The secret war is silent

Chapter 330: Deceiving the Japanese Army to Airdrop Supplies

Shen Yu shook his head. There was nothing he could do about Luo Yao's disrespectful words. Who told them not to deal with them in the temporary training class?

Tao Yishan is the captain.

But he always acted like a teacher to others, trying to gain the prestige of the old-school soldiers, embezzling public funds, and gambling, which affected the atmosphere of the special training class.

Not many students respect such a captain.

Let me tell you, he will always give me a point for my face. Shen Yu said with a bitter smile.

Sixth brother takes action, of course there is no problem. Luo Yao chuckled. Although he also held a position in the inspection office, he had not even been to the inspection office for a whole day.

Director Tao probably didn't even know he had someone like him under his command.

It's okay if he doesn't know, it saves him the chance to remember and put on some small shoes for himself.

Although Luo Yao planned to show off this George Kevin, the detention center still conducted his routine interrogation as usual. The problems were just the same, over and over again.

Once in the morning, again in the afternoon, and again in the evening before going to bed!


Under Luo Yao's instructions, Deng Yi arranged for George Kevin to meet the arrested Mojiro Iwasato. When this guy saw Mojiro Iwasato, although the panic in his eyes was quickly concealed, the panic in his eyes was still there. It cannot be covered up.

Luo Yao couldn't see it, but from Deng Yi's description, it was basically certain that George Kevin was deeply involved in Osborne's kidnapping case.

Osborne's accusation was circumstantial and doubtful, and could not convict George Kevin, but the same could not be said for Mojiro Iwasato.

His accusation directly established that George Kevin was involved in the kidnapping, or at least an accomplice.

Momojiro Iwasato also confirmed the identity of George Kevin.

The evidence is there.

In the afternoon of that day, Shen Yu arranged for Momojiro Iwasato to return to his home in Shancheng Lane, hung a bamboo basket on the wall at the door, and then sent him to work at the Military Service Club.

For the sake of caution, no one was sent to follow, but people were placed in the military service agency.

No one knows if there are any Japanese spies in this military service agency. If someone is seen getting close to Momojiro Iwasato, the entrapment plan will be exposed.

At the same time, someone was ordered to monitor the phone calls of the Military Service Society.

When it was almost time to get off work, a call came in, asking for Han Xianglin. Han Xianglin was really Momojiro Iwasato in disguise.

Tomorrow noon, twelve o'clock, the same place.

It was a very short sentence, only ten words in total. After saying that, the other party hung up the phone, even if Shen Yu later traced the line from the telephone company through the telephone company.

I only found a public phone on Duyou Street, the busiest downtown area in the mountain city.

This place used to have a lot of traffic, and there were many shops nearby. There was a lot of traffic, and people of all kinds came and went intensively. We found a store that operated a public phone.

The other party doesn't remember who the caller looks like, because there are too many people calling his number every day.

Even at night, there are many businesses coming to the door.

Of course, the impression is still there. He wears a gray cloth gown and a straw hat. He has gray hair on the temples. He looks quite old and has a slight hunchback, but he walks quite fast and pays generously.

No matter how much you tell your boss, they won’t remember it.

The other party is an extremely cautious person and basically doesn't give you any clues to follow up.

Later, Momojiro Iwasato was taken back to the detention center.

Are you sure that the voice on the phone is the Beichuan you have seen? Luo Yao was very concerned about trapping Beichuan.

In addition to coming for Osborne, this guy is also very likely coming for him, although there is no definite information to confirm this.

But at the Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong, it was he and Gong Hui who killed three Japanese agents Yanagawa Jinxiong. Yanagawa was Kitagawa's fellow junior.

Then it is highly likely that senior brother will avenge his junior brother.

This is a safety hazard and must be eliminated.

I'm not sure, but the sound is very similar. Momojiro Iwasato thought for a while and said.

Tomorrow at 12 noon, Starry Coffee, do you know how to make it?


Okay, take the people down.

Did you agree to establish Chen Zuxun's CP stock? In the evening, when they returned to Ci'en Temple, Gong Hui came over and asked him.

Well, if he wants to do it, let him do it, as long as it doesn't affect other aspects of work. Luo Yao said.

Once this scandal is opened, I'm afraid this person surnamed Chen will cause trouble next? Gong Hui dislikes Chen Zuxun very much. The establishment of a CP stock is not her focus, but if Luo Yao's power is taken away, she will No longer willing.

Okay, the personnel and financial rights are in our hands. He can't make any waves. Just find someone to go in and watch.

Well, my leg injury won't heal for a while. I want Jiang Xiaoyu to be transferred from training to me in advance? Gong Hui said.

Okay, let her get familiar with the work and run errands for you.

She's your former colleague. Aren't you embarrassed to see her? Gong Hui blinked at Luo Yao and asked.

Either we are colleagues now, we just have different identities. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Luo Yao chuckled and made an understatement.

Gong Hui said nothing.

Okay, Xiaohui, give me another bowl of noodles. I haven't eaten yet.

It's so late, Sixth Brother doesn't care about food, isn't he too stingy? Gong Hui's eyes showed a cheerful smile.

He has something to do tonight.

Xueren, can the captured radio still work?

Yes, webmaster? Wen Xueren heard this and responded directly, Do you want to use it?

Send me a telegram, just use the frequency we captured before. Luo Yao handed over the draft telegram and said, Be careful, don't go too fast, just send and receive at normal speed.

Understood. Wen Xueren nodded. This telegram should be sent to Japan. It should be a deceptive telegram.

As for what the content was, he didn't want to ask more. The more he knew, the more it would do him no good.

For Luo Yao, if he didn't use them to do something after seizing the enemy's code book and radio station, he would be really sorry for himself.

It is obviously impossible to continue to deceive using radio stations and code books. The Japanese are not fools. Once or twice may be okay.

Once you notice something is wrong, you will immediately become alert.

It is more difficult to get Yoshi Kuroki and Momojiro Iwasato to cooperate in deceiving the Kondo organization, because they are both led by Kitagawa.

Beichuan cannot be deceived unless he is caught.

Since he couldn't be deceived, he wouldn't feel comfortable unless he got something from the Japanese, so he sent back a telegram requesting a supply airdrop.

The general idea is that the mission of kidnapping Osborne has been completed, but to leave the mountain town and retreat safely, some supplies and money for the road are needed.

Naturally, some words cannot be said so obviously, but as an intelligence agency, you can understand them at a glance.


After this telegram was sent, less than ten minutes later, a reply came.

After copying.

Leave it to Chi An to translate.

Soon, the content of the telegram came out: Tomorrow night at 7:30, we will have a bonfire as a guide.

It's done, I've made a fortune with this vote. Luo Yao took the message and laughed happily. You know, in the message just now, he listed at least two micro radio stations, 100,000 French currency (to buy road money), and weapons There are equipment and various supplies, which is probably what a combat squad needs for a week's combat.

This is of course a considerable amount of wealth. It belongs entirely to the small treasury of the Secret Translation Room and has nothing to do with the funds issued from above.

I stopped staying up late and went back to have a pleasant sleep. I woke up early the next morning and called Cao Hui to me. He whispered instructions and asked him to lead people quietly to the ravine. At seven o'clock in the evening, he lit a fire. Build a bonfire and guide the Japanese transport planes in the sky to airdrop.

When he heard that he was being tricked into airdropping supplies to him, Cao Hui was so excited that he immediately selected elite soldiers and generals, took fire starters and set off.

After the brief morning meeting, Luo Yao drove to the detention center of Shancheng Police Station. Today he was supposed to meet with George Kevin again.

After letting him dry for two days, it was almost time.

There is no need to let it dry any longer.

In the same interview room, George Kevin was escorted in by two prison guards. This time, he was no longer free. His hands were wearing orange handcuffs, his hair was as messy as a chicken coop, and he exuded a The smell is sour, very strong.

Body odor is really a difficult problem for Europeans and Americans with well-developed sweat glands.

Chief Deng, I protest on behalf of my client, Mr. George Kevin! Luo Yao suddenly faced Deng Yi and made an angry voice.

Deng Yi was startled by this terrible sound. Wasn't this mentioned in the script?

Even if my client is guilty, he should have the most basic human rights. You shouldn't even deny him the right to take a shower and change clothes every day, right? Luo Yao pointed at George Kevin and asked.

This is indeed an oversight on our part, Lawyer Li. Why don't we ask Mr. George Kevin to take a bath first and change into clean clothes before coming back? Deng Yi said hurriedly.

I hope it doesn't take up the time of our meeting. Luo Yao snorted coldly.


George Kevin cast a grateful look at Luo Yao, and then was taken out by two prison guards, took a shower, put on a set of clean clothes, and was escorted in again.

The meeting lasts half an hour. I hope you two can finish what you need to say. I'm afraid we won't have this opportunity in the future. Deng Yi warned, closed the door and retreated.

Thank you just now, Lawyer William Li. George Kevin said gratefully, Do you know what kind of life I have been living these two days?

Mr. George Kevin, something has changed today, so I have to see you and ask you something. I hope you can explain it to me truthfully. Luo Yao took out three newspapers from his briefcase. Put it in front of George Kevin, Take a look. These are yesterday's newspapers from the mountain city. I have selected three representative ones. You can take a look.

George Kevin picked up one of the newspapers with a puzzled expression, glanced at it, and his face changed, becoming nervous and pale.

This was what he feared most, and it finally happened.

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