you really think there will be real cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party? Chen Zuxun asked solemnly.

Of course, since it is necessary, I have no objection to its establishment. However, the personnel composition and resource allocation cannot be compared with the current deciphering of secret communications with Japan. Deputy Director Chen, you have to understand this. Luo Yao knew that he couldn't stop this. If he stopped him forcefully, it would have the opposite effect.

Dai Yunong would say at every meeting that the Communist Party is a serious threat and asked all military commanders to be vigilant and not be soft on the Communist Party.

Of course, since Deputy Director Luo agrees, let's submit our names to the bureau headquarters for approval, right? Chen Zuxun said directly.

Luo Yao did not hesitate, picked up the pen and signed his name on it.

Deputy Director Luo, take a rest early and say goodbye. Chen Zuxun put away the documents, smiled proudly, and left Shi Shiran.

This round, he had the upper hand.

For Luo Yao, he has been mentally prepared for this kind of thing for a long time. What should come will come sooner or later, as long as he is in this position.

From his own standpoint, he felt quite uncomfortable when encountering such a thing. No wonder a comprador party that only knew how to fight for power and was rife with internal strife would eventually retreat to an island to survive.

These small actions had little impact on the work of the Secret Translation Room. Luo Yao had no intention of going back to rest for a while, so he started working in the office.

It's quiet at night.

Suddenly, the phone on the table rang.

Hey, it's me, are you sure? Luo Yao answered the phone, suddenly stood up, beaming with joy, and punched the table hard, Great, we will conduct a surprise trial immediately, we must know in his mind Take out everything!

Kuroki Yi couldn't bear the call from Deng Yi and spoke.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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