The secret war is silent

Chapter 331 Coward

This is impossible, this is slander, false accusation... George Kevin crumpled the newspaper into a ball angrily, feeling a little out of control.

Mr. George Kevin, please calm down. If you are like this, we can't talk. Luo Yaoyi stretched out his hand and persuaded in a non-contact way.

Lawyer William Li, can you help me publish a statement in the newspaper? I want to refute the remarks in the newspaper? George Kevin said.

You want to make a statement?


You know, if you deny these accusations, you must have evidence. Luo Yao said calmly and objectively, Also, you must give me a letter of authorization and prove that you authorized me to issue the statement on your behalf. It has nothing to do with me.

The evidence is that Mr. Osborne and I are good friends at all. I introduced his current girlfriend. I am about to leave the mountain city and invite him to my last dinner in the mountain city. How could I kidnap him? George Kevin said.

Luo Yao stared at George Kevin quietly without speaking.

What's wrong, Lawyer William Li, did I say something wrong? George Kevin asked.

Mr. George Kevin, you know that these reports only mentioned that you were suspected of kidnapping and acting as a spy, but they never mentioned who the person you were suspected of kidnapping was. The police in these mountain towns kept it secret on the grounds that the case was under investigation. Well, the identity of the kidnapper is even more tightly sealed? Luo Yao said slowly.

When George Kevin heard this, his face turned pale as a sheet. If he was innocent, he should not know who was kidnapped.

Who understands this simple truth?

And now, he actually said the name of the kidnapper in one breath. What does this mean? He knows who the kidnapped person is. No matter what his identity is in the case, he, an insider, cannot escape.

Mr. George Kevin, I am your lawyer. It doesn't matter what you say to me, but if you say it to the police or to the judge in court, do you know what the consequences will be? Luo Yaozhen I completely put myself into the role of a lawyer.

Lawyer William Li, you can definitely help me, right? George Kevin was now like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, completely regarding Luo Yao as his biggest support.

If you don't tell the truth, how can I help you?


Mr. George Kevin, when I came here, Section Chief Deng told me that the document approving your arrest has been signed. In other words, they have evidence of your exact participation in the kidnapping case. You understand, this What will be the consequences for you? Luo Yao pressed again.

What, arrest? George Kevin said, Aren't you under investigation?

They put handcuffs on you, which means they have identified you as a criminal suspect. I'm afraid you won't be able to leave here in a short time. William Li shook his head slightly.

Why, weren't you the lawyer hired by the embassy? George Kevin asked, You must have a way to get me out of this damn place.

Mr. George Kevin, if you don't tell me the truth, how can I help you? Luo Yao spread his hands and said helplessly.

You need money, right? I have money, I have a lot of money. As long as you can help me get out, I can give you a lot of money?

This is not a matter of money. Your case is not led by the police, but by the military. Who in Shancheng doesn't know what this agency does? Luo Yaodao said, Your case has attracted public attention at home and abroad, and they will not change their ways easily. Yes, you have to be prepared.

Fuck, isn't there a way for me to get out of here as soon as possible? George Kevin asked.

Yes, as long as there is evidence that proves that you have nothing to do with this case. Luo Yao answered with certainty.

What evidence?

I don't know the details of the matter, how can I help you find evidence? Luo Yao laughed, leaning forward slightly, crossing his hands on his chest and supporting his elbows on the table.

Can you let me think about it?

Mr. George Kevin, I have to remind you that our meeting only lasts for half an hour. If it exceeds this time, they will drive me away. Luo Yaodao, Since you are in custody, they will not let me go at will. I’ve seen you, and are you likely to be treated inhumanely?”

Inhuman treatment?

It's not like he hasn't seen anything like this in the past two days in the detention center. Even at night, he was awakened by the screams of prisoners being tortured. He was in such a horrible state now. In addition to not being able to eat well or sleep well, he also had other symptoms. Huge mental pressure.

The profession of spy is not something that just anyone can do.

He somewhat regretted entering this industry, even though it brought him an unexpected sense of accomplishment and wealth.

If he had to exchange his freedom or life for the rest of his life, he would never make that choice.

Luo Yao was patient when dealing with George Kevin. He was even prepared to visit the thatched cottage three times. This foreign devil was not one of those Japanese ninjas and spies who were brainwashed by the Bushido spirit. His willpower could not last long, and he The other party has completely believed his rhetoric.

I believe that he will soon tell you what he wants to know without any pressure from him.

Luo Yao made an action of raising his wrist to look at his watch. This action was actually nothing. The psychological hint given to George Kevin was to tell him that the time for this meeting was about to end. What you want to say must be done quickly. Otherwise, no one will know how hard you will suffer when you meet next time.

Lawyer William Li, let me tell you the truth, I really didn't know something like this would happen. George Kevin said, You know what my original German Building was for. It was nothing more than to give money to some dignitaries from mountain towns. People provide some services they want and earn some information fees from it. This is a gray business, but in China, it is almost acquiesced. One day, someone came to me and wanted me to help get acquainted. My guest is the Mr. Osborne I mentioned earlier...

George Kevin's description still avoids the important points and takes the light out of the matter, describing himself as completely unaware and being deceived.

So, you arranged that driver?

No, it was arranged by him. I thought he just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to pick Osborne up to his villa? George Kevin was evasive.

Why don't you tell Osborne directly, or invite Mr. White Fox to your banquet and introduce you to each other in person? Luo Yao said, Or, in other words, the three of you can find a place to meet in private and get to know each other. , why bother?

This... George Kevin could not explain himself.

Mr. George Kevin, not only the military commanders will not believe your statement, but even if it goes to court, the judge will not accept it. This is an insult to other people's intelligence. Luo Yaodao.

Then what do you think we should do?

Mr. George Kevin, you just have to insist that you don't know this driver and it has nothing to do with you. You just saw that Osborne was drunk and couldn't drive, so you suggested finding a driver to take him away. He is from Shancheng It's from a big hotel, Luo Yao said.

What do you mean, put all the responsibility on Shancheng Hotel?

There is no other way.

Okay, I'll do what you said. Will this allow me to leave here? George Kevin said happily.

We don't know how to ultimately convict him, but at least he can be released on bail. Luo Yao thought for a moment and said.

As long as you can get bail.

Okay, I almost understand the general situation. Just wait for a few days for my news. Luo Yao stopped talking nonsense to him, packed up his things and left.

Taking off his suit and unbuttoning his collar, Luo Yao blew hard on the fan. He was really not used to dressing like this on a hot day. I really don't understand how a lawyer could do it. He is so cruel.

Deputy Director Luo, you have tea. Deng Yi brought over a cup of herbal tea.

Luo Yao took it and drank it all in one breath: I heard it all, what do you think?

This is a confession, I guess. If we get serious, what if he doesn't admit it? Why don't you teach him how to bite him to death if he doesn't admit it?

If you have a recording, you won't be afraid that he won't admit it. You won't know what to do, right? Luo Yao chuckled and spat out the tea foam in his mouth.

Yes, yes, I will do it if you tell me to do it.

This White Fox should be a code name, or in other words, he still has reservations. It seems that the water behind him is quite deep. Luo Yao said to himself.

Deputy Director Luo, do you think this white fox is the code name of Beichuan?

It's possible. It's normal for Beichuan to use a code name to contact George Kevin to avoid exposing his identity. Luo Yao nodded.

Where's Brother Six?

This is not about taking people to Nan'an. At 12 noon, I made an appointment with Beichuan to meet at Stars Coffee. Deng Yi said.

Yes, if I didn't want to see George Kevin, I would have gone to today's operation. Luo Yao ordered, It's too late to go now anyway. Call Su Li for me, and let's interrogate this guy Heimu.


Kuroki Yi had already lost his temper due to Su Li, and when he saw that Momojiro Iwasato was also arrested, he understood even more that if he didn't say something, Momojiro Iwasato would say it, and Iwasato Momojiro knew more than him.

Now they are quite cooperative, and of course, the treatment given to him is relatively better.

Kuromuyi, I called you here because I have some questions to ask you. You have to answer them truthfully. Su Li snorted, forming a kind of psychological oppression on Kuromuyi.

I'm already like this, how dare I have anything to hide? Kuroki Yi smiled bitterly.

Very good. Su Li nodded, turned around and said to Luo Yao, Stationmaster, if you have any questions, just ask.

Kuroki Yi, do you know the code name Baihu?

White fox? Kuroki Yi was stunned for a moment, as if searching for it in his memory, I think I heard someone say it, but I can't remember it at the moment.

Where's the canna?

I've heard about this. She is Beichuan's assistant, but none of us have seen her, and we don't know whether she is a man or a woman. Kuroki replied.

Did Canna and Beichuan sneak into the mountain city together?

I don't know. Kuroki Yoshidao, We usually communicate through Momojiro. We are only responsible for carrying out the orders of Kitagawa's commander, and sending telegrams to the Kondo Agency, copying them back, and then handing them over to Momojiro. To Chief Beichuan.

How many days do you contact each other?

Two days, sometimes three days. Kuroki Yi seemed to have thought of something, his eyes suddenly opened and he said, I remembered that Momojiro once mentioned the name White Fox, but he quickly covered it up and never said it again. mentioned.

Hearing this, Luo Yao perked up. This was good news.

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