The secret war is silent

Chapter 332 Trapping failed

Deputy Director Luo, the director called to say that the person is not here. You came out of the interrogation room, and Deng Yi came over to report with some frustration.

If you're not here, you're not here. What a big deal. Looking at you like this, are you ready for lunch? Luo Yao chuckled without any sign of reproach.

He had already been mentally prepared for Kitagawa's failure to catch him. He learned this from people like George Kevin, Kuroki Yoshi, and Iwasato Mojiro.

This man is not only good at disguise, but he is also very cunning and cautious. It is not easy to catch him, and they have not yet grasped the situation of his assistant Canna.

If he hadn't acted alone, he would have easily discovered the trap of Starry Coffee. How could he have appeared?

Now we need to determine whether the white fox is Beichuan. If not, who is the white fox? And in which corner is the canna hidden?

Without digging out these rats hiding in the underground sewage ditch one by one, Luo Yao would find it difficult to feel at ease and safe.

I booked a table at Xinweipu Restaurant. I originally planned to celebrate after Beichuan was arrested... Deng Yi said with a stern look on his face.

It's past twelve o'clock now, are they still here? Luo Yao asked.

As told in advance, we won't arrive until at least half past twelve, so we will be kept and the chef will not take a break from get off work for the time being.

Okay, since everything has been booked, let's go eat. This meal is mine. Luo Yao chuckled, Everyone has worked hard on this case these days.

How can Deputy Director Luo pay for this?

What, are you afraid that I can't afford it? Luo Yao asked with a straight face.

No, no, I'm afraid it will cost you, Deputy Director Luo.

It's just a meal for the brothers, what's the expense? Luo Yao laughed, Stop being impatient, call quickly and ask Sixth Brother and the others to come back. Don't wait foolishly.

Oh, okay, okay.

Luo Yao called Su Li and Wen Zishan and left Deng Yi to wait for Shen Yu and others. He went to the Xinweipu Restaurant first, which was actually not far away, on Minsheng Road.

This restaurant is a Sichuan restaurant opened by my own people. As for the taste, I can only say that it is average, but it takes care of my own business and safety.

Therefore, business is still good, and there is nothing blind to cause trouble.

Luo Yao never talked about work when eating out. He just talked to Su Li and Wen Zishan about the temporary training class for a while, just to reminisce about the past.

About half an hour later, Shen Yu, Deng Yi and others came over.

You Ning, this meal was originally a celebration banquet, but it ended up like this. It's a joke for you. Shen Yu said with shame as soon as he came in.

Sixth brother, victory or defeat is a common thing for military strategists. We engage in counter-espionage to fight wits and courage with the enemy. The enemy is cunning. It is impossible to win easily. Luo Yao stood up. Smiling and comforting.

Shen Yu nodded: I just can't figure out where we went wrong. Why is this Japanese spy alert?

Beichuan is good at disguise, and none of us have seen him. As long as there is something wrong with him, our purpose will probably be exposed. Luo Yaodao, So, I actually don't have much hope in trapping Beichuan. But that doesn’t stop us from giving it a try, maybe we’ll get lucky?”

But this doesn't mean telling the other party that we have mastered Momojiro Iwasato?

Even if we don't use Momojiro Iwasato to trap him, as time goes by, he will notice something is wrong and cut off all contact with Mojiro Iwasato, and we still won't be able to catch this person. Luo Yao analyzed.

Well, what should we do now? The clue of Momojiro Iwasato has lost its usefulness? Shen Yu asked.

Don't worry, Sixth Brother, the world is big and the biggest thing is eating. I've been running around all morning, so let's eat first. Luo Yao chuckled and started serving food to everyone.

Eat, eat...

You Ning, what do you think we should do next? After lunch, Shen Yu directly pulled Luo Yao into his office. What he was most concerned about now was what should he do next?

Brother Six, what does Beichuan need most now?

What is most needed... Shen Yu thought for a while, and after a while, a light flashed in his eyes, For external communication, he needs a radio station.

Yes, the radio stations in Shancheng are strictly controlled. Unless they come in through underground channels, once they are discovered, it will be the crime of beheading. Kuroki Yi's radio station was airdropped with them. Beichuan has always been He communicates with the outside world through this radio station, and now that he has lost contact with the outside world, he will definitely find a way to renew it, said Luo Yao.

What do you mean?

How many ways can a mountain city get a radio station?


He came to the mountain city alone, and his relationship is not deep. The ways he can find are limited. Conventional methods will take time. What is the fastest way?

Underground black market! Shen Yu exclaimed.

It is difficult to find the source of goods in the underground black market, and it is also difficult to know the buyer, but it is not impossible to check. With Beichuan's caution, this is just his alternative plan. Luo Yao nodded.

Then what do you think he will do? Shen Yu asked.

Assemble one yourself.

Assemble it yourself, but the components used to assemble the radio are all contraband?

Do you think it's easier to buy a radio directly, or is it easier to buy some components and assemble one without being discovered? Luo Yao asked rhetorically.

I understand. I will immediately ask people to conduct a thorough inspection of shops in the city that repair electrical appliances and trade in used components. Shen Yu said.

The focus is on diodes and capacitors.

Yeah, I got it. Shen Yu also had a resolute and resolute temper. Before he could finish speaking, he picked up the phone on the table and made a call to continue the matter. In addition to the mountain city, the counties in the surrounding areas were also within the scope of the investigation. .

We do not rule out that he will obtain radio stations and components from other channels. We must be prepared to fight against him for a long time. Luo Yaodao.

Well, how was your second meeting with George Kevin? Shen Yu asked.

The harvest is not small. He told me that he was bribed by a person codenamed White Fox to arrange a driver for Osborne. He himself was also deceived.

It's nonsense. If he is not the mastermind, he is an accomplice.

Of course he said that, otherwise how could he clear up his relationship? Luo Yao smiled and said, Now that he has spoken, it will be easy to handle.

Are you going to have a showdown with him?

It's not the time yet. It depends on the situation. He has completely trusted me now. Let's see if we can get some more words out of him. Luo Yao said.

I thought you were going to show off!

I'll invite you to watch a show tonight. Luo Yao said with a smile.

Watching a theater is rare. Do you still have such a sense of elegance? Shen Yu asked with a smile, Which theater, Cathay or Guangming?

Haha, neither. I will drive to pick you up when the time comes.

Mysteriously, since you invited me to watch a show, I'll treat you to dinner. Pingping will go home after get off work today, and she will take turns tomorrow. Shen Yu said.


Send someone to study? Luo Yao received a call from Mao Qiwu, asking him to go to the bureau headquarters, saying that he had important matters to discuss with him.

Yes, Boss Dai has already agreed to this. He will arrive at the mountain city in two days. You can make arrangements and see how to do it. I don't need to remind you. Mao Qiwu handed Luo Yao a copy signed by Dai Yunong. the document said.

Secretary Mao, since it's an exchange and study, then if they send someone here, shouldn't we also send someone there? Luo Yao opened it and took a look at it.

Why, their deciphering progress is far behind us, what's there to learn from? Mao Qiwu asked strangely.

Secretary Mao, although our deciphering ability is better than theirs, the Secret Inspection Institute has a deeper foundation than ours after all, and there are still things we can learn from. Luo Yao lowered his voice and said, They sent people here to learn. They clearly have no intentions. Good intentions, we can’t show weakness if he steals a teacher. If he wants to steal a teacher, we will steal people and poach their technical backbone, what do you think?”

Mao Qiwu glanced at Luo Yao in surprise: Poaching people?

Yes, we actually only have so many technical backbones. Now after the expansion, we don't have enough manpower. We work overtime every day. If this continues, sooner or later it will be too much. If we can have more technical backbones, it will be different. Luo Yao didn't have any problem at all. Consider poaching someone else's corner as a dishonorable thing.


Secretary Mao, you just need to tell our director Dai that our secret interpretation room will also send people to exchange and learn. Dr. Wen will probably have no objection to this mutual exchange. We can do the rest ourselves. . Luo Yao suggested.

“All actions, no words.”

Yes, we just do things, don't talk about it. We just tell the people there about our treatment. If you are willing to come, we will pay for travel expenses and settling-in expenses. If you come, your salary will increase by 30%!

Does the bureau give you enough funds?

It's not enough. I'm thinking of a way. As long as there are people, anything will work. Luo Yao said, All this is for Chairman Chiang's great cause of resisting the war and saving the country.

Okay, I'll go talk and have two-way communication. This should be no problem. Do you have a suitable leader here? Mao Qiwu thought about it and nodded in agreement.

What do you think about it, let Deputy Director Chen lead the team, and then send someone who understands technology as his deputy. We have a heavy task and tight manpower. It should be enough to shoot five people. Luo Yao said.

Okay, I understand. You should go back first, select the personnel, and wait for my notification.

Thank you, Secretary Mao, for the funds for this study trip...

It's out of the bureau, you are so stingy that you are not willing to spend even this little money? Mao Qiwu scolded with a smile.

Luo Yao chuckled: Our new website is spending money like water now. For this reason, I even went to the casino to make up for it before replenishing the funds.

It is said that there is a gambling god in the military. In less than an hour, he won 50,000 yuan from an underground casino. It turned out to be your kid.

I did it smoothly, and now I have become the most unpopular person in the mountain city casino.

If I were the casino owner, I wouldn't welcome guests like you. Mao Qiwu glared at Luo Yao, I see you will continue to seek the limelight carelessly in the future.

I don't dare anymore. I will definitely not dare again next time.

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